Relating to: registration of former military vehicles.
Read a second time.
Senate amendment 4 to Senate Bill 392 offered by Senator Olsen.
Senator Erpenbach, with unanimous consent, asked that Senate amendments 1, 2, 3, and 4 to Senate Bill 392 be laid on the table.
Senate amendment 5 to Senate Bill 392 offered by Senator Erpenbach.
The question was: Adoption of Senate amendment 5 to Senate Bill 392?
Ordered to a third reading.
Senator Decker, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Bill 392
Read a third time and passed.
Senate Bill 404
Relating to: registration of former military vehicles.
Read a second time.
By Patrick E. Fuller, chief clerk.
Mr. President:
I am directed to inform you that the Assembly has passed and asks concurrence in:
Assembly Bill 592
Assembly Bill
Relating to: registration of former military vehicles.
By Representatives Zigmunt, Steinbrink, Soletski, Berceau, Brooks, Clark, Colon, Danou, Davis, Hraychuck, Jorgensen, Kerkman, Kleefisch, Knodl, Lothian, Molepske Jr., Pasch, Petersen, Pope-Roberts, Ripp, Schneider, Sinicki, Strachota, Suder, Townsend, Turner, Van Roy, Vruwink, M. Williams and Ziegelbauer; cosponsored by Senators Hansen, Plale, Holperin, Hopper, A. Lasee, Taylor and Wirch.
Read first time and referred to committee on Senate Organization.
Senator Decker, with unanimous consent, asked that Assembly Bill 592 be withdrawn from the committee on Senate Organization and taken up at this time.
Assembly Bill 592
Relating to: registration of former military vehicles.
Read a second time.
Ordered to a third reading.
Senator Hansen, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Assembly Bill 592
Read a third time.
The ayes and noes were required and the vote was: ayes, 32; noes, 0; absent or not voting, 1; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Carpenter, Coggs, Cowles, Darling, Decker, Ellis, Erpenbach, S. Fitzgerald, Grothman, Hansen, Harsdorf, Holperin, Hopper, Jauch, Kanavas, Kapanke, Kedzie, Kreitlow, A. Lasee, Lassa, Lazich, Lehman, Leibham, Miller, Olsen, Plale, Risser, Robson, Schultz, Sullivan, Vinehout and Wirch - 32.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - Senator Taylor - 1.
Concurred in.
Senator Hansen, with unanimous consent, asked that Senate Bill 404 be laid on the table.
Assembly Bill 275
Relating to: the Physical Therapists Affiliated Credentialing Board.
Read a second time.
Ordered to a third reading.
Senator Decker, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Assembly Bill 275
Read a third time and concurred in.
Assembly Bill 415
Relating to: designating and marking a portion of USH 12 in the city of Whitewater as the Stephen Ambrose Memorial Highway.
Read a second time.
Ordered to a third reading.
Senator Decker, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Assembly Bill 415
Read a third time and concurred in.
Assembly Bill 570
Relating to: amending and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors and eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, and ambiguities (Correction Bill).
Read a second time.
Ordered to a third reading.
Senator Decker, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Assembly Bill 570
Read a third time and concurred in.
Assembly Bill 571
Relating to: renumbering, amending, and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting and clarifying references and reconciling conflicts (Correction Bill).
Read a second time.
Ordered to a third reading.
Senator Decker, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Assembly Bill 571
Read a third time and concurred in.
Assembly Bill 572
Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending, and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities, and obsolete provisions, reconciling conflicts, and repelling unintended repeals (Correction Bill).
Read a second time.
Ordered to a third reading.
Senator Decker, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Assembly Bill 572
Read a third time and concurred in.
Assembly Bill 573
Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending, and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities, and obsolete provisions, reconciling conflicts, and repelling unintended repeals (Correction Bill).
Read a second time.
Ordered to a third reading.
Senator Decker, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Assembly Bill 573
Read a third time and concurred in.
Senator Decker, with unanimous consent, asked that all action be immediately messaged to the Assembly:
Senate Joint Resolution
Senate Bill 222