-0203 Children - juvenile justice; Correctional System - misc Youth Aids Funding 3012 301.26 (7) (e) OTS is amended
-0203 Children - juvenile justice; Correctional System - misc Youth Aids Funding 3013 301.26 (7) (h) OTS is amended
-0203 Children - juvenile justice; Correctional System - misc Youth Aids Funding 3014 301.26 (8) OTS is amended
-0207 Legislature - miscellaneous; State Finance - bud generally DOA Secretary Lapse Authority 9230 (1) Fiscal changes; Legislature.
-0207 Legislature - miscellaneous; State Finance - bud generally DOA Secretary Lapse Authority 9255 (1) Fiscal changes; Other.
-0208 Gambling - Indian gaming; Environment - other Eliminate language for transfer of Indian gaming funds to environmental fund 747 20.505 (8) (hm) 20. OTS is repealed.
-0208 Gambling - Indian gaming; Environment - other Eliminate language for transfer of Indian gaming funds to environmental fund 886 25.46 (1k) OTS is repealed.
-0214 Correctional System - com crctns; Children - juvenile justice DJC Daily Rates 3000 301.26 (4) (b) OTS is amended
-0214 Correctional System - com crctns; Children - juvenile justice DJC Daily Rates 3001 301.26 (4) (cm) 3. OTS is amended
-0214 Correctional System - com crctns; Children - juvenile justice DJC Daily Rates 3003 301.26 (4) (d) 2. OTS is amended
-0214 Correctional System - com crctns; Children - juvenile justice DJC Daily Rates 3004 301.26 (4) (d) 3. OTS is amended
-0214 Correctional System - com crctns; Children - juvenile justice DJC Daily Rates 3005 301.26 (4) (d) 4. OTS is created
-0215 Children - juvenile justice; Correctional System - com crctns Juvenile Correctional Services Deficit Reduction 631 20.410 (3) (hm) OTS is amended
-0215 Children - juvenile justice; Correctional System - com crctns Juvenile Correctional Services Deficit Reduction 632 20.410 (3) (ho) OTS is amended
-0215 Children - juvenile justice; Correctional System - com crctns Juvenile Correctional Services Deficit Reduction 633 20.410 (3) (hr) OTS is amended
-0215 Children - juvenile justice; Correctional System - com crctns Juvenile Correctional Services Deficit Reduction 3002 301.26 (4) (ct) OTS is created
-0216 Children - juvenile justice Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center Reestimate 1273 46.057 (2) OTS is amended
-0222 Employ Pub - miscellaneous; Employ Pub - employee benefits GIB Long-Term Care insurance Options 1144 40.03 (6) (h) (intro.) and 2. OTS are consolidated, renumbered 40.03 (6) (h) and amended
-0222 Employ Pub - miscellaneous; Employ Pub - employee benefits GIB Long-Term Care insurance Options 1145 40.03 (6) (h) 1. OTS is repealed.
-0222 Employ Pub - miscellaneous; Employ Pub - employee benefits GIB Long-Term Care insurance Options 1160 40.55 (1) OTS is amended
-0236 Veterans - memorials/museum Create veterans museum appropriations 702 20.485 (2) (c) OTS is renumbered 20.485 (5) (c).
-0236 Veterans - memorials/museum Create veterans museum appropriations 703 20.485 (2) (kt) OTS is repealed.
-0236 Veterans - memorials/museum Create veterans museum appropriations 704 20.485 (2) (mn) OTS is renumbered 20.485 (5) (mn).
-0236 Veterans - memorials/museum Create veterans museum appropriations 705 20.485 (2) (tm) OTS is amended
-0236 Veterans - memorials/museum Create veterans museum appropriations 706 20.485 (2) (v) OTS is renumbered 20.485 (5) (v) and amended
-0236 Veterans - memorials/museum Create veterans museum appropriations 707 20.485 (2) (vo) OTS is renumbered 20.485 (5) (vo).
-0236 Veterans - memorials/museum Create veterans museum appropriations 708 20.485 (2) (wd) OTS is renumbered 20.485 (5) (wd).
-0236 Veterans - memorials/museum Create veterans museum appropriations 709 20.485 (2) (zm) OTS is renumbered 20.485 (5) (zm).
-0236 Veterans - memorials/museum Create veterans museum appropriations 710 20.485 (5) (intro.) OTS is created
-0236 Veterans - memorials/museum Create veterans museum appropriations 711 20.485 (5) (tm) OTS is created
-0236 Veterans - memorials/museum Create veterans museum appropriations 746 20.505 (8) (hm) 13v. OTS is repealed.
-0236 Veterans - memorials/museum Create veterans museum appropriations 877 25.36 (1) OTS is amended
-0239 Courts - miscellaneous; Courts - costs and fees Appropriation for monies received for court materials and services 767 20.625 (1) (g) OTS is created
-0241 Health - long-term care Deregulate one- and two-bed adult family homes 189 16.009 (1) (em) 6. OTS is amended
-0241 Health - long-term care Deregulate one- and two-bed adult family homes 656 20.435 (6) (jm) OTS is amended
-0241 Health - long-term care Deregulate one- and two-bed adult family homes 1299 46.281 (3) OTS is amended
-0241 Health - long-term care Deregulate one- and two-bed adult family homes 1302 46.283 (4) (e) OTS is amended
-0241 Health - long-term care Deregulate one- and two-bed adult family homes 1303 46.283 (4) (g) OTS is amended
-0241 Health - long-term care Deregulate one- and two-bed adult family homes 1647 50.01 (1) (c) OTS is repealed.
-0241 Health - long-term care Deregulate one- and two-bed adult family homes 1652 50.031 OTS is repealed.
-0241 Health - long-term care Deregulate one- and two-bed adult family homes 1682 59.69 (15) (intro.) OTS is amended
-0241 Health - long-term care Deregulate one- and two-bed adult family homes 1692 60.63 (intro.) OTS is amended
-0241 Health - long-term care Deregulate one- and two-bed adult family homes 1714 62.23 (7) (i) (intro.) OTS is amended
-0241 Health - long-term care Deregulate one- and two-bed adult family homes 3463 563.03 (1) OTS is amended
-0243 Health - medical assistance Update resource utilization grouping terminology 1428 49.45 (6m) (a) 6. OTS is amended
-0243 Health - medical assistance Update resource utilization grouping terminology 1430 49.45 (6m) (ag) 3p. a. OTS is amended
-0244 Health - medical assistance Expand appropriation to include community recovery services for mentally ill individuals 654 20.435 (5) (bL) OTS is amended
-0245 Environment - water quality Bonding increase for the targeted runoff management program 782 20.866 (2) (tf) OTS is amended
-0246 Environment - water quality Bonding increase for the urban nonpoint and municipal floodplain programs 784 20.866 (2) (th) OTS is amended
-0247 Environment - water quality Bonding increase for sediment removal projects 785 20.866 (2) (ti) OTS is amended
-0248 Environment - env. cleanup Contaminated site bonding increase 783 20.866 (2) (tg) OTS is amended
-0249 Nat. Res. - nav. waters Bonding increase for the dam safety program 786 20.866 (2) (tx) OTS is amended
-0252 Occupational Reg. - misc Gifts and Grants Appropriation 498 20.165 (1) (j) OTS is created
-0279 Mental Health - miscellaneous Eliminate requirement to request proposals for pharmacy management services at state mental health treatment facilities 1663 51.03 (6) OTS is repealed.
-0311 Transportation - mass trnst/rail Increase bonding authority for Freight Railroad Preservation Program. 795 20.866 (2) (uw) OTS is amended
-0312 Transportation - other Increase bonding authority for Harbor Assistance Program. 794 20.866 (2) (uv) OTS is amended
-0313 Transportation - highways Increase authorized statutory limit for transportation revenue bonding 2236 84.59 (6) OTS is amended
-0315 Transportation - driver licenses DMV operating reductions; renewal of identification cards 3165 343.20 (2) (a) OTS is amended
-0315 Transportation - driver licenses DMV operating reductions; renewal of identification cards 3166 343.20 (2) (a) OTS, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act 20 and 2011 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated
-0315 Transportation - driver licenses DMV operating reductions; renewal of identification cards 3167 343.20 (2) (b) OTS is amended
-0315 Transportation - driver licenses DMV operating reductions; renewal of identification cards 3177 343.50 (4) OTS is amended
-0315 Transportation - driver licenses DMV operating reductions; renewal of identification cards 3178 343.50 (4) OTS, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act 20 and 2011 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated
-0315 Transportation - driver licenses DMV operating reductions; renewal of identification cards 3181 343.50 (6) OTS is amended
-0315 Transportation - driver licenses DMV operating reductions; renewal of identification cards 3182 343.50 (6) OTS, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, section 3383, and 2011 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated
-0315 Transportation - driver licenses DMV operating reductions; renewal of identification cards 9448 (2) Effective dates; Transportation.
-0316 Transportation - driver licenses DMV operating reductions; fee for driver license skills test 3168 343.21 (2) (a) OTS is renumbered 343.21 (2) (a) 1. and amended
-0316 Transportation - driver licenses DMV operating reductions; fee for driver license skills test 3169 343.21 (2) (a) 3. OTS is created
-0316 Transportation - driver licenses DMV operating reductions; fee for driver license skills test 9348 (3) Initial applicability; Transportation.
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3089 341.12 (2) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3090 341.12 (3) (c) OTS is repealed.
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3091 341.13 (title) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3092 341.13 (1) (intro.) and (a) OTS are consolidated, renumbered 341.13 (1) and amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3093 341.13 (1) (b) OTS is repealed.
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3094 341.13 (2) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3095 341.13 (3) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3097 341.13 (4) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3103 341.145 (1r) OTS is repealed.
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3104 341.15 (1m) OTS is repealed.
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3105 341.15 (3) (a) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3113 341.605 (1) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3114 341.605 (2) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3115 341.61 (title) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3116 341.61 (1) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3117 341.61 (2) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3118 341.61 (3) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3119 341.61 (4) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3120 341.61 (5) OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3121 341.615 OTS is amended
-0318 Transportation - motor vehicles DMV operating reductions; eliminating requirement of registration plate decal or sticker or other evidence of registration 3127 341.65 (1) (b) OTS is amended