ageAge, see Children, and its subheadings
agricultural creditAgricultural credit
DOR revisions re claiming lottery prizes, motor vehicle fuel tax and bulk plants, woodland tax law program, objections to manufacturing property tax assessments, interest on underpayment of income taxes, and manufacturing and agriculture income and franchise tax credit; JSCTE appendix report - Act 54
Manufacturing and agriculture credit limited to tax imposed on business operations [Sec. 1345hf-k, 9337 (15d)] - Act 20
Tax revisions re lowest individual income tax bracket, technical college district property tax relief aid and tax levy, depletion, carry-back and carry-forward of net operating loss, jobs tax credit, relocated business deduction or tax credit, manufacturing and agriculture credit, research credit, state historic rehabilitation credit, electronic medical records tax credit, and sales and use tax exemption for tangible personal property used in commercial printing - Act 145
Agricultural emergency permits issued by DOT for vehicles transporting oversized loads expanded - Act 216
Agricultural tourism activities and provider: liability protection and civil liability immunity created; definition provisions - Act 269
agriculture, trade and consumer protection, department ofAgriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Department of
Agrichemical management fund transfer to the environmental fund [Sec. 9202 (1)] - Act 20
Agricultural chemical cleanup program: sampling requirements repealed [Sec. 1593L] - Act 20
Agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge revisions [Sec. 202s, 1593gd-km, 9302 (1b), (1c)] - Act 20
Agricultural enterprise areas: cap on combined areas increased - Act 352
Buy local grant program: matching funds requirement added [Sec. 1592g] - Act 20
Consolidation of DSPS and DATCP: DOA study required [Sec. 9101 (3s)] - Act 20
Dairy processing plant grant program created [Sec. 203, 1592] - Act 20
Dam ownership: disclosure to prospective buyers on real estate condition report or vacant land disclosure report required; underground storage tank regulation transferred to DATCP updated on the reports - Act 304
Elk introduced into specified counties; DNR duties and hunting season provision [Sec. 560, 573] - Act 20
Farmland preservation grants program created, FTE positions transfer provision; farmland preservation tax credit sunsetted [Sec. 202u, 1277g, 1434t, 1437e, 1440cm, 1587p-pd, q-w, 9137 (2L)] [vetoed] - Act 20
Fish farms: DNR and DATCP to review applicable statutes and administrative rules, report required, and emergency rules provision [Sec. 9132 (4q)] - Act 20
Grain inspection program funding; DATCP and JCF duties [Sec. 9102 (1e)] [partial veto] - Act 20
Grazing lands conservation grant eliminated [Sec. 204, 1593] - Act 20
Milk contractor financial statement requirements modified [Sec. 1894p-s] - Act 20
Milk procurement fees revisions - Act 303
Net pens placed in Great Lakes water body or tributary: DNR to issue statewide general permit under certain conditions; fish farm provisions - Act 75
New dairy plant, food warehouse, food processing plant, retail food establishment, or meat establishment license: uniform expiration date modified - Act 302
Ozone-depleting refrigerants (ODRs) in motor vehicle air conditioners: duty to set qualifications and issue certifications for persons who remove or recycle changed from DATCP to EPA; sales and reclamation provisions - Act 312
Patent or pending patent: regulations created re written communications to enforce or assert rights in connection with; DATCP and AG duties, penalty and exemptions provisions; JRCCP report - Act 339
Petroleum products and hazardous substances regulation: certain duties and powers transferred from DSPS to DATCP [Sec. 201, 206-209, 211, 213m, 529, 786, 1462, 1463, 1589-1591, 1594, 1595, 1600-1627, 1629-1633, 1949-1961, 1962-1970, 9138 (3), (4), 9238 (1), (2)] [9138 (3) -- partial veto] - Act 20
Residential contractors prohibited from promising to pay or rebate property insurance deductible re specified repairs or replacements; consumer may cancel a contract for repairs or replacement if it is paid by insurance and all or part of the claim is not covered, written notice required; consumer required to inform contractor if property insurance claim is to pay for activities; and penalty provisions - Act 24
Retail food establishment license or permit for a restaurant or bed and breakfast establishment: health department of a 1st class city may issue, under agreement with DATCP or DHS; extension of license under certain conditions permitted - Act 298
Security freeze of credit report of protected individuals: provisions and penalties created; DOJ and DATCP duties - Act 78
Soil and Water Resource Management Program bonding authority increased [Sec. 488] - Act 20
Solicitation of a fee by a business or individual for providing a public record: regulations created; DATCP duties; penalties, definitions, and exception provisions - Act 247
Telephone solicitations: state's nonsolicitation directory eliminated in favor of the national do-not-call registry maintained by the FTC; DATCP duties - Act 234
UI law revisions re license revocation based on contribution delinquency, failure of claimants to comply with requests for information, and tardy filing fees - Act 276
air conditioningAir conditioning
Ozone-depleting refrigerants (ODRs) in motor vehicle air conditioners: duty to set qualifications and issue certifications for persons who remove or recycle changed from DATCP to EPA; sales and reclamation provisions - Act 312
air pollutionAir pollution, see also Gasoline
Air pollution: annual fee on federal operation permits increased; facility fees created [Sec. 281f, 284c, 288t, 289j, 2104w-2120m] - Act 20
Air pollution control permit fee increased [Sec. 2121] - Act 20
Air pollution control permits: registration permit for certain stationary source; exemption for natural minor sources and report required; DNR required to contact owners or operators of stationary sources re benefits of registration permits and exemptions; and evaluation of reporting, monitoring, and record-keeping requirements [Sec. 2104i-je, n-r, 9132 (1L)] - Act 20
Air quality monitoring station in nonattainment area: funding for [Sec. 281k, 2121e] - Act 20
Nitrogen oxide emissions from certain simple cycle combustion turbines: standards modified; DNR and EPA duties - Act 91
air showAir show, see Aviation
airplaneAirplane, see Aviation
airportAirport, see Aviation
alcohol and other drug abuseAlcohol and other drug abuse
AODA and mental health treatment programs: DHS appropriation corrections [Sec. 360, 835, 837-840, 864-868] - Act 20
Community youth and family aids: Corr.Dept allocation to counties set for 2013-15 fiscal biennium [Sec. 2139-2141, 2143-2147] - Act 20
Emergency detention pilot program in Milwaukee County created; LAB performance audit required - Act 235
Peer-run respite center re mental health conditions or substance abuse: DHS to contract with peer-run organizations, appropriation provision - Act 129
Peer-run respite centers: DHS grants to [Sec. 836] - Act 20
Substance abuse prevention provisions for employers and employees performing work on public utility projects in public rights-of-way; expanding ``move over or slow down" law to include public utility vehicles displaying flashing warning lights - Act 291
Treatment and diversion (TAD) grants to counties for persons charged with or convicted of AODA related offense: funding increased and reports required - Act 197
Voluntary intoxication as defense to criminal liability eliminated - Act 307
alcohol beverage _ regulationAlcohol beverage -- Regulation
Alcohol sales in Peninsula State Park permitted re golf course and golf clubhouse - Act 6
Beer or wine judging or tasting events: exemption to supervision requirement for temporary Class ``B" or ``Class B" license issued to a fair association - Act 268
``Class B" licensed premises: wineries allowed to provide taste samples at trade association events - Act 250
Commercial quadricycle: definition, ordinance allowing consumption of alcohol beverages on, and prohibiting driver from consuming alcohol, penalty provisions - Act 106
Municipalities prohibited from providing alcohol beverage retail license holder with a device capable of scanning DOT-issued ID cards and driver's licenses - Act 215
Underage alcohol violations: retailers provided with a private right of action against violators; exception and conditions provisions - Act 65
Underage person on premises licensed for retail sale of alcohol beverages: prohibition exception for banquet or hospitality room of a winery as part of a tour - Act 249
alcohol beverage _ sale to minorsAlcohol beverage -- Sale to minors, see also Identification cards
Underage alcohol violations: retailers provided with a private right of action against violators; exception and conditions provisions - Act 65
Underage person on premises licensed for retail sale of alcohol beverages: prohibition exception for banquet or hospitality room of a winery as part of a tour - Act 249
alimony _maintenance_Alimony (maintenance), see Divorce
all_terrain vehicle _atv_All-terrain vehicle (ATV), see Recreation vehicle
alternate care servicesAlternate care services, see Juvenile delinquency
altmann, joseph jamesAltmann, Joseph James
Life and military service commended [SJR13] - JR8
american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 _arra_American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), see Federal aid
Cosmetologist required training hours reduced; cosmetology and barbering licensure requirement exemption for a service performed prior to a live performance or production of a moving or still image for public release or broadcast; recognition of accredited schools of barbering, cosmetology, aesthetics, manicuring, and electrology; DSPS duties - Act 356
Crane games: chapter regulating operation of repealed [Sec. 461, 2256] - Act 20
Entertainer surety bond revised; travel expenses provision - Act 349
Inattentive driving: current prohibitions revised; prohibition created re electronic device activated and providing entertainment by visual means, exceptions provided - Act 350
Tax credits sunsetted re relocated business, community development finance, biodiesel fuel, dairy and livestock farm, dairy manufacturing, meat processing, woody biomass, food processing plant, Internet equipment, film production, HIRSP assessment, fuel pumps, postsecondary education, water consumption, beginning farmer, research facilities, and qualified research [Sec. 1304d-f, 1331d, 1338b-u, 1344b-d, em-g, 1345b-e, 1347b-f, 1348d, e, 1383j, 1390b-u, 1395b-e, f-h, 1396b-1398f, i-L, 1419h, 1426b-u, 1431b-e, es-h, 1432b-1434f, i-L] - Act 20