Apprenticeship completion awards program created in DWD - Act 57
Electricians: revisions re licensing structure re apprentices, master electrician statutory requirements, journeyman requirements, and exemptions to work that does not require a licensed electrician; DSPS duties and prohibition on promulgating a rule requiring electrical wiring inspection at certain industrial or manufacturing facilities - Act 143
``Land surveying" replaced with ``practice of professional land surveying" and definition revised; license replaces certificate of registration; examining board and section names changed; apprenticeship path to licensure eliminated; certain registration exemptions eliminated; other revisions re town survey to erect monuments, cemetery authority plat or map, ordinary high water mark included on certain maps or plats, subdivision plats, certified survey maps, and recording certain plats - Act 358
Local youth apprenticeship grants: funding increased - Act 112
Public employee health insurance premium revisions re percentage state pays, employees who work and reside outside the state, and craft employees [Sec. 699, 726-729] - Act 20
Real estate broker license: training and experience requirements established; licensed attorney, building contractor, and nonresident broker provisions - Act 133
Appropriation created to pay fees to financial institutions re investment of moneys in the general fund in the state investment fund [Sec. 466] - Act 20
Appropriation schedule repealed and recreated; general effective dates [Sec. 198-200, 9400] [200 -- partial veto] - Act 20
Crime victims and witness surcharge: entire amount allocated to services for the rights of crime victims and witnesses and GPR appropriation created for grants to sexual assault victim services [Sec. 392-396, 1942, 2339, 2349-2352] - Act 20
General fund transfer to the transportation fund [Sec. 9245 (1)] - Act 20
General fund transfer to the veterans trust fund [Sec. 9249 (1)] - Act 20
GPR and PR appropriation lapses from specified agencies; certain 2011 WisAct 32 lapses eliminated [Sec. 2365, 9252 (1)] - Act 20
Required general fund structural balance: does not apply to budget act [Sec. 9127 (3e)] - Act 20
Statutorily required general fund balance modified [Sec. 195-197] - Act 20
Temporary reallocations to general fund modified [Sec. 194b] - Act 20
UW Board of Regents: proposed methodology for calculating program revenue balances and reserves submitted to JLAC; PR account balance limits and policies on distribution and expenditure of tuition, fee, and GPR proposals to JCF; tuition and segregated fees cannot increase for 2013-14 and 2014-15 academic years [Sec. 9148 (4L)-(4n)] [9148 (4n) -- partial veto] - Act 20
Workforce training program created and labor market information system required; DWD duties; annual report, grants, and appropriation provisions - Act 9
Workforce training program: grant appropriation increased; DWD required to use funds for reducing waiting lists for certain technical college programs, collaborative projects among school districts, technical colleges, and businesses, and enhancing employment opportunities for persons with disabilities through public and private organizations; DWD budget request provision - Act 139
aquatic invasive speciesAquatic invasive species, see Fish and fishing
arra _american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009_ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009), see Federal aid
Rabin, Dr. Marvin J.: life, public service, and commitment to music education commended upon his death [SJR66] - JR22
asbestosAsbestos, see Public safety
ashland countyAshland County
County property tax levy exemption for towns on Madeline Island re airport operation or maintenance or public health or economic development services under certain condition; JSCTE appendix report - Act 282
Elk introduced into specified counties; DNR duties and hunting season provision [Sec. 560, 573] - Act 20
assaultAssault, see Sex crimes
Nonprofit youth baseball association property, building, and certain land: property tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report - Act 380
Youth athletic activity operated by a school or private club: distribution requirement of concussion and head injury information sheet to participants modified - Act 93
Attorney appointed by SPD to represent a patient is authorized to access and obtain the patient's health care records, written informed consent provision - Act 342
DOA provision of legal services to any executive branch state agency that does not have a secretary [Sec. 50, 51] - Act 20
Involuntary commitment proceedings: procedure for the corporation counsel to make a limited appearance in certain cases; three-person petition provisions - Act 340
Real estate broker license: training and experience requirements established; licensed attorney, building contractor, and nonresident broker provisions - Act 133
Special counsel appropriation transferred from DOJ to DOA and modified [Sec. 1p, 28, 252, 379m, 2160] [379m -- partial veto] - Act 20
attorney _ feeAttorney -- Fee
Legal services contract on contingency fee basis: executive agencies prohibited from entering unless the governor makes a written determination, DOA duties specified; limitations specified; report required - Act 105
Theft of telecommunication or video services: first offense penalty changed; attorney fees permitted in civil suit against person who committed the theft; JRCCP report - Act 89
attorney generalAttorney General, see also Justice, Department of
Assistant AG and assistant SPD pay progression plan [Sec. 463, 2014, 2015] - Act 20
Patent or pending patent: regulations created re written communications to enforce or assert rights in connection with; DATCP and AG duties, penalty and exemptions provisions; JRCCP report - Act 339
Presentence investigation report access by the assistant AG in certain cases - Act 108
atv _all_terrain vehicle_ATV (All-terrain vehicle), see Recreation vehicle
aviationAviation, see also Gasoline -- Taxation
Aerial approach ordinance is initiated by a committee of the governing body of the county or municipality that owns the airport - Act 297
Aircraft parts, maintenance, and labor: sales and use tax exemptions created - Act 185
Airport fueling system: delivery specified for motor vehicle fuel tax purposes [Sec. 1506-1508, 9437 (7)] - Act 20
County property tax levy exemption for towns on Madeline Island re airport operation or maintenance or public health or economic development services under certain condition; JSCTE appendix report - Act 282
DOR may collect from motor vehicle fuel tax, alternate fuel tax, or general aviation fuel tax refunds for debt owed to state or municipality [Sec. 1509] - Act 20
Drones: use of by law enforcement restricted, definition and search warrant provisions; penalties for use of weaponized drone and using a drone equipped with recording or transmitting equipment, exceptions specified; JRCCP report - Act 213
Poberezny, Paul: life and public service of the founder of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) commended upon his death [SJR53] - JR15
Recreational aviation defined and considered a recreational activity for which a private property owner has limited civil liability and the aviator assumes some risk - Act 318
badgerrx gold programBadgerRX Gold Program, see Drugs
``Bank services" of a bank service corporation expanded and services to nonparticipant banks requirement repealed; services provided by credit union service organizations expanded; Division of Banking and Office of Credit Unions duties - Act 22
Mortgage loan originators, mortgage brokers, and mortgage bankers: regulations and definitions modified; DFI duties; reports, audits, and advertising provisions - Act 360
Rule-making procedure revised; various DFI rules modified and repealed re authorized activities of credit unions, control procedures for credit unions, and record retention by financial institutions [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 9.01, 41.01, 47; DFI-CU 54.05, 57.01, 57.03, 59.03, 60.01, 60.03, 60.05, 60.06, 61 (title), 61.01, 61.02, 61.03, 61.04, 65, 66.02, 67.01, 67.02, 67.03, 67.04, 67.05, 68.02, 68.03, 68.06, 70, 72.12, 72.13, 74; DFI-SL 6.01, 6.03; DFI-SB 6.01, 6.03, 6.05] - Act 277
Securities registration requirements: exemptions created, definitions modified, registration of certain Internet sites with the Division of Securities, and other revisions; reporting by certain financial institution holding companies provisions - Act 52
bank _ deposit _ publicBank -- Deposit -- Public
Redeposit programs of public depositories [Sec. 575aw] - Act 20
banking, division ofBanking, Division of
``Bank services" of a bank service corporation expanded and services to nonparticipant banks requirement repealed; services provided by credit union service organizations expanded; Division of Banking and Office of Credit Unions duties - Act 22
Payday loans and consumer loans: definition of ``default" revised [Sec. 2178d, f] - Act 20
Rule-making procedure revised; various DFI rules modified and repealed re authorized activities of credit unions, control procedures for credit unions, and record retention by financial institutions [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 9.01, 41.01, 47; DFI-CU 54.05, 57.01, 57.03, 59.03, 60.01, 60.03, 60.05, 60.06, 61 (title), 61.01, 61.02, 61.03, 61.04, 65, 66.02, 67.01, 67.02, 67.03, 67.04, 67.05, 68.02, 68.03, 68.06, 70, 72.12, 72.13, 74; DFI-SL 6.01, 6.03; DFI-SB 6.01, 6.03, 6.05] - Act 277
Barbering and cosmetology licensing requirements revised - Act 205
Cosmetologist required training hours reduced; cosmetology and barbering licensure requirement exemption for a service performed prior to a live performance or production of a moving or still image for public release or broadcast; recognition of accredited schools of barbering, cosmetology, aesthetics, manicuring, and electrology; DSPS duties - Act 356
baseballBaseball, see Athletics
bayfield countyBayfield County
Elk introduced into specified counties; DNR duties and hunting season provision [Sec. 560, 573] - Act 20
bear hunting or pursuitBear hunting or pursuit, see Hunting
bed and breakfastBed and breakfast, see Hotel and motel