Life and public service of the founder of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) commended upon his death [SJR53] - JR15
Physician duty to inform patients of treatment options expanded to include chiropractors, dentists, podiatrists, and optometrists; respective examining boards duties - Act 345
Alerts for missing adults at risk: require DOJ to allow law enforcement to use the integrated crime alert network to disseminate reports to outdoor advertisers and broadcasters; definition, input from certain organizations, and FTE position provisions - Act 264
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: individuals who must submit samples expanded; immunity from liability for certain law enforcement and DHS personnel; conditions for purging records; DNA surcharge; JLC study required; JRCCP report [Sec. 388, 390, 818, 1234, 1906-1935, 1937, 2150, 2155, 2156, 2291, 2292, 2324, 2325, 2327-2329, 2343-2344c, 2353-2358, 2360w-2362, 9126 (1), 9326 (1), 9426 (1)] - Act 20
Child enticement: vehicle and property used in commission of the crime may be seized by law enforcement; return of property to innocent persons as soon as practically possible provision - Act 262
Crisis intervention training grants re mental health: DHS to award to law enforcement agencies and correctional officers - Act 126
Domestic abuse incidents: law enforcement to report when an arrest is not made and procedures following an incident; victim access to service provider information; DOJ access to prosecutor technology for case tracking system maintained by DOA - Act 323
Drones: use of by law enforcement restricted, definition and search warrant provisions; penalties for use of weaponized drone and using a drone equipped with recording or transmitting equipment, exceptions specified; JRCCP report - Act 213
Emergency detention, involuntary commitment, and privileged communication revisions - Act 158
Emergency detention pilot program in Milwaukee County created; LAB performance audit required - Act 235
Firearm possession prohibited for persons subject to an individuals-at-risk injunction; court and law enforcement may request information from DOJ re person's eligibility to possess a firearm - Act 223
Firearm prohibition notice required when serving notice for injunction hearings re domestic abuse, child abuse, or harassment; procedure for surrendering firearms after the court grants an injunction established; extending a TRO, notifying local law enforcement, and penalty provisions - Act 321
GPS pilot program and grants to counties re persons subject to TRO or injunction; domestic violence prevention or treatment center may not make the assessments [Sec. 391, 1942m, 2282-2283r, 9426 (2L)] [1942m -- partial veto] - Act 20
Health care coverage premium contribution is not a prohibited subject of bargaining for public safety employees [Sec. 1722p, 9329 (1e)] - Act 20
Law enforcement services grants to the Lac Court Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians repealed [Sec. 1941] - Act 20
Law enforcement training and education standards revised; D.N.A. submission, testing, and collection at arrest for a violent crime provisions; D.N.A. analysis surcharge - Act 214
Local governmental units prohibited from requiring residency for nonelective positions; collective bargaining provision; limitations re law enforcement, fire, and emergency personnel [Sec. 193, 1239, 1251, 1258, 1262-1265, 1270] - Act 20
Location of cell phone or other wireless telecommunications device: law enforcement prohibited from tracking without a warrant; process to apply to court for warrant created - Act 375
Marquette University authorized to establish a university police department - Act 265
Officer-involved death: each law enforcement agency required to have a written policy; requirements, definitions, and crime victim rights provisions - Act 348
Opioid antagonists and naxalone: prescription, possession, dispensing, and delivery provisions created, definition provisions; training and agreements for administering re EMTs, first responders, ambulance service providers, law enforcement agencies, and fire departments; EMTs required to carry; liability immunity and Good Samaritan law provisions - Act 200
Police vehicles may be equipped with flashing white lights - Act 95
Registered out-of-state sex offender who becomes a resident of this state: law enforcement notification and dissemination to the public provisions - Act 343
Searches by law enforcement officer of the property or residence of a person on parole, probation, or extended supervision permitted if there is reason to suspect criminal activity; conducted in reasonable manner and notifying Corr.Dept provisions - Act 79
Sex offender registry: information provided to the general public expanded and notice from Corr.Dept or DHS to local law enforcement modified - Act 283
Special distinguishing registration plates expressing support for family members of law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty created; DOT appropriation provision - Act 275
Strip search permitted if person arrested or lawfully detained will be incarcerated, imprisoned, or detained with one or more persons; definition provisions - Act 317
Transaction information for management of enforcement (TIME) system: requirement that DOJ submit plan to JCF re daily message volume exceeding certain limit eliminated - Act 110
Underage alcohol violations: retailers provided with a private right of action against violators; exception and conditions provisions - Act 65
polling place or poll workerPolling place or poll worker, see Elections -- Officials
pondPond, see Wetland
Hospitals with disproportionate share of low-income patients: DHS payments to; approval from U.S. DHHS provision [Sec. 9118 (4c)] - Act 20
Utility public benefits fund revisions re allocation of grants and how the sum is calculated [Sec. 156-160] - Act 20
populous countyPopulous county, see Milwaukee County
pornographyPornography, see Obscenity
port edwards, village ofPort Edwards, Village of, see Wood County
postage and postal servicePostage and postal service
Advertising and promotional direct mail: sales and use tax exemption for printing of tangible property resulting in; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1485, 9437 (12)] - Act 20
Nonstock corporation annual report form: DFI to furnish upon request but not required to automatically mail [Sec. 1978] - Act 20
Direct sale of eggs regulations created; definitions and exemption from food processing plant license provisions - Act 245
power of attorneyPower of attorney
Children: laws revised re advertising related to adoption or other permanent physical placement, delegation of parental powers for the care and custody of a child for more than one year, unauthorized interstate placements of children, and penalty provisions; JLC requested to study adoption disruption and dissolution in this state - Act 314
pr _program revenue_PR (Program revenue), see Appropriation
preschoolPreschool, see Kindergarten
prescriptionPrescription, see Drugs
presentence investigationPresentence investigation, see Court -- Procedure
prestegard, orlanPrestegard, Orlan
Life and public service of former Revisor of Statutes and LC employee commended upon his death [SJR3] - JR5
price countyPrice County
Elk introduced into specified counties; DNR duties and hunting season provision [Sec. 560, 573] - Act 20
primary electionsPrimary elections
Referendum question authorizing exceeding the county levy limits: information necessary to prepare the question for the 2014 partisan primary may use the most recent data available, conditions specified - Act 310
Printing industry: sales and use tax exemption created [Sec. 1497d, 9437 (8e)] - Act 20
Tax revisions re lowest individual income tax bracket, technical college district property tax relief aid and tax levy, depletion, carry-back and carry-forward of net operating loss, jobs tax credit, relocated business deduction or tax credit, manufacturing and agriculture credit, research credit, state historic rehabilitation credit, electronic medical records tax credit, and sales and use tax exemption for tangible personal property used in commercial printing - Act 145
County and municipal prisoners: provisions allowing for agreements to house prisoners in a bordering county within or outside the state - Act 376
Crisis intervention training grants re mental health: DHS to award to law enforcement agencies and correctional officers - Act 126
Prerelease pilot program for prisoners and contract with Freedom Life Skills, Inc. established; report required [Sec. 340d, r, 381d, g, 9108 (1L), 9408 (1L)] [vetoed] - Act 20
Strip search permitted if person arrested or lawfully detained will be incarcerated, imprisoned, or detained with one or more persons; definition provisions - Act 317
UI law revisions; delinquent payment of unemployment insurance contributions; penalties and report provisions; JRCCP report [partial veto] - Act 36
prisoner _ work programPrisoner -- Work program
Furniture procured through prison industries [Sec. 114b, bd, 9301 (1e)] [vetoed] - Act 20
Child welfare and health care records: confidential exchange provisions modified [Sec. 939w, 945w, 1234q, 1900e-h, 2336f] - Act 20
Drones: use of by law enforcement restricted, definition and search warrant provisions; penalties for use of weaponized drone and using a drone equipped with recording or transmitting equipment, exceptions specified; JRCCP report - Act 213
Election observers required to enter name and date in a log and chief inspector and municipal clerk to designate an observation area, confidentiality provision - Act 177
Emergency detention, involuntary commitment, and privileged communication revisions - Act 158
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: requirements for reporting suspected cases, physician examination of infants and diagnosis, child abuse and neglect investigation, and services and treatment for the infant and mother - Act 260
Juvenile court records access and admission to juvenile court hearings for person engaged in bona fide research, monitoring, or evaluation of activities conducted under a federal court improvement grant; confidentiality and Director of State Courts provisions - Act 252
LAB financial auditing duties revised including eliminating certain audits; confidentiality of reports to the state fraud, waste, and mismanagement hotline; and access to tax records maintained by DOR; JLAC provision - Act 8
Protected health information: use, disclosure, or request of by a covered entity is exempt from certain confidentiality requirements if complying with federal regulations; DHS duties and definition provisions - Act 238
Requirements to perform abortions revised; ultrasound required before informed consent for an abortion; penalty and exception provisions - Act 37
State agencies to share specified data with DOR for debt collection and state tax purposes; confidentiality provision [Sec. 733, 940, 1218, 1278, 1718, 1721, 2164, 2165] - Act 20
TROs and injunctions for domestic abuse, child abuse, individuals-at-risk, and harassment revisions re stalking, contacting petitioner, essential persons at hearings, confidentiality, guardian ad litem compensation, and ex parte orders with a judge substitution - Act 322
privileged communicationPrivileged communication, see Privacy
probate code and court procedureProbate code and court procedure, see also Estate of deceased person
Public assistance benefits recovery programs in DHS revisions; property subject to recovery defined; recovery of nonprobate property expanded; real property and living trust provisions; JCF approval required [Sec. 353, 354, 361, 821-831, 833, 834, 1179-1197, 1199-1210, 1221-1226, 1240, 2266, 2268-2270, 2271, 2275, 2294, 2295, 2296-2317, 2318, 9118 (6i), 9318 (3)-(6), 9418 (2)] - Act 20
Wisconsin Trust Code, a modified version of the Uniform Trust Code, replaces current law related to trusts with Uniform Principal and Income Act and Uniform Prudent Investor Act provisions; estate recovery and divestment provisions not approved by JCF repealed and the approved provisions changed - Act 92