-1187 Education - state superintendent Choice School Count Date 1882 121.05 (3m) OTS is created
-1187 Education - state superintendent Choice School Count Date 1892 121.83 (1) (a) 2. OTS is amended
-1187 Education - state superintendent Choice School Count Date 1893 121.90 (1) (intro.) OTS is amended
-1190 Agriculture - state fair State fair park board memorandum of understanding on police services 761 42.106 (3) OTS is created
-1194 Nat. Res. - fish and game;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Hunting and fishing licenses for persons who served in Iraq and Afghanistan wars 411 20.485 (2) (rm) OTS is amended
-1194 Nat. Res. - fish and game;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Hunting and fishing licenses for persons who served in Iraq and Afghanistan wars 562 29.1945 OTS is created
-1196 State Govt - electronic govt Information Technology Appropriation 421 20.505 (1) (is) OTS is amended
-1196 State Govt - electronic govt Information Technology Appropriation 424 20.505 (1) (ke) OTS is amended
-1196 State Govt - electronic govt Information Technology Appropriation 427 20.505 (1) (kL) OTS is amended
-1199 Higher Education - miscellaneous Credit transfer policies 581 36.11 (3) (b) OTS is amended
-1199 Higher Education - miscellaneous Credit transfer policies 582 36.11 (3) (c) OTS is amended
-1199 Higher Education - miscellaneous Credit transfer policies 583 36.11 (3) (cm) 5. OTS is created
-1199 Higher Education - miscellaneous Credit transfer policies 601 36.31 (2m) OTS is created
-1199 Higher Education - miscellaneous Credit transfer policies 609 36.65 (3) OTS is created
-1199 Higher Education - miscellaneous Credit transfer policies 610 38.04 (4) (cm) OTS is created
-1207 Veterans - miscellaneous Move DVA division administrators and veterans home commandants into classified state service 2003 230.08 (2) (e) 13. OTS is amended
-1207 Veterans - miscellaneous Move DVA division administrators and veterans home commandants into classified state service 2008 230.08 (2) (xm) OTS is repealed.
-1207 Veterans - miscellaneous Move DVA division administrators and veterans home commandants into classified state service 9149 Nonstatutory provisions; Veterans Affairs.
-1207 Veterans - miscellaneous Move DVA division administrators and veterans home commandants into classified state service 9149 Nonstatutory provisions; Veterans Affairs.
-1215 Mental Health - miscellaneous Peer run respite centers 836 46.48 (31) OTS is created
-1216 Nat. Res. - parks and forestry;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Admission to state parks and state trails for persons serving in the armed forces 277 20.370 (1) (es) OTS is amended
-1216 Nat. Res. - parks and forestry;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Admission to state parks and state trails for persons serving in the armed forces 533 27.01 (7) (a) (intro.) OTS is created
-1216 Nat. Res. - parks and forestry;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Admission to state parks and state trails for persons serving in the armed forces 534 27.01 (7) (a) 1. OTS is amended
-1216 Nat. Res. - parks and forestry;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Admission to state parks and state trails for persons serving in the armed forces 535 27.01 (7) (a) 1m. OTS is created
-1216 Nat. Res. - parks and forestry;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Admission to state parks and state trails for persons serving in the armed forces 536 27.01 (7) (a) 2. OTS is amended
-1216 Nat. Res. - parks and forestry;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Admission to state parks and state trails for persons serving in the armed forces 537 27.01 (7) (a) 3. OTS is amended
-1216 Nat. Res. - parks and forestry;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Admission to state parks and state trails for persons serving in the armed forces 538 27.01 (7) (c) 1. OTS is amended
-1216 Nat. Res. - parks and forestry;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Admission to state parks and state trails for persons serving in the armed forces 539 27.01 (7) (c) 1m. OTS is created
-1216 Nat. Res. - parks and forestry;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Admission to state parks and state trails for persons serving in the armed forces 540 27.01 (8) (bn) 3. OTS is created
-1216 Nat. Res. - parks and forestry;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Admission to state parks and state trails for persons serving in the armed forces 541 27.01 (9) OTS is renumbered 27.01 (9) (a).
-1216 Nat. Res. - parks and forestry;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Admission to state parks and state trails for persons serving in the armed forces 542 27.01 (9) (a) (title) OTS is created
-1216 Nat. Res. - parks and forestry;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Admission to state parks and state trails for persons serving in the armed forces 543 27.01 (9) (bn) OTS is created
-1216 Nat. Res. - parks and forestry;
Veterans - miscellaneous
Admission to state parks and state trails for persons serving in the armed forces 544 27.01 (9) (c) OTS is created
-1218 Medical Assistance Comprehensive community services funding 1055 49.45 (30e) (c) OTS is renumbered 49.45 (30e) (c) 1.
-1218 Medical Assistance Comprehensive community services funding 1056 49.45 (30e) (c) 2. OTS is created
-1218 Medical Assistance Comprehensive community services funding 9318 Initial applicability; Health Services
-1218 Medical Assistance Comprehensive community services funding 9418 Effective dates; Health Services.
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 358 20.435 (5) (co) OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 841 46.56 (1) (hm) OTS is created
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 842 46.56 (2) OTS is renumbered 46.56 (2) (a) and amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 843 46.56 (2) (b) OTS is created
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 844 46.56 (3) (bm) OTS is created
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 845 46.56 (3) (d) 6. OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 846 46.56 (3) (d) 14. OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 847 46.56 (3) (f) OTS is created
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 848 46.56 (4) (intro.) OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 849 46.56 (4) (d) OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 850 46.56 (5) (intro.) OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 851 46.56 (6) (cr) OTS is renumbered 46.56 (6) (cr) 1. and amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 852 46.56 (6) (cr) 2. OTS is created
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 853 46.56 (6) (e) OTS is created
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 854 46.56 (7) (intro.) OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 855 46.56 (8) (t) OTS is created
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 856 46.56 (9) to (13) OTS are amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 857 46.56 (14) (b) (intro.) OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 858 46.56 (14) (d) OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 859 46.56 (14) (e) OTS is created
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 860 46.56 (15) (b) (intro.) OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 861 46.56 (15) (b) 4. OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 862 46.56 (15) (c) OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 863 46.56 (15) (d) OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 882 48.345 (6m) OTS is amended
-1221 Health - social services Coordinated service teams 2326 938.34 (6m) OTS is amended
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 398 20.485 (1) (title) OTS is amended
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 399 20.485 (1) (b) OTS is amended
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 400 20.485 (1) (gd) OTS is renumbered 20.485 (1) (rm) and amended
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 401 20.485 (1) (gk) OTS is renumbered 20.485 (1) (r) and amended
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 402 20.485 (1) (go) OTS is renumbered 20.485 (1) (rg) and amended
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 403 20.485 (1) (kg) OTS is amended
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 404 20.485 (1) (kx) OTS is created
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 405 20.485 (1) (ky) OTS is created
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 406 20.485 (1) (kz) OTS is created
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 407 20.485 (1) (m) OTS is amended
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 478 20.866 (1) (u) OTS is amended
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 490 20.867 (3) (h) OTS is amended
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 516 25.36 (1) OTS is amended
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 789 45.50 (2m) (e) OTS is amended
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 804 45.61 (3) OTS is amended
-1231 Veterans - miscellaneous Appropriations for veterans 807 45.61 (5) (a) OTS is amended
-1235 Children - miscellaneous;
Mental Health - miscellaneous
Office of Children's Mental Health Services 40 15.194 OTS is created
-1235 Children - miscellaneous;
Mental Health - miscellaneous
Office of Children's Mental Health Services 1232 51.025 OTS is created
-1235 Children - miscellaneous;
Mental Health - miscellaneous
Office of Children's Mental Health Services 2000 230.08 (2) (e) 5. OTS is amended
-1245 Econ. Development - housing Community development block grants 63 16.309 (title) OTS is amended
-1245 Econ. Development - housing Community development block grants 64 16.309 (1) OTS is amended
-1245 Econ. Development - housing Community development block grants 455 20.505 (7) (title) OTS is amended
-1245 Econ. Development - housing Community development block grants 456 20.505 (7) (k) OTS is amended
-1245 Econ. Development - housing Community development block grants 457 20.505 (7) (m) OTS is amended
-1245 Econ. Development - housing Community development block grants 458 20.505 (7) (n) OTS is amended
-1245 Econ. Development - housing Community development block grants 459 20.505 (7) (o) OTS is amended