Local traffic regulation, may adopt if in conformity with state law, 349.06
Police and traffic officers to enforce law, 349.02
Speed limits:
Governmental liability, 349.11 (6)
Regulations, 349.11 (1), (2), (3), (8m)
Signs necessary, 349.11 (5)
Temporary, during construction or repair, 349.11 (10)
Viaducts and bridges, 349.11 (4)
Stop of vehicle:
Quotas for stops, citations; prohibited, 349.025
Reasonable cause required, 349.02 (2)
Stopping, standing or parking, regulation, 349.13
Swimming from bridges, posting, 349.20
Taxicabs and operators, municipal license, 349.24
Through highways, who may declare, 349.07
Traffic-control signals, 349.08
Traffic regulation:
Local, adopting authority, 349.06
Local forbidden, exception, 349.03
Turning, at intersections, 349.10
U-turns, prohibition, 349.10 (1) (f)
Unauthorized signs and signals, removal, 349.09
Uniform manual traffic control devices, 349.065
Village, see Villages
Weight limitations:
Modify, 349.15
Special or seasonal, 349.16
Yield signs, authority to install, 349.07 (7)
motor vehicles_10. recreational vehicles 10. Recreational Vehicles
Abandonment, prohibition, disposal, 342.40
Brakes, 347.35 (4), 347.36
Burglary, 943.10 (1m)
Couplings required, 347.47
License, regulation, 218.11
Penalties, 218.17
Registration, 341.47 to 341.55
Definitions, 218.10
Height regulated, 348.06 (1)
Identification numbers, 342.30 (2)
Lamps, 347.13, 347.14, 347.15
Leases, used, disclosure requirements, 218.15
Municipal permit fee, parking in manufactured home community, 66.0435 (9)
Oversize, permit, 348.26 (4), 348.27 (7)
Property tax exemption, 70.111 (19)
Penalty for operating unregistered mobile home, 341.04
Sales tax, proof of payment necessary prior to, 77.61 (1)
Salesperson, license, regulation, 218.12
Transporting persons in, 346.94 (8), (8m)
Used, sale or lease, 218.15
Generally, Ch. 341
Address, change, notify department, 341.335
All-terrain and utility terrain vehicles, 23.33 (2), 341.057
American Indians, reciprocal registration exemption, 23.35
Alternative registration and title programs, 341.20
Ambulances, 341.085
Amphibious motor vehicle, exemption, 341.05 (20)
Antique motor vehicles, use, 341.265
Application, 341.08
By dealer, manufacturer, 341.51 (4), (5)
Fraudulent, 341.60
Audits by department as to adequacy of certain fees and taxes, 341.43
Monthly series registration, 341.27
Part-year fees, 341.28
Banks, 341.57
Biennial registration, 341.297
Cancellation, operation after; penalty, 341.03
Certificate, contents, issuance, display, 341.11
Civil air patrol vehicles, 341.26 (2)
Civilian defense, vehicles loaned for, 341.26 (2)
Color change, notice to department, 341.335
Common or contract carrier, lessee, registration requirement, 341.07
Consecutive monthly, 341.305
Application, 341.185
Evidence to be displayed, 341.18
Suspension for failure to pay fees, 341.195
Telephone authorization, 341.19
Construction changed, reregistration, 341.32 (1)
Contractors providing vehicle registration services, 341.21
Corn sheller, fee, 341.26 (1) (b)
County-owned vehicles, fees, 341.26 (2m)
Cranes, mobile, fees, 341.26 (1) (d)
Credit unions, 341.57
Dealer, manufacturer, distributor or transporter: