349.17(2)(2)In this section, “heavy traffic” means all vehicles not operating completely on pneumatic tires and all vehicles or combination of vehicles, other than motor buses, designed or used for transporting property of any nature and having a gross weight of more than 6,000 pounds.
349.17 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 116; 1993 a. 246.
349.17 AnnotationLegislative Council Note, 1977: Sub. (1) authorizes cities and villages to designate any street as a heavy traffic route. As defined in s. 340.01 (64), the term “street” means every highway within the corporate limits of a city or village except alleys. By adding “or highway” after “street”, s. 349.17 (1) authorizes a city or village to prohibit heavy traffic from using any street or alley which has not been designated as a heavy traffic route unless such street or alley is being used to obtain orders for supplies or to deliver supplies or commodities to or from a place of business or residence with an entrance on such street or alley. “Highway” is defined in s. 340.01 (22), to mean “all public ways and thoroughfares”, including alleys. [Bill 465-A]
349.18349.18Additional traffic-control authority of counties and municipalities.
349.18(1)(1)Any city, village or town, by ordinance, may:
349.18(1)(a)(a) Designate the number of persons that may ride on a motor bicycle at any one time and the highways upon which a motor bicycle or moped may or may not be operated.
349.18(1)(b)(b) Establish a golf cart crossing point upon a highway within its limits. An ordinance enacted under this paragraph shall require that a golf cart stop and yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on the highway before crossing the highway. The ordinance may require that a golf cart be equipped with reflective devices as specified in the ordinance. The city, village or town shall place a sign of a type approved by the department to mark the crossing point on both sides of the highway.
349.18(1)(c)(c) Regulate the operation of a golf cart to and from a golf course for a distance not to exceed one mile upon a highway under its exclusive jurisdiction. The city, village or town shall place a sign of a type approved by the department to mark any golf cart travel route designated by the ordinance.
349.18(1)(d)(d) Establish a time earlier than that specified in s. 346.94 (23) (d) after which a person may not drive a commercial quadricycle occupied by passengers within the city, village, or town.
349.18(1m)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (c), a municipality may, by ordinance, allow the operation of golf carts on any highway that has a speed limit of 25 miles per hour or less and that is located within the territorial boundaries of the municipality, regardless of whether the municipality has jurisdiction, for maintenance purposes, over the highway.
349.18(1m)(b)(b) Except as provided in par. (c), a county may, by ordinance, allow the operation of golf carts on any highway that has a speed limit of 25 miles per hour or less and that is under the jurisdiction, for maintenance purposes, of the county.
349.18(1m)(c)1.1. An ordinance under this subsection may not allow the operation of golf carts on or, except as provided in subd. 2., across any state trunk highway or connecting highway.
349.18(1m)(c)2.2. A municipality or county may, by ordinance, allow the operation of golf carts across a state trunk or connecting highway if the state trunk or connecting highway has a speed limit of 35 miles per hour or less, the highway crossing will connect highways designated for golf cart operation under par. (a) or (b), and the municipality or county provides sufficient funds to the department to cover the costs of erecting and maintaining highway crossing signs. If a highway crossing is established under this subdivision, the department shall erect and maintain any signs necessary to mark the crossing.
349.18(1m)(d)(d) An ordinance under this subsection may include a definition of the term “golf cart.”
349.18(2)(2)Any city, town or village may by ordinance enacted pursuant to s. 349.06 regulate the operation of bicycles and motor bicycles and may by ordinance require registration of any bicycle or motor bicycle owned by a resident of the city, town or village, including the payment of a registration fee.
349.18(3)(3)Any county, by ordinance, may require the registration of any bicycle or motor bicycle owned by a resident of the county if the bicycle or motor bicycle is not subject to registration under sub. (2). Such ordinance does not apply to any bicycle or motor bicycle subject to registration under sub. (2), even if the effective date of the ordinance under sub. (2) is later than the effective date of the county ordinance. A county may charge a fee for the registration.
349.18(4)(a)(a) The governing body of a municipality or county may by ordinance prohibit the operation, with the power unit in operation, of electric bicycles on bikeways, as defined under s. 84.60 (1) (a), under its jurisdiction.
349.18(4)(b)(b) The department of natural resources may promulgate rules prohibiting the operation, with the power unit in operation, of electric bicycles on bikeways, as defined under s. 84.60 (1) (a), under its jurisdiction.
349.18 AnnotationCities and villages cannot license bicyclists, create bicycle courts, or impound bicycles in the absence of express legislative authorization. 66 Atty. Gen. 99.
349.185349.185Authority to regulate certain events and pedestrians. The authority in charge of the maintenance of a highway may by order, ordinance or resolution:
349.185(1)(1)Regulate community events or celebrations, processions or assemblages on the highways, including reasonable regulations on the use of radios or other electric sound amplification devices, subject to s. 84.07 (4).
349.185(2)(2)Regulate the traffic of pedestrians upon highways within its jurisdiction, including the prohibition of pedestrian crossings at places otherwise permitted by law and the erection of signs indicating such prohibition.
349.185 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 116 ss. 14, 15; 1989 a. 31; 1991 a. 83.
349.19349.19Authority to require accident reports. Any city, village, town or county may by ordinance require the operator of a vehicle involved in an accident to file with a designated municipal department or officer a report of such accident or a copy of any report required to be filed with the department. All such reports are for the confidential use of such department or officer and are otherwise subject to s. 346.73, except that this section does not prohibit the disclosure of a person’s name or address, of the name or address of a person’s employer or of financial information that relates to a person when requested under s. 49.22 (2m) to the department of children and families or a county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5).
349.20349.20Authority to prohibit use of bridges for fishing or swimming. The authority in charge of maintenance of a highway on which is located a bridge or approach thereto which constitute an undue traffic hazard, if used by pedestrians for the purpose of fishing or swimming, may erect signs prohibiting the fishing or swimming off of such bridge or approach.
349.21349.21Authority to regulate school bus warning lights.
349.21(1)(1)The governing body of any town, city, village or county may by ordinance provide for the use of flashing red or amber warning lights by school bus operators in a residence or business district when pupils or other authorized passengers are to be loaded or unloaded at a location at which there are no traffic signals and such persons must cross the street or highway before being loaded or after being unloaded.
349.21(2)(2)The governing body of any town, city, village or county may, by ordinance, prohibit the use of flashing red or amber warning lights by school bus operators when pupils or other authorized passengers are loaded or unloaded directly from or onto the school grounds or that portion of the right-of-way between the roadway and the school grounds in a zone designated by “school” warning signs as provided in s. 118.08 (1) in which a street or highway borders the grounds of a school.
349.21 HistoryHistory: 1973 c. 93; 1987 a. 125; 2013 a. 96.
349.215349.215Authority to appoint school crossing guards. The governing body of any city, village, town or county may by ordinance provide for the appointment of adult school crossing guards for the protection of persons who are crossing a highway in the vicinity of a school. The school crossing guards shall wear insignia or uniforms which designate them as school crossing guards and shall be equipped with signals or signs to direct traffic to stop at school crossings.
349.215 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 344.
349.217349.217Authority to appoint traffic control attendants.
349.217(1)(1)The governing body of any municipality or county may by ordinance provide for the appointment of traffic control attendants for the protection of persons who are crossing a highway in the municipality or county.
349.217(2)(2)If a person is appointed as a traffic control attendant under sub. (1), the appointment shall specify all dates and times, and locations, for which the appointment is valid.
349.217(3)(3)No municipality or county may appoint a person as a traffic control attendant under sub. (1) unless the person has received prior training in traffic control and traffic safety.
349.217(4)(4)During the dates and times, and at the locations, specified in the appointment as provided in sub. (2), a person appointed as a traffic control attendant shall wear an insignia or uniform that designates the person as a traffic control attendant and be equipped with signals or signs to direct traffic.
349.217 HistoryHistory: 2011 a. 141.
349.22349.22Authority to establish mass transit way.
349.22(1)(1)The department with respect to the state trunk highway system may by order, and any local authority with respect to highways under its jurisdiction may by ordinance, designate a portion of any highway under its jurisdiction as a mass transit way, designate the type and character of vehicles which may be operated thereon and specify those conditions under which any of said vehicles may be operated thereon. If car pool vehicles are permitted to use the mass transit way, the authority designating the mass transit way may specify the minimum number of occupants, including the operator, in the vehicles. In this section, the department’s authority to designate a mass transit way is limited to freeway entrance ramps and state trunk highways connecting with or extending a mass transit way designated by a local authority.
349.22(2)(2)Whenever the department or local authority designates any highway or portion thereof under its jurisdiction as a mass transit way it may establish priority of right-of-way thereon and make such other regulation of the use of the mass transit way as it deems necessary. The department or local authority shall cause appropriate signs to be erected giving notice of priorities or regulations established under this subsection.
349.22(3)(3)The department or local authority designating the mass transit way may construct curbs, paint lines, erect signs or establish other physical separations to exclude the use of the mass transit way by vehicles other than those specifically permitted to operate thereon.
349.22 HistoryHistory: 1973 c. 86; 1983 a. 130.
349.23349.23Authority to designate bicycle lanes and bicycle ways.
349.23(1)(1)The governing body of any city, town, village or county may by ordinance:
349.23(1)(a)(a) Designate any roadway or portion thereof under its jurisdiction as a bicycle lane.
349.23(1)(b)(b) Designate any sidewalk or portion thereof in its jurisdiction as a bicycle way.
349.23(2)(2)A governing body designating a sidewalk or portion thereof as a bicycle way or a highway or portion thereof as a bicycle lane under this section may:
349.23(2)(a)(a) Designate the type and character of vehicles or other modes of travel which may be operated on a bicycle lane or bicycle way, provided that the operation of such vehicle or other mode of travel is not inconsistent with the safe use and enjoyment of the bicycle lane or bicycle way by bicycle traffic.
349.23(2)(b)(b) Establish priority of right-of-way on the bicycle lane or bicycle way and otherwise regulate the use of the bicycle lane or bicycle way as it deems necessary. The designating governing body may, after public hearing, prohibit through traffic on any highway or portion thereof designated as a bicycle lane, except that through traffic may not be prohibited on any state highway. The designating governing body shall erect and maintain official signs giving notice of the regulations and priorities established under this paragraph, and shall mark all bicycle lanes and bicycle ways with appropriate signs.
349.23(2)(c)(c) Paint lines or construct curbs or establish other physical separations to exclude the use of the bicycle lane or bicycle way by vehicles other than those specifically permitted to operate thereon.
349.23(3)(3)The governing body of any city, town, village or county may by ordinance prohibit the use of bicycles and motor bicycles on a roadway over which they have jurisdiction, after holding a public hearing on the proposal.
349.23 HistoryHistory: 1973 c. 87, 182; 1977 c. 208; 1983 a. 243.
349.235349.235Authority to restrict use of in-line skates on roadway.
349.235(1)(1)The governing body of any city, town, village or county may by ordinance restrict the use of in-line skates on any roadway under its jurisdiction. No ordinance may restrict any person from riding upon in-line skates while crossing a roadway at a crosswalk.
349.235(2)(2)The department of natural resources may promulgate rules designating roadways under its jurisdiction upon which in-line skates may be used, except that no rule may permit a person using in-line skates to attach the skates or himself or herself to any vehicle upon a roadway.
349.235 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 260.
349.236349.236Authority to regulate operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices and personal delivery devices.
349.236(1)(1)The governing body of any municipality or county may, by ordinance, do any of the following:
349.236(1)(a)(a) Prohibit the operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices on all roadways under its jurisdiction having a speed limit of more than 25 miles per hour or only on certain roadways, or portions of such roadways, under its jurisdiction having a speed limit of more than 25 miles per hour that are designated in the ordinance.
349.236(1)(b)(b) Prohibit the operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices or personal delivery devices on all sidewalks under its jurisdiction or only on certain sidewalks, or portions of such sidewalks, under its jurisdiction that are designated in the ordinance. This paragraph does not apply to the operation of such devices on any sidewalk at a permanent or temporarily established driveway.
349.236(1)(bm)(bm) Prohibit the operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices on all bicycle paths under its jurisdiction or only on certain bicycle paths, or portions of such bicycle paths, under its jurisdiction that are designated in the ordinance. This paragraph does not apply to the operation of such devices on any bicycle paths at a permanent or temporarily established driveway.
349.236(1)(c)(c) Designate and mark locations for electric personal assistive mobility devices or personal delivery devices to cross a state trunk highway or connecting highway that is not a controlled-access highway and on which the department has prohibited the operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices under s. 346.94 (18) (a) 2. A municipality or county may erect official signs or otherwise mark a crossing designated under this paragraph only as directed by the department.
349.236(2)(2)Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, ch. 346, and s. 59.84 (2) (j), the governing body of any municipality or county may not restrict the operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices or personal delivery devices on any roadway or sidewalk under its jurisdiction.
349.236 HistoryHistory: 2001 a. 90; 2017 a. 13.
349.237349.237Authority to regulate electric scooters. The governing body of any municipality or county may, by ordinance, regulate the rental and operation of electric scooters in a manner consistent with the regulation of bicycles in the municipality or county, except that the governing body of any municipality or county may do any of following:
349.237(1)(1)Restrict or prohibit the operation of electric scooters on any roadway under its jurisdiction having a speed limit of more than 25 miles per hour.
349.237(2)(2)Restrict or prohibit the operation of electric scooters on any sidewalk or bicycle way under its jurisdiction.
349.237(3)(3)Establish requirements for and limitations on the parking of electric scooters on roadways, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, or bicycle ways under its jurisdiction.
349.237(4)(4)Restrict or prohibit the short-term commercial rental of electric scooters to the general public.
349.237 HistoryHistory: 2019 a. 11.
subch. III of ch. 349SUBCHAPTER III
349.24349.24Authority to license taxicab operators and taxicabs.
349.24(1)(1)The council of any city and every village or town board may:
349.24(1)(a)(a) Regulate and license chauffeurs and operators of taxicabs used for hire;
349.24(1)(b)(b) Regulate and license the taxicab business by licensing each taxicab used for hire;
349.24(1)(c)(c) Prohibit any person from operating any motor vehicle for taxicab purposes upon the highways of the city, village or town unless the person is licensed as a chauffeur and operator and unless the taxicab business is licensed by the licensing of each taxicab;
349.24(1)(d)(d) Revoke any license mentioned in this section when in its judgment the public safety so requires.
349.24(2)(2)Any person licensed by any city, village or town as a chauffeur and operator shall not be required to procure either a chauffeur’s and operator’s license or a taxicab license in any other municipality for the purpose of carrying taxicab passengers for hire from one municipality to another, but this exception does not permit the chauffeur or operator to operate a taxicab wholly within the limits of any municipality in which the chauffeur or operator is not licensed.
349.24(3)(3)Any person licensed under this section is required to comply with the licensing requirements of ch. 343.
349.24 HistoryHistory: 1989 a. 105; 1993 a. 246.
349.24 AnnotationThe restrictions in sub.(2) that prevent municipalities from requiring licenses from taxis and drivers with licenses from other municipalities do not pertain to the permits required under a Milwaukee County ordinance governing airport taxis as neither the county nor the airport is a municipality in the relevant sense. County of Milwaukee v. Williams, 2007 WI 69, 301 Wis. 2d 134, 732 N.W.2d 770, 05-2686.
349.25349.25Authority to license hayrack and sleigh rides.
349.25(1)(1)In counties containing a city of the first or second class, the owner of a vehicle to be operated upon a highway for the purpose of transporting persons for hire in what is commonly known as a hayrack ride, a sleigh, boxsled or bobsled ride or a ride of similar nature and every person who is to operate such a vehicle shall obtain a license from the county board before so operating such a vehicle. Any person operating any such vehicle under the circumstances described without first obtaining a license from the county board may be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned not more than 30 days or both.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)