Grants for, 281.53
Powers, 280.11, 280.13
Rules, 281.17 (8), (9)
Violations, forfeitures, 281.99
Wells and pump installation, 280.15 to 280.21
Planning assistance program, 281.51
Standards, 281.15, 281.165
Surveys and research, 281.13
Withdrawal quantity and quality regulation, 30.18, 281.34, 281.35
Systems, plans for, approval, 281.35 (5), 281.41
Waterfowl, see Fish and Game
See also Lakes, under this subhead; Waterways
Classification of lakes and streams, 23.09 (2) (m)
Permits and exemptions, records required, 30.285
Public access, discontinuing, DNR approval, 66.1006
Public rights, infringement, remedy, 30.03 (4)
Scenic urban waterways, designation, 30.275
State navigation law waived, 30.06
Stream bank protection program, 23.094
Stream courses, permit to change, 30.195
Financial assurance, 30.201
Surplus, 30.18
Withdrawal violations, 281.94, 281.95
Watershed projects, assist department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, 281.67
House connections prescribed, 281.45
Plant operators, establish examining program, 281.17 (3)
Weeds, control of, 23.22, 23.235, 23.24
Wells, heat exchange drilling, and pump installation, generally, Ch. 280
Compensation for contamination or abandonment, 281.75
County ordinances, optional, 59.70 (6)
Drilling and pump installation, 280.15 to 280.21
Location, notice to department required, 281.34 (3)
High capacity wells, 281.34
Rulemaking, citation procedure and forfeitures for violations of law, 280.98
Withdrawal restrictions, 281.35
Discharge permits, 281.36
Identification, confirmation, 23.321
Informational brochure, department to provide municipalities, 23.323
Mapping, 23.32
Restoration, general permits, 30.2065
Zoning of in shorelands, 61.351, 62.231
Wild rice protection:
Growth on private waters not regulated, 29.607 (6)
Licenses, 29.607
Wild rivers, designation, preservation, 30.26
Wildlife, see Fish and Game
naturalization NATURALIZATION
Certificates, challenged voter registration, 6.325
Papers, lost or destroyed, establishment of citizenship, 891.345
Petitions, venue, 753.065
navigable waters and navigation NAVIGABLE WATERS AND NAVIGATION
Generally, Ch. 30
For detailed analysis, see Waterways
ne exeat NE EXEAT
Discharge of, 813.15
Grounds, 813.14
When granted, who grants, 813.13
neglected children NEGLECTED CHILDREN
negligence NEGLIGENCE
Assumption of risk, abrogation of defense, 895.37
Burning material, handling, 941.10
Commercial paper, negligence contributing to alteration or unauthorized signature, 403.406
Comparative, 895.045
Motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV riders; no helmet, recovery not reduced, 895.049
Contributory, 895.045
Affirmative defenses, pleading, 802.02
Crime victim, no defense to crime, 939.14
Employee in third party industrial cases, 102.29 (2)
Criminal, 939.25
Direct action statute, insurers, 803.04 (2)
Fellow servant rule abolished, 895.37
Homicide caused by, 940.08, 940.10
Infant minor, presumption, 891.44
Injury by dangerous weapon, explosives or fire, 940.24
Minor driver's, imputed to sponsor, 343.15 (2)
Minor's and spouse's, imputed to auto owner, 895.048
Municipalities, notice of claim, limitation of damages, 893.80
Operation of vehicles, 941.01
Product liability, 895.045 (3)
Recreational activity participants, limitation of liability,895.525
On school grounds or in school buildings, 895.523
Trespassers, duty of care, owed to, 895.529