758.18 Annotation Court Orders Use of Standard Court Forms. Nispel. Wis. Law. Dec. 1999.
758.19 758.19 Director of state courts.
758.19(1) (1) The director of state courts shall be included within the Wisconsin retirement system and ch. 40 applies to the director as it applies to justices of the supreme court.
758.19(2) (2)
758.19(2)(a)(a) The director may establish and charge fees for the provision of services or sale of documents concerning any of the following:
758.19(2)(a)1. 1. Uniform court forms.
758.19(2)(a)2. 2. Computer generated special reports of court information data.
758.19(2)(a)3. 3. Photocopies.
758.19(2)(a)4. 4. Pamphlets.
758.19(2)(b) (b) The fees are subject to the cost limitations under ss. 19.35 (3) and 20.908.
758.19(4) (4) The director of state courts may develop, promote, coordinate and implement circuit court automated information systems that are compatible among counties using the moneys appropriated under s. 20.680 (2) (j). If the director of state courts provides funding to counties as part of the development and implementation of this system, the director of state courts may provide funding to counties with 1 or 2 circuit court judges for a minicomputer system only up to the level of funding that would have been provided had the county implemented a microcomputer system. In those counties with 1 or 2 circuit court judges, any costs incurred to implement a minicomputer system not funded under this subsection shall be paid by the county. Those counties may use that minicomputer system for county management information needs in addition to the circuit court automated information system use.
758.19(4m) (4m) The director of state courts may establish and charge fees for electronic filing of court documents under the circuit court automated information systems created under this section. The secretary of administration shall credit all moneys collected under this subsection to the appropriation account under s. 20.680 (2) (j).
758.19(5) (5)
758.19(5)(a)(a) In this subsection, "circuit court costs" means one or more of the following costs:
758.19(5)(a)1. 1. Juror fees under s. 59.64 (1) (g).
758.19(5)(a)2. 2. Fees for expert witnesses called by the guardian ad litem under s. 767.407 (6) if either or both parties are unable to pay those fees.
758.19(5)(a)3. 3. Witness fees set under s. 814.67 (1) (b) 1. and (c) for witnesses called by the circuit court on its own motion or called by, or subpoenaed at the request of, a district attorney, the state public defender or a private attorney appointed under s. 977.08. Nothing in this subdivision affects the determination of who is obligated to pay for fees set under s. 814.67 (1) (b) 1. and (c) for witnesses called by, or subpoenaed at the request of the state public defender or a private attorney appointed under s. 977.08.
758.19(5)(a)4m. 4m. Fees for expert witnesses appointed under s. 907.06 by the circuit court on its own motion or by the circuit court at the request of the district attorney, the state public defender or a private attorney appointed under s. 977.08 or by the circuit court upon agreement of the district attorney, the state public defender or a private attorney appointed under s. 977.08. Nothing in this subdivision affects the determination of who is obligated to pay fees for an expert witness appointed under s. 907.06.
758.19(5)(a)5. 5. Fees for witnesses or expert witnesses subpoenaed by the circuit court at the request of the district attorney, coroner or medical examiner under s. 979.06 (1) and (2).
758.19(5)(a)6. 6. Salary and fringe benefits for judicial assistants for circuit court judges.
758.19(5)(a)8. 8. Any other circuit court costs, except costs related to courtroom security, including security personnel, and costs related to rent, utilities, maintenance, rehabilitation and construction of circuit court facilities.
758.19(5)(am) (am) The director of state courts may create a uniform chart of accounts that each county shall be required to use for the recording of all financial transactions relating to the operation of circuit courts and may audit the information submitted under par. (e). If the director of state courts decides to create a uniform chart of accounts, he or she shall consult with the department of revenue regarding the creation of that chart.
758.19(5)(b) (b) From the appropriation under s. 20.625 (1) (d), the director of state courts shall make payments to counties totaling $9,369,800 within 30 days after October 29, 1999, and on every July 1 and January 1 thereafter, which the director of state courts shall distribute as follows:
758.19(5)(b)1. 1. For each circuit court branch in the county, $42,275.
758.19(5)(b)2. 2. In addition to the payment under subd. 1., for each county with one or less circuit court branches, $5,000 in the 1995-96 fiscal year and $10,000 in each fiscal year thereafter.
758.19(5)(b)3. 3. In addition to the payment under subd. 1., for each county with more than one circuit court branch, a payment equal to the county's proportion of the state population times the amount remaining after the payments are made under subds. 1. and 2.
758.19(5)(c) (c) For those counties that share the services of one or more circuit court branches, the director of state courts shall annually determine the proportional share of that circuit court branch for each county based on the circuit court branch case load in each county.
758.19(5)(d) (d) Except as provided in par. (e), no action is required of and no condition may be imposed on a county to receive a payment under par. (b), including applying for, submitting information in connection with, entering into a memorandum of understanding concerning or making any other agreement regarding the payment. Except as provided in pars. (f) and (g), the director of state courts may not withhold payment under par. (b) to a county.
758.19(5)(e) (e) No later than May 15, 2009, and no later than May 15 of each year thereafter, each county shall submit to the director of state courts, in a format that is established by the director of state courts, and in a manner that comports with the uniform chart of accounts under par. (am), information regarding the amount of actual circuit court costs that the county incurred in the previous calendar year and revenues collected or received by the circuit court in the previous calendar year.
758.19(5)(f) (f) A county that fails to meet the requirements under par. (e) is not eligible for a payment under par. (b) for one fiscal year, as defined in s. 237.01 (3), after the May 15 that the information was not provided, or until the information is provided, whichever is earlier. Except as provided in this paragraph and par. (g), the information regarding the amount of actual costs reported under par. (e) does not affect the amount paid to a county under par. (b).
758.19(5)(g) (g) Beginning with the submittal of information under par. (e) on July 1, 1995, if the director of state courts determines, based on the information submitted under par. (e), that the payment made to a county under par. (b) for any calendar year exceeds the circuit court costs incurred by the county for that calendar year, the director of state courts shall deduct the difference from the next payment under par. (b) made to that county after the director's determination. The difference shall be apportioned as provided in par. (c) among the other counties for payment under par. (b) to the other counties on that payment date. For purposes of this paragraph, the director of state courts shall treat the period beginning on August 13, 1993, and ending on December 31, 1994, as a calendar year and determine from the information submitted under par. (e) on July 1, 1994, and July 1, 1995, whether the payment to a county under par. (b) on January 1, 1994, exceeds the circuit court costs incurred by the county for the period beginning on August 13, 1993, and ending on December 31, 1994.
758.19(5)(h) (h) The director of state courts shall establish a description of the qualifications and duties of an individual who is a judicial assistant for purposes of this subsection. Nothing in this subsection requires a county to employ, to incur costs for salary and fringe benefits for, or to expend payments received under par. (b) for salary and fringe benefits for, judicial assistants for circuit court judges.
758.19(5)(i) (i) The director of state courts shall compile the information reported under par. (e) and, by October 1 annually, submit that information to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) and to the governor.
758.19(6) (6)
758.19(6)(a)(a) In this subsection, "guardian ad litem costs" means the costs of guardian ad litem compensation that a county incurs under ch. 48, 54, 55, 767, or 938 or ch. 880, 2003 stats., that the county has final legal responsibility to pay, or that the county is unable to recover from another person and that does not exceed the per hour rate established for time spent in court by private attorneys under s. 977.08 (4m) (b).
758.19(6)(b) (b) From the appropriation under s. 20.625 (1) (e), the director of state courts, beginning on July 1, 1995, shall annually on July 1 pay the county's share, as determined under par. (c), of the total appropriation under s. 20.625 (1) (e) to defray a county's guardian ad litem costs. The payment shall be made only to those counties that submit the information required under par. (d) by the preceding May 15.
758.19(6)(c)1.1. In this paragraph:
758.19(6)(c)1.a. a. "Court support services fee" means the fee under s. 814.85.
758.19(6)(c)1.b. b. "Judicial need" means the need for a circuit judge, calculated under the weighted caseload formula, based on case filings in the previous calendar year for those types of cases which the director of state courts determines are likely to involve significant guardian ad litem costs.
758.19(6)(c)1.c. c. "Weighted caseload formula" means the formula utilized by the director of state courts to assist in determining the comparative need for circuit court judges in this state, based on the number of cases filed in a given year and the judicial time needed to process the cases.
758.19(6)(c)2. 2. The amount paid to each county under par. (b) shall be the sum of the following amounts:
758.19(6)(c)2.a. a. The amount determined by dividing the number of circuit court branches in the county by the total number of circuit court branches in the state and multiplying that result by one-third of the total amount to be paid under par. (b).
758.19(6)(c)2.b. b. The amount determined by dividing the judicial need for the county by the total judicial need for all counties in this state and multiplying that result by one-third of the total amount to be paid under par. (b).
758.19(6)(c)2.c. c. The amount determined by dividing the amount of court support services fees charged and collected in the county in the previous calendar year by the total amount of court support services fees charged and collected in the state in the previous calendar year and multiplying that result by one-third of the total amount to be paid under par. (b).
758.19(6)(d) (d) Annually, no later than May 15, each county shall submit to the director of state courts, in a format that the director of state courts establishes, all of the following:
758.19(6)(d)1. 1. The total cost of guardian ad litem compensation that the county incurred under chs. 48, 54, 55, 767, and 938 and ch. 880, 2003 stats., in the previous calendar year.
758.19(6)(d)2. 2. The total guardian ad litem compensation that the county initially paid under chs. 48, 54, 55, 767, and 938 and ch. 880, 2003 stats., and that was recovered in the previous calendar year by the county from another responsible person.
758.19(6)(e)1.1. No county may receive a payment under subd. 2. or par. (b) that results in the county receiving more than the total cost of guardian ad litem compensation that the county incurred and reported to the director of state courts under par. (d) 1.
758.19(6)(e)2. 2. After calculating the payment amount for each county under par. (c) 2., the director of state courts shall distribute any money remaining, after deducting the amount to be paid under par. (b), to those counties that reported as required under par. (d) and whose payment amount under par. (b) is less than the total cost of guardian ad litem compensation that the county incurred and reported to the director of state courts under par. (d) 1. The additional amount distributed to a county under this subdivision shall be determined by using the procedures under par. (c) 2., except that the sum to be used in the multiplication shall be the money remaining after deducting the amount to be paid under par. (b). The money to be distributed under this subdivision shall be added to the amount to be paid under par. (b) and made as a single payment to each county on July 1.
758.19(7) (7) The director of state courts shall adopt, revise biennially and submit to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on information policy and technology, the governor and the secretary of administration, no later than September 15 of each even-numbered year, a strategic plan for the utilization of information technology to carry out the functions of the courts and judicial branch agencies, as defined in s. 16.70 (5). The plan shall address the business needs of the courts and judicial branch agencies and shall identify all resources relating to information technology which the courts and judicial branch agencies desire to acquire, contingent upon funding availability, the priority for such acquisitions and the justification for such acquisitions. The plan shall also identify any changes in the functioning of the courts and judicial branch agencies under the plan.
758.19(8) (8)
758.19(8)(a)(a) From the appropriations under s. 20.625 (1) (c) and (k), the director of state courts shall reimburse counties up to 4 times each year for the actual expenses paid for interpreters required by circuit courts to assist persons with limited English proficiency under s. 885.38 (8) (a) 1. The amount of the maximum hourly reimbursement for court interpreters shall be as follows:
758.19(8)(a)1. 1. Forty dollars for the first hour and $20 for each additional 0.5 hour for qualified interpreters certified under the requirements and procedures approved by the supreme court.
758.19(8)(a)2. 2. Thirty dollars for the first hour and $15 for each additional 0.5 hour for qualified interpreters, as defined in s. 885.38 (1) (c).
758.19(8)(b) (b) To receive reimbursement under par. (a), a county must submit, on forms provided by the director of state courts, an accounting of the amount paid for expenses related to court interpreters that are eligible for reimbursement under par. (a). The forms must include expenses for the preceding 3-month period and must be submitted within 90 days after that 3-month period has ended. The director of state courts may not reimburse a county for any expenses related to court interpreters that are submitted after the 90-day period has ended. Reimbursement under par. (a) first applies to court interpreter expenses incurred on July 1, 2002.
758.19(9) (9) If a court of appeals judge is appointed to serve as a member of the governmental accountability candidate committee and the judge has good cause for declining to serve, the director of state courts shall accept from the judge a written communication setting forth the reasons why the judge cannot or should not serve and the judge shall then be excused from service. Upon receipt of the communication, the director shall notify the chief justice and the vacancy shall then be filled as provided in ss. 15.60 (2) and 17.20 (1).
758.19 History History: 1971 c. 254 ss. 1, 2, 4 to 16; Stats. 1971 s. 257.19; 1975 c. 37, 189, 199; 1977 c. 29; 1977 c. 187 ss. 97, 135; 1977 c. 305 s. 64; 1977 c. 449; Stats. 1977 s. 758.19; Sup. Ct. Order, 88 Wis. 2d xiii (1979); 1981 c. 96; 1983 a. 27; 1985 a. 29, 340; 1989 a. 31; 1991 a. 32, 39; 1993 a. 16, 206, 437, 491; 1995 a. 27, 77, 201, 225, 417; 1997 a. 27, 237; 1999 a. 9, 29; 2001 a. 16; 2003 a. 33, 139; 2005 a. 387; 2005 a. 443 s. 265; 2007 a. 1, 20; 2009 a. 28; 2011 a. 32.
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