
Born Milwaukee, January 11, 1940; married; 2 children. Graduate Milw. Luth. H.S. and Capitol Page School 1957; B.A. U. of Wisconsin-Madison 1962; L.L.B. U. of Wisconsin 1966. Labor arbitrator. Member: Goethe House (vice pres., former pres.); Milwaukee Chap. ACLU (bd. mbr., former pres.); World Affairs Council of Milw. (bd. mbr.); Wis. Bar Assn.; Labor/Employment Relations Assn. (advisory com. mbr.); Democratic Party; DANK (German-American National Congress), Milwaukee chap. (former vice pres.); Milwaukee Donauschwaben; Amnesty International Group 107 (former chairman); Milw. Turners; NAACP. Former member: City of Milwaukee Harbor Comn. Recipient: Wisconsin ACLU Eunice Edgar Lifetime Service Award 2008; State Bar of Wis. Scales of Justice Award 2010; German Immersion Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award 2013. Presidential Elector for President Barack Obama 2012. County court judge (Milw. Co.) 1972-78; Circuit court judge (Milw. Co.) 1978-81, 1986-88. On January 11, 1961, his 21st birthday, he became the youngest person, up to that time, ever to serve in the legislature.

Elected to Assembly 1960, 1964-70; reelected since 2004.

2015 Authored Proposals

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