Born Midland, MI, September 29, 1969; married. Graduate Hinsdale Central H.S. (Hinsdale, IL) 1987; B.A. political science, international relations UW-Madison 1991; studied abroad in Kingston, Jamaica. Former chamber of commerce executive, compliance manager, environmental/engineering services project manager. Member: Wisconsin Family Impact Seminar (adv. bd. mbr.); Clinton Community Historical Soc.; Wis. DNR Green Tier Advisory Bd.; Friends of Clinton Public Library. Former member: Town of Linn Fire Dept. Town of Clinton supervisor 2010-12.
Elected to Assembly 2010; reelected since 2012.
Member of State Capitol and Executive Residence Board
(first or second author, first sponsor)
2/9/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 94
Relating to: recognizing March 2016 as Brain Injury Awareness Month in Wisconsin.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 618
Relating to: the crime of child sex trafficking, the inclusion of child sex trafficking in the definition of child abuse, the investigation of a child abuse report in which a person who is not a caregiver of the child is suspected of permitting, allowing, or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution or of child sex trafficking for purposes of a commercial sex act, and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 619
Relating to: proof of physical fitness requirement for certain local transit employees. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 774
Relating to: assessing certain items as real property for property tax purposes. (FE)
1/15/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 735
Relating to: the review of water quality standards and variances to water quality standards by the Department of Natural Resources and exempting certain actions of the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Administration from the requirement to promulgate rules relating to the statewide water quality variance for phosphorus. (FE)
1/15/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 738
Relating to: requiring the Department of Transportation to award a grant to Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission for certain bridge repairs and making an appropriation.
1/15/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 737
Relating to: the crime of child sex trafficking, the inclusion of child sex trafficking in the definition of child abuse, the investigation of a child abuse report in which a person who is not a caregiver of the child is suspected of permitting, allowing, or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution or of child sex trafficking for purposes of a commercial sex act, and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/15/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 736
Relating to: proof of physical fitness requirement for certain local transit employees. (FE)
1/15/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 731
Relating to: repealing the authority to create ABLE accounts in this state and creating tax benefits for contributions to ABLE accounts in other states. (FE)
1/13/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 567
Relating to: the review of water quality standards and variances to water quality standards by the Department of Natural Resources and exempting certain actions of the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Administration from the requirement to promulgate rules relating to the statewide water quality variance for phosphorus. (FE)
12/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 490
Relating to: serving certain documents relating to restraining orders and injunctions. (FE)
12/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 615
Relating to: serving certain documents relating to restraining orders and injunctions. (FE)
10/23/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 453
Relating to: requiring the Family Care benefit and self-directed services option to be provided in Rock County. (FE)
10/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 332
Relating to: use of child safety restraint systems in motor vehicles. (FE)
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 400
Relating to: use of child safety restraint systems in motor vehicles. (FE)
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 405
Relating to: exemptions from certain taxes and other requirements for work performed by persons from outside the state during a state of emergency declared by the governor. (FE)
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 406
Relating to: use of the reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions concerning the participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities, permanency planning for a child 14 years of age or over, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 407
Relating to: appointment of a successor guardian for a child in need of protection or services and eligibility of a successor guardian for subsidized guardianship payments, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
10/9/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 309
Relating to: use of the reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions concerning the participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities, permanency planning for a child 14 years of age or over, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
10/9/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 308
Relating to: appointment of a successor guardian for a child in need of protection or services and eligibility of a successor guardian for subsidized guardianship payments, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
10/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 375
Relating to: the right to a trial by jury for a juvenile for whom the petitioner has reserved the right to recommend placement in the Serious Juvenile Offender Program or in a juvenile correctional facility beyond the age of majority. (FE)
8/7/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 303
Relating to: prohibiting the Department of Workforce Development from requiring a job seeker to furnish his or her social security number to that department as a precondition to using the services of the job center network, including using the job center network Internet site. (FE)
7/28/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 219
Relating to: prohibiting the Department of Workforce Development from requiring a job seeker to furnish his or her social security number to that department as a precondition to using the services of the job center network, including using the job center network Internet site. (FE)
5/1/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 141
Relating to: the notification of relatives when a child is removed from the custody of the child's parent and placement of a child with a parent of a sibling of the child who has custody of the sibling.
4/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 193
Relating to: the notification of relatives when a child is removed from the custody of the child's parent and placement of a child with a parent of a sibling of the child who has custody of the sibling.
2/3/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 10
Relating to: proclaiming Friday, February 6, 2015, to be National Wear Red Day in recognition of heart disease awareness and prevention.
1/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 14
Relating to: posters regarding the national human trafficking resource center hotline. (FE)
1/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 16
Relating to: posters regarding the national human trafficking resource center hotline. (FE)
1/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 10
Relating to: jurisdiction in matters relating to domestic abuse restraining orders and injunctions, child and at-risk adult abuse restraining orders and injunctions, and harassment restraining orders and injunctions. (FE)
1/23/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 9
Relating to: jurisdiction in matters relating to domestic abuse restraining orders and injunctions, child abuse restraining orders and injunctions, and harassment restraining orders and injunctions. (FE)
2/16/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 113
Relating to: commending the ardent and remarkable service of Justice Antonin Scalia.
2/11/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 109
Relating to: requesting the department of health services and the department of children and families to seek waiver approval to create a sliding scale for eligibility for public benefit programs.
2/4/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 867
Relating to: reporting deaths; death investigations and other duties of coroners and medical examiners; disposition of bodies; creating a medicolegal investigation examining board; licensure of medical examiners and medicolegal investigation staff members; extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; making an appropriation; and providing criminal penalties. (FE)
1/26/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 808
Relating to: prohibiting issuance of citations for alcohol beverages violations to certain underage persons in connection with sexual assault or certain other crimes and prohibiting certain disciplinary sanctions if the underage person is a student.
1/25/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 807
Relating to: credit union operations and modifying rules promulgated by the Department of Financial Institutions.
1/25/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 800
Relating to: fantasy games and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/20/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 745
Relating to: notification of a local law enforcement agency and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children when a child over whom the Department of Children and Families, the Department of Corrections, a county department of human services or social services, or a licensed child welfare agency has placement, care, or supervision responsibility is missing and granting rule-making authority.
1/20/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 100
Relating to: designating November as a month recognizing women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in Wisconsin.
1/19/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 744
Relating to: requiring institutions of higher education to provide information to students relating to educational costs and financial literacy. (FE)
1/19/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 99
Relating to: proclaiming Friday, February 5, 2016, to be National Wear Red Day in recognition of heart disease awareness and prevention.
1/15/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 717
Relating to: authority of the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents regarding agricultural land. (FE)
1/13/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 714
Relating to: changes affecting tourism entities under the room tax.
1/13/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 699
Relating to: regulating the operation of recreational vessels carrying persons under the age of 13.
1/11/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 675
Relating to: agricultural loan guarantee programs administered by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.
1/11/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 673
Relating to: creating a program to protect the confidentiality of addresses for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
1/11/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 667
Relating to: model procedures for investigating reports of abuse or neglect involving children with disabilities. (FE)
1/8/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 662
Relating to: fees charged for certain coroner or medical examiner services. (FE)
1/8/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 95
Relating to: the public service of Vicki R. Holten.
1/7/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 659
Relating to: opioid treatment programs. (FE)
1/7/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 657
Relating to: treatment and diversion programs and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/7/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 660
Relating to: guidelines for prescribing controlled substances and the examination authority of the Medical Examining Board.
1/5/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 633
Relating to: copies of certain vital records. (FE)
12/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 621
Relating to: expungement of deoxyribonucleic acid from crime laboratories if person not adjudicated guilty or delinquent. (FE)
12/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 622
Relating to: exempting from nonresident tuition at the University of Wisconsin System certain members of the Wisconsin National Guard or a reserve unit of the U.S. armed forces. (FE)
12/23/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 609
Relating to: authorizing certain libraries to notify collection agencies and law enforcement agencies of delinquent accounts. (FE)
12/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 604
Relating to: suspension of operating privilege for failure to pay monetary judgment.
12/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 592
Relating to: the location of operations of a collection agency and persons employed by a collection agency.
12/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 595
Relating to: tax administration technical changes. (FE)
11/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 517
Relating to: reporting crimes and other incidents that occur on school property, on school transportation, and at school sanctioned events and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
11/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 518
Relating to: lines transporting manure within highway rights-of-way and providing a penalty. (FE)
10/28/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 80
Relating to: declaring November 13, 2015, "World Pancreatic Cancer Day" in the state of Wisconsin.
10/21/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 432
Relating to: revocation of operating privilege for certain offenses related to operating while intoxicated, operating after revocation, and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
10/19/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 419
Relating to: removing the sunset provision that applies to the fire fighters memorial individual income tax checkoff. (FE)
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 408
Relating to: behavioral health care coordination pilot projects, psychiatric consultation reimbursement pilot project, access to information on availability of inpatient psychiatric beds, and making appropriations. (FE)
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 394
Relating to: review of proposed changes to public employee group health insurance programs.
10/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 391
Relating to: authorized activities of Class A beer retailers and of brewers.
10/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 392
Relating to: methods of voting by members of a cooperative.
10/9/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 388
Relating to: reorganizing the Government Accountability Board, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
10/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 384
Relating to: requirements for approval of construction of nuclear power plants and changes to the state's energy priorities policy.
10/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 378
Relating to: the age at which a person who is alleged to have violated a criminal law, a civil law, or a municipal ordinance and who has not been charged with certain violent offenses, and has not, after previously being convicted of a crime or adjudicated delinquent, been charged with a crime or alleged in a complaint or citation to have violated a civil law or municipal ordinance, is subject to juvenile court jurisdiction. (FE)
10/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 385
Relating to: amending various rules promulgated by the Department of Children and Families governing the certification of child care operators, governing the licensing of child welfare agencies, and establishing standards for the operation of child care centers; and eliminating rules promulgated by the Department of Children and Families related to retaining public assistance case records.
10/7/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 373
Relating to: the state civil service and making an appropriation. (FE)
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 368
Relating to: regulation of persons that own or operate dental practices and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 364
Relating to: reporting, disclosure, and practitioner review requirements under the prescription drug monitoring program; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 366
Relating to: pain clinic certification and requirements, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 367
Relating to: reporting by treatment programs using methadone and requiring review of prescription drug monitoring database.
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 365
Relating to: duty of law enforcement officers to report to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program controlled-substance violations, opioid-related drug overdoses or deaths, and reports of stolen prescription drugs. (FE)
9/14/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 339
Relating to: eligibility for monthly subsidized guardianship payments of a person who develops a familial relationship with a child or the child's family during the child's placement in out-of-home care, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
9/3/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 327
Relating to: approval, reporting, and fee requirements for certain wells. (FE)
8/26/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 320
Relating to: temporary alcohol beverage retail licenses. (FE)
6/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 47
Relating to: honoring Radio Station WCLO AM-1230 on its 85th birthday on August 1, 2015.
6/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 262
Relating to: authorizing limited residency requirements for a city operating under the city manager plan. (FE)
6/2/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 43
Relating to: the life and public service of Representative Thomas Archer Lothian.
5/20/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 236
Relating to: tax-exempt accounts for qualified expenses incurred by individuals with disabilities and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
5/14/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 39
Relating to: commending and congratulating Chancellor Richard J. Telfer for his contributions to the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and to the state of Wisconsin.
5/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 213
Relating to: ambulance staffing by emergency medical technicians and first responders. (FE)
5/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 210
Relating to: an additional local sales and use tax for maintenance of streets and highways and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/15/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 165
Relating to: town zoning ordinances affecting shorelands.
3/17/2015: 2015 Assembly Resolution 6
Relating to: celebrating Saint Patrick's Day on March 17, 2015.
3/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 95
Relating to: interest rates on judgments in small claims actions.
3/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 80
Relating to: review by state agencies of administrative rules and enactments and an expedited process for repealing rules an agency no longer has the authority to promulgate. (FE)
1/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 4
Relating to: honoring the service of all military working dogs.
1/7/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 1
Relating to: a school review system, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/11/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 102
Relating to: requesting the department of health services and the department of children and families to seek waiver approval to create a sliding scale for eligibility for public benefit programs.
2/9/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 712
Relating to: reporting deaths; death investigations and other duties of coroners and medical examiners; disposition of bodies; creating a medicolegal investigation examining board; licensure of medical examiners and medicolegal investigation staff members; extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; making an appropriation; and providing criminal penalties. (FE)
2/3/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 702
Relating to: fantasy games and providing a penalty. (FE)
2/1/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 690
Relating to: credit union operations and modifying rules promulgated by the Department of Financial Institutions.
2/1/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 656
Relating to: prohibiting issuance of citations for alcohol beverages violations to certain underage persons in connection with sexual assault or certain other crimes and prohibiting certain disciplinary sanctions if the underage person is a student.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 84
Relating to: proclaiming February 2016 as Black History Month.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 597
Relating to: regulating the operation of recreational vessels carrying persons under the age of 13.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 624
Relating to: assessing certain items as real property for property tax purposes. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 595
Relating to: requiring institutions of higher education to provide information to students relating to educational costs and financial literacy. (FE)
1/19/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 82
Relating to: designating November as a month recognizing women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in Wisconsin.
1/15/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 81
Relating to: proclaiming Friday, February 5, 2016, to be National Wear Red Day in recognition of heart disease awareness and prevention.
1/15/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 574
Relating to: model procedures for investigating reports of abuse or neglect involving children with disabilities. (FE)
1/15/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 578
Relating to: changes affecting tourism entities under the room tax.
1/14/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 571
Relating to: authority of the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents regarding agricultural land. (FE)
1/12/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 549
Relating to: agricultural loan guarantee programs administered by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.
1/8/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 531
Relating to: fees charged for certain coroner or medical examiner services. (FE)
1/7/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 520
Relating to: guidelines for prescribing controlled substances and the examination authority of the Medical Examining Board.
1/7/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 522
Relating to: opioid treatment programs. (FE)
1/6/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 507
Relating to: copies of certain vital records. (FE)
1/6/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 505
Relating to: exempting from nonresident tuition at the University of Wisconsin System certain members of the Wisconsin National Guard or a reserve unit of the U.S. armed forces. (FE)
12/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 488
Relating to: creating a program to protect the confidentiality of addresses for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
12/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 466
Relating to: authorizing certain libraries to notify collection agencies and law enforcement agencies of delinquent accounts. (FE)
12/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 470
Relating to: reporting crimes and other incidents that occur on school property, on school transportation, and at school sanctioned events and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
12/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 462
Relating to: suspension of operating privilege for failure to pay monetary judgment.
12/7/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 438
Relating to: the location of operations of a collection agency and persons employed by a collection agency.
12/7/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 440
Relating to: tax administration technical changes. (FE)
11/12/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 390
Relating to: lines transporting manure within highway rights-of-way and providing a penalty. (FE)
11/5/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 72
Relating to: commending Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.
10/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 327
Relating to: regulation of persons that own or operate dental practices and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
10/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 334
Relating to: exemptions from certain taxes and other requirements for work performed by persons from outside the state during a state of emergency declared by the governor. (FE)
10/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 335
Relating to: revocation of operating privilege for certain offenses related to operating while intoxicated, operating after revocation, and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
10/13/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 312
Relating to: review of proposed changes to public employee group health insurance programs.
10/9/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 304
Relating to: amending various rules promulgated by the Department of Children and Families governing the certification of child care operators, governing the licensing of child welfare agencies, and establishing standards for the operation of child care centers; and eliminating rules promulgated by the Department of Children and Families related to retaining public assistance case records.
10/9/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 59
Relating to: congratulating the United States Navy on the commissioning of the USS Milwaukee.
10/9/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 294
Relating to: reorganizing the Government Accountability Board, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
10/9/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 293
Relating to: behavioral health care coordination pilot projects, psychiatric consultation reimbursement pilot project, access to information on availability of inpatient psychiatric beds, and making appropriations. (FE)
10/6/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 288
Relating to: requirements for approval of construction of nuclear power plants and changes to the state's energy priorities policy.
10/1/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 285
Relating to: the state civil service and making an appropriation. (FE)
9/30/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 280
Relating to: the age at which a person who is alleged to have violated a criminal law, a civil law, or a municipal ordinance and who has not been charged with certain violent offenses, and has not, after previously being convicted of a crime or adjudicated delinquent, been charged with a crime or alleged in a complaint or citation to have violated a civil law or municipal ordinance, is subject to juvenile court jurisdiction. (FE)
9/30/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 283
Relating to: authorized activities of Class A beer retailers and of brewers.
9/30/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 284
Relating to: methods of voting by members of a cooperative.
9/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 268
Relating to: reporting, disclosure, and practitioner review requirements under the prescription drug monitoring program; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
9/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 269
Relating to: duty of law enforcement officers to report to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program controlled-substance violations, opioid-related drug overdoses or deaths, and reports of stolen prescription drugs. (FE)
9/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 271
Relating to: reporting by treatment programs using methadone and requiring review of prescription drug monitoring database.
9/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 272
Relating to: pain clinic certification and requirements, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
9/9/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 253
Relating to: eligibility for monthly subsidized guardianship payments of a person who develops a familial relationship with a child or the child's family during the child's placement in out-of-home care, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
8/26/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 243
Relating to: approval, reporting, and fee requirements for certain wells. (FE)
8/24/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 236
Relating to: temporary alcohol beverage retail licenses. (FE)
6/17/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 195
Relating to: authorizing limited residency requirements for a city operating under the city manager plan. (FE)
6/5/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 41
Relating to: recognizing the nineteenth day of June, 2015, as Juneteenth Day.
5/20/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 165
Relating to: tax-exempt accounts for qualified expenses incurred by individuals with disabilities and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
4/8/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 113
Relating to: town zoning ordinances affecting shorelands.
3/23/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 76
Relating to: interest rates on judgments in small claims actions.
3/3/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 14
Relating to: commending Pope Francis.
2/23/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 44
Relating to: prohibiting as a condition of employment membership in a labor organization or payments to a labor organization and providing a penalty.
1/30/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 7
Relating to: the life and service of Annette Polly Williams.
2/16/2016: 2015 AA1-SB406
2/1/2016: 2015 AA2-AB737
1/29/2016: 2015 AA1-AB737
1/27/2016: 2015 AA1-AB615
1/21/2016: 2015 ASA1-AB138
Relating to: redetermination of base value for certain tax incremental districts.
1/21/2016: 2015 ASA1-AB134
Relating to: tax incremental financing project plan amendments and extending the life of a tax incremental district if the district is adversely impacted by statutory changes to the method of calculating equalized valuation.
1/21/2016: 2015 AA2-AB137
1/13/2016: 2015 AA1-AB558
12/3/2015: 2015 ASA1-AB400
Relating to: use of child safety restraint systems in motor vehicles and providing a penalty.
10/8/2015: 2015 AA3-AB131
10/8/2015: 2015 AA2-AB131
4/13/2015: 2015 AA1-AB138
4/13/2015: 2015 AA1-AB137
4/13/2015: 2015 AA1-AB135
4/13/2015: 2015 AA1-AB132
4/13/2015: 2015 AA1-AB131
2/12/2015: 2015 ASA1-AB16
Relating to: posters regarding a human trafficking resource center hotline.
2/4/2015: 2015 AA1-AB16