Prisoners participating in certain programs identified by Corr.Dept may earn time off the confinement portion of their sentences, conditions specified - AB998
PTSD as a mitigating factor: court may consider when sentencing a military veteran - AB180
PTSD as a mitigating factor: court may consider when sentencing a military veteran - SB414
Recidivism reduction grants re community services: Corr.Dept to award to local workforce development boards; appropriation and sunset provisions - AB599
Recidivism reduction grants re community services: Corr.Dept to award to local workforce development boards; appropriation and sunset provisions - SB645
Reclassifying a misdemeanor to a forfeiture or changing a penalty re disorderly conduct, theft of merchandise, and marijuana possession - AB995
Revocation of extended supervision or probation: maximum period of imprisonment set; exceptions provided - AB1002
Revocation of parole and extended supervision for violations that are not crimes: limit on number Corr.Dept, the Parole Commission, and DHA may order - AB309
Revocation of parole, probation, or extended supervision for failure to pay a supervision fee or restitution prohibited - AB906
Revocation of parole, probation, or extended supervision for failure to pay a supervision fee or restitution prohibited - SB679
Right to vote lost only while incarcerated for a disqualifying offense, voting permitted while on parole or extended supervision; voter registration applicant not required to provide information regarding felony conviction and requirement that Corr.Dept provide a list of convicted felons to election officials deleted; Corr.Dept, GAB, and Director of State Courts training duties - AB907
Right to vote lost only while incarcerated for a disqualifying offense, voting permitted while on parole or extended supervision; voter registration applicant not required to provide information regarding felony conviction and requirement that Corr.Dept provide a list of convicted felons to election officials deleted; Corr.Dept, GAB, and Director of State Courts training duties - SB678
Sentencing credit after revocation to include time served on parole or under extended supervision - AB992
Serious felony offenders prohibited from possessing, controlling, or residing with a vicious dog; penalties, extended supervision, and exception provisions - AB127
Serious felony offenders prohibited from possessing, controlling, or residing with a vicious dog; penalties, extended supervision, and exception provisions - SB75
Tetrahydrocannabinols (THC) possession penalties modified - AB997
Travel outside the U.S. by persons on extended supervision, parole, or probation: Corr.Dept to authorize under certain conditions - AB34
Travel outside the U.S. by persons on extended supervision, parole, or probation: Corr.Dept to authorize under certain conditions - SB36
Uniform Act on Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking: adopting portions not in current law - SB745
service animalService animal, see Dogs
service of process and papersService of process and papers, see also Subpoena; Summons
Agricultural Producer Security Council member names, appropriation for inspection and certification of grain expenses, service of process for DATCP, ASTM International references, providing DATCP with copy of ordinances re pesticides (remedial legislation) - AB676
Agricultural Producer Security Council member names, appropriation for inspection and certification of grain expenses, service of process for DATCP, ASTM International references, providing DATCP with copy of ordinances re pesticides (remedial legislation) - SB551
OWI-related civil traffic violation citation: person required to appear in court; failure to appear provisions including warrant for person’s arrest and surcharge - AB352
Restraining order or injunction re victim of abuse, harassment, or threats: clerk of court required to forward copy to sheriff and sheriff required to assist in serving the respondent; confidentiality and electronic transmittal provisions [A.Amdt.1: service fee provision added] - AB615
Restraining order or injunction re victim of abuse, harassment, or threats: clerk of court required to forward copy to sheriff and sheriff required to assist in serving the respondent; confidentiality and electronic transmittal provisions - SB490
sex crimesSex crimes
Accompaniment by victim advocate: victims of certain crimes have right to request re examination, consultation, proceedings, or interviews; hospital and law enforcement civil liability immunity and confidentiality provisions - AB430
Accompaniment by victim advocate: victims of certain crimes have right to request re examination, consultation, proceedings, or interviews; hospital and law enforcement civil liability immunity and confidentiality provisions [S.Amdt.3: child abuse limited to sexual abuse, parent or legal guardian may request an advocate for a minor] - SB323
Address confidentiality program for victims of child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, or human trafficking created; DOJ to administer; exemption and emergency rule provisions - AB673
Address confidentiality program for victims of child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, or human trafficking created; DOJ to administer; exemption and emergency rule provisions [S.Amdt.1: disclosure for voter registration purposes added] - SB488
Child sex trafficking crime expanded; child abuse definition and investigation, and juvenile court orders provisions - AB737
Child sex trafficking crime expanded; child abuse definition and investigation, and juvenile court orders provisions - SB618
Child sexual abuse prevention policy and instructional program for kindergarten through sixth grade: DPI to develop and school boards required to adopt DPI program or their own policy and program - AB691
Child sexual abuse prevention policy and instructional program for kindergarten through sixth grade: DPI to develop and school boards required to adopt DPI program or their own policy and program - SB501
Crime victim compensation contested cases: DHA requirement to conduct these hearings repealed; DOJ has the option to contract with DHA for hearing services [Sec. 3583, 4730, 4731, 9326 (1)] - AB21
Crime victim compensation contested cases: DHA requirement to conduct these hearings repealed; DOJ has the option to contract with DHA for hearing services [Sec. 3583, 4730, 4731, 9326 (1); original bill only] - SB21
Criminal invasion of privacy penalty increased re purposes of sexual gratification, representation of nude or partially nude person, and the person is under age 18 - SB452
Interstate Compact on Juveniles repealed as it is no longer in effect; juvenile from another state on supervision in this state under the Interstate Compact for Juveniles for a sex offense is required to register as a sex offender - AB627
Interstate Compact on Juveniles repealed as it is no longer in effect; juvenile from another state on supervision in this state under the Interstate Compact for Juveniles for a sex offense is required to register as a sex offender - SB475
Invasion of privacy penalty increased re purposes of sexual gratification, representation of nude or partially nude person, and the person is under age 18 - AB566
Reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions re participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities and permanency planning for children 14 years of age or older: incorporating federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act changes into the Children’s Code and Juvenile Justice Code - AB406
Reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions re participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities and permanency planning for children 14 years of age or older: incorporating federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act changes into the Children’s Code and Juvenile Justice Code - SB309
Representation and distribution of nude child: criminal penalty exception for parents does not apply when the purpose is for sexual arousal, gratification, humiliation, degradation, or monetary gain - AB630
Representation and distribution of nude child: criminal penalty exception for parents does not apply when the purpose is for sexual arousal, gratification, humiliation, degradation, or monetary gain - SB614
Sex offender residence restrictions modified and penalties for violation by high-risk offenders revised; conditions for release from civil commitment established by DHS - AB290
Sex-trafficking victims who are children: funding for treatment and services [Sec. 720, 1675] - AB21
Sex-trafficking victims who are children: funding for treatment and services [Sec. 720, 1675] - SB21
Sexual contact with a child: statute of limitations removed - AB348
Sexual contact with a child: statute of limitations removed - SB262
Sexual exploitation surcharge created and moneys go to Office of Crime Victim Services re services to child victims of sexual exploitation - AB926
Statute of limitations for second-degree or third-degree sexual assault - AB252
Statute of limitations for second-degree or third-degree sexual assault - SB170
Underage alcohol beverage citation issuance prohibited if underage person is victim of a sex-related crime or is present at time of the crime; disciplinary sanctions from a UW System school prohibitions provision - AB808
Underage alcohol beverage citation issuance prohibited if underage person is victim of a sex-related crime or is present at time of the crime; disciplinary sanctions from a UW System school prohibitions provision - SB656
Violent sex offenders on supervised release: procedures and residency requirements revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, restricting certain local ordinance or resolution provision added] - AB497
Violent sex offenders on supervised release: procedures and residency requirements revised - SB409
sexual assaultSexual assault, see Sex crimes
sexually explicit imagesSexually explicit images, see Obscenity
shared revenueShared revenue
Decommissioned or closed production plant that is exempt from property taxes: utility aid payments revised - AB335
Decommissioned or closed production plant that is exempt from property taxes: utility aid payments revised - SB252
Expenditure Restraint Program: costs for providing services to another governmental unit, by contract, are not included in the municipality's budget [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2532d] - SB21
Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibits inquiries of individuals legally detained or arrested or assisting units of government with enforcement; writ of mandamus provision and reduction of shared revenue payments for failure to comply - AB450
Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibits inquiries of individuals legally detained or arrested or assisting units of government with enforcement; writ of mandamus provision and reduction of shared revenue payments for failure to comply - SB369
Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibits inquiries of individuals receiving public services and notifying the federal government or complying with state law re aliens not lawfully present; writ of mandamus provision and reduction of shared revenue payments for failure to comply - AB492
Production plant generating electricity from wind power: utility aid payments to towns and counties changed - AB490
shareholderShareholder, see Corporation
sheboygan countySheboygan County
Whistling Straits, the Kohler Company, and Herbert Kohler, Jr. congratulated for hosting the 97th Annual PGA Championship on August 10-16, 2015 - AJR57
Whistling Straits, the Kohler Company, and Herbert Kohler, Jr. congratulated for hosting the 97th Annual PGA Championship on August 10-16, 2015 - SJR48
sheriffSheriff, see also Jail
Child abuse report re person, who is not the child's caregiver, suspected of allowing or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution: sheriff or police department is required to report to a child welfare agency which is required to investigate; prosecuting person under age 18 for prostitution prohibited - AB267
Child abuse report re person, who is not the child's caregiver, suspected of allowing or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution: sheriff or police department is required to report to a child welfare agency which is required to investigate; prosecuting person under age 18 for prostitution prohibited - SB200
Child sex trafficking crime expanded; child abuse definition and investigation, and juvenile court orders provisions - AB737
Child sex trafficking crime expanded; child abuse definition and investigation, and juvenile court orders provisions - SB618
DOJ grants to Lafayette County Sheriff's Department for drug law enforcement and drug interdiction services [A.Amdt.2: grant amount reduced] - AB771
Drug law enforcement and interdiction grant to the Lafayette County Sheriff's Department [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9126 (1q)] - SB21
Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibits inquiries of individuals legally detained or arrested or assisting units of government with enforcement; writ of mandamus provision and reduction of shared revenue payments for failure to comply - AB450
Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibits inquiries of individuals legally detained or arrested or assisting units of government with enforcement; writ of mandamus provision and reduction of shared revenue payments for failure to comply - SB369
Law enforcement agency: practices or policies intended to primarily raise revenue prohibited - SB399
Restraining order or injunction re victim of abuse, harassment, or threats: clerk of court required to forward copy to sheriff and sheriff required to assist in serving the respondent; confidentiality and electronic transmittal provisions [A.Amdt.1: service fee provision added] - AB615
Restraining order or injunction re victim of abuse, harassment, or threats: clerk of court required to forward copy to sheriff and sheriff required to assist in serving the respondent; confidentiality and electronic transmittal provisions - SB490
Suspected or threatened child abuse: all reported cases to be referred to the sheriff or police, coordination of the investigation of reported cases, and law enforcement agencies to adopt written policy re kinds of reports to refer to the DA for prosecution - AB429
Suspected or threatened child abuse: all reported cases to be referred to the sheriff or police, coordination of the investigation of reported cases, and law enforcement agencies to adopt written policy re kinds of reports to refer to the DA for prosecution - SB326
shining animalsShining animals, see Hunting
shoplifting _retail theft_Shoplifting (Retail theft), see Crime and criminals