Required provisions, 632.44 (3)
Property insurance:
Restrictions, 424.301
Risk of loss or damage, 424.302
Rate filings, 424.209
Refinancings, 424.206
Refunds, 424.205
Scope of Wisconsin consumer act—insurance, 424.102
Term of insurance, 424.207
insurance_7. disability and medical 7. Disability and Medical
Generally, Ch. 632, Subch. VI
Adopted children, mandatory coverage, 632.896
Alcohol, drug abuse and mental disorders, group policies, 632.89
Application for individual policy, uniform, 601.41 (10)
Assignability, 632.71
Autism coverage, 632.895 (12m)
Badger Care program, 49.665
BadgerCare Plus program, 49.471
Boxers, insurance coverage, 444.18
Certification of disability, 632.64, 632.99
Change of beneficiary, 632.71
Change of occupation provision, 632.77 (1)
Restriction or termination, right to independent evaluation, 632.875
Treatments covered, 609.70, 632.87 (3)
Claim and billing forms:
Standardization, 632.725
Uniform claim processing form, 146.96, 610.65
Claims experience disclosure, 632.797
Colorectal cancer screening, 632.895 (16m)
Consent, 631.07 (2), (3)
Consumer guide, 153.21
Continuation coverage, 632.897
Contraception coverage, 632.895 (17)
Conversion to individual policy, 632.897
Cooperative health care plans, 185.981 to 185.985
Coverage denial:
Appeal, 632.835
Denial because liability policy may cover, prohibited, 632.845
Written reason required, 609.89, 631.17
Current procedural terminology code changes, 632.726
Death, presumed from absence, 632.75 (1)
Dental services, restrictions relating to fees, 632.873
Dependent coverage, 632.885
Exclusion of certain dependent children, prohibited, 632.75 (3)
Diabetes, equipment, supplies and education for treatment, coverage, 632.895 (6)
Disability income, product review; interstate insurance product regulation commission, 601.58
Disability insurance, defined, 632.895 (1) (a)
Disclosure requirements, 628.38
Estimated costs to insurer for covered procedures, 632.798
Dividends, 632.75 (2)
Domestic abuse, restrictions on related insurance practices, 631.95
Drugs, prescription, restrictions on services, 632.853, 632.86
Chemotherapy, equality for oral and injected, 609.837
Emergency care, coverage without prior approval, 632.85
Estoppel from medical examination, 632.71
Experimental treatment, requirements if limited, 632.855
Facility of payment provision, 632.77 (4)
Genetic tests, restrictions on use, 631.89
Grace period required, 632.78
Grandchildren, coverage, 632.895 (5m)
Grievance procedure, 632.83
Group health claims experience disclosure, 632.797
Group health plans:
Contract termination and renewability, 632.749
Definitions, 632.745
Discrimination prohibited, 632.748
Guaranteed acceptance, 632.747
Guaranteed renewability of individual coverage, 632.7495
Preexisting conditions, portability, restrictions, enrollment periods, 632.746
Handicapped children, policy extension, 632.88
Health care professionals, services covered, 632.87
Hearing aids, cochlear implants, other devices; for children, 632.895 (16)
HIV infection:
Drug coverage, 632.895 (9)
Exclusions and limitations prohibited, 631.93
HIV tests, 631.90
Home health care benefits, 632.895 (2)
Hospital services, payments, 632.75 (5)
Immunization coverage, 632.895 (14)
Incontestability, 632.76
Interstate insurance product regulation compact and commission, 601.58
Kidney disease treatment benefits, 632.895 (4)
Limitation on payment provision, 632.77 (3)
Long-term care policies:
Benefit appeals, 632.84
Midterm termination, 632.825
Minimum standards, 632.81