ATV route signage revisions re highways designated as ATV routes by political subdivisions - Act 193
``Richard A. Grobschmidt Memorial Bridge”: bridge on the Hank Aaron State Trail in Lakeshore State Park in the City of Milwaukee designated as; contributions from interested parties provision - Act 84
Snowmobile trail aids and supplemental trail aids increased; trail use sticker fees increased and made permanent; Snowmobile Recreational Council to study options to ensure adequate funding for development and maintenance of trails [Sec. 1900sg-x, 9133 (6f)] - Act 59
State parks and recreation areas: vehicle admission and overnight camping fees revised; DNR and DOT to develop plan for a recreational passport when renewing vehicle registration, special license plate provision; cap on electric receptacles increased; FTE positions decrease re forestry and parks report [Sec. 340m, 557-565d, f, 9101 (11u), 9133 (6u), 9333 (2), 9433 (1), (2)] [9101 (11u) -- partial veto] - Act 59
White Mound County Park: DNR to sell to Sauk County for recreational purposes - Act 56
natural resources boardNatural Resources Board
White Mound County Park: DNR to sell to Sauk County for recreational purposes - Act 56
neenah, city ofNeenah, City of, see Winnebago County
newspaper and magazineNewspaper and magazine
Legal notices: class 2 and class 3 notice revisions; municipal website provision - Act 353
Newspaper compensation for publication of legal notices: criteria revised, definition provisions - Act 282
Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine printed four times annually plus online content, DNR communications director to serve as editor [Sec. 515, 9133 (5)] - Act 59
Quarry operations: limiting authority of political subdivisions to place limits or conditions on; definitions, permit, noise, and ordinance provisions [Sec. 982i-mf, q-qe, s, t, 984ig, ij, 1305p, 9431 (1i), (2i)] [vetoed] - Act 59
nominationNomination, see Elections
nonpoint source pollutionNonpoint source pollution, see Water -- Pollution
nonstock corporationNonstock corporation, see Corporation
notary publicNotary public
Alcohol beverage licenses and permits and cigarette and tobacco products retailer licenses: application form signature and notarized requirements modified; corporate agent and false information penalty provisions - Act 289
noticeNotice, see School; specific subject
Addiction medicine consultation program: DHS to create and administer - Act 28
Advanced practice clinician training programs: grants to hospitals and clinics to establish [Sec. 371t, 1657b] - Act 59
DSPS regulation of professions and building and safety laws revisions re notice of request to inspect or copy building plans, list of licensed retail supplies of LPG, review of local construction site erosion control program, membership of certain boards and credentialing boards, nursing practice law, physician assistant renewal date, Cemetery Board filings, and DSPS employed mining inspector; local ordinance regulating tattooing and body piercing prohibited - Act 329
Dual employment with a state agency or authority: restriction clarified and exemption for licensed health care providers created [Sec. 137-139] - Act 59
Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact ratified; emergency rules provision - Act 135
Practice of podiatry under supervision of a podiatrist: license exception for nonsurgical services provided by advanced practice nurse prescriber; physician assistant provisions and administrative rule revisions [Admin.Code Med 8.01, 8.02, 8.05, 8.07, 8.09, 8.10] - Act 227
Services that may be covered by MA if prescribed or ordered by a provider acting within the scope of the provider’s practice regulations - Act 119
Substance abuse: reporting requirements for certain credentialing boards re opioids; federal waiver re dispensing narcotics for addiction treatment; buprenorphine prior authorization review and report; counseling changes re licensing and who can offer treatment; school health instruction requirements; graduate program in psychiatric mental health nursing at UW—Madison; training resources for social service workers; DCF, DHS, and DSPS duties; administrative rules provisions [Admin.Code DHS 75.02, 75.03; MPSW 1.09; SPS 160 (title), 160.015, 160.02, 160.03, 161, 163.01, 163.02, 164.01, 165, 166, 168] - Act 262
Workforce training grants (Fast Forward Program): use expanded for collaborative projects, teacher training, nursing training program, internship placement, and improved workforce retention; grant to support the Building Occupational Skills for Success (BOSS) program; report, sunset, and DWD duties [Sec. 398-399, 1397-1402, 1404, 1406, 9151 (1), (2), (5q), 9451 (2q)] - Act 59
nursing homes and adult careNursing homes and adult care, see also Veteran -- Hospitals and home
BOALTC and ombudsman program revisions [Sec. 32, 75-110, 1662] - Act 59
Family Care funding: work with care management organizations and Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services to increase payments for direct care services, JCF provision [Sec. 928r] [partial veto] - Act 59
Family Care Partnership program: DHS to request MA waiver to expand, JCF approval [Sec. 9120 (4k)] [vetoed] - Act 59
Nursing home bed assessment: exemption for county-owned institutions for mental disease and certain facilities not certified to participate in Medicaid or Medicare, waiver provision [Sec. 969n-r] [vetoed] - Act 59
Nursing home bed licenses: DHS to redistribute to 18 beds, criteria specified, report required [Sec. 9120 (5b)] [vetoed] - Act 59
People with Developmental Disabilities, Board for, to develop program providing coaching for the hiring of individuals with disabilities enrolled in long-term care programs - Act 323
Services that may be covered by MA if prescribed or ordered by a provider acting within the scope of the provider’s practice regulations - Act 119
Therapeutic or modified diets in certain long term care facilities: physician may delegate prescribing to a licensed or certified dietitian [Admin.Code DHS 132.63, 134.64] - Act 101
Nutrition education standards modified re knowledge of nutritive value of food and nutritious diet in promoting health - Act 152
Therapeutic or modified diets in certain long term care facilities: physician may delegate prescribing to a licensed or certified dietitian [Admin.Code DHS 132.63, 134.64] - Act 101
W-2 and FoodShare employment and training (FSET) programs: performance-based payment system for contractors; healthy eating incentive pilot program for FoodShare eligible households, sunset provision - Act 266
Sexually explicit representation solicited from a minor: crime created, penalty provisions - Act 129
Superintendent of Public Instruction may revoke a license for immoral conduct, definition revised re pornographic material; governing bodies of schools (public, private, charter) prohibited from aiding an employee, contractor, or agent in obtaining a new job in a school or educational agency if there is reason to believe child sexual abuse has been committed - Act 130
oconto, city ofOconto, City of
``PFC Valentine T. Warrichaiet Memorial Bridge”: DOT to designate and mark bridge on USH 41 across the Oconto River in City of Oconto as - Act 276
oil and oil inspectionOil and oil inspection, see Petroleum
olympic gamesOlympic Games
Olympic, Paralympic, and Special Olympics medals won by individuals: income tax exemption for value of and any payments from the U.S. Olympic Committee or Special Olympics Board of Directors [Sec. 1023s, 9338 (16c)] - Act 59
BOALTC and ombudsman program revisions [Sec. 32, 75-110, 1662] - Act 59
oostburg, village ofOostburg, Village of, see Sheboygan County
open enrollment re schoolOpen enrollment re school, see School -- Attendance
operating while intoxicated _owi_Operating while intoxicated (OWI), see Drunken driving
opioidOpioid, see Drugs
Airport and spaceport approach protection: ordinance cannot prohibit use of physical barrier in lieu of certain drainage requirement re storm retention pond [Sec. 1460m] [vetoed] - Act 59
ATV and UTV operation on highways: municipal ordinances authorizing permitted, conditions set - Act 87
Drone definition modified; political subdivision ordinance governing certain aircraft or aeronautics restricted but may enact ordinance limiting use of drones by the political subdivision - Act 322
DSPS regulation of professions and building and safety laws revisions re notice of request to inspect or copy building plans, list of licensed retail supplies of LPG, review of local construction site erosion control program, membership of certain boards and credentialing boards, nursing practice law, physician assistant renewal date, Cemetery Board filings, and DSPS employed mining inspector; local ordinance regulating tattooing and body piercing prohibited - Act 329
Electrical wiring code for certain housing review by DSPS; legal description for easements re sewer lines or facilities; development-related permits from more than one political subdivision; exemption from highway weight limits for vehicles delivering propane; review or report on bills and proposed administrative rules that affect housing modified; property owner rights regarding assessment; and maintenance and construction activities on certain structures under a county shoreland zoning ordinance - Act 68
Financial assistance for lead-containing customer-side water service lines: water public utility and political subdivision may provide; conditions, ordinance, and PSC duties - Act 137
Floodplain determination and floodplain zoning ordinance required to conform to a letter of map amendment (LOMA) from FEMA; exception and DNR provisions - Act 242
Habitual parking violator: authority of county or municipality to enact an ordinance to immobilize, remove, impound, and dispose of motor vehicle - Act 286
Landlord and tenant regulations revised; political subdivision authority modified re historic properties, municipal dwelling inspection, levy limit reduction and garbage collection exception, and certain fees; public utility service to rental dwelling units; municipal utility arrearage collection; eviction action procedural changes; removing case management information from CCAP; open housing law re service, assistance, or emotional support animals; municipal administrative review; enforcement of rental unit energy efficiency program; local government rental property inspection program - Act 317
Local government ordinance authority re wage claims and collections, employee hours and overtime, required employee benefits, and soliciting salary history of prospective employees preempted; political subdivision minimum wage exemptions eliminated and imposing occupational license requirements prohibited; state and local governments prohibited from requiring any person to accept certain collective bargaining provisions or waive rights under federal or state labor laws, penalty provision - Act 327
Lodging marketplace defined, required to register with DOR, and collect sales and room tax; limits on residential dwelling rental by political subdivisions prohibited, short-term rental provisions [Sec. 985L-r, 996g, 9331 (5t)] - Act 59
Motorboat towing a person on water skis: restrictions on operating modified re mirror; local ordinance provision - Act 163
Municipal treasurer to execute surety bond for payment of property taxes to county treasurer unless ordinance obligating payment is enacted - Act 52
Political subdivision authority revisions re expiration of local approvals, division of land by certified survey map, levy limit exception, contesting an imposed fee, sewerage system service changes, prohibiting Saturday work, uniform dwelling code, building inspector and certain ordinances, inclusionary zoning ordinances, security required for plat approval, substantial completion of public improvements, subdivision approval conditions, construction banners, storm water management, eminent domain, housing-related reports, rental housing units regulation, and zoning amendment protest - Act 243
Professional credentials: prohibition on using specified titles without proper certification; businesses prohibited from representing services from specified professionals unless properly certified or registered; ordinance restricting use of specified titles prohibited; trademark, DATCP authority to bring court action, and penalty provisions - Act 73
PSC duties re state energy policy and regulation of public utilities; settlements in PSC dockets requirements; procedure for handling complaints of violations of the one-call system re natural gas and other hazardous materials created and other revisions, PSC duties and forfeiture provisions; treatment of certain utility facilities under county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinances; appropriation and advertising provisions - Act 136
Quarry operations: limiting authority of political subdivisions to place limits or conditions on; definitions, permit, noise, and ordinance provisions [Sec. 982i-mf, q-qe, s, t, 984ig, ij, 1305p, 9431 (1i), (2i)] [vetoed] - Act 59
Sale of foreclosed property: county ordinance requiring sheriff or referee to use an Internet-based auction authorized; priority lien provisions - Act 208
School levy, lottery and gaming, and first dollar property tax credits: allowing a municipal ordinance having DOA distribute amounts directly to the municipality rather than the county [Sec. 1211] - Act 59
organ donationOrgan donation, see Transplant