Referred on June 6, 2018.
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Reference Bureau

Date:   June 25, 2018
To:   Patrick E. Fuller, Assembly Chief Clerk
  Jeffrey Renk, Senate Chief Clerk
From:   Bruce J. Hoesly, Code Editor
Subject: Rules published in the June, 2018 Wisconsin Administrative Register, No. 750.
The following rules have been published:
Clearinghouse Rule 16-053 effective 7-1-2018
Clearinghouse Rule 16-075 effective 7-1-2018
8-1-2018, 3-1-2019, 1-1-2020
Clearinghouse Rule 17-014 effective 7-1-2018
Clearinghouse Rule 17-019 effective 7-1-2018
Clearinghouse Rule 17-026 effective 7-1-2018
Clearinghouse Rule 17-032 effective 7-1-2018
Clearinghouse Rule 17-041 effective 7-1-2018
Clearinghouse Rule 17-060 effective 7-1-2018
Clearinghouse Rule 17-062 effective 7-1-2018
Clearinghouse Rule 17-065 effective 7-1-2018
Clearinghouse Rule 17-071 effective 7-1-2018
Clearinghouse Rule 17-076 effective 7-1-2018
Clearinghouse Rule 17-077 effective 7-1-2018
Clearinghouse Rule 17-091 effective 7-1-2018
Clearinghouse Rule 18-011 effective 7-1-2018
State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Elections Commission
June 26, 2018
The Honorable Patrick Fuller, Chief Clerk
Wisconsin State Assembly
17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53701
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
I am pleased to provide you with a copy of the official canvass of the June 12, 2018 Special Election vote for Representative to the Assembly, District 42, along with the determination by the designee of the Chairperson of the Wisconsin Elections Commission of the winner.
With this letter, I am including the original Certificate of Election and a copy for your records.
If the Elections Commission can provide you with further information or assistance, please contact our office.
Interim Administrator
Wisconsin Elections Commission
Statement of Canvass for Representative to the Assembly Special Partisan Election – June 12, 2018
I, Commissioner Jodi Jensen, designee of the Chairperson of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, certify that the attached tabular statement, as compiled from the certified returns made to the Wisconsin Elections Commission by the county clerks of Columbia, Dane, Doge, Fond du Lac, Green Lake and Marquette Counties, contains a correct abstract of the total number of votes given for the election of a candidate for Representative to the Assembly, at a Special Partisan Election held in the several cities, villages, towns, wards and election districts in said county on the Twelfth day June, 2018
I Determine and Certify that the following candidate, having received the greatest number of votes, is duly elected Representative to the Assembly:
  District       Elected
  42       Jon Plumer
Done in the City of Madison, this 26th day of June, 2018
Designee of the Chairperson
Wisconsin Elections Commission
Certificate of Election
I, Meagan Wolfe, Interim Administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission of the State of Wisconsin, certify that
Jon Plumer
was elected to the office of
Representative to the Assembly
from the Forty-Second Assembly District of the State of Wisconsin, for the term of two years commencing on January 2, 2017, and ending on January 7, 2019, as shown on the official canvass of the votes cast at the Special Election held on June 12, 2018.
Done in the City of Madison, this 26th day of June 2018
Interim Administrator
Wisconsin Elections Commission
Oath of Office
On Wednesday, June 27 Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin J. Vos administered the oath of office to Jon Plumer of the 42nd Assembly District in a ceremony held in the Assembly Parlor.
Agency Reports
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 13.172 (2) and (3), following is a list of agency reports received from executive branch and legislative service agencies for the month of June, 2018.
Department of Children and Families  
90-Day Summary Report for Child Death, Serious Injury or Egregious Incident
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 48.981 (7)(cr)3.b
Received on June 1, 2018
Referred to Children and Families
Joint Legislative Council
2017 Annual Report Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 227.15 (5)
Received on June 4, 2018
Department of Children and Families  
2017 Annual Read to Lead Development Council Operations Report
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 48.53 (2)
  Received on June 4, 2018
Referred to Children and Families
Wisconsin Ethics Commission
Updated list of authorized lobbyists
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 13.685 (7)
Received on June 5, 2018