Assessments and exemptions, delivery to revenue department, 70.53
Failure to return reports, 69.67
Taxes levied, delivery to county, 69.60
Taxes levied, delivery to revenue department, 69.61
Tax revenue, notify county treasurer, 61.25 (10)
Training programs; state treasurer may conduct, 14.59
Accounts and claims, allowance or disallowance, 61.51
Audits and reports, finances and operations, 66.0605
Action to contest, limitation, 893.77
Administrative regulations, 67.10
Authorization, XI, 3; 67.03
Limited to express purposes, 61.61
Conduit revenue bonds, 66.0304
Form and contents, 67.06
Issues, procedure, 67.05
Payment and maturity, 67.07
Protest; issuance stayed, 67.22
Certification of obligations, 67.025
Debt limit, XI, 3; 67.03
Debt service fund, 67.11
Definitions, 67.01
Diversion of funds, liability, 67.17
Execution and sale of obligations, 67.08
Joint city-county projects, 66.0913
Public improvement bonds, 66.0619, 66.0713, 67.16
Public utilities, transportation; financing acquisition, improvement, operation, 66.0621
Purposes for borrowing, 67.04
Refunding, pre 1922 bonds, 992.04
Registration of obligations, 67.09
Regulations generally, 67.10
Sale of obligations, 67.08
State trust fund loans:
Authorization, 24.61 (3)
Collection, 24.70
Procedures, generally, see State—17. Loans, Trust Fund
Tax-exempt, private activity bonds, allocation of volume cap, 238.10
Temporary borrowing, 67.045, 67.12
Validation of debt, 67.02, 67.24, 67.25
Pre 1922 debts, 67.02 (1), 992.04
Variable rate obligations, 67.15
Budget requirements, 65.90
Appropriation restrictions, 66.0601
Attacking, statute of limitations, 893.75
Cooperative with other municipalities, 66.0301
Execution, manner, 61.50
Labor peace agreement requirements prohibited, 66.0134
Violation, criminal penalty, 947.21
Payments on contracts, bonds and other obligations; statute of limitations, 893.61
Public works contracts, see Public works contracts, under this subhead
Deposits and depositories, 34.05 (1), 61.26 (3)
Tax payments, depository authority to receive, 74.125
Disbursements, procedure:
Generally, 66.0607
Accounts and claims, allowance or disallowance, 61.51
Fire, EMT, and first responder volunteer funds, separate accounts for, 66.0608
Fiscal year, 61.51 (3)
Housing authority, 66.1211 (2)
Inducements to state for location of institutions prohibited, 66.0601
Industrial development, 66.1101
Drainage district, notification, if affected, 66.1102
Revenue bonding, job impact estimates, 66.1103, 238.11
Investments, 66.0603
Investments and advances of credit, generally, Ch. 219
For detailed analysis, see Investments
Local government pooled-investment fund, 25.50
Loans by village to school districts, 61.34 (4)
Money of account; dollar, cent, mill, 138.01
Payrolls, 61.51 (2)
Prevailing wage ordinance; prohibition, 66.0903
Public improvement projects, financing, 66.0621
Public utilities or transportation, service contracts and franchises, 66.0815 (2)
Public works contracts:
Energy savings performance contracting, 66.0133
Labor peace agreement requirements prohibited, 66.0134
Violation, criminal penalty, 947.21
Letting, 61.54, 62.15, 66.0901
Liability of contractor, bond, 779.14
Payment by municipality, 66.0715
Recycling or resource recovery or certain water facilities, acquisition without bids, 61.57
Substance abuse prevention, required program, 103.503
Validation, 992.17
Wage scale, 66.0903
Cooperative with state and technical information from, 16.73
General requirements, 66.0131