67.05(7)(d)1.1. Whenever the purpose for which any municipality proposes to issue bonds is required by law to be approved by a vote of its electors, such a vote in favor of the issue for that express purpose shall be construed as an approval of the purpose by the electors; and the question of approving the purpose need not be separately submitted.
67.05(7)(d)2.2. If a school board adopts an initial resolution to raise an amount of money by a bond issue, and either sub. (6a) (a) 2. does not apply as a result of sub. (6a) (b) or the initial resolution is not subject to a referendum as a result of par. (cc), (er), (h), or (i), the school board has the power to borrow and spend the amount for the purpose stated without the approval of the electors of the school district.
67.05(7)(d)3.3. If a school board adopts an initial resolution to raise an amount of money by a bond issue, and either the public hearing under sub. (6a) (a) 2. b. is for informational purposes only or sub. (6a) (am) 3. applies, the power of the school board to borrow and spend the amount for the purpose stated shall be deemed approved by the electors of the school district if a sufficient petition for a referendum is not filed within the time permitted under sub. (6a) (am) 1.
67.05(7)(e)(e) An initial resolution adopted by the governing body of a city or village for an issue of bonds to create a revolving fund out of which to advance the cost of any work for which special assessments may be levied, in anticipation of the collection by the city or village treasurer of the special assessments, special improvement certificates and improvement bonds, made or issued for the cost thereof, need not be submitted to the electors under sub. (5) unless, within 30 days after the adoption thereof, a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 requesting such submission, signed by electors numbering at least 10 percent of the votes cast for governor in the city or village at the last general election, is filed in the office of the city or village clerk. Whenever a number of electors cannot be determined on the basis of reported statistics, the number shall be determined in accordance with s. 60.74 (6). If such petition is filed, proceedings shall be had under sub. (5). Any such resolution may, in the discretion of the governing body, by separate recorded resolution, be submitted to popular vote without the filing of a petition.
67.05(7)(er)(er) An initial resolution adopted by the school board of a school district for the purpose of issuing up to $2,000,000 in debt for the costs associated with an environmental remediation project on district-owned property and under an environmental remediation plan approved by the department of natural resources and the federal environmental protection agency shall not be submitted to a referendum vote.
67.05(7)(f)(f) An initial resolution adopted by any county, town, city or village for the purpose of acquiring, developing, remodeling, constructing and equipping land, buildings and facilities for regional projects, either alone or acting jointly under s. 66.0301, shall not be subject to a referendum.
67.05(7)(g)(g) An initial resolution adopted by any town sanitary district under sub. (1) may be submitted to the electors by separate resolution of the board. If the board does not adopt such a separate resolution, the initial resolution may not be submitted to the electors unless, within 30 days after its adoption, a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 requesting such submission, signed by electors numbering at least 10 percent of the votes cast for governor in the district at the last general election, is filed with the district clerk requesting a referendum. If a petition is filed, the board shall proceed under sub. (5).
67.05(7)(h)(h) If a school district is ordered by a court or a state or federal agency to remove a hazardous substance from a school, an initial resolution adopted by the school board for the purpose of complying with the order is not subject to a referendum. This paragraph does not apply to financing the construction of a new school.
67.05(7)(i)(i) If a school district is ordered by a court, state agency or fire chief of a city or village to remedy any violation of a state statute or rule or municipal or county ordinance relating to fire hazards or to the prevention of fire, an initial resolution adopted by the school board for the purpose of complying with the order is not subject to a referendum. This paragraph does not apply to financing the construction of a new school or other school district facility.
67.05(7)(j)(j) An initial resolution adopted by the school board of a school district created by a reorganization under s. 117.105, or adopted by the school board of a school district from which territory is detached to create a school district under s. 117.105, for the purpose of financing any assets or liabilities apportioned to the school district or assets apportioned to another school district under s. 117.105 (1m) or (2m), is not subject to a referendum.
67.05(7)(k)(k) Subsection (6m) does not apply to an initial resolution adopted by a technical college district board to purchase or construct a facility to be used as an applied technology center to which s. 38.15 (3) (c) applies.
67.05(10)(10)Direct, annual, irrepealable tax. The governing body of every municipality proceeding under this chapter shall, at the time of or after the adoption of an initial resolution in compliance with sub. (1) or (2), or, after the approval of the resolution by popular vote when such approval is required, and before issuing any of the contemplated bonds, levy by recorded resolution a direct, annual tax sufficient in amount to pay and for the express purpose of paying the interest on such bonds as it falls due, and also to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity. The municipality shall be and continue without power to repeal such levy or obstruct the collection of the tax until all such payments have been made or provided for. After the issue of the bonds, the tax shall be from year to year carried into the tax roll of the municipality and collected as other taxes are collected, provided that the amount of tax carried into the tax roll may be reduced in any year by the amount of any surplus money in the debt service fund created under s. 67.11, and provided further that the municipality issuing the bonds may make an appropriation in advance of the authorization of the bonds to provide funds for any payment coming due on the bonds prior to the first collection of taxes levied for that payment. The amount of the appropriation shall be based on estimates of the amount of bonds to be sold and the rate of interest the bonds will bear. The appropriation shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which appropriated and any surplus in the appropriation shall be transferred to the general fund of the municipality. The municipality is not required to levy a tax equal to the amount of that appropriation.
67.05(11)(11)Authority to borrow and issue bonds, when complete. Every municipality that has first complied with all the requirements prescribed for and made applicable to it by subs. (1) to (10), may, but not otherwise, borrow money and issue and sell or hypothecate its municipal bonds to the amount and for the purposes specified in the initial resolution.
67.05(12)(12)Record of proceedings. Every municipality shall provide and keep a separate record book or record books in which its municipal clerk shall record a full and correct statement of every step or proceeding had or taken in the course of authorizing and issuing municipal bonds, or of incurring any other municipal obligation under the provisions of this chapter, including a statement of the number of affirmative and negative votes cast by electors.
67.05(13)(13)Combination of issues. Bonds authorized under various initial resolutions may, in the discretion of the governing body, be combined into one issue and designated as “corporate purpose bonds”. The resolution providing for such combination and the bond form for the combined issue shall separately itemize the amount being issued for each of the purposes provided by the underlying initial resolutions.
67.05(14)(14)Referendum not required for certain temporary borrowing. This section shall not be construed to require, or at any time before July 9, 1955, to have required, the submission to the electors for approval of any borrowing under s. 67.12, the provisions of said s. 67.12 being controlling as to such borrowing.
67.05(15)(15)Referendum not required for refunding obligations. This section does not require the submission to the electors for their approval of any resolution that authorizes the issuance of municipal obligations to refund outstanding municipal obligations or the interest on outstanding municipal obligations.
67.05 AnnotationThe whole school bond referendum process did not become illegal because the board of canvassers was improperly composed of 6 of the 7 school board members, plus 3 city council members. Karker v. Board of Unified School District No. 1 of Ashland, 51 Wis. 2d 542, 187 N.W.2d 160 (1971).
67.0667.06Form and contents of bonds. Every municipal bond shall be a negotiable instrument payable to bearer, or, in case of registered bonds, to the registered owner; shall bear interest; shall specify the times and the place or places of payment of principal and interest; shall be numbered consecutively with the other bonds of the same issue which shall begin with number one and continue upward, or, if so directed by the governing body, shall begin with any other number and continue upward; shall bear on its face a name indicative of the purpose specified for it in the resolution of the governing body authorizing its issuance or in a resolution pursuant to s. 67.05 (13); shall contain a statement that a direct annual irrepealable tax has been levied by the municipality sufficient to pay the interest when it falls due, and also to pay and discharge the principal at maturity; may contain a statement that the bond is callable with or without premium on conditions prescribed on it; and may contain any other statement of fact not in conflict with the resolution. The entire issue may be composed of bonds of a single denomination or 2 or more denominations.
67.06 HistoryHistory: 1973 c. 172; 1983 a. 207.
67.0767.07Maturity and place of payment. The principal of every sum borrowed and secured by an issue of municipal bonds may be made payable at one time in a single payment or at several times in 2 or more installments; but every installment, whether of principal or interest, shall be made payable not later than 20 years after the original date of the bonds, except that when the bonds are issued for the acquisition of lands by a county having a population of 150,000 or over, for public, municipal purposes or for the permanent improvement thereof, by a sewerage district or county having a population of 150,000 or over for sewerage purposes and by any city for sewerage purposes, all installments of principal and interest shall be made payable within a period not exceeding 50 years from the original date of the bonds. The terms of the bonds shall comply with the initial resolution.
67.07 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 154; 1981 c. 282; 1983 a. 207.
67.0867.08Execution and negotiation.
67.08(1)(1)Municipal obligations shall be executed in the name of and for the municipality issuing them by their qualified officers who shall, for that purpose, sign the same in their official capacities, as follows: for a county, the chairperson of the county board and the county clerk; for a city, the mayor or the city manager and the city clerk; for a village, the president and the village clerk; for a town, the chairperson and the town clerk; for a technical college district, the chairperson and secretary; for a metropolitan sewerage district established under ss. 200.21 to 200.65, the chairperson and secretary; for any other municipality, the president and clerk or secretary of the governing body. The facsimile signature of any of the officers executing a municipal obligation may be imprinted on the municipal obligation in lieu of the manual signature of the officer but, unless a municipality has contracted with a fiscal agent under s. 67.10 (2) to authenticate the municipal obligation, at least one of the signatures appearing on each municipal obligation shall be a manual signature. Municipal obligations bearing the signatures of officers in office on the date of the execution of the municipal obligations remain valid and binding even if before the delivery of the municipal obligations any or all of the persons whose signatures appear on the municipal obligations have ceased to be officers of the municipality issuing them. Each municipal obligation issued by a municipality having an official or corporate seal shall be sealed with such seal or a printed facsimile of such seal.
67.08(2)(2)The sale of bonds shall be public and noticed as provided by resolution, except that refunding bonds and bonds issued by a municipality and to be purchased by itself for any of the debt service accounts for any of its bond issues or any trust or reserve fund of the municipality may be sold at public or private sale. Bonds may be sold at such price or prices as shall be determined by the municipality.
67.08(3)(3)Any or all bids received may be rejected and the sale canceled, or the sale of all or any part of the bonds negotiated, after bids at public sale have been rejected or if no bids are received.
67.08(5)(5)Such negotiation and sale, or other disposition, may be effected by a disposition from time to time of portions only of the entire issue when the purpose for which the bonds have been authorized does not require an immediate realization upon all of them.
67.0967.09Registration of municipal obligations.
67.09(1)(1)All municipal obligations may be payable to bearer or may be registered as to the principal or principal and interest by the clerk or treasurer of the municipality issuing them or such other officers or agents, including fiscal agents under s. 67.10 (2), as the governing body of the municipality determines. Registrations shall be recorded.
67.09(2)(2)The holder of any registrable bearer municipal obligation may have the ownership thereof registered under sub. (1), and such registration noted on the municipal obligation by or on behalf of the municipality. After such registration, no transfer thereof shall be valid unless made on the records of the municipality by the registered owner in person or by the registered owner’s duly authorized attorney and similarly noted on the municipal obligation, but the same may be discharged from registration by being in like manner transferred to bearer, and thereafter transferability by delivery shall be restored; but such bond may again be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest or transferred to bearer, as before. Registration only as to principal under this section shall not affect the negotiability of the appurtenant coupons, but every such coupon shall continue to be transferable upon delivery and shall remain payable to bearer.
67.09(3)(3)Any municipality may establish a book entry system as a means of identifying the persons entitled to receive principal and interest payments on any of its municipal obligations, maintaining such a system itself or contracting for its maintenance.
67.09 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 24; 1987 a. 197; 1991 a. 316.
67.1067.10Fiscal and administrative regulations.
67.10(1)(1)Money of the United States. All money received in payment of any tax levied under this chapter shall be lawful money of the United States; all municipal obligations shall be issued in exchange for lawful money of the United States or an obligation of the federal reserve bank or the state to pay such money; and all municipal obligations shall be payable in such money.
67.10(2)(2)Fiscal agents. The governing body of any municipality may appoint a fiscal agent or fiscal agents. Every fiscal agent shall be an incorporated bank or trust company authorized by the laws of the United States or of the state in which it is located to do a banking or trust company business or shall be a Wisconsin governmental body or officer. This contract may create a trust relationship and may provide for the performance by the fiscal agent of any of the following functions:
67.10(2)(a)(a) Distribution of municipal obligations.
67.10(2)(b)(b) Payment of debt service.
67.10(2)(c)(c) Investment of funds.
67.10(2)(d)(d) Registration of municipal obligations.
67.10(2)(e)(e) Maintenance of a book entry system.
67.10(2)(f)(f) Transfer of municipal securities.
67.10(2)(g)(g) Maintenance of registration books.
67.10(2)(h)(h) Accounting for payment of debt service.
67.10(2)(i)(i) Accounting for and cancellation of municipal obligations.
67.10(2)(j)(j) Authentication of municipal obligations.
67.10(3)(3)Borrowed money fund, source and use. All borrowed money shall be paid into the treasury of the municipality borrowing it, be entered in an account separate and distinct from all other funds, disbursements charged thereto shall be for the purpose for which it was borrowed and for no other purpose, except as provided by s. 67.11, but including the reimbursement of a temporary advance from other funds of the municipality or the repayment of a temporary loan by the municipality if such advance or loan has been made in anticipation of the borrowed money and for the same purpose, and such disbursements shall be only upon orders or warrants charged to said fund and expressing the purpose for which they are drawn. Money in the borrowed money fund may be temporarily invested as provided in s. 66.0603 (1m).
67.10(4)(4)Time limit for sales and hypothecations. Except as provided otherwise by sub. (6) for cities of the 1st class every authorized municipal bond shall be sold or hypothecated within the 5 years next following the adoption, or the approval, when approval by popular vote is required, of the initial resolution authorizing its issue, except when such sale or hypothecation has been delayed by an action to determine the validity of the prior proceedings, in which case the period of such delay may be added to said 5 years.
67.10(5)(5)Anticipatory contracts in general.
67.10(5)(a)(a) After any municipality has provided, as required by s. 67.05 (11), for an issue of bonds, or as required by s. 67.12 (12), for an issue of promissory notes, for a lawful purpose which can be accomplished only through performance of an executory contract by some other contracting party, such contract may be entered into before the actual execution, sale or hypothecation of the bonds or promissory notes, or receipt of payment therefor, with like effect as if the necessary cash for payments on the contract were already in the treasury.
67.10(5)(b)(b) Any city having voted bonds at a special referendum election and having sold a portion thereof may negotiate, sell or otherwise dispose of the same in the manner provided by statute within 9 years of the date of the election voting the same.
67.10(6)(6)Anticipatory contracts in 1st class cities.
67.10(6)(a)1.1. A 1st class city may enter into a contract in anticipation of the sale of bonds and make expenditures prior to the sale of the bonds for the purposes for which the bonds have been authorized if:
67.10(6)(a)1.a.a. The common council has authorized the issuance of the bonds for any lawful purpose.
67.10(6)(a)1.b.b. The commissioners of the public debt have certified to the comptroller of the city that the bonds can be sold if the comptroller determines that there is in the city treasury sufficient money, other than that raised for the payment of interest and principal on bonds, mortgages, mortgage certificates, or similar instruments of indebtedness, to warrant entering the anticipatory contract or making the expenditures prior to the sale of bonds.
67.10(6)(a)2.2. Expenditures under this subsection may be made out of any money in the hands of the city treasurer, except money raised for the payment of interest or principal on bonds, mortgages, mortgage certificates, or similar instruments of indebtedness.
67.10(6)(a)3.3. A city under this subsection is not required to sell the bonds provided for in the initial resolution of the common council authorizing the issuance of the bonds until the comptroller deems it necessary to replace all or part of the money paid out of the treasury, or to meet maturing obligations of the city on a contract entered into under this subsection which cannot be paid out of the general treasury.
67.10(6)(a)4.4. If the comptroller deems it necessary to sell all or part of the bonds under this subsection, the comptroller shall so advise the commissioners of the public debt, in writing, specifying how many of the bonds it will be necessary to sell, and the reason therefor, and the commissioners shall sell the number of bonds specified by the comptroller.
67.10(6)(a)5.5. If a contract is entered into, or if an obligation is incurred in anticipation of the sale of bonds for a purpose related to the contract or obligation, the commissioners shall sell as many bonds as necessary to replace the money taken from the treasury, and to meet the obligations on any contracts which have matured or may mature at any time in the future. The sale of bonds under this subdivision may not be later than 3 years after the date of the bonds.
67.10(6)(a)6.6. If any bonds have been provided for in the budget of any fiscal year, and if the common council during the fiscal year authorizes the sale of the bonds, but all or part of the bonds are not sold during such year, the bonds may be sold during the ensuing fiscal year even if there is no provision for the unsold bonds in the budget of the ensuing fiscal year.
67.10(6)(b)(b) The common council of a 1st class city may, by a majority vote, appropriate money in the budget and levy taxes for any purpose for which bonds may be lawfully issued by the city. Such taxes shall be in addition to all other taxes which the city is authorized by law to levy.
67.10(6)(c)(c) If the common council of a 1st class city provides in the budget of any year for the issuance of bonds for any lawful purpose, the common council of the city may, in lieu of issuing bonds for such purpose, levy a tax in the year for any such purpose, for all or part of the amount. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes which the city is authorized by law to levy. A decision to levy a tax under this paragraph shall be made by resolution passed at a regular meeting of the common council by at least a three-fourths vote of all the members of the council-elect. No contract may be entered into or any obligation incurred for the purpose specified in the resolution, unless a tax is levied sufficient to pay the whole contract price.
67.10(6)(d)(d) Money raised by levy of taxes in lieu of bond issues under pars. (b) and (c) shall be governed by laws relating to the proceeds of bonds insofar as such laws may be applicable. If the purpose for which the taxes were levied is accomplished or completed, any unexpended portion of the moneys raised by the taxes shall become a part of the general revenues of the city.
67.10(7)(7)Attorney’s opinion on bond issue. In any municipality the officers charged with the negotiation and sale of its municipal obligations may employ an attorney whose opinion, in their judgment, will be accepted by buyers thereof as to the legality of municipal obligations issued by the municipality to pass upon the legality of any municipal obligations issued by the municipality and pay a reasonable compensation therefor.
67.10(9)(9)Accounting for and cancellation of coupons and other municipal obligations.
67.10(9)(a)(a) Any municipality issuing municipal obligations may account for and cancel coupons or other municipal obligations as provided under this subsection. The municipality shall keep in a separate book, provided for the purpose, an accurate description of every municipal obligation issued, specifying its number, date, purpose, amount, rate of interest, when payable, and the coupons attached and shall enter therewith a statement of the date and amount of each payment of principal or interest thereon. Every coupon or other municipal obligation paid or otherwise retired shall be forthwith marked “canceled” by the officer empowered to accept the instrument upon payment, may be delivered to the governing body of the municipality and may be immediately destroyed.
67.10(9)(b)(b) Any municipality, by resolution adopted by its legislative body, may use the following procedure in accounting for and canceling coupons and other municipal obligations. All coupons and other municipal obligations paid by a fiscal agent under sub. (2), at their maturities, shall be canceled and destroyed by the fiscal agent. The fiscal agent shall periodically deliver a certificate to such effect to the municipality. A municipality following this procedure which has a treasurer or other designated officer or agent who is also a paying agent for outstanding coupons or other municipal obligations or which has more than one fiscal agent may arrange for the delivery of canceled coupons and other municipal obligations to a designated fiscal agent for the purpose of having the coupons and other municipal obligations destroyed. The designated fiscal agent shall periodically furnish and deliver to the municipality a certificate evidencing the destruction of the coupons and other municipal obligations. Any municipality, prior to authorizing the fiscal agent to cancel and destroy coupons and other municipal obligations, shall enter into an agreement with the fiscal agent providing for such cancellation and destruction. The local governing body of any municipality operating under this paragraph may establish rules or procedures it finds appropriate to carry out this provision effectively.
67.10 NoteLegislative Council Note, 1979: In chapter 385, laws of 1925, the legislature withdrew s. 67.10 (6) from the statutes. Section 67.10 (6) is amended to reflect current statutory drafting practices, without any intention of making substantive changes in the law. In section 26 of this act, it is declared that s. 67.10 (6) shall be printed in future editions of the statutes. [Bill 458-A]
67.10167.101Debt amortization in 1st class cities.
67.101(1)(1)In this section “amortization fund” means the public debt amortization fund established under this section and “commission” means the public debt commission created under section 5 of chapter 87, laws of 1861. In every 1st class city, however incorporated and indebted on account of outstanding municipal bonds, a fund separate and distinct from every other fund and designated as the “Public Debt Amortization Fund” is established. Sources of the fund shall be:
67.101(1)(a)(a) All interest on moneys in the city treasury or which may accrue to the city treasury as interest earned on cash advanced for funding street improvements or delayed special assessments.
67.101(1)(b)(b) Beginning on January 1, 1973, except interest which is received by the city as a part of the aggregate amounts from the sale of capital assets, one-third of all interest money received by the city treasury on any invested city funds and one-third of all interest received by the city treasury on any other funds to the interest of which the city is entitled including one-third of all interest received on delinquent personal property taxes.
67.101(1)(c)(c) All other moneys from any source as the common council may by resolution by a two-thirds vote direct to be paid into the fund.
67.101(1)(d)(d) Moneys received by gift or bequest to the fund, except that as a condition precedent to the acceptance of any such gift or bequest, the city shall enter into a contract to be executed by the proper city officers and custodians of the fund with the donor of such gift, or the heirs of any testator making such bequest. In the contract the city and the custodians of the fund shall in consideration of the gift or bequest bind themselves and their successors in office to keep the fund intact forever, except that the fund may be used as provided under this section. The contract shall be for the express benefit of the donor, the donor’s heirs and assigns, the heirs and assigns of the testator, and every taxpayer in the city.
67.101(2)(2)The proper city officers shall segregate annually from the general fund and other funds of the city the moneys under sub. (1) (a) to (d) and credit the moneys to the amortization fund.
67.101(3)(3)The amortization fund may not be considered an offset to the constitutional debt limit.
67.101(4)(4)The commission shall be custodian of the amortization fund subject to the provisions of this chapter.
67.101(5)(5)All necessary work incident to the administration of the amortization fund shall be done by the city comptroller’s office.
67.101(6)(6)Expenses incident to the administration of the amortization fund shall be paid from the amortization fund.
67.101(7)(7)The secretary of the commission shall keep a record of all proceedings relating to the amortization fund, and an accurate account of transactions, investments, earnings and expenditures and shall make a report annually on or about September 30 of each year to the common council, and shall permit examination of the accounts and records by any person.
67.101(8)(8)The amortization fund shall be audited annually as part of the annual independent audit of the city’s financial records. The commission shall provide annually an independent certified audit of the amortization fund.
67.101(9)(9)The commission shall, when necessary, demand and enforce by proper proceeding the appropriation, segregation and payment of any amortization moneys due under this section.
67.101(10)(10)Disbursements, investments, sale or transfer of securities in the amortization fund shall be by resolution of the commission by majority vote on checks signed by the chairperson of the commission and the city treasurer and countersigned by the city comptroller.
67.101(11)(a)(a) The commission shall cause the proper officer to invest the amortization fund or part thereof as it accrues in any of the following:
67.101(11)(a)1.1. City bonds, notes, and other securities.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)