851.71 History History: 1977 c. 449; 1987 a. 15; 2011 a. 10; 2017 a. 207 s. 5.
851.71 Annotation A county's collective bargaining agreement cannot supersede the authority of circuit judges to appoint the register in probate. Iowa County v. Iowa County Courthouse, 166 Wis. 2d 614, 480 N.W.2d 499 (1992).
851.71 Annotation A register in probate has a plain legal duty to file and keep all papers properly filed. The register may refuse to accept a paper for which the proper fee is not paid and has no other grounds for refusing a pleading. Estate of Reise, 2002 WI App 83, 251 Wis. 2d 472, 642 N.W.2d 568, 01-2939.
851.72 851.72 Duties of registers in probate. The register in probate shall:
851.72(1) (1)File and keep all papers properly deposited with him or her unless required to transmit such papers.
851.72(2) (2)Keep a court record of every proceeding in the court under chs. 54 and 851 to 879 under its proper title, a brief statement of the nature of the proceeding and of all papers filed therein, with the date of filing and a reference to where minute records can be found or to the microfilm or optical disc or electronic file where papers have been stored so that the court record is a complete index or brief history of each proceeding from beginning to final disposition.
851.72(3) (3)Keep a minute record and enter therein a brief statement of all proceedings of the court under chs. 54 and 851 to 879 during its sessions, all motions made and by whom, all orders granted in open court or otherwise, and the names of all witnesses sworn or examined. If this information is all included in the court record, the judge may direct that the minute record be no longer kept.
851.72(5) (5)Keep an alphabetical index to the court record and the file containing the original documents or microfilm, optical disc, or electronic copies thereof.
851.72(6) (6)Perform any other administrative duties as the judge directs.
851.72(7) (7)Except in counties having a population of 750,000 or more, perform the duties of clerk of the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 unless these duties are performed by a person appointed under s. 48.04.
851.72(8) (8)When appointed deputy clerk under s. 851.75, perform such duties as the clerk of circuit court directs.
851.72(9) (9)In counties having a population of 750,000 or more, the register in probate shall be the department head as to all personnel, procurement, budget and related matters with reference to his or her office as register in probate. The register in probate shall appoint under ss. 63.01 to 63.16 as many deputy clerks as may be authorized by the county board, provided that the appointments shall be approved by the judge which the deputy shall serve. The deputy clerks shall aid the register in probate and deputy registers in probate in the discharge of their duties.
851.72(10) (10)Submit a monthly report to the department of health services of the deadlines for filing claims against estates set under s. 859.01 during that month in the register's county. The report shall be filed in a form and manner that may be prescribed by the department of health services.
851.72(11) (11)Annually submit to the chief judge of the judicial administrative district the statement required under s. 55.18 (5) regarding the completion of annual reviews of protective placement orders under s. 55.18 (1).
851.72 History History: 1977 c. 449; Sup. Ct. Order, 136 Wis. 2d xx (1987); 1987 a. 193; 1993 a. 16, 172; 1995 a. 27 ss. 7187, 7188, 9126 (19); 1995 a. 77; 2005 a. 264, 387; 2007 a. 20 s. 9121 (6) (a); 2015 a. 196; 2017 a. 207 s. 5.
851.72 Annotation Judges may grant supervisory authority to registers in probate under sub. (6). Manitowoc County v. Local 986A, 170 Wis. 2d 692, 489 N.W.2d 722 (Ct. App. 1992).
851.72 Annotation A register in probate has a plain legal duty to file and keep all papers properly filed. The register may refuse to accept a paper for which the proper fee is not paid and has no other grounds for refusing a pleading. Estate of Reise, 2002 WI App 83, 251 Wis. 2d 472, 642 N.W.2d 568, 01-2939.
851.72 Annotation An alphabetical index under sub. (5) is not a court record and thus is open to public access under ss. 59.14 (1) [now s. 50.20 (3) (a)] and 19.31. The index may not, however, contain results of proceedings under chs. 55 and 880 [now ch. 54]. 73 Atty. Gen. 16.
851.73 851.73 Powers of registers in probate.
851.73(1)(1)The register in probate:
851.73(1)(a) (a) May make orders for hearings when the judge is away from the county seat or unable to discharge duties or when given authority in writing by the judge and an application is made to the court in a proceeding under chs. 54 and 851 to 879 requiring notice of hearing. The order and notice when signed “by the court, ...., register in probate" has the same effect as if signed by the judge.
851.73(1)(b) (b) Has the same powers as clerks of court to certify copies of papers, records and judicial proceedings. Copies certified by registers in probate are receivable in evidence as if certified by clerks of court.
851.73(1)(c) (c) Has the power to administer any oath required by law.
851.73(1)(d) (d) Has, when appointed for this purpose, the powers of deputy clerks as provided in s. 59.40 (1).
851.73(1)(e) (e) Has, when appointed for this purpose, the powers and duties of court reporters and assistant reporters specified in SCR 71.01.
851.73(1)(f) (f) May refuse to accept any paper for filing or recording until the fee prescribed by s. 814.66 or other applicable statute is paid.
851.73(1)(g) (g) Shall have the duties and powers of a circuit court commissioner assigned to assist in probate matters and shall act in that capacity when designated to do so by a judge assigned probate jurisdiction.
851.73(2) (2)Subsection (1) applies to duly authorized deputy registers in probate.
851.73 History History: 1977 c. 449; Sup. Ct. Order, eff. 1-1-80; 1983 a. 347; 1995 a. 201; 2001 a. 61 s. 117; 2005 a. 387.
851.74 851.74 Fees in probate matters. The fees of the register in probate are prescribed in s. 814.66.
851.74 History History: 1977 c. 449; 1981 c. 317.
851.75 851.75 Register in probate may be appointed deputy clerk. With the written approval of the chief judge of the judicial administrative district, the circuit judges for the county may appoint the register in probate a deputy clerk. Appointments by the circuit judges under this section shall be revocable by the circuit judges, subject to the approval of the chief judge, at pleasure. The appointments and revocations shall be in writing and shall be filed in the clerk's office.
851.75 History History: 1977 c. 449.
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