Adult child of deceased adoptee: access to adoptee’s original birth certificate and information about birth parents; conditions specified - Act 150
Changing name of child under 14 years old allowed if a parent is convicted of certain homicide or sex offenses - Act 182
Congregate care facility or child welfare agency: DCF to provide training to staff or contractors [Sec. 195] - Act 58
Out-of-home placement of child with nonparent relative or other unlicensed person prohibited if that person has a record of a crime against a child - Act 72
Qualified residential treatment program for children: certification allowed and procedures established - Act 42
Representation of parents in CHIPS proceedings: five-county pilot program extended, report required [Sec. 192-194] - Act 58
Subsidized guardianship payments - Act 132
children _ special educational needsChildren — Special educational needs
County children with disabilities education boards: state aid and revenue limit revisions re participants in the full-time open enrollment program [Sec. 355, 361] - Act 58
Gifted and talented pupils: school board report to DPI on programs for; DPI audit and DWD Fast Forward Program provisions [vetoed] - AB903
Parental choice program, SNSP, independent charter schools, and certain private schools: DPI authority to waive education statute and rules granted in 2019 WisAct 185 extended; alternate deadlines for parental choice and SNAP [vetoed] - AB1
Parental choice program, SNSP, participating private schools, and independent charter schools: DPI authority to waive education statutes and rules and establish alternate deadlines re 2019 WisAct 185 extended to October 31, 2021; DPI cannot waive requirement re certain pupil assessment program and standardized reading test - Act 56
WPCP and RPCP prior year pupil attendance requirement to include SNSP pupils; transfers from RPCP or MPCP to WPCP when pupil’s residence changes [vetoed] - SB608
children and families department ofChildren and Families, Department of
Adoptive placements for children with special needs in foster care: funding for Wendy's Wonderful Kids program [Sec. 9106 (1)] - Act 58
Adult child of deceased adoptee: access to adoptee’s original birth certificate and information about birth parents; conditions specified - Act 150
Annual child abuse and neglect report from DCF: requirements modified; hearing by appropriate legislative standing committee required - Act 148
Child abuse: DCF to transmit citizen review panel annual reports and responses to appropriate legislative standing committee - Act 147
Child support: excluding certain military allowances in determining gross income [Admin.Code DCF 150.02] - Act 160
Children and family services distributions to counties [Sec. 204] - Act 58
Community youth and family aids funding [Sec. 196-203] - Act 58
Congregate care facility or child welfare agency: DCF to provide training to staff or contractors [Sec. 195] - Act 58
Family support repealed and child support formulas changed [Admin.Code DCF 150 (title), 150.02, 150.03, 150.035, 150.04] - Act 35
Qualified residential treatment program for children: certification allowed and procedures established - Act 42
Sexual abuse of children in out-of-home care: report requirements modified - Act 146
Subsidized guardianship payments - Act 132
TANF funding allocation changes [Sec. 208-226] [224b -- vetoed] - Act 58
chippewa countyChippewa County
Federal moneys for statewide public safety interoperable communications system, emergency services IP network contracts, geographic information systems database, and psychiatric bed capacity expansion in certain hospitals [vetoed] - AB240
Program sponsor revisions re continuing education for chiropractors, chiropractic radiological technicians, and chiropractic technicians; nutritional counseling certificate approval provisions [Admin.Code Chir 12.03] - Act 253
chiropractic examining boardChiropractic Examining Board, see Chiropractic
circuit courtCircuit court, see also Juvenile court
Board of police and fire commissioners (PFC boards) and protective services departments of first class or second class cities: changes to [vetoed] - SB117
Circuit courts designated to begin operation in 2021 [Sec. 413-416, 9107 (1), 9407 (1)] - Act 58
De novo review in actions affecting the family: procedures and parameters established - Act 205
Disqualified prospective jurors: notification to election officials and Elections Commission when person does not live in the circuit court jurisdiction or is not a U.S. citizen [vetoed] - SB945
Learning materials and educational activities used in pupil instruction in the school district: school board required to post on its Internet site; action in circuit court provision [vetoed] - SB463
Order for child support, family support, or maintenance: annual exchange of financial information specifics - Act 259
citizens utility board _cub_Citizens Utility Board (CUB), see Public utility
Disqualified prospective jurors: notification to election officials and Elections Commission when person does not live in the circuit court jurisdiction or is not a U.S. citizen [vetoed] - SB945
Elections Commission and DOT agreement re matching personally identifiable information: verification of U.S. citizenship requirement; DOT to add “Not valid for voting purposes” on operator’s licenses and ID cards of noncitizens [vetoed] - SB938
civil rightCivil right
Aaron, Henry Louis “Hank”: life honored and career accomplishments as a baseball player and civil rights icon commended [AJR2] - JR 3
Public campus administrator immunity from liability eliminated re violation of individual’s state constitutional expressive rights; cause of action and attorney fee provisions [vetoed] - AB885
Public campus administrator immunity from liability eliminated re violation of individual’s state constitutional expressive rights; cause of action and attorney fee provisions [vetoed] - AB885
clam falls town ofClam Falls, Town of, see Polk County
collective bargainingCollective bargaining
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2020-2021 contract ratification - Act 133
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2021-2022 contract ratification - Act 136
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2020-2021 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - Act 134
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2021-2022 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - Act 137
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2020-2021 contract ratification between UW Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - Act 135
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2021-2022 contract ratification between UW Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - Act 138
Public safety collective bargaining unit: 2019-21 contract ratification - Act 139
colleges and universitiesColleges and universities, see also Indians and tribal issues; Technical college; University of Wisconsin, and its subheadings
Body cameras: grants for law enforcement agencies to purchase, conditions specified - Act 185
Charter schools authorized by the College of Menominee Nation or the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College: limit eliminated [vetoed] - SB695
Civil liability exemption for entities re failure to act resulting in person's exposure to COVID-19 [vetoed] - AB1
Dual enrollment credential grants program for high schools: sunset repealed; independent charter school pupil participation in the Early College Credit Program - Act 217
Nurse educators: institutions of higher education to establish a fellowship program with educational loan repayment assistance [Sec. 29, 180] - Act 58
UI law: DWD to update IT systems, civil liability exemption for entities re COVID-19, waiting period suspension continued, noncharging of benefits, eligibility when participating in a work-share program, and certain extended benefit requirement waived - Act 4
columbarium _re inurnment of human remains_Columbarium (re inurnment of human remains), see Funeral and funeral director
communicable diseaseCommunicable disease, see Disease
community_based residential facilityCommunity-based residential facility
Nursing homes and assisted living facilities: onetime payments from certain federal moneys [vetoed] - AB236
condominiumCondominium, see Housing
constitution united statesConstitution, United States
Application to Congress under Article V of the U.S. Constitution: propose term limits for members of Congress [SJR102] - JR 18
Application to Congress under Article V of the U.S. Constitution: proposing amendments imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit terms of office for its officials and members of Congress [AJR9] - JR 9
UW System core general education requirements: diversity or ethnic studies requirement may be satisfied with completion of a course on the U.S. Constitution [vetoed] - AB884
constitutional amendments _ first considerationConstitutional amendments — First consideration
Election administration: acceptance or use of private resources by state agency or political subdivision or officer or employee of prohibited; only election officials designated by law may perform tasks. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [SJR101] - JR 17