Voter preregistration provisions for 16 and 17 year olds - SB550
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated [Sec. 21, 22] - AB43
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated - AB499
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated [Sec. 21, 22] [original bill only] - SB70
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated - SB556
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated - SB562
Voter registration forms and information provided to high school students eligible to register to vote - AB498
Voter registration forms and information provided to high school students eligible to register to vote - SB551
Voting rights restored to person convicted of a felon: DOC or jailer required to provide voter registration assistance - AB582
Voting rights restored to person convicted of a felon: DOC or jailer required to provide voter registration assistance - SB622
elections commissionElections Commission
Absentee ballot requests and returns: text message confirmation of receipt; confidentiality provision - AB38
Absentee ballot requests and returns: text message confirmation of receipt; confidentiality provision - SB39
Articles of impeachment against Meagan Wolfe, Administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission - AR18
Citizenship of individuals on official voter registration list: data shared between DOT and Elections Commission used to verify; DOT required to use the words “Not valid for voting purposes” on driver’s license or ID card of persons who are not U.S. citizens - AB93
Citizenship of individuals on official voter registration list: data shared between DOT and Elections Commission used to verify; DOT required to use the words “Not valid for voting purposes” on driver’s license or ID card of persons who are not U.S. citizens - SB98
Complaint filed with Elections Commission: adult child or parent of a voter may file on behalf of the voter - AB297
Complaint filed with Elections Commission: adult child or parent of a voter may file on behalf of the voter - SB292
Driver’s license or state ID card applicants: DOT required to facilitate voter registration - AB581
Election and voting law changes: automatic voter registration, deceptive election practices, voter intimidation and suppression, polling place posting and language requirements, election manual, and withholding of voluntarily provided elector information; voter bill of rights; JRCCP may report - AB604
Election and voting law changes: automatic voter registration, deceptive election practices, voter intimidation and suppression, polling place posting and language requirements, election manual, and withholding of voluntarily provided elector information; voter bill of rights; JRCCP may report - SB548
Election Commission emergency rule 2209 suspended re complete address on absentee ballots (introduced per s. 227.26 (2)(j), Wis. Stats.) - AB4
Election Commission emergency rule 2209 suspended re complete address on absentee ballots (introduced per s. 227.26 (2)(j), Wis. Stats.) - SB5
Election law revisions: early canvassing of absentee ballots, central counting locations, election night reporting, timeline for sending or transmitting absentee ballots, whistleblower protections, court determinations of incompetency and ineligibility to vote, and verification of voter citizenship status - AB567
Election law revisions: early canvassing of absentee ballots, central counting locations, election night reporting, timeline for sending or transmitting absentee ballots, whistleblower protections, court determinations of incompetency and ineligibility to vote, and verification of voter citizenship status - SB685
Election laws: automatic voter registration, residency requirement, proof of ID, voting absentee in person, early canvassing of absentee ballots, special elections for U.S. senator and representative vacancies, reimbursing counties and municipalities for certain costs, voter bill of rights, and recount fees appropriation; report required; JRCCP may report [Sec. 1-4, 7-20, 23-44, 179, 188, 520, 522, 1698, 2746, 2771, 9112 (1), (2), 9142 (1), 9147 (2)] - AB43
Election laws: automatic voter registration, residency requirement, proof of ID, voting absentee in person, early canvassing of absentee ballots, special elections for U.S. senator and representative vacancies, reimbursing counties and municipalities for certain costs, voter bill of rights, and recount fees appropriation; report required; JRCCP may report [Sec. 1-4, 7-20, 23-44, 179, 188, 520, 522, 1698, 2746, 2771, 9112 (1), (2), 9142 (1), 9147 (2)] [original bill only] - SB70
Election revisions: voter registration list when a voter moves, DOT and Elections Commission data sharing, electronic voting equipment, municipal clerk training and vacancies, default dates in the official registration list, and regular review of forms - AB571
Election supplies and equipment: grants to counties and municipalities [Sec. 5, 521] - AB43
Election supplies and equipment: grants to counties and municipalities [Sec. 5, 521] [original bill only] - SB70
Election supplies and equipment: grants to municipalities - AB1047
Election supplies and equipment: grants to municipalities - SB936
Election Transparency and Compliance, Office of, created in the Elections Commission [Sec. 6, 75] - AB43
Election Transparency and Compliance, Office of, created in the Elections Commission [Sec. 6, 75] [original bill only] - SB70
Elections Commission dissolved; Secretary of State to assume duties and assets, legislative committee provision - AB899
Elections Commission dissolved; Secretary of State to assume duties and assets, legislative committee provision - SB834
Elections Commission required to reimburse counties and municipalities for certain costs re special primaries and special elections for state office - AB283
Elections Commission required to reimburse counties and municipalities for certain costs re special primaries and special elections for state office - SB278
Elections Commissions called on to appoint an interim administrator and submit a nomination for a permanent replacement - SR4
Electoral Count Reform Act, federal: changes to Wisconsin election laws - AB892
Electoral Count Reform Act, federal: changes to Wisconsin election laws - SB852
Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC): Wisconsin’s membership terminated; Elections Commission provision - AB490
Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC): Wisconsin’s membership terminated; Elections Commission provision - SB472
Impeachment of Meagan Wolfe, Administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission - AR24
Indefinitely confined voter status for purposes of receiving absentee ballots automatically: revisions, proof of ID required, and penalty provisions; JRCCP may report [A.Amdt.1: notification of removal added] - AB494
Indefinitely confined voter status for purposes of receiving absentee ballots automatically: revisions, proof of ID required, and penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - SB582
Ineligible voters removed from official voter registration list - AB21
Ineligible voters removed from official voter registration list - SB26
Initiative and referendum powers reserved to the people: petition process which people may propose and approve laws and constitutional amendments and referendum process which people may reject an act of the legislature created. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR87
Initiative and referendum powers reserved to the people: petition process which people may propose and approve laws and constitutional amendments and referendum process which people may reject an act of the legislature created. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR80
LAB performance audit of election processes following a general election required; noncompliance and report provisions - AB749
LAB performance audit of election processes following a general election required; noncompliance and report provisions - SB736
Municipality broadcasting live election night canvassing proceedings required to record the broadcast [S.Amdt.1: county clerk and Elections Commission added] - SB283
Nomination of Meagan Wolfe as Elections Commission administrator: Senate President to refer nomination to appropriate standing committee per Senate rule 22 (3) - SR3
Non-judicial elective state officials required to serve as election officials; Senate, Assembly, and legislative committees prohibited from meeting on election days - AB496
Non-judicial elective state officials required to serve as election officials; Senate, Assembly, and legislative committees prohibited from meeting on election days - SB537
Official voter registration list copy: changing how fee is charged - AB396
Official voter registration list copy: changing how fee is charged - SB397
Personal care voting assistants at residential care facilities and retirement homes during public health emergencies; election fraud committed by election officials; defect in absentee ballot certificates; prohibiting appointment of certain employees as poll workers; recess of municipal board of canvassers; penalty provisions; JRCCP may report [A.Amdt.1: blank spaces on absentee ballots provision added] - AB570
Personal care voting assistants at residential care facilities and retirement homes during public health emergencies; election fraud committed by election officials; defect in absentee ballot certificates; prohibiting appointment of certain employees as poll workers; recess of municipal board of canvassers; penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - SB631
Presidential electors for losing candidates: public office prohibitions created, conditions specified - AB1201
Presidential electors for losing candidates: public office prohibitions created, conditions specified - SB1102
Privacy protections for judicial officers created; judicial candidate provisions; JRCCP may report [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Register of Deeds provision added; A.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB966
Privacy protections for judicial officers created; judicial candidate provisions; JRCCP may report - SB927
Registration of all eligible electors: requiring Elections Commission to use all feasible means to facilitate; DOT and report provisions - AB605
Registration of all eligible electors: requiring Elections Commission to use all feasible means to facilitate; DOT and report provisions - SB561
Special voting deputies dispatched to residential care facilities and qualified retirement homes re voting by absentee ballot and circuit court determination of ineligibility to vote due to incompetency revisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB572
Special voting deputies dispatched to residential care facilities and qualified retirement homes re voting by absentee ballot and circuit court determination of ineligibility to vote due to incompetency revisions - SB593
Training county and municipal clerks for election administration: voter ID funding expanded to include [Sec. 519] - AB43
Training county and municipal clerks for election administration: voter ID funding expanded to include [Sec. 519] [original bill only] - SB70
Voting rights restored to person convicted of a felon: DOC or jailer required to provide voter registration assistance - AB582
Voting rights restored to person convicted of a felon: DOC or jailer required to provide voter registration assistance - SB622
electric applianceElectric appliance
Restricting the use or sale of devices based on energy source: state agencies and local governmental units may not impose - AB141
electric bicycleElectric bicycle, see Bicycle
Community solar programs: establishment authorized, zoning provision - AB258
Community solar programs: establishment authorized, zoning provision - SB226
Decommissioned power production plants: phase-out of utility aid payments to counties and municipalities changed - AB73
Decommissioned power production plants: phase-out of utility aid payments to counties and municipalities changed - SB67
Delayed relocation of utilities in a highway right-of-way: process for a highway improvement contractor to seek damages, report required; rules modified [Admin.Code Trans 220.06] - AB275
Delayed relocation of utilities in a highway right-of-way: process for a highway improvement contractor to seek damages, report required; rules modified [Admin.Code Trans 220.06] [S.Amdt.2: further revisions] - SB270
Electric utility integrated resource plans required; PSC strategic energy assessment provision [Sec. 2419-2421] - AB43
Electric utility integrated resource plans required; PSC strategic energy assessment provision [Sec. 2419-2421] [original bill only] - SB70
Environmental trust bonds to finance retiring electric generating facilities; integrated resource and reliability planning by electric utilities and cooperatives; closure of large electric generating facilities - AB682
Environmental trust bonds to finance retiring electric generating facilities; integrated resource and reliability planning by electric utilities and cooperatives; closure of large electric generating facilities - SB651
High-voltage transmission line fees: administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 170-175, 491, 493, 2422, 9101 (1)] - AB43
High-voltage transmission line fees: administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 170-175, 491, 493, 2422, 9101 (1)] [original bill only] - SB70
Incumbent transmission facility owner’s right to construct, own, and maintain a transmission facility approved in the Midwest Independent System Operator’s (MISO) transmission plan; regionally cost-shared transmission line and PSC provisions - AB470