Main street bounceback grants for businesses opening in or expanding to vacant commercial space - AB963
Main street bounceback grants for businesses opening in or expanding to vacant commercial space [Sec. 295, 2565] [original bill only] - SB70
Main street bounceback grants for businesses opening in or expanding to vacant commercial space - SB891
Minimum wage threshold raised for enterprise zone and business development tax credits [Sec. 1388-1402, 1456-1470, 1497-1508, 2567-2570, 2574, 2578] - AB43
Minimum wage threshold raised for enterprise zone and business development tax credits [Sec. 1388-1402, 1456-1470, 1497-1508, 2567-2570, 2574, 2578] [original bill only] - SB70
Multijurisdictional business improvement district (MJBID) created by 2 or more municipalities authorized, conditions set; neighborhood improvement district (NID) financial statement and audit requirements; notice requirements provision - AB622
Multijurisdictional business improvement district (MJBID) created by 2 or more municipalities authorized, conditions set; neighborhood improvement district (NID) financial statement and audit requirements; notice requirements provision - SB572
Neighborhood capital investment grant program, health-care infrastructure capital grant program, and tourism capital investment grant program created [Sec. 119-121, 487, 9101 (2)] - AB43
Neighborhood capital investment grant program, health-care infrastructure capital grant program, and tourism capital investment grant program created [Sec. 119-121, 487, 9101 (2)] [original bill only] - SB70
“Urban town” designation allowed to limit extraterritorial zoning and plat approval and annexation by other municipalities; connection to their water or sewerage systems by certain other local governments - AB768
“Urban town” designation allowed to limit extraterritorial zoning and plat approval and annexation by other municipalities; connection to their water or sewerage systems by certain other local governments - SB691
Vertiports operation: definition and regulations created - AB941
Vertiports operation: definition and regulations created - SB867
municipality _ public worksMunicipality — Public works, see Public works
municipality _ taxationMunicipality — Taxation, see also Room tax; Shared revenue
Additional sales and use taxes: municipalities may enact ordinance to allow - AB857
Additional sales and use taxes: municipalities may enact ordinance to allow - SB815
Joint emergency dispatch center expenses: local levy limit exception created - AB1083
Joint emergency dispatch center expenses: local levy limit exception created - SB986
Joint emergency medical services district and joint fire department: exception to local levy limits expanded [Sec. 1198, 1199, 1208-1211] - AB43
Joint emergency medical services district and joint fire department: exception to local levy limits expanded [Sec. 1198, 1199, 1208-1211] [original bill only] - SB70
Levy limit exception for regional planning commission contributions [Sec. 1204, 9130 (1), 9330 (1)] - AB43
Levy limit exception for regional planning commission contributions [Sec. 1204, 9130 (1), 9330 (1)] [original bill only] - SB70
Levy limit for adjustments for transferred services repealed [A.Amdt.2: repeal replaced with revisions, TID provisions added] - AB245
Levy limit for adjustments for transferred services repealed - SB301
Levy limit for adjustments for transferred services revised and TID provisions: 2023 WisAct 12 provisions repealed - AB879
Levy limit for negative adjustment for covered service repealed [Sec. 1201] - AB43
Levy limit for negative adjustment for covered service repealed [Sec. 1201] [original bill only] - SB70
Levy limit for negative adjustments for transferred services repealed [Sec. 1203, 9330 (2)] - AB43
Levy limit for negative adjustments for transferred services repealed [Sec. 1203, 9330 (2)] [original bill only] - SB70
Local government fund transfers; "police and fire protection fund" changed to "911 fund"; support and improvement of emergency services and municipal sales and use tax provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 37, 39, 55, 102, 113, 115, 116, 121, 122, 131, 132, 156-162, 165-168, 171, 172, 198-209, 211, 242, 243, 250-254, 304, 319, 324, 348, 353-356, 359, 360, 420, 425-428, 439-447, 453, 470, 9101 (4), 9119 (6), 9401 (2), 9406 (1), 9419 (2), 9427 (2), 9431 (2), 9436 (1), 9437 (4); S.Amdt.13: further revisions, 254g] - SB70
Local levy limit calculation: alternative minimum growth factor changed [Sec. 1200, 9330 (3)] - AB43
Local levy limit calculation: alternative minimum growth factor changed [Sec. 1200, 9330 (3)] [original bill only] - SB70
Local professional baseball park district: funding for grants and short-term loans for improvements, repair, and maintenance [A.Amdt.1: administration of county and municipal sales tax provisions added; S.Amdt.1 and 2: fiscal changes] - AB439
Local sales tax: counties and certain municipalities may impose additional tax; referendum and exception provisions [Sec. 524, 538, 1569, 1605-1609, 1616-1635, 1637, 1638, 1641-1644, 9437 (8)] - AB43
Local sales tax: counties and certain municipalities may impose additional tax; referendum and exception provisions [Sec. 524, 538, 1569, 1605-1609, 1616-1635, 1637, 1638, 1641-1644, 9437 (8)] [original bill only] - SB70
MA reimbursement for nontransport ambulance services; technical college grants for EMS courses; tuition and materials reimbursement re EMS certification or licensure; EMS Board annual report; levy limit exception; fire dues program eligible expenses; live 911 pilot program; Expenditure Restraint Program exclusion; reports required - AB1168
MA reimbursement for nontransport ambulance services; technical college grants for EMS courses; tuition and materials reimbursement re EMS certification or licensure; EMS Board annual report; levy limit exception; fire dues program eligible expenses; live 911 pilot program; Expenditure Restraint Program exclusion; reports required - SB1074
Premier resort area tax rate: certain municipalities allowed to increase; public safety provision - AB461
Premier resort area tax rate: certain municipalities allowed to increase; public safety provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, tax increase removed] - SB451
Tax revisions re road-building equipment sales tax exemption, income tax withholding threshold for nonresidents, and qualified opportunity fund certification; lottery games and farm assets changes; JSCTE appendix report [S.Amdt.1: adds income tax exemption for certain commercial loan income and cigarette, tobacco, and vapor product enforcement positions; A.Amdt.1: common carrier permit for direct wine shipping, local exposition board membership, and DOR positions for shared revenue and municipality sales tax administration provisions added] - SB616
Unused capacity levy limit exception: supermajority vote requirement removed [Sec. 1205-1207] - AB43
Unused capacity levy limit exception: supermajority vote requirement removed [Sec. 1205-1207] [original bill only] - SB70
municipality _ utilitiesMunicipality — Utilities, see Public utility
Wisconsin History Center appropriation created [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 63] - SB70
musicMusic, see Arts
911 emergency number system911 (Emergency number system), see Telephone
115th Fighter Wing stationed at Truax Field Air National Guard Base Wisconsin: federal, state, and local contributions recognized - AJR55
115th Fighter Wing stationed at Truax Field Air National Guard Base Wisconsin: federal, state, and local contributions recognized - SJR55
Adjutant General report on sexual assault and sexual harassment reported by Wisconsin National Guard members; DMA report on substantive changes to the federal Uniform Code of Military Justice required - AB178
Adjutant General report on sexual assault and sexual harassment reported by Wisconsin National Guard members; DMA report on substantive changes to the federal Uniform Code of Military Justice required - SB167
Casework related to misconduct within the Wisconsin National Guard: DMA to establish and maintain case management system - AB179
Casework related to misconduct within the Wisconsin National Guard: DMA to establish and maintain case management system - SB168
Discrimination on basis of person’s gender identity or gender expression prohibited - AB501
Discrimination on basis of person’s gender identity or gender expression prohibited - SB474
Medical research informed consent requirements created; chief surgeons of the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force provision - AB1076
Medical research informed consent requirements created; chief surgeons of the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force provision - SB1020
Tuition grant program for National Guard members: DMA administration changes - AB772
Tuition grant program for National Guard members: DMA administration changes - SB744
Veteran status indicated on operator’s license or state ID card: "veteran" includes current or former armed forces, reserve unit, or National Guard members - AB780
Veteran status indicated on operator’s license or state ID card: "veteran" includes current or former armed forces, reserve unit, or National Guard members - SB748
Wisconsin Code of Military Justice changes re sexual assault and sexual harassment; Wisconsin National Guard training provision; reports required [Sec. 2706, 2707, 2709-2711, 2714-2726, 9331 (1), (2)] - AB43
Wisconsin Code of Military Justice changes re sexual assault and sexual harassment; Wisconsin National Guard training provision; reports required [Sec. 2706, 2707, 2709-2711, 2714-2726, 9331 (1), (2)] [original bill only] - SB70
natural disasterNatural disaster, see also Floodplain management
Continuity of government: striking “resulting from enemy action in the form of an attack” to include other causes. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR99
Continuity of government: striking “resulting from enemy action in the form of an attack” to include other causes. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR93
Hazard Mitigation Revolving Loan Fund and program created; FEMA and DMA agreement, and DOA duties - SB64
Pre-disaster flood resilience grants from DEM [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 130] - SB70
Silver Cliff, Town of: payments from state disaster assistance appropriation to rebuild public safety building destroyed by a tornado [Sec. 9131 (1)] - AB43
Silver Cliff, Town of: payments from state disaster assistance appropriation to rebuild public safety building destroyed by a tornado [Sec. 9131 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Sec. 9131 (1)] - SB70
Water Fund for Our Future trust fund created; Joint Committee for the Oversight of the Water Fund for Our Future joint standing committee created - AB1183
Water Fund for Our Future trust fund created; Joint Committee for the Oversight of the Water Fund for Our Future joint standing committee created - SB1087
Wisconsin Climate Corps (WCC) program and board created, audit and report provisions - AB810
Wisconsin Climate Corps (WCC) program and board created, audit and report provisions - SB762
natural gasNatural gas, see Fuel
natural resourceNatural resource
Endangered resources program: limit on appropriation to match gifts, grants, and bequests increased [Sec. 354] - AB43
Endangered resources program: limit on appropriation to match gifts, grants, and bequests increased [Sec. 354] [original bill only] - SB70
Habitat work plan: DNR required to prepare biennially - AB157
Habitat work plan: DNR required to prepare biennially [S.Amdt.1: report to JCF added] - SB159