SPS 192.56(2) (2)Each contestant shall present all required physical examination forms and laboratory reports to the ringside physician at the pre-bout examination.
SPS 192.56(3) (3)All professional and amateur bouts shall be conducted under the supervision of the department.
SPS 192.56(4) (4)Only licensed participants or persons approved by the department may be allowed in the ring or cage or designated locker rooms.
SPS 192.56(5) (5)Amateur contestants may not currently or have ever been a professional fighter in any combative sport. This includes mixed martial arts, boxing, karate, or any other form of a combative sport. Any contestant found in violation will be subject to disciplinary action.
SPS 192.56(6) (6)Debut amateur contestants shall complete a department-approved form detailing the contestant's experience and training for unarmed combat sports competitions. The trainer of a debut contestant shall certify that the contestant is skilled enough to compete and has never engaged in any form of unarmed combat as a professional.
SPS 192.56 Note Note: Forms are available from the Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Professional Credentialing, 1400 E. Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 8935, Madison, Wisconsin 53708, or from the department's website at: http://dsps.wi.gov.
SPS 192.56(7) (7)A bout in which more than 2 contestants participate is prohibited.
SPS 192.56(8) (8)Bouts shall take place in a cage meeting the requirements under s. SPS 192.69 or ring meeting the requirements under s. SPS 192.70.
SPS 192.56(9) (9)Improper use of or tampering with equipment by a contestant or contestant's second is prohibited. Any violation of this subdivision may result in a point reduction or disqualification of the contestant.
SPS 192.56 History History: CR 17-016: cr. Register November 2017 No. 743, eff. 12-1-17.
SPS 192.57 SPS 192.57Weigh-in procedures and weight classes.
SPS 192.57(1)(1)Contestants shall weigh in no more than 36 hours prior to the start time of the event in which they will compete. The weigh-in shall be conducted under the supervision of an inspector or department representative at a place designated by the promoter in an area with ample lighting to observe contestants and conduct the weigh-in.
SPS 192.57(2) (2)Contestants may wear a shirt, a pair of shorts, and socks at the weigh-in. Contestants may not wear any additional apparel or jewelry.
SPS 192.57(3) (3)The scale shall be provided by the promoter and approved by the inspector or department representative.
SPS 192.57(4) (4)Contestants may not participate in a bout where the weigh-in weight difference of opposing contestants exceeds the weight allowance shown in Table A. In this section, “weight allowance” means the difference in weight permitted between contestants in 2 different weight classes.
SPS 192.57(5) (5)After having communicated with the promoter, the commissioner or department representative shall have the sole discretion as to whether to cancel a bout if a contestant does not make weight.
SPS 192.57(6) (6)There may not be a difference of more than 3 pounds between weight classes from mini flyweight up to the bantamweight class for contestants competing in two different weight classes.
SPS 192.57(7) (7)There may not be a difference of more than 4 pounds between weight classes from super bantamweight up to the super featherweight class for contestants competing in two different weight classes.
SPS 192.57(8) (8)There may not be a difference of more than 5 pounds between weight classes from lightweight up to the super lightweight class for contestants competing in two different weight classes.
SPS 192.57(9) (9)There may not be a difference of more than 7 pounds between weight classes from welterweight up to the light heavyweight class for contestants competing in two different weight classes.
SPS 192.57(10) (10)There may not be a difference of more than 12 pounds between a contestant in the cruiserweight division competing against a contestant in the heavyweight division.
SPS 192.57 Note Example: A contestant weighing 134 pounds in the bantamweight class may not compete against an opponent who weighs more than 137 pounds in the featherweight class. A contestant weighing 184 pounds in the middleweight class may not compete against an opponent who weighs more than 191 pounds in the light heavyweight class.
SPS 192.57(11) (11)A one-pound weight variance is allowed for all weight classes for all bouts except title bouts and catch-weight bouts.
SPS 192.57(12) (12)A contestant in the welterweight class or lower may not lose more than 2 pounds within 1 hour. A contestant above the welterweight class may not lose more than 3 pounds within 1 hour.
SPS 192.57(13) (13)Weight allowances between weight classes do not apply to contestants in a title bout.
SPS 192.57(14) (14)The final agreement between a contestant and a promoter shall be provided to the department no later than 4 business days before the official weigh-in.
SPS 192.57(15) (15)Contestants who fail to arrive at their report time for weigh-in will be subject to a suspension of up to 120 days, as reported in the Association of Boxing Commissions' national database.
SPS 192.57(16) (16)Contestants who fail to make their contracted weight within 1 hour of their official weigh-in will be subject to a suspension of up to 120 days, as reported in the Association of Boxing Commissions' national database.
Table A - See PDF for table PDF
SPS 192.57 History History: CR 17-016: cr. Register November 2017 No. 743, eff. 12-1-17.
SPS 192.58 SPS 192.58Judging and scoring.
SPS 192.58(1)(1)All bouts shall be scored by 3 judges.
SPS 192.58(2) (2)The ten-point must scoring system under the ABC's unified rules shall be the standard system of scoring a bout. The winner of the round shall be awarded 10 points. The loser of the round shall be awarded 6, 7, 8, or 9 points. If the round is determined to be an even round, each contestant shall be awarded 10 points.
SPS 192.58(3) (3)Effective striking is judged by determining the total number of effective legal strikes landed. A strike resulting in a flash knockdown under s. SPS 192.60 (2) shall be judged less effective than a strike resulting in a knockdown requiring a count under s. SPS 192.60 (4).
SPS 192.58(4) (4)Effective control is judged by determining who is dictating the pace, location, and position of the bout.
SPS 192.58(5) (5)Effective aggressiveness means moving forward and landing legal strikes.
SPS 192.58(6) (6)Only the referee may assess a foul or any point deductions. Judges may not deduct points for what they interpret is a foul.
SPS 192.58 History History: CR 17-016: cr. Register November 2017 No. 743, eff. 12-1-17.
SPS 192.59 SPS 192.59Fouls.
SPS 192.59(1)(1)The referee may caution, warn, or penalize a contestant for committing a foul.
SPS 192.59(2) (2)The penalty for a foul may be a deduction of points or disqualification. Any points deducted for a foul shall be deducted in the round in which the foul occurred. Disqualification may occur after multiple fouls or if the referee determines a foul is flagrant.
SPS 192.59(3) (3)If an injury results from an intentional foul and is severe enough to terminate the bout, the contestant causing the injury loses by disqualification.
SPS 192.59(4) (4)When an injury from an intentional foul later becomes aggravated by legal strikes and the referee stops a bout before completion of a majority of the scheduled rounds because of the injury, the injured contestant shall win by a technical decision, if they are ahead on the score cards. If the injured contestant is even or behind on the score cards at the time of the stoppage, the bout shall be declared a technical draw.
SPS 192.59(5) (5)If an injury from an intentional foul later becomes aggravated by legal strikes and the referee stops a bout after completion of a majority of the scheduled rounds because of the injury, the outcome shall be determined by scoring the completed rounds and the partial round at which the referee stopped the bout.
SPS 192.59(6)(a)(a) If an accidental foul occurs before the completion of a majority of the scheduled rounds of a bout and the injured contestant is not able to continue the fight, the fight shall be declared a no contest.
SPS 192.59(6)(b) (b) If an accidental foul occurs after the completion of a majority of the scheduled rounds of a bout and the fouled contestant is not able to continue, the judges shall score the bout as a technical knock-out and the contestant who is ahead on points shall be declared the winner. In determining the points, the judges shall score the completed rounds and the incomplete round. If no action has occurred in an incomplete round, the round shall be scored as an even round.
SPS 192.59(6)(c) (c) When a contestant is not able to continue fighting, the referee shall stop the action and inform the department's inspector, the judges and both contestants that the foul was accidental. If in the later rounds the injury has worsened as a result of legal blows, and the injured contestant is not able to continue, the judges shall score the bout based on the completed rounds and the incomplete round.
SPS 192.59(6)(d) (d) The referee, in consultation with the ringside physician, shall allow an injured contestant up to 5 minutes to recover from an accidental foul.
SPS 192.59(6)(e) (e) A contestant who is hit with an accidental low blow shall continue after a reasonable amount of time, not exceeding 5 minutes, or the contestant shall lose the bout. If a contestant is hit with an accidental low blow, the referee shall stop the action in a bout and inform the judges of any deduction of points made by the referee.
SPS 192.59(7) (7)Types of fouls in a kickboxing bout include all of the following:
SPS 192.59(7)(a) (a) Butting with the head.
SPS 192.59(7)(b) (b) Attacking the throat.
SPS 192.59(7)(c) (c) Targeting the back of the head or torso.
SPS 192.59(7)(d) (d) Targeting below the waistline, except for a foot-to-foot sweep to the lead foot below the ankle or either foot below the ankle if all of the following apply:
SPS 192.59(7)(d)1. 1. The contestant executing the sweep is squared to the opponent.
SPS 192.59(7)(d)2. 2. Neither of the opponent's feet is leading.
SPS 192.59(7)(d)3. 3. The opponent has equal weight on both feet.
SPS 192.59(7)(e) (e) Slapping.
SPS 192.59(7)(f) (f) Spitting.
SPS 192.59(7)(g) (g) Biting.
SPS 192.59(7)(h) (h) Holding.
SPS 192.59(7)(i) (i) Holding or pulling the opponent, ring, or cage and striking.
SPS 192.59(7)(j) (j) Holding or locking of the opponent's arm or head.
SPS 192.59(7)(k) (k) Striking with the knee, elbow, or forearm.
SPS 192.59(7)(L) (L) A palm heel strike.
SPS 192.59(7)(m) (m) A backhand or backfist strike, except a spinning backhand or backfist strike.
SPS 192.59(7)(n) (n) Attacking or manipulating any joint.
SPS 192.59(7)(o) (o) A clubbing or hammerfist strike.
SPS 192.59(7)(p) (p) A spinning foot or leg sweep.
SPS 192.59(7)(q) (q) A karate chopping strike.
SPS 192.59(7)(r) (r) Attacking an opponent who is down or who is in the act of rising.
SPS 192.59(7)(s) (s) Abusive language or gesture.
SPS 192.59(7)(t) (t) Failure to obey the referee's commands.
SPS 192.59(7)(u) (u) Fighting after the bell has signaled the end of a round.
SPS 192.59(7)(v) (v) Pushing or shoving an opponent.
SPS 192.59(7)(w) (w) Intentionally avoiding contact with the opponent.
SPS 192.59(7)(x) (x) Intentionally delaying the bout.
SPS 192.59(7)(y) (y) Eye gouging.
SPS 192.59(7)(z) (z) Any other unsportsmanlike conduct as determined by the referee.
SPS 192.59 History History: CR 17-016: cr. Register November 2017 No. 743, eff. 12-1-17.
SPS 192.60 SPS 192.60Procedures after knock-downs.
SPS 192.60(1)(1)When down. A contestant is considered down if any of the following occur:
SPS 192.60(1)(a) (a) The contestant touches the floor with any part of the body other than the feet as the result of a blow or series of blows other than a foot-to-foot sweep.
SPS 192.60(1)(b) (b) The contestant hangs helplessly on the cage or ropes as the result of a blow or series of blows other than a foot-to-foot sweep.
SPS 192.60(1)(c) (c) The contestant is outside or partly outside the ropes as the result of a blow or series of blows other than a foot-to-foot sweep.
SPS 192.60(1)(d) (d) Following a blow, the contestant has not fallen and is not lying on the cage or ropes, but is in a semi-conscious state and cannot, in the opinion of the referee, continue the bout.
SPS 192.60(2) (2) Flash knockdowns. A flash knockdown occurs when, after having been knocked down under sub. (1) (a), a contestant rises immediately to his or her feet. Subsections (3), (4), (5), and (6) do not apply to a flash knockdown.
SPS 192.60(3) (3) Neutral corner. When a contestant is down, the opponent shall go at once to the neutral corner as designated by the referee. The bout may not continue until the command “Fight” is given by the referee. If the opponent does not go to the neutral corner on command, the count under sub. (4) shall be stopped until the opponent has done so. The counting shall then be continued where it has been interrupted.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.