SPS 334.31(1)(b)3. 3. The operators shall watch to prevent dangerous actions by the passengers and to detect apparent mechanical failure of the amusement rides.
SPS 334.31(1)(c) (c) All control devices shall be guarded against accidental operation.
SPS 334.31(2) (2)Passenger-controlled amusement rides.
SPS 334.31(2)(a)(a) Passenger-operated or passenger-controlled amusement rides shall have the controls located where they are readily available for use whenever the amusement ride is in operation.
SPS 334.31(2)(b) (b) Clear verbal or written instructions, or both, for controlling the amusement ride shall be given to all passengers.
SPS 334.31(3) (3)Accidental or mischievous operation.
SPS 334.31(3)(a)(a) A means to minimize accidental or mischievous operation of amusement rides shall be provided.
SPS 334.31(3)(b) (b) Unattended amusement ride controls shall be arranged to prevent accidental or mischievous operation.
SPS 334.31(4) (4)Automatic restart prohibited. All amusement rides powered by electric motors shall be equipped and maintained with devices to prevent automatic restart after power failure, including magnetic starters, magnetic switches and pneumatic clutches.
SPS 334.31(5) (5)Operation. An amusement ride may not be operated beyond the speed and capacity as specified by the manufacturer. When the manufacturer's specifications are unknown, the operation limits shall be established by owner through engineering analysis or other means approved by the department.
SPS 334.31(6) (6)Training. An amusement ride owner shall provide training for ride operators and attendants. The owner shall maintain record of the training and shall make the record available to the department upon request.
SPS 334.31 History History: Cr. Register, February, 1992, No. 434, eff. 3-1-92; CR 02-127: am. (4) Register May 2003 No. 569, eff. 6-1-03; CR 08-054: r. and recr. (1), am. (4), cr. (5) and (6) Register December 2008 No. 636, eff. 1-1-09.
SPS 334.32 SPS 334.32Electrical.
SPS 334.32(1) (1)General.
SPS 334.32(1)(a)(a) The installation of electric and communication conductors and equipment in conjunction with amusement rides shall comply with the provisions of ch. SPS 316.
SPS 334.32 Note Note: The National Fire Protection Association Standard 70—National Electrical Code (NEC) is adopted by reference in ch. SPS 316.
SPS 334.32(1)(b) (b) Live parts of electric equipment operating at 50 volts or more shall be guarded against accidental contact by enclosure or by locating the equipment as follows:
SPS 334.32(1)(b)1. 1. In a room or enclosure that is accessible only to authorized persons; or
SPS 334.32(1)(b)2. 2. Elevated 8 feet or more above the ground, floor or other level accessible to frequenters.
SPS 334.32(1)(c) (c) All wiring located within 8 feet of the ground, floor or other level accessible to frequenters shall consist of conductors in conduit, type-SO power cables or the equivalent.
SPS 334.32(1)(d) (d) Any equipment or wiring known to be defective so as to endanger life or property shall be promptly repaired, permanently disconnected or isolated until repairs can be made.
SPS 334.32(1)(e) (e) Cables and conductors entering boxes or fittings shall be protected from abrasion. Openings through which cables or conductors enter shall be restricted to that size necessary for the cable or conductor size.
SPS 334.32(1)(f) (f) The voltage of exposed dark ride tracks or electric train tracks shall not exceed 50 volts.
SPS 334.32(2) (2)Outdoor equipment and wiring.
SPS 334.32(2)(a)(a) Open overhead conductors shall be installed with a minimum vertical clearance of 18 feet over spaces where vehicles may travel and 12 feet over spaces accessible to pedestrians only.
SPS 334.32(2)(b) (b) In locations where vehicles and frequenters regularly travel, cables shall be protected with mats, planks or other approved devices.
SPS 334.32 Note Note: Section 525.20 (D) of the National Electrical Code adopted under ch. SPS 316 states: “Flexible cords or cables shall be continuous without splice or tap between boxes or fittings."
SPS 334.32 Note Note: See s. SPS 334.29 (2) for additional information.
SPS 334.32(3) (3)Grounding. Noncurrent-carrying metal parts of equipment, raceways, and other enclosures shall be grounded by an equipment grounding conductor contained within the same raceway, cable, or cord or otherwise run with the circuit conductors.
SPS 334.32 Note Note: See NEC 250 for additional information.
SPS 334.32(4) (4)Overcurrent protection of conductors and motors.
SPS 334.32(4)(a)(a) Conductors shall be protected in accordance with their ampacities as specified in NEC 240.
SPS 334.32(4)(b) (b) Motors shall be protected as specified in NEC 430.
SPS 334.32(5) (5)Master switch. Each electrically operated amusement ride shall be provided with a disconnect switch or circuit breaker located within reach of the operator to permit disconnecting or shutting off the electrical power to the amusement ride.
SPS 334.32(6) (6)Lockouts. A disconnect or other means, capable of being locked out, shall be provided to render amusement rides inoperable during inspection, maintenance and repair.
SPS 334.32 History History: Cr. Register, February, 1992, No. 434, eff. 3-1-92; CR 02-127: am. (1) (a) Register May 2003 No. 569, eff. 6-1-03; CR 08-054: r. (3) and (7), renum. (4) to (6) to be (3) to (5), cr. (6) Register December 2008 No. 636, eff. 1-1-09; correction in (1) (a) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672.
SPS 334.33 SPS 334.33Lighting of exits and passageways. Access to and exits from amusement rides shall, while in operation or occupied, be provided with illumination by natural or artificial means of not less than 5 footcandles measured at all walking surface levels.
SPS 334.33 History History: Cr. Register, February, 1992, No. 434, eff. 3-1-92; CR 02-127: am. Register May 2003 No. 569, eff. 6-1-03.
SPS 334.34 SPS 334.34Public protection.
SPS 334.34(1) (1)General. Amusement rides shall be fenced, barricaded or otherwise arranged in accordance with recognized safe practice so that frequenters are effectively prevented from entering hazardous areas.
SPS 334.34(1m) (1m)Fences. When fences are provided in accordance with sub. (1), they shall be constructed to meet all of the following requirements.
SPS 334.34(1m)(a) (a) Fences shall be a height of at least 42 inches above the surface on which the spectators or riders stand.
SPS 334.34(1m)(b) (b) Fences shall be constructed in such a fashion so as to reject a 4-inch ball at all openings, including between the bottom of the fence and the surface upon which it rests.
SPS 334.34(1m)(c) (c) Fences shall be designed, constructed and erected to inhibit overturning by spectators or riders.
SPS 334.34(1m)(d) (d) Where used, gates shall open away from the ride unless equipped with a positive latching device.
SPS 334.34(1m)(e) (e) Gates shall be designed such that if opened during the amusement ride cycle, the gate will not contact the amusement ride or cause a hazard to riders.
SPS 334.34(2) (2)Loading and unloading.
SPS 334.34(2)(a)(a) Loading and unloading areas which are an integral part of the amusement rides shall be separated from moving parts by barriers or guardrails.
SPS 334.34(2)(b) (b) A flexible barrier, such as a rope or chain, may be used to prevent access to the passenger-carrying devices provided the barrier is no longer than necessary and is controlled by an authorized attendant.
SPS 334.34(3) (3)Surfaces not intended for walking. Amusement ride center platforms with moving sweeps that are adjacent to loading and unloading platforms of passenger-carrying devices shall be guarded by a standard guardrail or a center cover designed and maintained to safely support a minimum load of 200 pounds.
SPS 334.34(4) (4)Fluorescent light tubes. Fluorescent light tubes on moving parts of amusement rides shall be sleeved or secured, or both, to prevent breakage and contact with frequenters.
SPS 334.34 History History: Cr. Register, February, 1992, No. 434, eff. 3-1-92; CR 02-127: am. (1) and (2) (a), cr. (1m) Register May 2003 No. 569, eff. 6-1-03, except (1m) eff. 6-1-06; CR 08-054: r. (1m) (f), r. and recr. (3) Register December 2008 No. 636, eff. 1-1-09.
SPS 334.35 SPS 334.35Fire protection.
SPS 334.35(1) (1)Fire extinguishers. Approved fire extinguishers having a minimum 10-B:C rating shall be provided at each amusement ride powered by an internal combustion engine.
SPS 334.35(2) (2)Smoke detectors. Smoke detectors shall be provided in all dark rides, funhouses and similar structures that are not classified as public buildings or places of employment.
SPS 334.35(3) (3)Emergency lighting. Emergency lighting shall be provided in all dark rides, funhouses and similar structures that are not classified as public buildings or places of employment.
SPS 334.35 History History: Cr. Register, February, 1992, No. 434, eff. 3-1-92; CR 08-054: am. (2) and (3) Register December 2008 No. 636, eff. 1-1-09.
SPS 334.36 SPS 334.36Flammable and combustible liquids and gases. Storage, dispensing and use of flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied petroleum gases shall comply with ch. SPS 340.
SPS 334.36 Note Note: Applicable regulations may also be found in ch. ATCP 93, Flammable, Combustible and Hazardous Liquids.
SPS 334.36 History History: Cr. Register, February, 1992, No. 434, eff. 3-1-92; CR 01-139: am. Register June 2002 No. 558, eff. 7-1-02; correction made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672; correction made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2013 No. 696; CR 14-010: am. Register August 2014 No. 704, eff. 9-1-14.
SPS 334.37 SPS 334.37Cleanliness.
SPS 334.37(1) (1)Refuse containers. Refuse containers shall be provided in and around all amusement rides. Accumulations of trash or refuse shall be removed within 24 hours.
SPS 334.37(2) (2)Sanitary conditions. All parts of amusement rides used by frequenters shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
SPS 334.37 History History: Cr. Register, February, 1992, No. 434, eff. 3-1-92; CR 02-127: am. Register May 2003 No. 569, eff. 6-1-03.
SPS 334.38 SPS 334.38Maintenance, repair and modification.
SPS 334.38(1)(1)General.
SPS 334.38(1)(a)(a) Amusement rides shall be maintained, repaired and modified in accordance with recognized safe practice.
SPS 334.38(1)(b) (b) Improperly maintained, repaired or modified amusement rides shall not be allowed to open to the public until tests as specified in s. SPS 334.16 are conducted and the results accepted by the department.
SPS 334.38(2) (2)Correction of defects.
SPS 334.38(2)(a)(a) Defective, improper, worn or missing parts shall be replaced or repaired.
SPS 334.38(2)(b) (b) Maintenance, repair and replacement parts shall be of a quality equal to or better than the original parts.
SPS 334.38(2)(c) (c) All work shall be performed by a competent, qualified mechanic capable of understanding the function of the parts and the proper installation.
SPS 334.38(2)(d) (d) Ungraded bolts, nails, fasteners and wire shall be used only for their intended purposes.
SPS 334.38(2)(f) (f) Wire rope shall be serviceable and free of sharp ends. Wire ropes shall be replaced under any of the following conditions:
SPS 334.38(2)(f)1. 1. The number of broken wires in the length of one lay exceed the values specified in Table 334.38; - See PDF for table PDF
SPS 334.38(2)(f)2. 2. More than one valley break occurs in one rope lay;
SPS 334.38(2)(f)3. 3. More than 1/3 of the original diameter of the outside wires is lost due to abrasion, scuffing or peening;
SPS 334.38(2)(f)4. 4. There is evidence of deterioration due to corrosion;
SPS 334.38(2)(f)5. 5. Burning, kinking, knotting, crushing or other damage which changes the structure of the rope occurs; or
SPS 334.38(2)(f)6. 6. Reduction in rope diameter occurs at any point on the rope to less than 94% of the original nominal diameter.
SPS 334.38(2)(g) (g) Wire ropes shall be terminated using wire rope clips or other approved devices. Wire rope clips shall be installed as illustrated in Figure 334.38-1 or in an equivalent manner.
SPS 334.38(2)(h) (h) All required safety pins and wedges shall be installed and they shall be secured with “R" keys, lynch pins, diaper pins or other devices in accordance with recognized safe practice.
SPS 334.38(2)(i) (i) Safety cables, or their equivalent, shall be provided in accordance with recognized safe practice to prevent injury resulting from the failure of hangers, door hinges and similar parts. Safety cables shall be secured in a manner to maintain their design strength. The clipping of wire rope safety cables shall be as illustrated in Figure 334.38-2 or in an equivalent manner.
SPS 334.38(2)(j) (j) Terminating ends of hydraulic and pneumatic lines shall be provided with restraints to prevent whipping in accordance with recognized safe practice.
SPS 334.38(3) (3)Modification. Modifications required by the manufacturer to improve amusement ride safety shall be made.
SPS 334.38 History History: Cr. Register, February, 1992, No. 434, eff. 3-1-92; CR 02-127: am. (1) and (3) Register May 2003 No. 569, eff. 6-1-03; CR 08-054: r. (2) (e) Register December 2008 No. 636, eff. 1-1-09; correction in (1) (b), (2) (f) 1., (g), (i) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672.
Figure 334.38-1
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.