Core retirement investment trust participation in the variable retirement investment trust, ETF 10.25
Coverage reports and payments, ETF 10.60 to 10.64
Creditable service, ETF 10.03, 10.05
Death benefits, ETF 20.37, 60.53
Deferred compensation plans, Ch. ETF 70
Direct deposits, ETF 10.86
Disability annuity:
Application cancellation, ETF 50.31
Eligibility, ETF 50.30
Disability insurance, long-term, Subch. III of ch. ETF 50
Documents, receipt by dept., ETF 10.82
Duty disability benefits, Ch. ETF 52
Early retirement reduction factors, ETF 20.06
Excess contributions, refund, ETF 10.65
Group insurance plans, approval for state employees, ETF 10.20
Guardianship, requirements, ETF 10.78
Health care benefits, Ch. ETF 40
Income continuation insurance, ETF 50.10
Information requests, responses, ETF 10.84
Joint instrumentalities, reporting participating employees, ETF 10.55
Late paid earnings, contributions and premiums due on, ETF 10.635
Leave of absence, ETF 10.07
Life insurance, conversion of, to pay for health care insurance, ETF 60.60
Milwaukee teachers, creditable service, ETF 10.05
Personal information, disclosure, ETF 10.70
Power of attorney, ETF 10.75
Prohibited transactions, ETF 10.85
Purchased and creditable service; impact of 1999 Wis. Act 11, ETF 20.19
Records search fee, ETF 10.72
Retirement system, generally, Ch. ETF 20
Retirement system earnings, payments considered for, ETF 20.12
Separate retirement system participation in the retirement trust fund, ETF 10.12
Separation from employment, ETF 10.08
Service purchases, ETF 20.17
Sick leave conversion credits, ETF 10.50
Survivor benefits:
Death benefits, retirement system, ETF 60.51, 60.53, 60.60
Due dates, ETF 60.03
Life insurance, state and local employees, Subch. II of ch. ETF 60
Teachers retirement board elections, ETF 10.10
Transcript fees, ETF 10.71
Variable annuities, ETF 10.30
employment_generally EMPLOYMENT—GENERALLY
Benefit plans, Subch. II of ch. Ins 8
Bone marrow and organ donor leave, Ch. DWD 226
Business closing, mass layoff, Ch. DWD 279
Child labor, Chs. DWD 270 to 277
Employee benefits, insurance, Ch. Ins 8
Deceptive offers, Ch. ATCP 116
Purchase requirement, disclosure, ATCP 116.03
Employment agents required to be licensed, Ch. DWD 277
Equal opportunities, Ch. DWD 218
Fair employment, posting provisions of act, DWD 218.23
Family and medical leave, Ch. DWD 225
Health insurance, small employers, Subch. III of ch. Ins 8
Infectious agents in the workplace, Ch. SPS 335
Minors, Chs. DWD 270 to 277
State directory of new hires, Ch. DWD 142
Unemployment insurance, Chs. DWD 100 to 150
Wage rates, municipal and state, public works, Chs. DWD 290 to 294
Wages and hours, Chs. DWD 270 to 279
Whistleblower protection, Ch. DWD 224
Work recruitment schemes, Ch. ATCP 116
employment agencies EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES
Licensure, Ch. DWD 277
employment relations commission EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS COMMISSION
Arbitration of private sector disputes, Ch. ERC 5
Civil service appeals ERC 91 to 95
Collective bargaining representation certification elections, Chs. ERC 70, 71, 80
Employment peace act, Chs. ERC 1 to 9
Labor-management cooperation services, Ch. ERC 50
Mediation of private sector disputes, Ch. ERC 6
Municipal employment relations act, Chs. ERC 10 to 19
Municipal sector interest dispute resolution processes, Chs. ERC 30 to 32
Private sector unfair labor practices, ERC procedure, Ch. ERC 2
Roster of ad hoc arbitrators and fact finders, Ch. ERC 40
State employment labor relations act, Chs. ERC 20 to 29
employment relations, office of state EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS, OFFICE OF STATE
endangered resources ENDANGERED RESOURCES
Grant program, state flora and fauna, Ch. NR 58
Information fees, Ch. NR 29
List of endangered and threatened species, Ch. NR 27
energy ENERGY
Conservation in public buildings, Ch. SPS 363
Information required of suppliers, Ch. Adm 40
Report on petroleum products in stock, Ch. Adm 40