Information available to customers, PSC 134.05
Inspection and repair, PSC 135.012
Installation test, PSC 134.29
Leak survey reports, PSC 135.016
Maps and diagrams, PSC 134.16
Meter accuracies, PSC 134.27
Meter readings and billing periods, PSC 134.12
Meter records and reports, PSC 134.19
Meters and control equipment, PSC 134.11
Meter testing, PSC 134.28
Meter testing and testing equipment, PSC 134.26
Municipal, tax equivalent, Ch. PSC 109
Over-pressure protection, PSC 135.017
Periodic testing and maintenance, PSC 134.30
Preservation of records, PSC 134.20
Pressure variations, PSC 134.23
Procedure, re application for certificate of authorization, PSC 133.05
Protection of utility facilities, PSC 135.014
Purity of gas, PSC 134.22
Reconnection of service, PSC 134.0623
Record of disbursements, PSC 102.01, 102.02
Recording calorimeter for therm billing, PSC 134.251
Records of interruption of service, PSC 134.18
Report, leak survey to the commission, PSC 135.016
Request and referee tests, PSC 134.31
Safety rules, Ch. PSC 135
Safety standards, federal, PSC 135.019
Schedule to be filed with commission, PSC 134.04
Scope of rules, statutory authority, PSC 134.01
Service, PSC 134.03
Commercial and farm, application for, PSC 134.053
Residential, application for, PSC 134.051
Service on customer's premises, PSC 134.10
Service standards, PSC 134.01 to 134.31
Termination of service, customer-requested, PSC 134.0625
When certificate of authority is required, PSC 133.03
gases GASES
gasoline GASOLINE
Advertising, Ch. ATCP 113
Discrimination, ATCP 102.22
Fuel pricing, Subch. III of ch. ATCP 105
Fuel taxation, motor vehicles, Ch. Tax 4
Unfair competition, Subch. III of ch. ATCP 102
genetic counselors GENETIC COUNSELORS
Authority, standards adoption, definitions, Ch. Gen Couns 1
License renewal, Ch. Gen Couns 3
Licensure, Ch. Gen Couns 2
Practice, Ch. Gen Couns 4
geologists, hydrologists and soil scientists GEOLOGISTS, HYDROLOGISTS AND SOIL SCIENTISTS
Requirements and procedures, general, Ch. GHSS 1
Geologist, licensure, Ch. GHSS 2
Hydrologist, licensure, Ch. GHSS 3
Soil scientist, licensure, Ch. GHSS 4
Unprofessional conduct, Ch. GHSS 5
ginseng GINSENG
Harvest and planting limitations, NR 28.04
Licenses, harvest, dealers, NR 28.03
golf course, caddies GOLF COURSE, CADDIES
See also Wages and Hours
grain GRAIN
Grades, Ch. ATCP 159
Warehouse keepers and dealers, Ch. ATCP 99
groundwater GROUNDWATER
Evaluation and response procedures, Subch. III of ch. NR 140
Fertilizer or pesticides in, regulation, Ch. ATCP 31
Industrial lagoons, lining, Ch. NR 213
Landfill monitoring, Ch. NR 507
Monitoring well requirements, Ch. NR 141
Quantity protection, Ch. NR 820
Solid waste facility, groundwater standard attained or exceeded, responses, Ch. NR 508
Standards, quality, Subch. II of ch. NR 140
group homes GROUP HOMES
Admission and discharge, DCF 57.19, 57.20
General provisions, Subch. I of ch. DCF 57
Licensing and enforcement, Subch. VI of ch. DCF 57
Personnel, Subch. II of ch. DCF 57
Physical environment and safety, Subch. V of ch. DCF 57
Rate regulation, Subch. VII of ch. DCF 57
Resident care, Subch. IV of ch. DCF 57
group insurance board GROUP INSURANCE BOARD
guardianship GUARDIANSHIP
Non-profit corporations and unincorporated associations, Ch. DHS 85
gymnasiums GYMNASIUMS
halfway house HALFWAY HOUSE