Nursing homes, Ch. DHS 132
Bed additions, Ch. DHS 122
Capital expenditures review, Ch. DHS 122
Nutrition program for women, infants and children (WIC), Ch. DHS 149
Organs and tissues removed from a decedent, forms to use, Ch. DHS 137
Patient committed under chapter 975, waiver of good time, Ch. DHS 96
Patient rights, Ch. DHS 94
Poison control system, statewide, Ch. DHS 167
Radiation protection, Ch. DHS 157
Confidential, Ch. DHS 92
Recoupment of benefit overpayments, Ch. DHS 2
Residential care apartment complexes, see Residential Care Apartment Complexes
Rural medical centers, Ch. DHS 127
Small business, rules and guidelines; discretionary enforcement of, Ch. DHS 19
State treatment institutions; traffic and conduct, Ch. DHS 60
Tobacco control activities, Ch. DHS 199
Traffic and conduct on state treatment institution property, Ch. DHS 60
Trauma care, Ch. DHS 118
Treatment records, confidentiality, Ch. DHS 92
Tribal medical relief programs, Ch. DHS 250
Uniform fees, liability, and collection, Ch. DHS 1
Vaccine, preventable diseases, Ch. DHS 144
Vital records, access to, Ch. DHS 142
Wisconsin birth defect prevention and surveillance system, Ch. DHS 116
Wisconsin resource center, inmate complaint procedures, Ch. DHS 97
X-ray equipment, Subch. IV of ch. DHS 157
Youth corrective sanctions program, Ch. DOC 396
Youth crisis stabilization facilities, Ch. DHS 50
hearing, loss of HEARING, LOSS OF
Determination, DWD 80.25
hearing instrument _hearing aid_ specialists HEARING INSTRUMENT (HEARING AID) SPECIALISTS
Continuing education requirements, Ch. HAS 8
Definitions, Ch. HAS 1
Examinations, Ch. HAS 3
License, renewal requirements, Ch. HAS 7
Measurement of human hearing, Ch. HAS 4
Trainees, Ch. HAS 2
Unprofessional conduct, Ch. HAS 5
hearings and appeals, division of HEARINGS AND APPEALS, DIVISION OF
Contested cases, Ch. HA 2
Corrections hearing, procedure and practice, Ch. HA 2
Fair Hearings, Ch. HA 3
Procedure and practice, Ch. HA 1
Worker's compensation and related cases, HA 4
heating utilities HEATING UTILITIES
Applicability of regulations, PSC 140.01
Application for certificate, information, PSC 140.03
Areas of service, filing, PSC 140.015
Authorization required, PSC 140.02
Commission action on application, PSC 140.03
heating, ventilating and air conditioning HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING
Commercial buildings, Ch. SPS 364
Fireplaces, existing buildings, SPS 375.31
Heating plants, existing buildings, SPS 375.30, 376.13, 377.31, 378.09, 379.20
Plan examinations and approvals, SPS 302.31
higher educational aids board HIGHER EDUCATIONAL AIDS BOARD
Covenant scholars program, Ch. HEA 15
Definitions, Ch. HEA 2
General, Ch. HEA 1
Higher education grants, Ch. HEA 5
Independent student grant, Ch. HEA 10
Indian student assistance, Ch. HEA 6
Minority teacher loan program, Ch. HEA 11
Minority undergraduate grants, Ch. HEA 12
Nursing student stipend loans, Ch. HEA 8
Teacher education loan program, Ch. HEA 13
Teacher of visually impaired loan program, Ch. HEA 14
Tuition grants, Ch. HEA 4
Wisconsin academic excellence scholarship, Ch. HEA 9
highways HIGHWAYS
See also Transportation
Advertising along interstate and federal-aid systems, Ch. Trans 201
Construction, erosion control and storm water management, Ch. Trans 401
County trunk highway standards, Ch. Trans 205
Driveways and alterations in state trunk highways:
Commercial-rural, Trans 231.04
Commercial-urban, Trans 231.06
Construction requirements, location and design, Trans 231.03
General rules, Trans 231.01
Noncommercial-rural, Trans 231.05
Noncommercial-urban, Trans 231.07
Permit requirements, Trans 231.02
Hunting bear and deer from highways prohibited, NR 10.05
Land subdivision plats abutting state trunk highways and connecting highways:
Basic principles involved, Trans 233.02
Bond, performance, Trans 233.12
Definitions, Trans 233.015