General administration, Ch. DHS 108
Presumptive eligibility, pregnant women, family planning, cancer, DHS 103.11
Provider certification, Ch. DHS 105
Provider rights and responsibilities, Ch. DHS 106
Recipients' rights and duties, Ch. DHS 104
mental health MENTAL HEALTH
Clinics, outpatient, Ch. DHS 35
Comprehensive community services for persons with disorders, Ch. DHS 36
Community mental health programs, Subch. IV of ch. DHS 61
Emergency programs, Ch. DHS 34
Mental health professionals, school, PI 34.0375
Veterans outreach and recovery program, Ch. VA 11
midwives MIDWIVES
Authority and definitions, Ch. SPS 180
Discipline, grounds for, Ch. SPS 183
Licensure and temporary permits, Ch. SPS 181
Standards of practice, Ch. SPS 182
migrants MIGRANTS
Camps, DWD 301.07
Complainant confidentiality, DWD 301.04
Contractors, DWD 301.05
Data, DWD 301.02
Field sanitation standards, DWD 301.09
Forms, DWD 301.03
Scope, DWD 301.01
Wages, DWD 301.08
Work agreements and written disclosures, DWD 301.06
Pesticides, worker protection, Subch. X of ch. ATCP 29
military affairs MILITARY AFFAIRS
Military family financial aid, Ch. DMA 1
Competitive grants for public safety answering points, Ch. DMA 2
milk MILK
See Dairy
minerals MINERALS
Exploration, mining and prospecting, Chs. NR 130 to 132
Extraction, taxation, local impact fund, Ch. Tax 13
Mining reclamation, nonmetallic, Ch. NR 135
Nonferrous metallic mineral mining wastes, Ch. NR 182
mines, pits and quarries MINES, PITS AND QUARRIES
Abandoned mine openings, SPS 308.21
Administration, Subch. I of ch. SPS 308
Federal requirements, SPS 308.15
State amendments, SPS 308.20, 308.21
Fee schedule, SPS 302.17
Requirements, general, Subch. II of ch. SPS 308
minimum wages, ch. dwd 272 MINIMUM WAGES, Ch. DWD 272
mining, prospecting and exploration MINING, PROSPECTING AND EXPLORATION
Generally, Chs. NR 130, 131, 132
minority business certification program MINORITY BUSINESS CERTIFICATION PROGRAM
Certification criteria, Adm 84.03
Decertification criteria and procedure, Adm 84.16, 84.17
Minority status, determination of, Adm 84.04
minors MINORS
Child labor, Ch. DWD 270
Correctional custody of youths, Chs. DOC 371 to 396
Hours of labor, DWD 270.11
Prohibited employment:
Minors, DWD 270.12
Minors under 16 years, DWD 270.13
Street trades, Ch. DWD 271
Student worklike activities, DWD 270.19, 272.085
Wages, minimum, Ch. DWD 272
mobile homes MOBILE HOMES
motion picture MOTION PICTURE
Construction, SPS 377.19
Doors, SPS 377.20
Electrical wiring, SPS 377.24
Fire protection, SPS 377.26
Machine, SPS 377.18
Outlets, SPS 377.23
Portable, SPS 377.27
Ventilation, SPS 377.22
Film, care and use of, SPS 377.26
Machine, SPS 377.25
Machine openings, SPS 377.21
motor carriers MOTOR CARRIERS
Backhaul permits, Ch. Trans 262
Certificate of authority, Ch. Trans 177
Heavy trucks, trailers and semi-trailers, Subch. IV of ch. Trans 305
Light trucks, Subch. II of ch. Trans 305
Motor bus, Ch. Trans 330
Forest and agricultural products, Ch. Trans 259