Anhydrous ammonia, Ch. SPS 343
For detailed analysis, see Anhydrous Ammonia
Boilers and pressure vessels, Ch. SPS 341
For detailed analysis, see Boilers and Pressure Vessels
Camping units, structures, Ch. SPS 327
Carbon monoxide detectors or alarms, SPS 321.097, 328.04, 362.0915
Commercial building code:
Administration and enforcement, Ch. SPS 361
Buildings and structures, Ch. SPS 362
Energy conservation, Ch. SPS 363
Erosion and sediment control and storm water management, Ch. SPS 360
Existing buildings, Ch. SPS 366
Buildings built before 1914:
Apartment houses, hotels, and places of detention, Ch. SPS 379
Definitions and general requirements, Ch. SPS 375
Factories, office, and mercantile buildings, Ch. SPS 376
School buildings, libraries, and museums, Ch. SPS 378
Theaters and assembly halls, Ch. SPS 377
Fuel gas appliances, Ch. SPS 365
Heating and ventilating and air conditioning, Ch. SPS 364
Blasting and fireworks, SPS 305.20, 305.21
Dwellings, structures and sites, Subch. III of ch. SPS 305
Electrical, Subch. IV of ch. SPS 305
Elevators and other conveyances, Subch. X of ch. SPS 305
Fire sprinklers, Subch. V of ch. SPS 305
General requirements, Subch. I of ch. SPS 305
Inspectors, Subch. VI of ch. SPS 305
Liquefied gas suppliers, SPS 305.73
Manufactured home manufacturers, dealers, salespersons and installers, SPS 305.32 to 305.327
Mechanical, HVAC, Subch. VII of ch. SPS 305
Petroleum tank systems, Subch. VIII of ch. SPS 305
Plumbing, Subch. IX of ch. SPS 305
Dwelling Code, Chs. SPS 320 to 325
For detailed analysis, see Uniform Dwelling Code
Electrical code, Ch. SPS 316
For detailed analysis, see Electric
Elevators, escalators and lift devices, Ch. SPS 318
Energy conservation:
One and two family homes, Ch. SPS 322
Public buildings, places of employment, Ch. SPS 363
Environmental analysis and review, Ch. SPS 301
Explosives and fireworks, Ch. SPS 307
For detailed analysis, see Explosive Materials
Fee schedule, Ch. SPS 302
Fire prevention, Ch. SPS 314
Fireworks manufacture, SPS 307.50, 307.51
Gas systems, Ch. SPS 340
Gravel excavations, Ch. SPS 308
Heating, ventilating and air conditioning,Ch. SPS 364
Historic buildings, see Existing Buildings, Commercial
Infectious agents, Ch. SPS 335
Inspections, plan reviews and other services, fees, Ch. SPS 302
Liquefied gas systems, Ch. SPS 340.50
Manufactured homes:
Communities, Ch. SPS 326
Installation standards, SPS 321.40
Rehabilitation and recycling, Ch. SPS 368
Mechanical refrigeration, Ch. SPS 345
Mines, Ch. SPS 308
For detailed analysis, see Mines, Pits and Quarries
One and 2-family code, Chs. SPS 320 to 325
For detailed analysis, see Uniform Dwelling Code
Passenger ropeways:
Accident reporting, SPS 333.15
Administration and enforcement, Subch. I of ch. SPS 333
Alterations, notification of, SPS 333.11
Requirements, general, Subch. II of ch. SPS 333
Standards, changes, additions or omissions, Subch. III of ch. SPS 333
Standards incorporated by reference, SPS 333.17
Plumbing, Chs. SPS 381 to 387
For detailed analysis, see Plumbing
Private onsite wastewater treatment systems, Ch. SPS 383
For detailed analysis, see Plumbing
Public employees safety and health, Ch. SPS 332
Quarries and pits, Ch. SPS 308
For detailed analysis, see Mines, Pits and Quarries
Residential buildings, Chs. SPS 320 to 325
For detailed analysis, see Uniform Dwelling Code
Safety and health standards for public employees, Ch. SPS 332
Sand and gravel, Ch. SPS 308
For detailed analysis, see Mines, Pits and Quarries
Composting toilet systems, SPS 391.10
Incinerating toilets, SPS 391.11
Privies, SPS 391.12
Portable restrooms, SPS 391.13
Sewage facilities, boat and on shore, Ch. SPS 386
Small business enforcement discretion, Ch. SPS 306