Mass transit operating assistance, Chs. Trans 3, 4
Medical standards for driver licensing, Ch. Trans 112
Medical waste, NR 526.10
Military vehicle operator CDL exemption, Trans 102.23
Minority civil engineer scholarship and loan program, Ch. Trans 403
Mobile homes and modular building sections:
Multiple trip permits, Ch. Trans 261
Single trip permits, Ch. Trans 260
Mobilization loans for disadvantaged businesses, guarantee of, Ch. Trans 404
Mopeds, power driven cycles and motor bicycles; equipment standards, Ch. Trans 303
Motor carriers, see Motor Carriers
Motor-driven cycle and moped safety program, Ch. Trans 129
Motor vehicle dealers, manufacturers and salespersons; licensing periods and fees, Ch. Trans 144
Motor vehicle equipment:
Automobiles, motor homes and light trucks, Subch. II of ch. Trans 305
Heavy trucks, trailers and semitrailers, Subch. IV of ch. Trans 305
Homemade, replica, other modified, Trans 305.065
Motorcycles, Subch. III of ch. Trans 305
Vehicle identification, Trans 305.06
Motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program, Ch. Trans 131
Motor vehicle manufacturers' informal dispute settlement procedures, standards for, Ch. Trans 143
Motor vehicle manufacturer's licenses, Ch. Trans 137
Motor vehicle pollution control equipment, tampering, random inspection, NR 485.07
Motor vehicle salvage, Ch. Trans 136
Motor vehicle salvage pool, buyer identification cards, Ch. Trans 147
Motor vehicle trade practices, Ch. Trans 139
Municipal highway bridges, design and construction over navigable streams, Ch. Trans 207
Municipal registration fee, Ch. Trans 126
Neighborhood electric vehicles, Ch. Trans 145
Noise barriers, criteria for siting, Ch. Trans 405
Odometer disclosure requirements, Ch. Trans 154
Operating privilege:
Administrative suspension for prohibitive blood alcohol concentration, Ch. Trans 113
Suspension or revocation, Trans 101.04
Oversize or overweight vehicles:
Michigan-Wisconsin border, Ch. Trans 253
Multiple trip permits, Ch. Trans 255
Permits, Ch. Trans 250
Seed potato, Ch. Trans 258
Single trip permits, Ch. Trans 254
Permits, single trip, issuance by telephone, Ch. Trans 275
Persons with physical disabilities, identification cards, Ch. Trans 130
Photo operator's license and identification card, Ch. Trans 102
Point schedule, Trans 101.02
Proof of insurance certifications, Ch. Trans 197
Rail fixed guideway systems, safety oversight, Ch. Trans 10
Railroad and public utility alteration and relocation loan program, Ch. Trans 30
Railroad property, utility facilities on, Ch. Trans 29
Records, fees and procedures for searches and documentation, Ch. Trans 195
Recreational vehicles, dealer trade practices, Ch. Trans 142
Recyclable scrap permits, Ch. Trans 269
Registration, refusal due to unpaid parking tickets or judgments, Ch. Trans 128
Rental companies, Ch. Trans 175
Rider courses, Ch. Trans 129
Rideshare assistance program, Ch. Trans 5
Roadside vegetation management, Ch. Trans 280
Rural and small urban area public transportation assistance program, Ch. Trans 6
Rustic roads, Ch. Trans-RR 1
Safety belt usage, physical or medical exemption, Ch. Trans 315
Safety responsibility and accident reporting, Ch. Trans 100
Salvage pool, buyer identification cards, Ch. Trans 147
Salvage vehicle, repaired, inspection of, Ch. Trans 149
Scenic byways program, Ch. Trans 202
School bus:
Bus and van standards, Ch. Trans 300
Endorsements, general standards, Ch. Trans 112
Oxidation catalyst grant program, Ch. Trans 135
Trip permit, Ch. Trans 127
Erected along public highways, Ch. Trans 200
Outdoor advertising, along interstate and federal-aid systems, control of, Ch. Trans 201
Persons with disabilities, parking, Trans 200.07
Underground transmission lines, Trans 200.05
Warning signs, utility work areas, Trans 200.055
Size and weight of vehicles and vehicle combinations, Ch. Trans 276
Slow-moving vehicle emblem, Ch. Trans 304
Snowplow drivers, backup, licensing, Trans 102.23
Special events, security, traffic enforcement and escort services, fees, Ch. Trans 320
Special groups, authorized for license plates, Ch. Trans 134
Special handling service and fees, Trans 196.04
Special vehicles, equipment standards, Ch. Trans 303
Specialized transportation assistance program, Ch. Trans 1
Studded tires, use, Ch. Trans 306
Telephone authorization for quarterly or monthly registration, Ch. Trans 133
Title, certification of, salvage vehicle, Trans 149.09, 149.10
Tourist-oriented directional signs, Trans 200.08
Towing unauthorized vehicles on private property, Ch. Trans 319
Town road bridge standards, Ch. Trans 214
Town road improvement standards, Ch. Trans 204