Canning factories, Ch. ATCP 70
Seeds, see Agriculture
vending machines VENDING MACHINES
Cigarettes, Tax 9.41
Foods and beverages, standards, Subch. V of ch. ATCP 75
venereal disease VENEREAL DISEASE
ventilation VENTILATION
Existing buildings, SPS 377.15
veterans VETERANS
See also Veterans Affairs
Assistance grants, Ch. VA 2
Benefits, application for, VA 1.02
Disabled veteran-owned business certification program, Ch. Adm 82
Military medical personnel program, Ch. Med 26, Ch. SPS 11
Wisconsin Veterans Home, Ch. VA 6
veterans affairs VETERANS AFFAIRS
Application for benefits:
Appeal from decision upon application, VA 1.03
Applicants, qualifying, VA 1.04
Discrimination prohibited, VA 1.13
Eligibility determination, periods of war, VA 1.14
False statement of applicant, VA 1.08
Records, information, release, VA 1.10
Requirements, VA 1.02
Cemeteries, veterans, Ch. VA 14
Consumer loan program, Ch. VA 12
Cooperation of department with other agencies, VA 1.05
County transportation services grants, Ch. VA 16
County veteran's service grants:
Application, VA 8.02
Budget, operational standards, VA 8.03
Eligibility, VA 8.02
Salary supplement, use of grant, VA 8.05
Definitions, VA 1.001
Educational assistance program for nurses employed at veterans homes, Ch. VA 18
Grants to veterans, employers and nonprofit organizations, Ch. VA 2
Grants to veterans organizations:
Administration, VA 7.05
Application, VA 7.04
Definitions, VA 7.01
Eligibility, VA 7.03
Limitations, VA 7.02
Health care aid grants, VA 2.01
Military funeral honors program, Ch. VA 17
Personal loans, Ch. VA 12
Outreach and recovery program, Ch. VA 11
Recovery of erroneous payments, VA 2.05
Retraining grants, VA 2.03
Service grants, American Indian, Ch. VA 15
Statutory construction, VA 1.01
Subsistence aid grants, VA 2.01
Tuition reimbursement program, VA 2.02
Veteran-owned business, certification, VA 1.16
Veterans housing and recovery program, Ch. VA 13
Wisconsin Veterans Home:
Absence, VA 6.05
Admission and care, VA 6.01
Commandant, duties and responsibilities, VA 6.02
Conduct and responsibilities of members, VA 6.04
Curator, duties and responsibilities, VA 5.03
Discharges, VA 6.05
Discipline, VA 6.05
Employees, VA 6.06
Primary display collection, VA 5.02
Purpose, VA 5.01
Traffic and conduct on property, VA 6.03
veterinarians VETERINARIANS
Authority and definitions, VE 1.01, 1.02
Complaint procedures, Ch. VE 3
Examinations, Subch. II of ch. VE 1
Licensure, Subch. III of ch. VE 1
Medication, administered to racing animals, Ch. Game 14
Permits, Subch. IV of ch. VE 1
Rabies control programs, Ch. ATCP 13
Racing animals, humane treatment, Ch. Game 15
Standards of practice and unprofessional conduct, Subch. VI of ch. VE 1
Veterinary professional assistance program, Ch. VE 4
Veterinary schools practices, Subch. V of ch. VE 1
Veterinary technicians, Ch. VE 2
Authority and definitions, Subch. I of ch. VE 2
Certification, Subch. II of ch. VE 2
Standards of practice and unprofessional conduct, Subch. III of ch. VE 2
X-ray equipment, use and safety standards, Ch. DHS 157
veterinary medicine VETERINARY MEDICINE
Animal disease prevention, Ch. ATCP 10
video service franchises VIDEO SERVICE FRANCHISES
Generally, Ch. DFI-CCS 20