The Department anticipates no fiscal impact on local governments.
Notice of Hearing
Public Instruction
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to s. 227.11 (2) (a), Stats., and interpreting s. 119.23, Stats., the department of public instruction will hold a public hearing as follows to consider emergency and proposed permanent rules, relating to the Milwaukee parental school choice program. Emergency rules were promulgated by the department effective January 4, 2000. The hearing will be held as follows:
Hearing Information
March 20, 2000   Milwaukee
Monday   Milwaukee Area Tech. College
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.   700 W. State Street
  Room 5120
The hearing site is fully accessible to people with disabilities. If you require reasonable accommodation to access any meeting, please call Charlie Toulmin, Milwaukee Parental School Choice Consultant, at (608) 266-2853, or leave a message with the Teletypewriter (TTY) at (608) 267-2427 at least 10 days prior to the hearing date. Reasonable accommodation includes materials prepared in an alternative format, as provided under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Copies of Rule and Contact Person
The administrative rule is available on the internet at A copy of the rule and the fiscal estimate may be obtained by sending an email request to or by writing to:
Lori Slauson
Administrative Rules and Federal Grants Coordinator
Department of Public Instruction
125 South Webster Street
P.O. Box 7841
Madison, WI 53707
Written comments on the proposed rules received by Ms. Slauson at the above address no later than March 27, 2000, will be given the same consideration as testimony presented at the hearing. Comments submitted via email will not be accepted as formal testimony.
Analysis by the Department of Public Instruction
1999 Wis. Act 9 created new provisions under s. 119.23, Stats., relating to the Milwaukee Parental School Choice Program (MPSCP). To reflect the statutory changes, Chapter PI 35, has been modified to:
  Specify voucher payment provisions for MPSCP summer school programs; and
  Calculate the annual voucher amount under the MPSCP.
Other changes have been made to ensure that participating schools are safe and to make it easier for parents to participate in the program, including:
  Calculating the annual income limits for participation in the MPSCP in a more timely fashion. Calculating the income eligibility limits earlier will allow schools to notify the department of their intent to be in the program and permit parents to apply to participating schools earlier. Such a change will make the MPSCP application process more in line with the application processes for other educational option programs in Milwaukee.
  Ensuring parents a fair opportunity to submit an application to a choice school by requiring that open application periods for the program set by the private schools will have to be at least 14 days in length.
  Requiring current and new choice schools to submit an occupancy certificate showing compliance with building codes.
Fiscal Estimate
It is assumed that except for the provision relating to voucher payment provisions for MPSCP summer school programs, the proposed rules relating to the Milwaukee parental school choice program (MPSCP) will not have a fiscal effect on local or state revenues or costs.
In FY 2000, the summer school payments under this program were approximately $250,000. This cost will result in a directly comparable reduction in state aid to the 426 school districts in Wisconsin. As a result of 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, one-half of this amount ($125,000) will come from Milwaukee Public Schools; one-half ($125,000) from the remaining districts. It is anticipated that this amount will increase as additional choice schools provide summer school. However, the number of additional pupils participating in summer school programs and membership for aid claimed in the future is indeterminable.
These rules will not have a fiscal effect on the private schools participating in the program.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The proposed rules are not anticipated to have a fiscal effect on small businesses as defined under s. 227.114(1)(a), Stats.
Notice of Hearing
Dept. of Tourism
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to s. 41.17 (4) (g), Stats., the Wisconsin Department of Tourism will hold a hearing at the time and place shown below to consider a proposed order to amend s. Tour 1.03 (3) (a), relating to the joint effort marketing (JEM) program.
Hearing Information
Date & Time   Location
March 15, 2000   Meeting Room 2B
Wednesday   Dept. of Tourism
10:00 a.m.   201 West Washington Ave.
Written Comments
Written comments on the proposed rules may be sent to the contact person by Friday, March 31, 2000. Written comments will receive the same consideration as written or oral testimony presented at the hearing.
Analysis Prepared by the Dept. of Tourism
Section 41.17, Stats., creates a joint effort marketing (JEM) program and s. 41.17 (4) (g), Stats., authorizes the Department to adopt rules required to administer the program. The program provides for grants to non-profit organizations engaged in tourism activities. Grant funds may be used for the development of publicity, the production and media placement of advertising, direct mail, and, for destination marketing projects, certain expenses related to attendance at trade shows. To be eligible, expenditures must be part of a project and overall advertising plan of the applicant organization intended to increase tourism in Wisconsin.
The current rules authorize funding for projects that relate to tourism events, promotions and destination marketing projects. An example of an event might be a town festival. An example of a promotion might be the advertising of discounted entry and accommodation fees within an area for a limited period of time intended to attract tourists to a destination during shoulder or off season. Destination marketing is advertising that is not necessarily connected to an event or promotion, but that advertises a region of the state to a market that is identified in the statewide marketing plan as regional or extended regional, or that advertises a region of the state to potential meeting and convention or motorcoach visitors. Destination marketing advertising must be intended to attract tourists during a time that has not traditionally attracted substantial tourism to the area, and the proposal must be from an applicant representing a region made up of three or more municipalities. Funding under the Destination Marketing category is limited to $5,000 per municipality represented in an application and no more than $20,000 total per application.
The proposed rule increases the maximum limits for destination marketing projects to $10,000 per municipality represented and a total maximum per destination marketing project equal to the lesser of $40,000 or 7% of the fiscal year budget for destination marketing projects. It also makes clear that the 7% limit for all JEM projects is based upon the applicable share of the annual JEM budget. 1999 Wis. Act 9 (the recently adopted biennial budget) directs the Department of Tourism to increase the budget for Joint Effort Marketing to not less than $1,130,000 each year. The Joint Effort Marketing Program budget for the last year of the previous biennium was $700,000. One result of the mandated increase was to increase the maximum funding for all Joint Effort Marketing categories other than Destination Marketing. The rule produces a similar increase for Destination Marketing.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to s. 227.14, Stats., the proposed rule will have minimal impact on small businesses. The initial regulatory flexibility analysis as required by s. 227.17 (3) (f), Stats., is as follows:
1) Type of small business affected by the rule: None.
2) The proposed reporting, bookkeeping and other procedures required for compliance with the rule: None.
3) The types of professional skills necessary for compliance with the rule: None.
Fiscal Estimate
The proposed rule has no fiscal effect.
Contact Information
For additional information about or copies of the proposed rules contact:
Dennis Fay, General Counsel
Telephone (608) 266-6747
Wis. Department of Tourism
P. O. Box 7976
Madison, WI 53707-7976
Notice of Submission of Proposed Rules to the Presiding Officer of each House of the Legislature, Under S. 227.19, Stats.
Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings for further information on a particular rule.
Administration (CR 99-154):
Ch. Adm 47 - Relating to the Wisconsin Land Information Program grants-in-aid to local government.
Corrections (CR 97-13):
Ch. DOC 303 - Relating to inmate conduct, inmate discipline and procedures for the imposition of discipline.
Financial Institutions--Credit Unions (CR 99-145):
Ch. DFI-CU 52 - Relating to credit union examinations.
Financial Institutions--Credit Unions (CR 99-146):
Ch. DFI-CU 64 - Relating to public inspection and copying of records of the Office of Credit Unions.
Health and Family Services (CR 99-55):
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.