(2) A reciprocal radiographer license shall be granted to a service member, former service member, or the spouse of a service member or former service member who the board determines meets all of the requirements under s. 440.09 (2), Stats. Subject to s. 440.09 (2m), Stats., the board may request verification necessary to make a determination under this subsection.
  Note: Applications for licensure by endorsement or reciprocity may be obtained from the department of safety and professional services at (608) 266-2112 or from the department’s website at http://dsps.wi.gov.
Section 3.   RAD 2.05 (2) is amended to read:
  RAD 2.05 (2) Conviction Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335, Stats., conviction of an offense under s. 940.22, 940.225, 944.15, 944.17, 944.30, 944.31, 944.32, 944.33, 944.34, 948.02, 948.025, 948.08, 948.085, 948.09, 948.095 or 948.10, Stats., or a comparable offense under federal law or state law, or any crime the circumstances of which substantially relate to the practice of radiography.
Section 4.   RAD 2.06 is repealed.
Section 5.   RAD 3.01 is amended to read:
  RAD 3.01 Application. The board shall grant a permit to practice as a an LXMO to a person who meets the minimum requirements for a permit in s. 462.03 (1) and (3), Stats.
Section 6.   RAD 3.01 (Note) is created to read:
  RAD 3.01 (Note) An application may be obtained from the department of safety and professional services at (608) 266-2112 or from the department’s website at http://dsps.wi.gov.
Section 7.   RAD 3.04 and 3.05 are amended to read:
  RAD 3.04 Notice of examination results. All applicants for a an LXMO permit shall receive a passing grade determined by the board to represent the minimum competence to practice. The board may accept the passing grade recommendation of an approved testing agency.
  3.05Re-examination. A person who fails to achieve passing grades on the examinations required under this chapter may reapply for reexamination on forms provided by the department. No applicant may make more than 3 attempts to pass the examination within any 12 month 12-month period. A re-examination fee specified by the department shall be paid for each examination.
Section 8.   RAD 3.06 is repealed.
Section 9.   RAD 3.065 is created to read:
  RAD 3.065Reciprocal permits. A reciprocal LXMO permit shall be granted to a service member, former service member, or the spouse of a service member or former service member who the board determines meets all of the requirements under s. 440.09 (2), Stats. Subject to s. 440.09 (2m), Stats., the board may request verification necessary to make a determination under this section.
  Note: An application for a reciprocal permit may be obtained from the department of safety and professional services at (608) 266-2112 or from the department’s website at http://dsps.wi.gov.
Section 10.   RAD 3.07 (intro.) and (1) to (3) are amended to read:
  RAD 3.07 (intro.) The Board board may deny an application for a an LXMO permit on the basis of any of the following:
  (1)Termination from any employment related to the practice of a an LXMO for reasons of negligence or incompetence.
  (2)Conviction Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335, Stats., conviction of an offense under s. 940.22, 940.225, 944.15, 944.17, 944.30, 944.31, 944.32, 944.33, 944.34, 948.02, 948.025, 948.08, 948.085, 948.09, 948.095, or 948.10, Stats., or a comparable offense under federal law or state law, or any crime the circumstances of which substantially relate to the practice of radiography.
  (3)Any encumbrances including surrender, suspension, revocation, limitation, or reprimand of a an LXMO permit by another credentialing body.
Section 11.   Efffective date. The rules adopted in this order shall take effect on the first day of the month following publication in the Wisconsin Administrative Register, pursuant to s. 227.22 (2) (intro.), Stats.
Dated _________________     Agency __________________________________
              Radiography Examining Board
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.