Motor fuel tax refund: sales tax exemption for [Sec. 2381m, 2383r, 9443 (18e)] -  Act 27
Motor vehicles owned by dealerships: use tax on [Sec. 2392, 9443 (4)] -  Act 27
Premier resort area creation and tax [Sec. 700mm, 719c, 2213m, 2392m, 2410m] [700mm, 719c, 2410m — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Prepaid telephone calling cards and authorization numbers subject to sales and use taxes [Sec. 313eL, em, 9442 (3t)]  -  Act 237
Sales and use tax collection: DOR authorized to contract with direct marketers [Sec. 2363] [partial veto]  -  Act 27
Sales and use tax late filing fees revised -  Act 314
Sales and use tax: meal and sandwich defined; provision re food product or beverage packaged with other goods [Sec. 313bm, c, d, e, f, g, 9442 (3c)] -  Act 237
Telecommunication services: reduction to prevent double taxation [Sec. 2391mn] -  Act 27
Vending machines selling food and beverages: LAB to study feasibility of replacing sales tax with permit fee imposed on owners [Sec. 9132 (1to)] -  Act 27
sales tax _ exemptionSales tax — Exemption
Auction of personal farm property or household goods: sales tax exemption revised [Sec. 313cm] [vetoed]  -  AB-768
Commodities in warehouse: sales tax exemption certificate not required [Sec. 2392p, 9443 (19bn)]  -  Act 27
Commodities in warehouse: use tax exemption certificate not required; sales tax provisions modified [Sec. 313et, ev] -  Act 237
County fair admission: sales tax eliminated [Sec. 313eg, 9442 (3b)] -  Act 237
Food and beverage agreements between institution of higher education and student: sales tax exemption expanded  -  Act 41
Food and beverage tax exemption for certain local retailers [Sec. 2407, 9443 (3)] -  Act 27
Internet access charges: sales tax exemption for [Sec. 2386j] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Medicine sample use tax registration re 1997 WisAct 27 -  Act 41
Medicines exempt from use tax expanded to include certain free samples [Sec. 2393no, 9443 (17t)] [9443 (17t) — vetoed] -  Act 27
Mobile home sales tax exemption modified re rental for continuous period (remedial legislation) -  Act 291
Periodicals issued by educational association or certain corporation: sales tax exemption created [Sec. 2393noo, 9443 (19g)] -  Act 27
Plastic materials used to cover hay or silage: sales and use tax exemption for [Sec. 2393, 9443 (2)]  -  Act 27
Printing materials: sales tax exemption [Sec. 2386g,h, p, 2393q, 9443 (17x)] -  Act 27
Time-share property sales tax exemption [Sec. 2383g, 2386q, 2393nv, 9443 (18n)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
University food contracts: sales tax exemption; provision re national football league team [Sec. 2393nq, 9343 (8w)] [2393nq — partial veto] -  Act 27
salvageSalvage, see Junkyard
sandhill craneSandhill crane, see Bird
sanitation and sewerage managementSanitation and sewerage management, see also Solid waste management
Boat toilet waste: onshore disposal facilities provision created  -  Act 330
Clean water fund changes re notice of intent and applications for financial assistance; priority to small sanitary districts and projects serving more than one community; limit on assistance to certain community [Sec. 297, 3497e, 3509m-3512, 3514, 3528m, 9137 (7x)] [3497e, 3528m — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Clean water fund hardship assistance application deadline [Sec. 9137 (2hg)] -  Act 27
Clean water fund hardship assistance: federal grants for rural communities [Sec. 31, 32, 60-63, 468-481]  -  Act 237
Clean water fund hardship assistance for Pell lake and Lake Como sanitary districts in Walworth county [Sec. 9137 (8c), 9437 (7f)] -  Act 27
Environmental cooperation pilot program created to evaluate innovative regulatory methods; LAB to monitor and report [Sec. 10r, 3789] -  Act 27
Mobile home park water or sewer service: regulatory authority transferred from DATCP to PSC; FTE position and assessment provisions; study required [partial veto]  -  Act 229
Ordinary high water mark of certain lakes: town sanitary district to establish [Sec. 82aj] -  Act 237
Sanitarian activities: board of health to coordinate (remedial legislation) -  Act 114
Sewerage projects: special assessments levy for systems on certain farmland and methods of financing projects  -  Act 213
Storm and surface water sewerage system: service charges provision and refund of standby charges  -  Act 53
Town sanitary district assets and liabilities: division of [Sec. 276c, m, 9356 (2f)] -  Act 237
savings and loan associationsSavings and loan associations
Minority business development program revised; grants for economic development, education and training and employment opportunities [Sec. 199n, 4532b-4547m] [4532g, m — vetoed] -  Act 27
Saving institutions authority revised re loans and investments and relocating offices; S&L pension and deferred compensation plan approval modified -  Act 144
savings and loan, division ofSavings and loan, Division of
Saving institutions authority revised re loans and investments and relocating offices; S&L pension and deferred compensation plan approval modified -  Act 144
sawyer countySawyer county
STH 77 in Iron and Sawyer counties designated for long vehicles [Sec. 9149 (1z)] -  Act 27
scholarships and loansScholarships and loans, see also Veteran — Education
Academic excellence higher education scholarship program revisions [Sec. 237e, 1277d-j, 9356 (6p)] [1277d — vetoed] -  Act 27
Academic excellence scholarship program: revisions re institutional participation and minimum grade point average (remedial legislation) -  Act 109
Armory sale moneys: use of remainder of proceeds changed from national guard tuition grant program to payment of certain municipal assessments re military property [Sec. 648-651, 652, 761, 3117] -  Act 27
College tuition prepayment program appropriation made continuing; DOA to repay general fund [Sec. 102, 692, 9201 (1)] -  Act 27
College tuition prepayment program revised -  Act 158
Internal revenue code updates; eligibility for deduction for interest on qualified education loans; depreciation computation; revisions re funeral trusts and deductions for nonresidents, part-year residents and dependents [Sec. 280, 281, 282, 284b, d, 288-293, 294-297, 9342 (4), (5), (6)] [282, 9342 (6) — vetoed] -  Act 237
Milwaukee teacher education center: teacher education loan program established [Sec. 236L, 1258m]  -  Act 27
Minority precollege scholarship funding [Sec. 9239 (1t)] -  Act 237
Minority teacher loan program funding [Sec. 9223 (4c)] -  Act 237
National guard tuition grants: percentage paid revised; warrant officer provision; HEAB accreditation of schools [Sec. 761g-762, 9336 (1)] -  Act 27
Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs: appropriation created re collection of penalties [Sec. 26, 557-566, 9210 (3f)] -  Act 237
Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs: appropriations consolidated [Sec. 189-192, 4414, 4420, 4421, 4424, 4432, 4438, 4439, 4441] -  Act 27
Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs: definition and practice requirements modified [Sec. 1942, 4405-4413, 4415-4419, 4421b-4423, 4425-4431, 4433- 4437, 4439b-4440, 4441n, 4442, 9310 (1)]  -  Act 27
Residential school services: nonresident tuition fees applied to [Sec. 250] -  Act 27
Scholarship income: revision re counting as household income [Sec. 2289, 9343 (1)] -  Act 27
Student loan interest appropriation: technical change [Sec. 239m] -  Act 27
Traffic academy tuition payments: PR appropriation created [Sec. 500, 850, 2691] -  Act 27
Tribally controlled college student tuition grants [Sec. 1224e, 1225m, 1227g, m, 1229c-j, 9156 (1g)]  -  Act 27
Charter schools in MPS district: city of Milwaukee, U.W. Milwaukee and Milwaukee area technical college may establish and operate [Sec. 258, 2695, 2808, 2830-2842b, 2868, 2869, 2900, 2901, 9340 (2), 9440 (2)] -  Act 27
Charter schools: laws revised re contract to establish outside school district; conversion of private school; WRS provision -  Act 238
High school admission standards and preapproval of summer school and laboratory classes: State superintendent duties revised [Sec. 2787, 2855, 2875] -  Act 27
Institute for excellence in urban education established at U.W. Milwaukee; council created [Sec. 94mm, 1168e] [94mm — vetoed] -  Act 27
Juvenile not adjudicated delinquent: notification to school -  Act 95
Leasing technical college facilities re school purposes authorized -  Act 85
Obsolete language and provisions eliminated re certain DPI and public school statutes; background check on DPI license applicant modified re photograph (remedial legislation)  -  Act 113
Public libraries: laws revised; report and plan provisions; DOA, DLCL and State superintendent duties specified  -  Act 150
Pupil records transfer re adult correctional institution, mental health institute or state center [Sec. 268m, 361u]  -  Act 237
School and school district annual performance reports: information included revised -  Act 244
Winnebago mental health institute: DHFS contracts with school districts for outpatient services to pupils [Sec. 569mm, 570mm, 2111, 2112, 2861] -  Act 27
school _ attendanceSchool — Attendance
MPS revenue limits and parental choice pupils [Sec. 2897, 2898, 2899] -  Act 27
Postsecondary enrollment options program revised and renamed ``youth options program"; provisions re attendance of technical college instead of high school [Sec. 1179, 1180, 1185, 1190, 2709, 2788, 2812, 2816-2823, 2824m-2827m, 2844, 2845, 2856, 2872, 9140 (6sr), 9340 (5x)] [2844 — partial veto; 9140 (6sr) — vetoed] -  Act 27
School annual count determination method revised -  Act 87
School board resolutions and open enrollment program re 1997 WisAct 27: date for adoption revised  -  Act 41
School choice for MPS: interdistrict school choice and enrollment options programs created [Sec. 18g, 253r, 255m, 256m, 2745p, pm, 2758d-k, 2760b-z, 2762g, r, 2765m, 2766am, 2767kg, kr, 2843g, r, 2872gd, 2883m, 2885g, r, 2888p, s, 2891m, 9440 (7x)] [2843g, r — partial veto]  -  Act 27
school _ attendance _ compulsorySchool — Attendance — Compulsory
Compulsory school attendance laws revised re age and penalties; habitual truancy definition, ordinance, court authority and parental notice provisions modified; truancy plan review and county truancy planning committees required; municipal truancy ordinance permitted -  Act 239
Juvenile justice code revisions re adult court jurisdiction, restitution and forfeiture, sanctions and contempt of court, rules of evidence, disclosure of juvenile court records, violation of dispositional order, intake worker authority to take juvenile into custody, disclosure and exchange of certain information, teen court program, intensive supervision and short-term detention provisions and high school equivalency from detention facility or jail; LAB audit -  Act 205