Worker's compensation adjudicatory functions re disputed claims transferred to DHA; notices and recording testimony by electronic means provisions [Sec. 1412d-1414, 2727-2744d, 2754d-2876d, 2879d-2942d, 2952-2991d, 2995d, 2996d, 3587, 3588d, 3591d, 3594d, 9151 (2), 9451 (1v)] [2830e -- partial veto] -
Act 55Distance Learning Authorization Board created and attached to HEAB; JCF duties -
Act 208Minority teacher loan program in HEAB modified [Sec. 1372p-x, 9319 (3f)] [1372r, 9319 (3f) -- partial veto] -
Act 55Teacher education loan program repealed; teacher loan program created, HEAB duties [Sec. 557g, j, 1371e, k] -
Act 55Teacher loan program modified to include loan forgiveness to teachers employed in rural counties, conditions set -
Act 359Tribal college payments from Indian gaming receipts created; certain veteran tuition reimbursement program repealed [Sec. 559m, 768t, 808m, 1370m, 1447m, 4316m] -
Act 55Wisconsin grants for technical college students: HEAB funding increased for 2015 fiscal biennium -
Act 281Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: date of legal holiday changed (remedial legislation) -
Act 198``Carson Holmquist Memorial Highway”: route of STH 87 designated as; DOT to mark, contributions from interested parties provision -
Act 347Equine−assisted learning and equine−assisted psychotherapy: civil liability immunity for equine activities expanded to include -
Act 66Abortion law revisions re postfertilization age of unborn child, prohibition at or after 20 weeks, hospital and clinic reporting requirements, and informed consent; exemption, civil remedies, injunction, and penalty provisions -
Act 56Accompaniment by victim advocate: victims of certain crimes have right to request re examination, consultation, proceedings, or interviews; hospital and law enforcement civil liability immunity and confidentiality provisions -
Act 351Ambulance staffing requirements revised re EMTs and first responders; respiratory care practitioner and pediatric patient transferred to another hospital by airplane provisions; municipality population and waivers provisions; DHS duties -
Act 113Ambulatory surgical center assessment: DHS annual report required -
Act 314Ambulatory surgical center assessment: DHS report required, DOR provision [Sec. 3483t] [vetoed] -
Act 55Behavioral health care coordination pilot projects and psychiatric consultation reimbursement pilot projects authorized; grant to develop Internet site and system re availability of inpatient psychiatric beds; DHS duties and reports required -
Act 153Family members prevented from visiting or communicating with resident or ward in a facility, home, or dwelling in which the resident is receiving care and services may petition court for visitation; conditions, expedited hearing, sanctions, remedies, and definition provisions -
Act 343Federally qualified health centers: MA reimbursement rates [Sec. 1791p] -
Act 55Health care information from hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers collected, analyzed, and disseminated by an entity revised -
Act 287Hospitals with disproportionate share of low-income patients: supplemental payments from DHS, conditions set [Sec. 1791r] -
Act 55Pain clinic certification provisions created, requirements specified; DHS duties -
Act 265Tangible personal property that becomes a component in a municipal, water authority, sewerage commission, certain hospitals, or nonprofit organization facility: sales and use tax exemptions created; JSCTE appendix report -
Act 126Restaurants, lodging, and recreation: oversight of transferred to DATCP from DHS [Sec. 482, 670, 1055, 1455, 1854, 1974-1980, 2472, 2515, 2596, 2606, 2612, 2616, 2617, 2641-2648, 2659-2682, 2692, 2694-2710, 2714, 2715, 2720, 3105-3107, 3122, 3422-3432, 3433, 3434, 4033-4036, 4040, 4045, 4047, 4050-4105, 4318, 4353-4355, 4721, 9118 (2), 9418 (2)] -
Act 55Tourism entity under the room tax: definition and governing body membership revisions -
Act 301One day of rest in seven: employee may voluntarily choose to work without, written statement required [Sec. 3078bg, 9351 (4u)] -
Act 55Automatic fire sprinklers: DSPS may not promulgate or enforce rule requiring in one- or two-family dwelling [Sec. 2714m, n] -
Act 55Building permit form for one- and two-family dwellings: DSPS required to establish an electronic processing system and furnish municipalities standard permit form in an electronic format; municipal authority duties and certificate of financial responsibility provision -
Act 211Camping units: DSPS directed to include separate standards for in the dwelling code, electrical code, and plumbing code -
Act 49``Dwelling Code Council" renamed ``Uniform Dwelling Code Council"; ``Building Code Council" renamed ``Commercial Building Code Council" -
Act 29Dwelling construction standard and building permit waiver provisions for certain religious groups created; definitions and DSPS provisions [Sec. 2715m, 2717m, 2718d] -
Act 55Family members prevented from visiting or communicating with resident or ward in a facility, home, or dwelling in which the resident is receiving care and services may petition court for visitation; conditions, expedited hearing, sanctions, remedies, and definition provisions -
Act 343Foreclosure actions involving noncommercial property and abandoned property: revisions re redemption period, notice of sale, and determination of abandonment; court duties specified -
Act 376Inspection of major renovations of one- and two-family dwellings required; definition and ordinance provisions [vetoed] -
SB87Landlord and tenant law revisions: local government authority, historic landmark designation, automatic sprinklers in multifamily dwellings, towing vehicles from private property, termination of tenancy, trespass, and disposal of personal property left by trespasser; DOT and criminal activity provisions -
Act 176Lead inspection requirements: partial lead inspection for lead-safe renovations exemption; written disclosure of the inspection required -
Act 122Nonconforming structure zoning ordinances modified re replacement due to natural forces or vandalism and replacement or repair of manufactured home communities and infrastructure -
Act 223Overweight factory-built homes: single-trip permits issued by DOT and local highway officials allowed -
Act 241Real Estate Examining Board requirement to develop rules re cooperative agreement forms for out-of-state real estate brokers, salespersons, and time-share salespersons deleted -
Act 47Real estate practice law revisions re terminology, licensing, association with a firm, independent contractor, independent practice, time-share salespersons, and Real Estate Examining Board provisions; statute of limitation for filing an action against a real estate broker or salesperson; definition of ``employee”, UI, and emergency rules provisions -
Act 258Wells used for fire protection or to provide water to a single family or multifamily residence is not considered a high capacity well; DNR approval, annual pumping report, and fee provisions -
Act 177Agricultural loan guarantee programs administered by WHEDA revised -
Act 316Activities that intentionally interfere with hunting, trapping, or fishing: lawful activities definition and prohibited conduct expanded -
Act 346Animal lawfully shot by a youth or mentee but not killed: accompanying hunter permitted to kill the animal at the request of the youth or mentee; definition provisions -
Act 225Back tag requirements repealed re specified DNR hunting licenses -
Act 222Bear hunting provisions modified and Class B license eliminated [Sec. 1052m-1053q, 1055d-m, 1060j] -
Act 55Farm-raised deer sold to hunting preserve or game farm: sales tax exemption created [Sec. 2524t, 9437 (2j)] -
Act 55Fish and wildlife management activities: DNR to prepare a funding report [Sec. 9132 (1v)] -
Act 55Group deer hunting party: prohibiting a member from using a youth carcass tag to kill an antlerless deer on behalf of the holder of the tag -
Act 100Hunting deer with firearms: color of clothing during hunting season includes bright pink or fluorescent pink -
Act 131Physician assistants and advanced practice nurse prescribers authorized to provide information for or certify that a person with disabilities is eligible for certain DNR hunting and fishing approvals -
Act 97Recreation vehicle registration and regulation revisions; hunting, trapping, and fishing approval and regulation revisions; place of trial for certain fish and game law violations; DNR duties and electronic system for accessing approvals and certificates; enforcement, penalty, and emergency rule provisions -
Act 89Shining wild animals: ``flashlight" definition revised and use of firearm-mounted light permitted -
Act 249Special distinguishing registration plates for Wisconsin Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Whitetails Unlimited, the Boy Scouts of America, nurses, and Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer established; fee, logo, trademark, contributions from interested parties, and registration number up to 7 positions provisions -
Act 328Sporting heritage grants and Fox River Navigational System Authority funding repealed; funding for Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission; forestry and fire prevention study revised [Sec. 635, 635d, 1036c-e, 1057, 3949, 3950, 9132 (4c), 9432 (1c)] -
Act 55Transfer of hunting, fishing, or trapping approval to a person with a disability permitted under certain conditions; transfer of a Class A bear license to a Purple Heart recipient or armed forces member on active duty permitted under certain conditions -
Act 98Urban bow hunting: existing local governmental restrictions that do not meet certain criteria do not apply and cannot be enforced [Sec. 1052e] -
Act 55Wolf hunting and trapping: date annual open season begins changed -
Act 285