Picture of Representative JoCasta Zamarripa

Representative JoCasta Zamarripa

Minority Caucus Vice-Chair

Assembly District 8

(D - Milwaukee) Voting Address:
1645 South 12th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53204


Born Milwaukee, March 8, 1976; single. Graduate St. Joan Antida H.S. (Milwaukee) 1994; BFA UW-Milwaukee 2005. Full-time legislator. Former nonprofit professional. Member: Wisconsin Minority Health Leadership Council.

Elected to Assembly 2010; reelected 2012. Minority Caucus Vice Chairperson 2013.

2013 Authored Proposals

(first or second author, first sponsor)

2013 Co-authored Proposals

2013 Cosponsored Proposals

2013 Authored Amendments

2013 Votes