AB1085,2,21 21c.  Happyhill.
1d.  Maple Tree.
AB1085,3,2 2e.  Stuart.
AB1085,3,3 3f.  Thoreau.
AB1085,3,4 4g.  River Trail.
AB1085,3,5 5h.  Bruce.
AB1085,3,6 6i.  Irving.
AB1085,3,7 7j.  Parkview.
AB1085,3,8 8k.  Bryant.
AB1085,3,9 9l.  Engleburg.
AB1085,3,10 10m.  Browning.
AB1085,3,11 11n.  Kluge.
AB1085,3,12 12o.  Emerson.
AB1085,3,13 13p.  Grantosa Drive.
AB1085,3,14 14q.  Kilbourn.
AB1085,3,15 15r.  Lancaster.
AB1085,3,16 16s.  95th Street.
AB1085,3,17 17t.  65th Street.
AB1085,3,18 18u.  Congress.
AB1085,3,19 19v.  81st Street.
AB1085,3,20 20w.  53rd Street.
AB1085,3,22 212.  The territory consisting of the combined attendance districts of all of the fol
22lowing elementary schools shall be Milwaukee Public School District No. 2:
AB1085,3,23 23a.  Hampton.
AB1085,3,24 24b.  35th Street.
AB1085,3,25 25c.  Clemens.
1d.  Garden Homes.
AB1085,4,2 2e.  Townsend.
AB1085,4,3 3f.  Douglass.
AB1085,4,4 4g.  Franklin.
AB1085,4,5 5h.  Sherman.
AB1085,4,6 6i.  Clarke Street.
AB1085,4,7 7j.  Auer Avenue.
AB1085,4,8 8k.  Hi Mount Boulevard.
AB1085,4,9 9l.  37th Street.
AB1085,4,10 10m.  31st Street.
AB1085,4,12 113.  The territory consisting of the combined attendance districts of all of the fol
12lowing elementary schools shall be Milwaukee Public School District No. 3:
AB1085,4,13 13a.  Neeskara.
AB1085,4,14 14b.  Story.
AB1085,4,15 15c.  Burbank.
AB1085,4,16 16d.  Doerfler.
AB1085,4,17 17e.  Grant.
AB1085,4,18 18f.  Lincoln Avenue.
AB1085,4,19 19g.  Fairview.
AB1085,4,20 20h.  Manitoba.
AB1085,4,21 21i.  Zablocki.
AB1085,4,22 22j.  Alcott.
AB1085,4,23 23k.  78th Street.
AB1085,4,24 24l.  Honey Creek.
AB1085,4,25 25m.  Whitman.
1n.  Curtin.
AB1085,5,2 2o.  Morgandale.
AB1085,5,3 3p.  Lowell.
AB1085,5,4 4q.  Whittier.
AB1085,5,5 5r.  Cooper.
AB1085,5,6 6s.  Victory.
AB1085,5,7 7t.  Garland.
AB1085,5,9 84.  The territory consisting of the combined attendance districts of all of the fol
9lowing elementary schools shall be Milwaukee Public School District No. 4:
AB1085,5,10 10a.  Wisconsin Avenue.
AB1085,5,11 11b.  Longfellow.
AB1085,5,12 12c.  Kagel.
AB1085,5,13 13d.  Vieau.
AB1085,5,14 14e.  Mitchell.
AB1085,5,15 15f.  Forest Home Avenue.
AB1085,5,16 16g.  Allen-Field.
AB1085,5,17 17h.  Dover Street.
AB1085,5,18 18i.  Humboldt.
AB1085,5,19 19j.  Trowbridge.
AB1085,5,20 20k.  Fernwood.
AB1085,5,21 21l.  Burdick.
AB1085,5,22 22m.  Clement Avenue.
AB1085,5,23 23n.  Riley.
AB1085,5,25 245.  The territory consisting of the combined attendance districts of all of the fol
25lowing elementary schools shall be Milwaukee Public School District No. 5:
1a.  Barton.
AB1085,6,2 2b.  Hawthorne.
AB1085,6,3 3c.  Carleton.
AB1085,6,4 4d.  McNair.
AB1085,6,5 5e.  Silver Spring.
AB1085,6,6 6f.  Philipp.
AB1085,6,7 7g.  Keefe.
AB1085,6,8 8h.  Green Bay Avenue.
AB1085,6,9 9i.  Hopkins Street.
AB1085,6,10 10j.  La Follette.
AB1085,6,11 11k.  Martin Luther King Junior.
AB1085,6,12 12l.  Gaenslen.
AB1085,6,13 13m.  Hartford Avenue.
AB1085,6,14 14n.  Wheatley.
AB1085,6,15 15o.  Lee.
AB1085,6,16 16p.  Holmes.
AB1085,6,17 17q.  Pierce.