SB675, s. 77 14Section 77. 563.13 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
15section 9123 (6pp), is amended to read:
SB675,29,1916 563.13 (2) A sworn statement by the member designated as responsible for the
17proper utilization of gross receipts that no board commission or other fee, salary,
18profits, compensation, reward or recompense will be paid to any person or
19organization and that all profits will be spent as provided under s. 563.51 (8).
Note: 1995 Wis. Act 27, section 9123 (6pp), substituted "board" for "commission"
each place it appears in ch. 563, for the purpose of effectuating the name change of the

gaming commission to the gaming board. The change is inapplicable to this provision.
SB675, s. 78 1Section 78. 569.04 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
2section 9123 (6pp), is amended to read:
SB675,30,73 569.04 (1) In accordance with an Indian gaming compact or with the
4regulations of or an agreement with the national Indian gaming board commission,
5the board shall certify and conduct background investigations of a person proposing
6to be an Indian gaming vendor and of employes of Indian tribes who are engaged in
7the conduct of gaming.
Note: 1995 Wis. Act 27, section 9123 (6pp), substituted "board" for "commission"
each place it appears in ch. 569, for the purpose of effectuating the name change of the
gaming commission to the gaming board. The change is inapplicable to the national
Indian gaming board.
SB675, s. 79 8Section 79. 613.74 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB675,30,209 613.74 (2) Plan of dissolution. At least 60 days prior to the submission to
10members of any proposed voluntary dissolution of a service insurance corporation
11under s. 181.50 the plan shall be filed with the commissioner. The commissioner may
12require the submission of such additional information as will establish the financial
13condition of the corporation or other facts relevant to the proposed dissolution. If the
14members adopt the resolution to dissolve, the commissioner shall, within 30 days
15after the adoption of the resolution, begin to examine the corporation. The
16commissioner shall approve the dissolution unless the commissioner finds, after a
17hearing, that it is insolvent or may become insolvent in the process of dissolution.
18Upon approval, the corporation may dissolve under ss. 181.51 to 181.555, except that
19the last sentence of s. 181.555 does not apply. Upon disapproval, the commissioner
20shall petition the court for liquidation or for rehabilitation under ch. 645.
Note: Corrects error in transcribing 1975 Wis. Act 223.
SB675, s. 80
1Section 80. 758.19 (7) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is
2amended to read:
SB675,31,133 758.19 (7) The director of state courts shall adopt, revise biennially and submit
4to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on information policy, the governor and
5the secretary of administration, no later than September 15 of each even-numbered
6year, a strategic plan for the utilization of information technology to carry out the
7functions of the courts and judicial branch agencies, as defined in section s. 16.70 (5)
8of the statutes. The plan shall address the business needs of the courts and judicial
9branch agencies and shall identify all resources relating to information technology
10which the courts and judicial branch agencies desire to acquire, contingent upon
11funding availability, the priority for such acquisitions and the justification for such
12acquisitions. The plan shall also identify any changes in the functioning of the courts
13and judicial branch agencies under the plan.
Note: Replaces superfluous language pursuant to s. 13.93 (1) (d).
SB675, s. 81 14Section 81. 767.32 (2r) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 77,
15is amended to read:
SB675,31,1916 767.32 (2r) If the court revises a judgment or order providing for child support
17that was entered under s. 448.355 48.355 (2) (b) 4., 48.357 (5m), 48.363 (2), 938.183
18(2), 938.355 (2) (b) 4., 938.357 (5m) or 938.363 (2), the court shall determine child
19support in the manner provided in s. 46.10 (14).
Note: 1995 Wis. Act 77 replaced "48.355" with "448.355" without showing strikes
or underscores. There is no s. 448.355. No change was intended.
SB675, s. 82 20Section 82. 767.455 (5) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
21is amended to read:
SB675,31,2322 767.455 (5) Form. The summons shall be in substantially the following
SB675,32,33 In re the Paternity of A. B.
SB675,32,66 C. D.
SB675,32,77 Address
SB675,32,88 City, State Zip Code File No. ...
SB675,32,99 , Petitioners
SB675,32,1010 vs. S U M M O N S
SB675,32,1111 E. F.
SB675,32,1212 Address .... (Case Classification Type): .... (Code No.)
SB675,32,1313 City, State Zip Code
SB675,32,1414 , Respondent
SB675,32,1616 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, To the Respondent:
SB675,32,1917 You have been sued. .... claims that you are the father of the child, .... born on
18.... (date), in .... (city) (county) (state). You must appear to answer this claim of
19paternity. Your court appearance is:
SB675,32,2020 Date:
SB675,32,2121 Time:
SB675,32,2222 Room:
1Judge or Family Court Commissioner:
SB675,33,22 Address:
SB675,33,123 If you do not appear, the court will enter a default judgment finding you to be
4the father. A default judgment will take effect 30 days after it is served on or mailed
5to you, unless within those 30 days you present to the court evidence of good cause
6for failure to appear. If you plan to be represented by an attorney, you should contact
7the attorney prior to the court appearance listed above. If you are unable to afford
8an attorney, the court will appoint one for you one only upon the blood tests showing
9that you are not excluded as the father and the probability of your being the father
10is less than 99.0%. Appearance is not required if you complete the attached waiver
11of first appearance statement and send it to the court at least 10 days prior to the date
12of your scheduled appearance in this summons.
SB675,33,1313 Dated: ...., 19 ..
SB675,33,1414 Signed:.... ....
SB675,33,1515 G. H., Clerk of Circuit Court
SB675,33,1717 Petitioner's Attorney
SB675,33,1818 State Bar No.: ....
SB675,33,1919 Address: ....
SB675,33,2020 City, State Zip Code: ....
SB675,33,2121 Phone No.: ....
NOTE: The underscored "one for" was deleted by 1995 Wis. Act 27 without being
stricken. The stricken "one" was inserted without being underscored. Neither change
was intended.
SB675, s. 83
1Section 83. 779.97 (4) (c) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, section 7140b, and 1995 Wisconsin Act 201, is amended to read:
SB675,34,133 779.97 (4) (c) 2. If a certificate of release is presented for filing with any other
4filing officer specified in sub. (2), the officer shall enter the certificate with the date
5of filing in any alphabetical federal lien index on the line where the original notice
6of lien is entered and may then remove the notice of federal lien and any related
7refiling of a notice of lien, certificate of nonattachment, discharge or subordination
8from the files, provided that the officer shall keep the certificate of release or a
9microfilm or other photographic record, or in the case of the department of financial
10institutions, or a register of deeds if authorized under s. 59.43 (4), a microfilm or
11other photographic record or optical disk or electronic record, of the certificate of
12release in a file, separate from those containing currently effective notices of federal
13liens, for a period of 30 years after the date of filing of the certificate of release.
NOTE: The underscored language was deleted by 1995 Wis. Act 27 without being
stricken. No change was intended.
SB675, s. 84 14Section 84. The amendments of 814.04 (intro.) of the statutes by 1995
15Wisconsin Acts 24 and 27 are not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 133. All
16amendments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
SB675, s. 85 17Section 85. 814.634 (1) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, section 7175d, is amended to read:
SB675,34,2219 814.634 (1) (a) Except for an action for a safety belt use violation under s.
20347.48 (2m), the clerk of circuit court shall charge and collect a $40 court support
21services fee from any person, including any governmental unit as defined in s. 108.02
22(17), paying a fee under s. 814.61 (1) (a), (3) or (8) (a) or (am) or 814.63 (1).

NOTE: The stricken language is a cross-reference to a provision which was
repealed by 1995 Wis. Act 27.
SB675, s. 86 1Section 86. 814.70 (6) (a) (title) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin
2Act 27
, is renumbered 814.70 (6) (title).
Note: Section 814.70 (6) (title) was inadvertently changed to s. 814.70 (6) (a) (title)
by 1995 Wis. Act 27.
SB675, s. 87 3Section 87. 938.33 (4m) (c) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB675,35,75 938.33 (4m) (c) A written explanation of how the parent may request a revision
6under s. 938.363 in the amount of child support ordered by the court under s. 938.335
7938.355 (2) (b) 4.
Note: Corrects cross-reference. There is no s. 938.335 (2) (b) 4. Section 938.355
(2) (b) 4. relates to support orders.
SB675, s. 88 8Section 88. 941.11 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB675,35,129 941.11 (2) Intentionally burns a building of one who has consented to the
10destruction thereof but does so under circumstances in which he or she should realize
11he or she is creating an unreasonable risk of death or great bodily harm to another
12or serious damage to a third 3rd person's property.
Note: Corrects error in transcribing 1993 Wis. Act 486. Replaces word form of
number with digits from greater consistency with current style.
SB675, s. 89 13Section 89. 941.29 (2) (c) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Acts
1471 and 77, is amended to read:
SB675,35,1815 941.29 (2) (c) The person possesses a firearm subsequent to the finding of not
16guilty or not responsible by reason of insanity or mental disease, defect or illness as
17specified in sub. (1) (c) or (d). Whoever violates this section after being convicted
18under this section is guilty of a Class D felony.
Note: 1995 Wisconsin Act 77 amended s. 941.29 (2) without taking into account the
amendment of this subsection by 1995 Wisconsin Act 71. As the result of the Act 71
amendment, the language added by Act 77, shown stricken above, requires placement in
a separate subsection. See the next section of this bill.
SB675, s. 90
1Section 90. 941.29 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB675,36,32 941.29 (2m) Whoever violates this section after being convicted under this
3section is guilty of a Class D felony.
Note: See the note to the previous section of this bill.
SB675, s. 91 4Section 91. 971.17 (2) (title) of the statutes is reenacted to read:
SB675,36,55 971.17 (2) (title) Investigation and examination.
Note: This title was inadvertently deleted from the printed statutes.
SB675, s. 92 6Section 92. 976.04 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB675,36,147 976.04 (2) If an arrest is made in this state by an officer of another state in
8accordance with sub. (1), the officer shall without unnecessary delay take the person
9arrested before a judge of the county in which the arrest was made, who shall conduct
10a hearing for the purpose of determining the lawfulness of the arrest. If the judge
11determines that the arrest was lawful the judge shall commit the person arrested to
12await for a reasonable time the issuance of an extradition warrant by the governor
13of this state or admit the person to bail for such purpose. If the judge determines that
14the arrest was unlawful he, the judge shall discharge the person arrested.
Note: Corrects error in transcribing 1993 Wis. Act 486.
SB675, s. 93 15Section 93. 977.06 (4) (b) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin
16Act 27
, is amended to read:
SB675,36,2017 977.06 (4) (b) (intro.) The state public defender shall promptly release a copy
18of any statement, affidavit or other information provided by a person regarding
19financial eligibility under this s. 977.07 only if the state public defender or a circuit
20court finds all of the following:
NOTE: The stricken language was rendered surplusage by 1995 Wis. Act 27.
SB675, s. 94 21Section 94. 977.076 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Acts 27
22and 77, is amended to read:
1977.076 (2) The department of administration may collect unpaid
2reimbursement payments to the state public defender ordered by a court under sub.
3(1) or s. 48.275 (1) (a) (2), 757.66, 938.275 (1) (a) or 973.06 (1) (e). The department
4may contract with a private collection agency to collect these payments. Section
516.705 does not apply to a contract under this subsection.
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. There is no s. 48.275 (1) (a).
SB675, s. 95 6Section 95. 1993 Wisconsin Act 16, sections 2207ahn and 2207ahp are
Note: 1993 Wis. Act 16, sections 2207ahn and 2207ahp, repealed s. 111.70 (1) (dm)
and (nc), effective July 1, 1996. 1995 Wis. Act 27, sections 3793c and 3793e, repealed and
recreated these provisions. 1995 Wis. Act 27 also repealed and recreated several other
parts of s. 111.70 which were repealed by 1993 Wis. Act 16. For clarification, 1995 Wis.
Act 27
, sections 7298d to 7298r, repealed the s. 111.70 repeal provisions contained in 1993
Wis. Act 16
. However, through inadvertence, the repeals of s. 111.70 (1) (dm) and (nc) by
1993 Wis. Act 16 were not repealed. The repeals of s. 111.70 (1) (dm) and (nc) by 1993 Wis.
Act 16
are repealed here to clarify that 1995 Wis. Act 27, sections 3793c and 3793e stand.
SB675, s. 96 8Section 96. 1995 Wisconsin Act 77, section 278 is amended by replacing "48.35
9(intro.) of the statutes is renumbered" with "48.35 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is
Note: Inserts correct citation. There is no s. 48.35 (intro.).
SB675, s. 97 11Section 97. 1995 Wisconsin Act 103, section 42 (1) is amended to read: