AB843,63,128 11.50 (5) Time of disbursement. The state treasurer shall make the
9disbursements of grants under sub. (9) to the campaign depository account of each
10eligible candidate under subs. (3) and (4) by the end of the 3rd business day following
11notice from the board under s. 7.08 (2) (c) or (cm). Eligible candidates for governor
12and lieutenant governor of the same political party may combine accounts if desired.
AB843, s. 116 13Section 116. 11.50 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843,63,1714 11.50 (6) Excess moneys. If the amounts which are to be apportioned to each
15eligible candidate under subs. (3) and (4) are more than the amount which a
16candidate may accept under sub. (9), or more than the amount which a candidate
17elects to accept under sub. (10), the excess moneys shall be retained in the fund.
AB843, s. 117 18Section 117. 11.50 (9) of the statutes is renumbered 11.50 (9) (a) and amended
19to read:
AB843,63,2520 11.50 (9) (a) The Except as provided in pars. (c) and (d), the total grant available
21to an eligible candidate for an office other than the office of justice may not exceed
22that amount which, when added to all other contributions accepted from sources
23other than individuals, and political party committees and legislative campaign
24committees, is equal to 45% of the disbursement level specified for the applicable
25office under s. 11.31 (1), adjusted as provided under s. 11.31 (9).
1(e) The board shall scrutinize accounts and reports and records kept under this
2chapter to assure that applicable limitations under ss. 11.26 (9) and 11.31 are not
3exceeded and any violation is reported.
AB843,64,5 4(f) No candidate or campaign treasurer may accept grants exceeding the
5amount authorized by this subsection.
AB843, s. 118 6Section 118. 11.50 (9) (b) to (d) of the statutes are created to read:
AB843,64,117 11.50 (9) (b) Except as provided in pars. (c) and (d), the total grant available
8to an eligible candidate for the office of justice may not exceed that amount which,
9when added to all other contributions accepted from sources other than individuals
10political party committees, is equal to 65% of the disbursement level specified for that
11office under s. 11.31 (1), as adjusted under s. 11.31 (9).
AB843,64,1712 (c) If, at the time that the board transmits notice of grant eligibility to the state
13treasurer under s. 7.08 (2) (c) or (cm), an eligible candidate has a balance in his or
14her campaign depository account that exceeds 50% of the disbursement level
15specified under s. 11.31 (1), as adjusted under s. 11.31 (9), for the office that the
16candidate seeks, the amount of the grant payable to the candidate is 50% of the
17amount otherwise payable under par. (a) or (b).
AB843,64,2118 (d) If an eligible candidate does not have an opponent whose application to
19receive a grant has been approved by the board, the amount of the grant payable to
20the candidate is 50% of the amount otherwise payable under par. (a) or (b), unless
21the amount of the grant is subject to reduction under par. (c).
AB843, s. 119 22Section 119. 11.50 (10m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843,65,423 11.50 (10m) Return of grants. An individual who receives a grant prior to an
24election in which he or she is a candidate and who desires to return any portion of
25the grant shall return that portion no later than the 2nd Tuesday in October

1preceding a general election, the 4th Tuesday preceding a spring election or the 3rd
2Tuesday preceding a special election. A candidate who returns all or any portion of
3a grant under this subsection remains bound by the candidate's statement affidavit
4filed under sub. (2) (a) s. 11.31 (2m) (a).
AB843, s. 120 5Section 120. 11.50 (11) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843,65,96 11.50 (11) (e) No candidate may expend, authorize the expenditure of or incur
7any obligation to expend any grant if he or she violates the pledge affidavit required
8under sub. (2) (a) as a precondition to receipt of a grant, except as authorized in sub.
9(2) (h) or (i)
AB843, s. 121 10Section 121. 11.50 (14) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843,65,1211 11.50 (14) Certifications to secretary of revenue. (a) In each
12even-numbered year, the board shall certify to the secretary of revenue:
AB843,65,1613 1. No later than July 1, the name of each political party that qualifies under
14sub. (1) (am) 1. as an eligible political party as of the preceding June 1 and whose
15state chairperson has filed a request to establish an account for the party under sub.
16(2s) (a).
AB843,65,1917 2. No later than December 15, the name of each political party that qualifies
18under sub. (1) (am) 2. as an eligible political party as of the date of the preceding
19general election.
AB843,65,2120 (b) In each certification under this subsection, the board shall specify the
21expiration date of the certification.
AB843, s. 122 22Section 122. 11.60 (1) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB843,65,2423 11.60 (1) Any person, including any committee or group, who violates this
24chapter may be required to forfeit not more than $500 $1,500 for each violation.
1(2) In addition to the penalty under sub. (1), any person, including any
2committee or group, who is delinquent in filing a report required by this chapter may
3be required to forfeit not more than $50 $150 or one percent 3% of the annual salary
4of the office for which the candidate is being supported or opposed, whichever is
5greater, for each day of delinquency.
AB843, s. 123 6Section 123. 11.61 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843,66,97 11.61 (1) (a) Whoever intentionally violates s. 11.05 (1), (2), (2g) or (2r), 11.07
8(1) or (5), 11.10 (1), 11.12 (5), 11.23 (6) or 11.24 (1) may be fined not more than $10,000
9$30,000 or imprisoned for not more than 4 13 years and 6 months or both.
AB843,66,1410 (b) Whoever intentionally violates s. 11.25, 11.26, 11.27 (1), 11.30 (1) or 11.38
11where the intentional violation does not involve a specific figure, or where the
12intentional violation concerns a figure which exceeds $100 in amount or value may
13be fined not more than $10,000 $30,000 or imprisoned for not more than 4 13 years
14and 6 months or both.
AB843,66,1915 (c) Whoever intentionally violates any provision of this chapter other than
16those provided in par. (a) and whoever intentionally violates any provision under par.
17(b) where the intentional violation concerns a specific figure which does not exceed
18$100 in amount or value may be fined not more than $1,000 $3,000 or imprisoned for
19not more than 6 months one year in the county jail or both.
AB843, s. 124 20Section 124. 11.66 of the statutes is renumbered 11.66 (1) and amended to
AB843,67,822 11.66 (1) Any elector may sue for injunctive relief to compel compliance with
23this chapter. Before commencing any action concerning a an election for state office
24or a statewide referendum, an elector shall file a verified complaint with the
25executive director of the board under s. 5.066 (2) alleging such facts as are within his

1or her knowledge to show probable cause to believe that a violation has occurred or
2is proposed to occur. If The verified complaint shall include a notice that the elector
3intends to seek relief under this section. Except as provided in sub. (2), if
4executive director of the board fails to commence an action order the relief that is
5sought by the elector under s. 5.066 (5)
within 10 days of the filing of the complaint
6and the elector does not appeal the matter to the board under s. 5.066 (8) or the board,
7after hearing the elector's appeal, does not order the relief sought by the elector
8under s. 5.066 (9)
, the elector may commence an action.
AB843,67,13 9(3) Separate from any other bond which may be required by the court, the
10elector may be required to post a surety bond in an amount determined by the court
11sufficient to cover the actual costs, including reasonable attorney fees, of both
12parties. If the elector's action is not successful, he or she shall pay the costs of the
AB843, s. 125 14Section 125. 11.66 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843,67,1615 11.66 (2) If the complaint relates to a matter specified in s. 5.066 (12) (a), the
16elector may commence an action under sub. (1) upon compliance with sub. (1).
AB843, s. 126 17Section 126. 12.05 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843,67,23 1812.05 False representations affecting elections. No person may
19knowingly make or publish, or cause to be made or published, a false representation
20pertaining to a candidate or referendum which that is intended or tends to affect
21voting at an election. This section does not apply to any information reported by a
22person making an independent expenditure, as defined in s. 11.01 (11m), under s.
2311.065 (2).
AB843, s. 127 24Section 127. 19.42 (3m), (4g), (4r) and (7p) of the statutes are created to read:
119.42 (3m) "Candidate," except as otherwise provided, has the meaning given
2in s. 11.01 (1).
AB843,68,4 3(4g) "Clearly identified," when used in reference to a communication
4containing a reference to a person, means one of the following:
AB843,68,55 (a) The person's name appears.
AB843,68,66 (b) A photograph or drawing of the person appears.
AB843,68,77 (c) The identity of the person is apparent by unambiguous reference.
AB843,68,12 8(4r) "Communication" means a message transmitted by means of a printed
9advertisement, billboard, handbill, sample ballot, radio or television advertisement,
10telephone call, or any medium that may be utilized for the purpose of disseminating
11or broadcasting a message, but not including a poll conducted solely for the purpose
12of identifying or collecting data concerning the attitudes or preferences of electors.
AB843,68,13 13(7p) "Independent expenditure" has the meaning given in s. 11.01 (11m).
AB843, s. 128 14Section 128. 19.45 (13) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843,68,2415 19.45 (13) No state public official holding an elective office may, directly or by
16means of an agent, give, or offer or promise to give, or withhold, or offer or promise
17to withhold, his or her vote or influence, or promise to take or refrain from taking
18official action with respect to any proposed or pending matter in consideration of, or
19upon condition that, any other person make or refrain from making a political
20contribution, or provide or refrain from providing any service or other thing of value,
21to or for the benefit of a candidate, a political party, any other person who is subject
22to a registration requirement under s. 11.05, or any person who makes an
23independent expenditure for the purpose of making a communication that contains
24a reference to a candidate for state public office.
AB843, s. 129 25Section 129. 19.49 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
119.49 (1m) No complaint alleging a violation of s. 19.45 (13) may be filed during
2the period beginning 120 days before a general or spring election, or during the
3period commencing on the date of the order of a special election under s. 8.50, and
4ending on the date of that election, against a candidate who files a declaration of
5candidacy to have his or her name appear on the ballot at that election.
AB843, s. 130 6Section 130. 19.49 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 19.49 (5) (a) and amended
7to read:
AB843,69,108 19.49 (5) (a) No Except as provided in par. (b), no action may be taken on any
9complaint which that is filed later than 3 years after a violation of this subchapter
10or subch. III of ch. 13 is alleged to have occurred.
AB843, s. 131 11Section 131. 19.49 (5) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843,69,1412 19.49 (5) (b) The period of limitation under par. (a) is tolled for a complaint
13alleging a violation of s. 19.45 (13) or 19.59 (1) (br) for the period during which such
14a complaint may not be filed under s. 19.49 (1m) or 19.59 (8) (cm).
AB843, s. 132 15Section 132. 19.53 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843,70,716 19.53 (6) An order requiring the accused to forfeit not more than $500 for each
17violation of s. 19.43, 19.44, or 19.56 (2) or not more than $5,000 for each violation of
18any other provision of this subchapter, or not more than the applicable amount
19specified in s. 13.69 for each violation of subch. III of ch. 13; and, if. If the board
20determines that the accused has realized economic gain as a result of the violation,
21an the board may, in addition, order requiring the accused to forfeit the amount
22gained as a result of the violation. In addition, if the board determines that a state
23public official has violated s. 19.45 (13), the board may order the official to forfeit an
24amount equal to the amount or value of any political contribution, service, or other
25thing of value that was wrongfully obtained. If the board determines that a state

1public official has violated s. 19.45 (13) and no political contribution, service, or other
2thing of value was obtained, the board may order the official to forfeit an amount
3equal to the maximum contribution authorized under s. 11.26 (1) for the office held
4or sought by the official, whichever amount is greater
. The attorney general, when
5so requested by the board, shall institute proceedings to recover any forfeiture
6incurred under this section or s. 19.545 which is not paid by the person against whom
7it is assessed.
AB843, s. 133 8Section 133. 19.535 of the statutes is created to read:
AB843,70,18 919.535 Direct enforcement. If the board refuses or otherwise fails to
10authorize an investigation under s. 19.49 (3) with respect to a violation of s. 19.45 (13)
11within 30 days after receiving a verified complaint alleging a violation of s. 19.45 (13),
12the person making the complaint may bring an action to recover the forfeiture under
13s. 19.53 (6) on his or her relation in the name, and on behalf, of the state. In such
14actions, the court may award actual and necessary costs of prosecution, including
15reasonable attorney fees, to the relator if he or she prevails, but any forfeiture
16recovered shall be paid to the state. If the court finds in any such action that the
17cause of action was frivolous as provided in s. 814.025, the court shall award costs
18and fees to the defendant under that section.
AB843, s. 134 19Section 134. 19.59 (1) (br) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843,71,420 19.59 (1) (br) No local public official holding an elective office may, directly or
21by means of an agent, give, or offer or promise to give, or withhold, or offer or promise
22to withhold, his or her vote or influence, or promise to take or refrain from taking
23official action with respect to any proposed or pending matter in consideration of, or
24upon condition that, any other person make or refrain from making a political
25contribution, or provide or refrain from providing any service or other thing of value,

1to or for the benefit of a candidate, a political party, any other person who is subject
2to a registration requirement under s. 11.05, or any person who makes an
3independent expenditure for the purpose of making a communication that contains
4a reference to a candidate for local public office.
AB843, s. 135 5Section 135. 19.59 (7) of the statutes is renumbered 19.59 (7) (a) and amended
6to read:
AB843,71,117 19.59 (7) (a) Any person who violates sub. (1) may be required to forfeit not
8more than $1,000 for each violation, and, if the court determines that the accused has
9violated sub. (1) (br), the court may, in addition, order the accused to forfeit an
10amount equal to the amount or value of any political contribution, service, or other
11thing of value that was wrongfully obtained
AB843, s. 136 12Section 136. 19.59 (7) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843,71,1813 19.59 (7) (b) Any person who violates sub. (1) may be required to forfeit not
14more than $1,000 for each violation, and, if the court determines that a local public
15official has violated sub. (1) (br) and no political contribution, service, or other thing
16of value was obtained, the court may, in addition, order the accused to forfeit an
17amount equal to the maximum contribution authorized under s. 11.26 (1) for the
18office held or sought by the official, whichever amount is greater.
AB843, s. 137 19Section 137. 19.59 (8) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843,71,2420 19.59 (8) (c) If the district attorney fails to commence an action to enforce sub.
21(1) (a), (b), or (c) to (g) within 20 days after receiving a verified complaint or if the
22district attorney refuses to commence such an action, the person making the
23complaint may petition the attorney general to act upon the complaint. The attorney
24general may then bring an action under par. (a) or (b), or both.
AB843, s. 138 25Section 138. 19.59 (8) (cm) and (cn) of the statutes are created to read:
119.59 (8) (cm) No complaint alleging a violation of sub. (1) (br) may be filed
2during the period beginning 120 days before a general or spring election, or during
3the period commencing on the date of the order of a special election under s. 8.50, and
4ending on the date of that election, against a candidate who files a declaration of
5candidacy to have his or her name appear on the ballot at that election.
AB843,72,146 (cn) If the district attorney refuses or otherwise fails to commence an action to
7enforce sub. (1) (br) within 30 days after receiving a verified complaint alleging a
8violation of sub. (1) (br), the person making the complaint may bring an action to
9recover the forfeiture under sub. (7) on his of her relation in the name, and on behalf,
10of the state. In such actions, the court may award actual and necessary costs of
11prosecution, including reasonable attorney fees, to the relator if her or she prevails,
12but any forfeiture recovered shall be paid to the state. If the court finds in any such
13action that the cause of action was frivolous as provided in s. 814.025, the court shall
14award costs and fees to the defendant under that section.
AB843, s. 139 15Section 139. 25.42 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843,72,22 1625.42 Wisconsin election campaign fund. All moneys appropriated under
17s. 20.855 (4) (b) together with all moneys deposited under ss. 8.35 (4) (a), 11.07 (5),
1811.12 (2), 11.16 (2), 11.19 (1), 11.23 (2), and 11.38 (6), all moneys
reverting to the state
19under s. 11.50 (8) and all gifts, bequests and devises received under s. 11.50 (13)
20constitute the Wisconsin election campaign fund, to be expended for the purposes of
21s. 11.50. All moneys in the fund not disbursed by the state treasurer shall continue
22to accumulate indefinitely.
AB843, s. 140 23Section 140. 71.07 (6s) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843,72,2424 71.07 (6s) Campaign fund tax credit. (a) Definitions. In this subsection:
AB843,72,2525 1. "Claimant" means an individual who makes a designation.
12. "Designation" means an amount designated under s. 71.10 (3) (a).
AB843,73,52 (b) Filing claims. Subject to the limitations and conditions provided in this
3subsection, a claimant may claim as a credit against the tax imposed under s. 71.02,
4up to the amount of those taxes, for the taxable year to which the income tax return
5relates, an amount equal to the claimant's designation.
AB843,73,76 (c) Limitations and conditions. 1. No credit may be allowed under this
7subsection unless it is claimed within the time period under s. 71.75 (2).
AB843,73,98 2. Part-year residents and nonresidents of this state are not eligible for the
9credit under this subsection.
AB843,73,1110 3. If both spouses of a married couple meet the definition of claimant under par.
11(a) 1., each spouse may claim the credit under this subsection.
AB843,73,1312 (d) Administration. Subsection (9e) (d), to the extent that it applies to the credit
13under that subsection, applies to the credit under this subsection.
AB843, s. 141 14Section 141. 71.10 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843,74,215 71.10 (3) (a) Every individual filing an income tax return who has a tax liability
16or is entitled to a tax refund may designate $1 up to $5 for transfer to the Wisconsin
17election campaign fund for the use of eligible candidates under s. 11.50. If the
18individuals filing a joint return have a tax liability or are entitled to a tax refund,
19each individual may make a designation of $1 up to $5 under this subsection. Each
20individual making a designation shall indicate whether the amount designated by
21that individual shall be placed in the general account for the use of all eligible
22candidates for state office, or in the account of an eligible political party whose name
23is certified to the secretary of revenue under s. 11.50 (14). If an individual does not
24indicate that the amount of his or her designation shall be placed in the account of

1a particular eligible political party, that amount shall be placed in the general
AB843, s. 142 3Section 142. 71.10 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB843,74,164 71.10 (3) (b) The secretary of revenue shall provide a place for those
5designations under par. (a) on the face of the individual income tax return and shall
6provide next to that place a statement that a designation will not increase tax
7liability, and that the amount of a designation may be claimed as a credit under s.
871.07 (6s)
. Annually on August 15, the secretary of revenue shall certify to the
9elections board, the department of administration and the state treasurer under s.
the total amount of designations made on returns processed by the department
11of revenue
during the preceding fiscal year and the amount of designations made
12during that fiscal year for the general account and for the account of each eligible
13political party
. If any individual designates an amount greater than the amount
14authorized under par. (a) or
attempts to place any condition or restriction upon a
15designation not authorized under par. (a), that individual is deemed not to have made
16a designation on his or her tax return.
AB843, s. 143 17Section 143. 71.10 (4) (cs) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843,74,1818 71.10 (4) (cs) The campaign fund tax credit under s. 71.07 (6s).
AB843, s. 144 19Section 144. 227.03 (6m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843,74,2120 227.03 (6m) Cases before the executive director of the elections board under
21s. 5.066 are not subject to ss. 227.42 and 227.44 to 227.50.
AB843, s. 145 22Section 145. 227.52 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
AB843,74,2423 227.52 (8) The decisions of the executive director of the elections board under
24s. 5.066.
AB843, s. 146 25Section 146. Nonstatutory provisions.
1(1) Wisconsin election campaign fund balance transfer. The balance in the
2Wisconsin election campaign fund on the effective date of this subsection is credited
3to the general account of the Wisconsin election campaign fund established under
4section 11.50 (2w) of the statutes, as created by this act.
AB843,75,55 (2) Rules for public access channels and public television stations.