AB933,41,2511 345.09 (1) The use and operation of a motor vehicle over the highways of this
12state by a nonresident is deemed considered an irrevocable appointment by such the
13nonresident of the secretary to be the true and lawful attorney upon whom may be
14served all legal processes process in any action or proceeding against the nonresident
15or the nonresident's executor, administrator or personal representative, growing out
16of the use or operation of the motor vehicle in this state and resulting in damage or
17loss to person or property, whether the damage or loss occurs on a highway or on
18abutting public or private property. Such The appointment of the secretary as
19attorney for service of process
is binding upon the nonresident's executor,
20administrator or
personal representative. Such The use or operation of a motor
21vehicle over the highways of this state by such the nonresident is a signification of
22the nonresident's agreement that any such legal process or notice against such the
23nonresident or the nonresident's executor, administrator or personal representative
24which that is so served shall be of the same legal force and validity as if served on
25them personally.
AB933, s. 88
1Section 88. 401.201 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,42,52 401.201 (12) "Creditor" includes a general creditor, a secured creditor, a lien
3creditor, and any representative of creditors, including an assignee for the benefit of
4creditors, a trustee in bankruptcy, a receiver in equity, and an executor or
a personal representative of an insolvent debtor's or assignor's estate.
AB933, s. 89 6Section 89. 401.201 (35) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,42,97 401.201 (35) "Representative" includes an agent, an officer of a corporation or
8association, and a trustee, executor or administrator or personal representative of
9an estate, or any other person empowered to act for another.
AB933, s. 90 10Section 90. 406.103 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,42,1211 406.103 (1) (d) Sales by executors, administrators, receivers, personal
trustees in bankruptcy, or any public officer under judicial process;
AB933, s. 91 13Section 91. 452.01 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,42,1614 452.01 (3) (a) Receivers, trustees, administrators, executors personal
, guardians, or other persons appointed by or acting under the
16judgment or order of any court.
AB933, s. 92 17Section 92. 551.02 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,42,1918 551.02 (3) (d) An executor, administrator A personal representative, guardian,
19conservator, or pledgee;
AB933, s. 93 20Section 93. 551.23 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,42,2321 551.23 (6) Any judicial sale or any transaction by an executor, administrator
22a personal representative, sheriff, marshal, receiver, trustee in bankruptcy,
23guardian, or conservator.
AB933, s. 94 24Section 94. 551.65 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
1551.65 (1) Every applicant for license or registration under this chapter, every
2person filing a notice filing under this chapter and every issuer that proposes to offer
3a security in this state through any person acting as agent shall file with the division
4or, if applying for a license, with the organization designated by the division under
5s. 551.32 (1) (a), an irrevocable consent appointing the division to be his or her
6attorney to receive service of any lawful process in any noncriminal suit, action, or
7proceeding against him or her or a successor, executor or administrator personal
that arises under this chapter or any rule or order under this chapter
9after the consent has been filed, with the same validity as if served personally on the
10person filing the consent. The consent shall be in the form the division by rule
11prescribes. The consent need not be filed by a person who has filed a consent in
12connection with a previous registration or notice filing or license that is then in effect.
13Service may be made by leaving a copy of the process at the office of the division, but
14it is not effective unless the plaintiff, who may be the division in a suit, action, or
15proceeding instituted by the division, promptly sends notice of the service and a copy
16of the process by registered or certified mail to the defendant or respondent at the
17person's last address on file with the division, and the plaintiff's affidavit of
18compliance with this subsection is filed in the case on or before the return day of the
19process, or within such time as the court allows.
AB933, s. 95 20Section 95. 551.65 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,44,1321 551.65 (2) When any person, including any nonresident of this state, engages
22in conduct prohibited or made actionable by this chapter or any rule or order under
23this chapter, and the person has not filed a consent to service of process under sub.
24(1) and personal jurisdiction over the person cannot otherwise be obtained in this
25state, that conduct shall be considered equivalent to the person's appointment of the

1division to be his or her attorney to receive service of any lawful process in any
2noncriminal suit, action, or proceeding against the person or the person's successor,
or administrator which personal representative that arises out of that
4conduct and which that is brought under this chapter or any rule or order under this
5chapter, with the same validity as if served on him or her personally. Service may
6be made by leaving a copy of the process at the office of the division, but it is not
7effective unless the plaintiff, who may be the division in a suit, action, or proceeding
8instituted by the division, promptly sends notice of the service and a copy of the
9process by registered or certified mail to the defendant or respondent at the person's
10last-known address or takes other steps which that are reasonably calculated to give
11actual notice;, and the plaintiff's affidavit of compliance with this subsection is filed
12in the case on or before the return day of the process, or within such time as the court
AB933, s. 96 14Section 96. 553.27 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,45,415 553.27 (10) Every franchisor who files a notification shall file with the division,
16in the form that the division by rule prescribes, an irrevocable consent appointing the
17division to be the applicant's attorney to receive service of any lawful process in any
18civil action against the applicant or the applicant's successor, executor or
19administrator personal representative that arises under this chapter or any rule or
20order under this chapter after the consent has been filed, with the same force and
21validity as if served personally on the person filing the consent. A person who has
22filed a consent in connection with a previous registration or exemption under this
23chapter need not file another. Service may be made by leaving a copy of the process
24in the office of the division, but it is not effective unless the plaintiff, who may be the
25division in an action instituted by the division, sends notice of the service and a copy

1of the process by registered or certified mail to the defendant or respondent at his or
2her last address on file with the division, and the plaintiff's affidavit of compliance
3with this subsection is filed in the case on or before the return day of the process, if
4any, or within the time that the court allows.
AB933, s. 97 5Section 97. 553.73 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,45,24 6553.73 Service of process. When any person, including any nonresident of
7this state, engages in conduct prohibited or made actionable by this chapter or any
8rule or order under this chapter, whether or not the person has filed a consent to
9service of process under s. 553.27 (10), and personal jurisdiction over the person
10cannot otherwise be obtained in this state, that conduct shall be considered
11equivalent to the person's appointment of the division to be the person's attorney to
12receive service of any lawful process in any noncriminal suit, action , or proceeding
13against the person or the person's successor, executor or administrator which
14personal representative that grows out of that conduct and which that is brought
15under this law or any rule or order under this chapter, with the same force and
16validity as if served on the person personally. Service may be made by leaving a copy
17of the process at the office of the division, but it is not effective unless the plaintiff,
18who may be the division in a suit, action, or proceeding instituted by the division,
19forthwith immediately sends notice of the service and a copy of the process by
20registered or certified mail to the defendant or respondent at his or her last-known
21address or takes other steps which that are reasonably calculated to give actual
22notice, and the plaintiff's affidavit of compliance with this section is filed in the case
23on or before the return day of the process, if any, or within such any further time as
24that the court allows.
AB933, s. 98 25Section 98. 601.72 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1601.72 (3) Others affected. The commissioner and department of financial
2institutions shall also be attorneys for the executors, administrators or personal
3representatives, receivers, trustees, or other successors in interest of the persons
4specified in sub. (1).
AB933, s. 99 5Section 99. Chapter 777 (title) of the statutes is renumbered Chapter 877
6(title) and amended to read:
AB933,46,117 Chapter 877
8 Actions by and against
9executors, administrators
10personal representatives, heirs,
11 and legatees
AB933, s. 100 12Section 100. 777.01 of the statutes is renumbered 877.01 and amended to
AB933,46,20 14877.01 Tort actions on surviving causes. If the a cause of action survives
15under ch. 895, the executors or administrators a personal representative may
16maintain an action thereon on the cause of action against the wrongdoer, in every
17case where their in which the decedent could, if living, maintain the action and, after
18the wrongdoer's death, against the wrongdoer's executors or administrators. But
19personal representative, except that this section shall not extend to actions for
20slander or libel.
AB933, s. 101 21Section 101. 777.03 of the statutes is renumbered 877.03 and amended to
AB933,47,6 23877.03 Executors, etc., Multiple personal representatives to be
24considered one.
In actions an action or proceedings proceeding against executors
25or administrators they
more than one personal representative of an estate, all of the

1personal representatives
shall all be considered as to be representing their testator
2or intestate, and service
the decedent. Service of the summons on one personal
shall constitute service on all, although the plaintiff may serve each
4of them
. Judgment shall be rendered as if all had been served and execution may be
5issued against the property of the testator or intestate decedent as if all had
6appeared. But the plaintiff may actually serve each of them.
Note: Text is reordered for more logical placement.
AB933, s. 102 7Section 102. 777.05 of the statutes is renumbered 877.05 and amended to
AB933,47,13 9877.05 Judgment not to bind realty. The A decedent's real estate which
10belonged to any deceased person
shall not be bound or in any way affected by any
11judgment against the deceased person's executors or administrators, nor shall it be
liable to be sold by virtue of any execution issued upon such, any judgment against
13the decedent's personal representative
except as provided in s. 811.25.
AB933, s. 103 14Section 103. 777.06 of the statutes is renumbered 877.06 and amended to
AB933,48,2 16877.06 Executor may prosecute; set-off; judgment Prosecution and
17defense of actions by personal representatives; setoff of claims against
18decedent; judgments
, how appealed and paid. (1) An executor or
A personal representative may commence and prosecute an action
20and may prosecute any action commenced by his or her predecessor or decedent for
21the recovery of any claim or cause of action which that survived and may have
22execution on any judgment. In the action the defendant may set off any claim
23pleadable as a counterclaim which that he or she may have against the decedent,
24instead of presenting it to the court. If judgment is rendered in favor of the defendant

1the claim shall be certified to the circuit court, and paid as other claims allowed
2against the estate.
AB933,48,11 3(2) An administrator of effects which were left unadministered by a previous
4administration of the same estate
A successor personal representative may bring a
5writ of error or appeal upon any judgment against the his or her predecessor or the
6decedent and shall defend any writ of error or appeal brought upon any such
7judgment, and against his or her predecessor or the decedent. The successor
8personal representative shall
have the same remedies in the prosecution or defense
9of any action by or against the his or her predecessor or the decedent and to collect
10and enforce
in the collection and enforcement of any judgment as the his or her
11predecessor or the decedent had.
AB933, s. 104 12Section 104. 777.07 of the statutes is renumbered 877.07 and amended to
AB933,48,18 14877.07 Executor's executor not to sue Authority of deceased personal
15representative's personal representative
. An executor of the will The personal
of a deceased executor personal representative shall not meddle with
17the estate which that the latter deceased personal representative was entrusted with
18or take any charge or control thereof of the estate.
AB933, s. 105 19Section 105. 777.08 of the statutes is renumbered 877.08 and amended to
AB933,48,25 21877.08 Liability as executor of his or her own wrong. No person shall be
22liable to an action as executor of his or her own wrong, but the wrongdoer shall be
23responsible to the executors or administrators personal representative for the value
24of any property or effects wrongfully received or taken and for all damages caused
25by his or her acts to the estate of the decedent.

Note: "Executor" is retained here as part of the phrase "executor of his or her own
wrong," which according to Black's Law dictionary is "a stranger who takes upon him (or
her) to act as an executor without any just authority," and is also known as an "executor
de son tort." See also Merrill v. Comstock, 154 Wis. 434 (1913).
AB933, s. 106 1Section 106. 777.14 of the statutes is renumbered 877.14, and 877.14 (1) and
2(2), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB933,49,73 877.14 (1) In any action or proceeding against executors or administrators a
4personal representative
, the inventory of the decedent's property of the decedent
5filed by them the personal representative shall be prima facie evidence of the
6property which that has come to their the personal representative's possession or
7knowledge and of the value thereof of the property.
AB933,49,11 8(2) In such an action or proceeding against a personal representative, the
9defendants defendant shall not be charged with choses in action specified in their the
inventory unless it appear appears that the same choses in action have
11been collected or might have been collected with due diligence.
AB933, s. 107 12Section 107. 777.16 of the statutes is renumbered 877.16 and amended to
AB933,50,2 14877.16 Foreign executors, personal representatives empowered to act.
15When no executor or administrator personal representative has been appointed in
16this state, on for the estate of any decedent who was not a resident of this state at
17the time of his or her death, a foreign executor or administrator thereof personal
18representative of the decedent
, upon filing the original, or a certified copy of the
appointment or a certified copy thereof in any circuit court in this state, may
20exercise any power over the estate, including sales and assignments, and may
21prosecute and defend any action and proceeding relating thereto to the estate and
22shall have all the remedies and defenses in regard to the property and to collect the
23collection of
any demands of the estate which an executor or administrator that a

1personal representative
appointed in this state can have or exercise in relation
AB933, s. 108 3Section 108. 777.17 of the statutes is renumbered 877.17 and amended to
AB933,50,9 5877.17 Actions against executors personal representatives; when
6allowed; when not.
No attachment or execution may be issued against the estate
7of the decedent or the executor or administrator, personal representative until the
8expiration of the time limited for the payment of debts, except as provided in ss.
9811.25 and 815.14.
AB933, s. 109 10Section 109. 777.18 of the statutes is renumbered 877.18 and amended to
AB933,50,18 12877.18 Action to recover from heirs, legatees; parties defendant.
13Actions against the heirs or legatees and devisees of any deceased person decedent
14to recover the value of any assets that may have been paid or delivered to them by
15any executor or administrator a personal representative may be brought against all
16of the heirs or all of the legatees and devisees jointly or against one or more of them.
17If the action is not against all who are liable, the rest shall be made parties on request
18of the defendant.
AB933, s. 110 19Section 110. 777.19 of the statutes is renumbered 877.19 and amended to
AB933,51,8 21877.19 Action against heirs and legatees; what may be recovered;
If an action mentioned described in s. 777.18 877.18 is brought , the plaintiff
23must show that he or she has been or will be unable, with due diligence, to collect all
24or part of
his or her debt or some part thereof by proceedings in the circuit court or
25from the personal representatives representative of the decedent. In that event,

1except as limited by s. 859.23, the plaintiff may recover the value of all the assets
2received by all the defendants if necessary to satisfy his or her demand, and the
3amount of the recovery shall be apportioned among the defendants in proportion to
4the value of the property received by each of them; and the costs. Costs of the action
5shall be apportioned in like manner. No allowance or deduction may be made from
6the amount on account of other heirs or legatees or devisees to whom assets have also
7been delivered or paid. The judgment shall express the amount recovered against
8each defendant for damages and costs.
AB933, s. 111 9Section 111. 777.20 of the statutes is renumbered 877.20 and amended to
AB933,51,18 11877.20 Contribution among heirs. Any of the heirs heir against whom
12recovery shall be had pursuant to ss. 777.18 and 777.19 is made under ss. 877.18 and
may maintain an action against the other heirs to whom any such assets may
14have been paid or delivered by the personal representative, jointly or against any of
15them separately, for a just and equal contribution;, and shall be entitled to recover
16of from each defendant an amount which shall be that is in the same proportion to
17the sum collected of from the plaintiff as the value of the assets delivered to such that
18defendant bore to the value of all the assets delivered to all the heirs.
AB933, s. 112 19Section 112. 777.21 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 877.21 (title).
AB933, s. 113 20Section 113. 777.21 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 877.21 (1) (intro.) and
21amended to read:
AB933,51,2422 877.21 (1) (intro.) If the an action is brought against all the legatees and
23devisees, the plaintiff shall not recover unless the plaintiff shows, in addition to the
24facts required to be shown in an action against the heirs: that, any of the following:
1(a) That no assets were delivered by the executor or administrator personal
to the heirs; or that.
AB933,52,4 3(b) That the value of such the assets delivered to the heirs has been recovered
4by some other creditor; or that such.
AB933,52,7 5(c) That the assets delivered by the personal representative to the heirs are not
6sufficient to satisfy the demands of the plaintiff; and in the last case that the plaintiff
7is entitled to recover the deficiency.
AB933, s. 114 8Section 114. 777.21 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 877.21 (2) and amended
9to read:
AB933,52,1310 877.21 (2) If the an action be is brought against a preferred legatee or devisee
11or a preferred class, the plaintiff must also show the same matters as to the legatee
12or devisee or class to whom the defendants are preferred as is above required to be
13shown under sub. (1) as to the heirs. And any
AB933,52,16 14(2m) Any legatee or devisee against whom recovery shall be had is made may
15maintain an action for contribution against others of the same class as heirs may
16among themselves.
AB933, s. 115 17Section 115. 777.21 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 877.21 (3) and amended
18to read:
AB933,52,2019 877.21 (3) Specific legacies and devises are preferred to residuary ones legacies
20and devises
AB933, s. 116 21Section 116. 777.22 of the statutes is renumbered 877.22 and amended to
AB933,53,2 23877.22 Payment a discharge. In case of any judgment against several heirs
24or, legatees, or devisees , the payment or satisfaction of the amount recovered against

1any one of the defendants shall discharge such that defendant from the judgment
2and from execution thereon on the judgment.
AB933, s. 117 3Section 117. 777.26 of the statutes is renumbered 877.26 and amended to
AB933,53,8 5877.26 Accounts as evidence. The account of the executor or administrator
6personal representative, settled by the proper circuit court, may be used in any action
7brought under the provisions of this chapter as presumptive evidence of any matter
8of fact stated therein in the account.
AB933, s. 118 9Section 118. 777.28 of the statutes is renumbered 877.28 and amended to
AB933,53,14 11877.28 Limit of liability. When part of the plaintiff's debt has been collected,
12the plaintiff can may recover only the residue remaining unpaid; and when. When
13the action is against the devisees and legatees, the plaintiff shall may recover only
14such that part thereof as shall of the debt that is not be recoverable from the heirs.
AB933, s. 119 15Section 119. 777.29 of the statutes is renumbered 877.29 and amended to
AB933,53,21 17877.29 Debts charged upon realty not affected. Nothing in this chapter
18shall affect the liability of heirs or beneficiaries for any debt of their decedent, which
19that was by the decedent's will expressly charged upon property or made payable
20exclusively out of particular property or of any beneficiary made exclusively liable
21for any such the debt.
AB933, s. 120 22Section 120. 777.32 of the statutes is renumbered 877.32 and amended to
AB933,54,4 24877.32 Judgment, how collected. If any real estate which that descended
25or was devised to any defendant is not aliened by the defendant before the filing of

1a notice of the pendency of the an action, the court shall adjudge that the debt of
2owing to the plaintiff, or the portion thereof which of the debt that the plaintiff is
3entitled to recover against such the defendant, shall be levied only out of such the real
4estate so descended or devised, and not otherwise.
AB933, s. 121 5Section 121. 777.36 of the statutes is renumbered 877.36, and 877.36 (intro.),
6as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB933,54,10 7877.36 Debts, order of payment. (intro.) When the The next of kin, legatees,
8heirs, or devisees who are liable for demands against the decedent as prescribed in
9under this chapter they shall be given preference in the payment of the same and
10shall be liable therefor for demands against the estate in the following order:
AB933, s. 122 11Section 122. 777.38 of the statutes is renumbered 877.38 and amended to
AB933,54,19 13877.38 Defenses. The If the decedent's next of kin, legatees, heirs, and
14devisees may show that there are unsatisfied debts of the decedent that are of a class
15prior class unsatisfied or that there are unpaid debts of the same class with that to
16or the same as the class of the debt
on which the action is brought ; and if it appear
17that the value of the personal property delivered to them or of the real estate
18descended or devised to them does not exceed the debts of a prior class prior to that
19of the debt on which the action is brought,
judgment shall be rendered in their favor.
AB933, s. 123 20Section 123. 777.39 of the statutes is renumbered 877.39 and amended to
AB933,55,3 22877.39 Extent of liability. If the personal property delivered to such the
next of kin or legatee, legatees or if the real estate descended or devised
24to such the decedent's heirs or devisees, exceed exceeds the amount of debts which
25that are entitled to a preference over the debt for which the an action is brought,

1judgment shall be rendered against them the next of kin, legatees, heirs, or devisees
2only for such a sum as shall be that is a just proportion to the other debts of the same
3class with that on which the action is brought.
AB933, s. 124 4Section 124. 777.40 of the statutes is renumbered 877.40 and amended to
AB933,55,12 6877.40 Preferred debts deducted. If any debt of the decedent that is of the
7same or
a prior class to that on which the an action is brought, or of the same class,
8shall have
has been paid by any next of kin, legatees, heirs or devisees they legatee,
9heir, or devisee, that person
may give evidence of such the payment, and the amount
10of debts so paid shall be estimated in ascertaining the amount to be recovered in the
11same manner as if such those paid debts were outstanding and unpaid as prescribed
12in ss. 777.38 877.38 and 777.39 877.39.
AB933, s. 125 13Section 125. 777.41 of the statutes is renumbered 877.41 (intro.) and amended
14to read:
AB933,55,19 15877.41 Rights and liabilities of posthumous child and witness to will.
16(intro.) A child born after the making of a will who is entitled to succeed to a portion
17of any of the real or personal testator's property or both of the testator, or a witness
18to a will who is entitled to recover any portion of such the testator's property from
19the legatees or devisees, shall have:
AB933,55,23 20(1) Have the same rights and remedies to compel a distribution of the personal
21property and partition of the real estate or to recover of from the legatees or devisees
22such the portion of the property as that belongs to him or her, or to as any other person
23entitled to any part of the estate;
1(2) Have the same rights and remedies to compel a contribution from other
2persons interested in the estate, or to gain possession of the property, as any other
3persons who are person entitled to any part of such the estate; and shall be