SB110-engrossed, s. 72 23Section 72. 973.09 (7m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB110-engrossed,33,1024 973.09 (7m) (a) Except as provided in s. 943.017 (3), the court may require as
25a condition of probation that the probationer perform community service work for a

1public agency or a nonprofit charitable organization. The number of hours of work
2required may not exceed what would be reasonable considering the seriousness of the
3offense and any other offense which is read into the record at the time of conviction.
4An order may only apply if agreed to by the probationer and the organization or
5agency. The court shall ensure that the probationer is provided a written statement
6of the terms of the community service order and that the community service order
7is monitored. If the court requires the conditions provided in this subsection and sub.
8(4) (a), the probationer reduces the period of confinement under sub. (4) (a) at a rate
9of one day for each 3 days of work performed. A day of work equals 8 hours of work
SB110-engrossed, s. 73 11Section 73. 973.11 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB110-engrossed,33,1312 973.11 (1) (b) Any requirement that the court may impose under s. 973.09 (1g),
13(1x), (4) (a), and (7m).
SB110-engrossed, s. 74 14Section 74. 973.176 (title) and (2) of the statutes are created to read:
SB110-engrossed,33,18 15973.176 (title) Notice of restrictions. (2) Voting. Whenever a court imposes
16a sentence or places a defendant on probation for a conviction that disqualifies the
17defendant from voting under s. 6.03 (1) (b), the court shall inform the defendant that
18he or she may not vote in any election until his or her civil rights are restored.
SB110-engrossed, s. 75 19Section 75. 977.05 (6) (g) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB110-engrossed,33,2120 977.05 (6) (g) 2. The state or the court seeks to modify the conditions of
21probation to include a period of confinement under s. 973.09 (4) (a).
SB110-engrossed, s. 76 22Section 76. Nonstatutory provisions.
SB110-engrossed,34,423 (1) Universal, centralized voter registration; recommendations. The
24elections board shall study the costs, benefits, and feasibility of and prepare
25recommendations with regard to requiring voter registration in every municipality

1in this state. If the board recommends that registration be required in all
2municipalities, the board shall study the costs, benefits, and feasibility of and
3prepare recommendations with regard to creating and maintaining a statewide voter
4registration list. This study shall address at least each of the following issues:
SB110-engrossed,34,55 (a) How the list should be created and maintained.
SB110-engrossed,34,76 (b) The fiscal impact upon the state and local governments of maintaining the
SB110-engrossed,34,88 (c) How accuracy of the list should be ensured.
SB110-engrossed,34,119 (d) Whether, to use the list, an electronic connection would need to be
10established between each polling place in the state and the board and how such a
11connection would be established and maintained.
SB110-engrossed,34,1212 (e) How registrations on election day would be integrated into the list.
SB110-engrossed,34,1413 (f) How procedures for corroboration of the identities of electors would be
14affected by maintenance of the list.
SB110-engrossed,34,1515 (g) How absentee balloting would be affected by the creation of the list.
SB110-engrossed,34,1716 (h) The impact of maintenance of the list upon transient populations, such as
17college students.
SB110-engrossed,34,1918 (i) How the list could be accurately purged of the names of convicted felons who
19are ineligible to vote while ensuring that no eligible electors are disenfranchised.
SB110-engrossed,34,2120 (j) How the list should be purged of the names of ineligible or inactive electors
21while ensuring that no eligible electors are disenfranchised.
SB110-engrossed,34,2322 (k) Whether the list should be publicly maintained or a private entity should
23be retained to maintain the list.
SB110-engrossed,34,2524 (l) If a private entity were retained to maintain the list, the standards to which
25the entity should be held to account
1(m) Whether and how provisional voting of challenged electors could be
2facilitated if the list were maintained.
SB110-engrossed,35,83 (2) Universal, centralized voter registration; report. No later than the first
4day of the 10th month beginning after the effective date of this subsection, the
5elections board shall submit the results of the studies and all recommendations
6prepared under subsection (1) to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for
7distribution to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature in the manner
8provided under section 13.172 (3) of the statutes.
SB110-engrossed,35,109 (3) Special legislative committee for the study of voting needs of
10multilingual and physically disabled electors.
SB110-engrossed,36,811 (a) Committee duties and powers. There is created a special legislative
12committee to be called the committee for the study of voting needs of multilingual
13and physically disabled electors. The purpose of the committee is to study the need
14for providing ballots in languages other than English and for hiring bilingual or
15multilingual inspectors for elections held in this state, and the needs of physically
16disabled electors for greater accessibility to polling places and voting equipment and
17greater protection of privacy. The committee shall study whether federal law
18requires the use of ballots printed in languages other than English or the use of
19bilingual or multilingual inspectors in this state and, if so, the extent to which the
20federal law is being followed. The committee shall study whether and the extent to
21which electors who are members of a particular language minority in this state and
22who have no ability, or limited abilities, to understand English are unable to vote if
23ballots printed only in English are used and if inspectors who are literate only in
24English are used. The committee shall prepare recommendations with regard to
25maximizing voting in this state by electors who are members of language minorities

1and who have no ability, or limited abilities, to understand English. The committee
2shall prepare recommendations for providing greater accessibility to polling places
3and voting equipment and greater protection of privacy for physically disabled
4electors. The committee may call upon any state agency or officer, city or city officer,
5village or village officer, or town or town officer for the facilities and data of the
6agency, city, village, town, or officer, and those agencies, cities, villages, towns, and
7officers that are called upon shall cooperate with the committee to the fullest extent
SB110-engrossed,37,39 (b) Committee membership and staff. The committee created under paragraph
10(a) shall consist of 13 members. The members shall be the senate majority leader or
11his or her designee; the senate minority leader or his or her designee; the assembly
12majority leader or his or her designee; the assembly minority leader or his or her
13designee; the executive director of the state elections board or his or her designee; the
14attorney general or his or her designee; one municipal clerk or executive director of
15a board of election commissioners of a city in this state with a population of at least
1650,000; one municipal clerk of a city, village, or town in this state with a population
17of at least 5,000 but less than 50,000; one municipal clerk of a city, village, or town
18with a population of less than 5,000; one municipal clerk of any other city, village,
19or town in this state; and three members representing the public. Two of the
20members who are municipal clerks or executive directors of boards of election
21commissioners shall hold office in a city, village, or town with a significant number
22of residents who are members of a language minority and who have no ability, or
23limited abilities, to understand English. The members who are municipal clerks or
24executive directors of boards of election commissioners and the members
25representing the public shall be appointed jointly by the cochairpersons of the

1committee. The cochairpersons of the committee shall be the senate majority leader
2or his or her designee and the assembly majority leader or his or her designee. The
3staff of the joint legislative council shall administer the affairs of the committee.
SB110-engrossed,37,94 (c) Committee report and termination. By the first day of the 10th month
5beginning after the effective date of this paragraph, the committee shall report its
6findings and recommendations to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for
7distribution to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature in the same
8manner as in provided under section 13.172 (3) of the statutes. The committee
9terminates on the date it submits its findings and recommendations.
SB110-engrossed,37,19 10(4v) Study of polling place staffing needs. The elections board shall study
11the need to provide additional inspectors and special registration deputies to serve
12at polling places for general elections. As a part of its study, the board shall
13determine where staffing needs are greatest and where staffing problems have
14occurred in recent years, and shall recommend solutions to these problems. No later
15than the first day of the 7th month beginning after the effective date of this
16subsection, the board shall submit the results of its study, together with its
17recommendations, to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution
18to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature in the manner provided
19under section 13.172 (3) of the statutes.
SB110-engrossed,38,4 20(4w) Study concerning use of separate registration locations. The elections
21board shall study the feasibility of making greater use of separate locations for
22registration of electors at polling places on election day, as authorized under section
236.55 (2) (c) of the statutes. As a part of its study, the board shall determine the
24situations in which municipalities should consider using separate registration
25locations. No later than the first day of the 7th month beginning after the effective

1date of this subsection, the board shall submit the results of its study, together with
2its recommendations, to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for
3distribution to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature in the manner
4provided under section 13.172 (3) of the statutes.
SB110-engrossed, s. 77 5Section 77 . Initial applicability.
SB110-engrossed,38,106 (1) Leaves of absence for service as an election official. The treatment of
7sections 7.33 (4) and (5) (b) and 111.93 (3) of the statutes first applies to employees
8who are affected by a collective bargaining agreement containing provisions
9inconsistent with this treatment on the day on which the collective bargaining
10agreement expires or is extended, modified, or renewed, whichever first occurs.
SB110-engrossed,38,1411 (2) Notification regarding ineligibility to vote during parole or extended
The treatment of section 302.117 of the statutes first applies to persons
13whom the department of corrections releases to parole or extended supervision on
14the effective date of this subsection.
SB110-engrossed,38,1815 (3) Notification regarding ineligibility to vote during probation. The
16treatment of section 973.09 (4) (b) of the statutes first applies to persons whom the
17court orders confined as a condition of probation on the effective date of this
SB110-engrossed,38,2119 (4) Notification at sentencing regarding ineligibility to vote. The treatment
20of sections 973.033, 973.034, and 973.176 (title) and (2) of the statutes first applies
21to persons whom the court sentences on the effective date of this subsection.
SB110-engrossed, s. 78 22Section 78. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
23except as follows:
SB110-engrossed,39,324 (1) Notification regarding ineligibility to vote. The treatment of sections
25302.117, 973.033, 973.034, and 973.176 (title) and (2) of the statutes, the

1renumbering of section 973.09 (4) of the statutes, the creation of section 973.09 (4)
2(b) of the statutes, and Section 77 (2), (3 ), and (4) of this act take effect on the first
3day of the 3rd month beginning after publication.