SB205,4,2515 7.70 (3) (d) When the certified statements and returns are received, the
16chairperson of the board or the chairperson's designee shall proceed to examine and
17make a statement of the total number of votes cast at any election for the offices
18involved in the election for president and vice president; a statement for each of the
19offices office of governor, lieutenant governor, if a primary, and a joint statement for
20the offices of governor and lieutenant governor, if a general election; a statement for
21each of the offices of secretary of state, state treasurer, attorney general, and state
22superintendent; for U.S. senator; representative in congress for each congressional
23district; the state legislature; justice; court of appeals judge; circuit judge; district
24attorney; metropolitan sewerage commission, if the commissioners are elected under
25s. 200.09 (11) (am); and for any referenda questions submitted by the legislature.
SB205, s. 4
1Section 4. 8.03 (2g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB205,5,132 8.03 (2g) Subsection (1) shall not apply when a candidate whose name is
3certified for placement on the general election ballot as a candidate for the office of
4lieutenant governor under s. 8.16 (6) is nominated for another elective office to be
5filled at the general election. No later than the deadline for filing a declaration of
6candidacy under s. 8.16 (6), a candidate who is nominated under s. 8.16 (6) shall file
7a written statement specifying the office that the candidate chooses. The candidate
8shall file the written statement with the same person with whom he or she is required
9to file a declaration of candidacy for the office. The filing officer shall place the
10candidate's name on the ballot under the office chosen by the candidate in the written
11statement and may not permit the candidate's name to appear on the ballot more
12than once. The vacancy in nomination for the office that the candidate does not
13choose may then be filled under s. 8.35.
SB205, s. 5 14Section 5. 8.15 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB205,5,1615 8.15 (1m) No nomination papers may be filed under this section for the office
16of lieutenant governor.
SB205, s. 6 17Section 6. 8.15 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,6,518 8.15 (4) (b) Nomination papers shall be accompanied by a declaration of
19candidacy under s. 8.21. If a candidate for state or local office has not filed a
20registration statement under s. 11.05 at the time he or she files nomination papers,
21the candidate shall file the statement with the papers. A Except as otherwise
22provided in this paragraph, a
candidate for state office shall also file a statement of
23economic interests with the ethics board under s. 19.43 (4) no later than 4:30 p.m.
24on the 3rd day following the last day for filing nomination papers under sub. (1), or
25no later than 4:30 p.m. on the next business day after the last day whenever that

1candidate is granted an extension of time for filing nomination papers under sub. (1).
2A candidate for the office of lieutenant governor whose name is certified for
3placement on the general election ballot by a candidate for the office of governor
4under s. 8.16 (6) shall file a statement of economic interests no later than the time
5provided under s. 8.16 (6) for filing a statement of economic interests.
SB205, s. 7 6Section 7. 8.15 (8) (intro.) of the statutes is repealed.
SB205, s. 8 7Section 8. 8.15 (8) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,6,98 8.15 (8) (a) For Nomination papers required for state offices and the offices of
9U.S. senator and representative in congress, shall be filed in the office of the board.
SB205, s. 9 10Section 9. 8.15 (8) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,6,1211 8.15 (8) (b) For Nomination papers required for county offices, shall be filed in
12the office of the county clerk or board of election commissioners.
SB205, s. 10 13Section 10. 8.16 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,6,2014 8.16 (1) Except as provided in sub. (2) subs. (2) and (6), the person who receives
15the greatest number of votes for an office on a party ballot at any partisan primary,
16regardless of whether the person's name appears on the ballot, shall be the party's
17candidate for the office, and the person's name shall so appear on the official ballot
18at the next election. All independent candidates shall appear on the general election
19ballot regardless of the number of votes received by such candidates at the
20September primary.
SB205, s. 11 21Section 11. 8.16 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,7,1222 8.16 (6) The persons who receive the greatest number of votes respectively for
23the offices of governor and lieutenant governor on any party ballot at a primary
24later than 2 days after certification of the nomination of the candidate of each
25recognized political party for the office of governor under s. 7.70 (3) (g), each

1candidate so nominated shall certify to the board in writing the name of a candidate
2of the same party for the office of lieutenant governor and shall notify the candidate
3for the office of lieutenant governor in writing of the certification. The candidate for
4the office of lieutenant governor shall file a declaration of candidacy under s. 8.21 and
5a statement of economic interests under s. 19.43 (4) no later than 3 days after receipt
6of the notification. The candidate for the office of lieutenant governor shall file a
7registration statement under s. 11.05 no later than 3 days after receipt of the
8notification, unless the candidate has already filed a registration statement. The
9candidate for the office of governor certified under s. 7.70 (3) (g) and the candidate
10for the office of lieutenant governor certified under this subsection
shall be the
11party's joint candidates for the offices of governor and lieutenant governor, and their
12names shall so appear on the official ballot at the next election.
SB205, s. 12 13Section 12. 8.21 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,8,19 148.21 Declaration of candidacy. Each candidate, except a candidate for
15presidential elector under s. 8.20 (2) (d), shall file a declaration of candidacy, no later
16than the latest time provided for filing nomination papers under s. 8.10 (2) (a), 8.15
17(1), 8.20 (8) (a) or 8.50 (3) (a), or the time provided under s. 8.16 (2) or 8.35 (2) (c), or,
18in the case of a candidate for the office of lieutenant governor whose name is certified
19for placement on the general election ballot by a candidate for the office of governor
20under s. 8.16 (6), the time provided under s. 8.16 (6) for filing a declaration of
. A candidate shall file the declaration with the officer or agency with
22which nomination papers are filed for the office which the candidate seeks, or if
23nomination papers are not required, with the clerk or board of election
24commissioners of the jurisdiction in which the candidate seeks office. The
25declaration shall be sworn to before any officer authorized to administer oaths. The

1declaration shall contain the name of the candidate in the form specified under s.
28.10 (2) (b) for candidates for nonpartisan office or s. 8.15 (5) (a) or 8.20 (2) (a) for
3candidates for partisan office, and shall state that the signer is a candidate for a
4named office, that he or she meets or will at the time he or she assumes office meet
5applicable age, citizenship, residency or voting qualification requirements, if any,
6prescribed by the constitutions and laws of the United States and of this state, and
7that he or she will otherwise qualify for office if nominated and elected. The
8declaration shall include the candidate's name in the form in which it will appear on
9the ballot. Each candidate for state and local office shall include in the declaration
10a statement that he or she has not been convicted of any infamous crime for which
11he or she has not been pardoned and a list of all felony convictions for which he or
12she has not been pardoned. In addition, each candidate for state or local office shall
13include in the declaration a statement that discloses his or her municipality of
14residence for voting purposes, and the street and number, if any, on which the
15candidate resides. The declaration is valid with or without the seal of the officer who
16administers the oath. A candidate for state or local office shall file an amended
17declaration under oath with the same officer or agency if any information contained
18in the declaration changes at any time after the original declaration is filed and
19before the candidate assumes office or is defeated for election or nomination.
SB205, s. 13 20Section 13. 8.30 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,9,621 8.30 (2) If no registration statement has been filed by or on behalf of a candidate
22for state or local office in accordance with s. 11.05 (2g) or (2r) by the applicable
23deadline for filing nomination papers by such candidate, or by the deadline for filing
24a declaration of candidacy for an office for which nomination papers are not filed, or,
25in the case of a candidate for the office of lieutenant governor whose name is certified

1for placement on the general election ballot by a candidate for the office of governor
2under s. 8.16 (6), by the deadline provided under s. 8.16 (6) for filing a registration
, the name of the candidate may not appear on the ballot. This subsection
4may not be construed to exempt a candidate from applicable penalties if he or she
5files a registration statement later than the time prescribed in ss. 11.01 (1) and 11.05
SB205, s. 14 7Section 14. 8.35 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,9,148 8.35 (1) Any Except as provided under s. 8.03 (2g), any person who files
9nomination papers and qualifies to appear on the ballot may not decline nomination.
10The name of that person shall appear upon the ballot except in case of death of the
11person or in the case of a person who declines nomination under s. 8.03 (2g). A person
12who is appointed to fill a vacancy in nomination or who is nominated by write-in
13votes is deemed to decline nomination if he or she fails to file a declaration of
14candidacy within the time prescribed under sub. (2) (c) or s. 8.16 (2).
SB205, s. 15 15Section 15. 8.35 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,9,2516 8.35 (2) (a) If a vacancy occurs after nomination due to the death of a candidate
17of a recognized political party for a partisan office or due to the declination of a
18candidate of a recognized political party under s. 8.03 (2g)
, the vacancy may be filled
19by the chairperson of the committee of the proper political party under s. 7.38, or the
20personal campaign committee, if any, in the case of independent candidates. Similar
21vacancies in nominations of candidates for nonpartisan local offices may be filled by
22the candidate's personal campaign committee or, if the candidate had none, by the
23body which governs the local governmental unit in which the deceased person was
24a candidate for office. The chairperson, chief officer of the committee, or clerk of the
25body making an appointment shall file a certificate of appointment with the official

1or agency with whom declarations of candidacy for the office are filed. For purposes
2of this paragraph, the official or agency need not recognize members of a personal
3campaign committee whose names were not filed under s. 11.05 prior to the death
4of the candidate.
SB205, s. 16 5Section 16. 8.35 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,10,126 8.35 (2) (b) If a vacancy in nomination occurs due to the death of a candidate
7or due to the declination of a candidate under s. 8.03 (2g), the officer or agency with
8whom nomination papers are filed for the office shall promptly notify the
9chairperson, committee or body, if any, that the vacancy may be filled within 4 days
10of the date of the notice, as shown by the postmark if the notice is mailed. The
11chairperson, committee or body may file a sworn certificate of nomination with the
12official or agency within the 4-day period.
SB205, s. 17 13Section 17. 8.35 (4) (a) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,10,1714 8.35 (4) (a) 1. (intro.) When a candidate is appointed under this section to fill
15a vacancy under this section caused by the death of a candidate, the funds remaining
16in the former candidate's depository after payment of the former candidate's lawful
17campaign debts, if any, shall be:
SB205, s. 18 18Section 18. 8.35 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,10,2519 8.35 (4) (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), any unspent and unencumbered moneys
20received by a deceased candidate from the Wisconsin election campaign fund shall
21be immediately transferred to any candidate who is appointed to replace such
22candidate, upon filing of a proper application therefor under s. 11.50 (2). If there is
23no candidate appointed or if no proper application is filed within 7 days of the date
24on which the vacancy occurs, such moneys shall revert to the state as provided in s.
2511.50 (8).
SB205, s. 19
1Section 19. 11.05 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,11,92 11.05 (3m) Vacancies in nomination. Any personal campaign committee of an
3independent candidate for partisan office or a candidate for nonpartisan county or
4municipal office may file with its registration statement a list of the members of the
5committee, in addition to those specified in sub. (3) (e) and (f), who shall be recognized
6by the official or agency with whom the candidate's nomination papers are filed for
7the purpose of filling a vacancy in nomination in the event of the candidate's death
8that the candidate declines nomination under s. 8.03 (2g) or dies. The board shall
9provide a place on the statement for such designations.
SB205, s. 20 10Section 20. 11.50 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,11,2311 11.50 (1) (a) 1. With respect to a spring or general election, any individual who
12is certified under s. 7.08 (2) (a) as a candidate in the spring election for justice or state
13superintendent, or an individual who receives at least 6% of the vote cast for all
14candidates on all ballots for any state office, except district attorney, for which the
15individual is a candidate at the September primary and who is certified under s. 7.08
16(2) (a) as a candidate for that office in the general election, or an individual who has
17been lawfully appointed and certified to replace either such individual on the ballot
18at the spring or general election; and who has qualified for a grant under sub. (2).
19For purposes of this subdivision, a candidate for the office of lieutenant governor
20whose name is certified for placement on the general election ballot by a candidate
21for the office of governor under s. 8.16 (6) is considered to receive the same percentage
22of the September primary vote as the candidate for the office of governor certifying
23his or her name.
SB205, s. 21 24Section 21. 11.50 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
111.50 (2) (a) Any individual who desires to qualify as an eligible candidate may
2file an application with the board requesting approval to participate in the fund. The
3application shall be filed no later than the applicable deadline for filing nomination
4papers under s. 8.10 (2) (a), 8.15 (1), 8.20 (8) (a) or 8.50 (3) (a), no later than 4:30 p.m.
5on the 7th day after the primary or date on which the primary would be held if
6required in the case of write-in candidates and candidates for the office of lieutenant
7governor whose names are certified for placement on the general election ballot by
8a candidate for the office of governor under s. 8.16 (6)
, or no later than 4:30 p.m. on
9the 7th day after appointment in the case of candidates appointed to fill vacancies.
10The application shall contain a sworn statement that the candidate and his or her
11authorized agents have complied with the contribution limitations prescribed in s.
1211.26 and the disbursement limitations prescribed under s. 11.31 at all times to
13which such limitations have applied to his or her candidacy and will continue to
14comply with the limitations at all times to which the limitations apply to his or her
15candidacy for the office in contest, unless the board determines that the candidate
16is not eligible to receive a grant, the candidate withdraws his or her application
17under par. (h), or par. (i) applies.
SB205, s. 22 18Section 22. 11.50 (2) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,12,2219 11.50 (2) (b) 4. The All financial reports filed by or on behalf of the candidate
20as of the date of the spring or September primary, or the date that the special primary
21is or would be held, if required, indicate that his or her statement filed with the
22application under par. (a) is true; and
SB205, s. 23 23Section 23. 11.50 (2) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,14,424 11.50 (2) (b) 5. The financial reports filed by or on behalf of the candidate as
25of the date of the spring or September primary, or the date that the special primary

1is or would be held, if required, indicate that the candidate has received at least the
2amount provided in this subdivision, from contributions of money, other than loans,
3made by individuals, which have been received during the period ending on the date
4of the spring primary and July 1 preceding such date in the case of candidates at the
5spring election, or the date of the September primary and January 1 preceding such
6date in the case of candidates at the general election, or the date that a special
7primary will or would be held, if required, and 90 days preceding such date or the
8date a special election is ordered, whichever is earlier, in the case of special election
9candidates, which contributions are in the aggregate amount of $100 or less, and
10which are fully identified and itemized as to the exact source thereof. A contribution
11received from a conduit which is identified by the conduit as originating from an
12individual shall be considered a contribution made by the individual. Only the first
13$100 of an aggregate contribution of more than $100 may be counted toward the
14required percentage. For a candidate at the spring or general election for an office
15identified in s. 11.26 (1) (a) or (am) or a candidate at a special election, the required
16amount to qualify for a grant is 5% of the candidate's authorized disbursement
17limitation under s. 11.31. For any other candidate at the general election, the
18required amount to qualify for a grant is 10% of the candidate's authorized
19disbursement limitation under s. 11.31. For the purposes of this subdivision, a
20candidate for the officer of lieutenant governor whose name is certified for placement
21on the general election ballot by a candidate for the office of governor under s. 8.16
22(6) is considered to receive the contributions required to qualify for a grant under this
23subdivision if the candidate for the office of lieutenant governor and the candidate
24for the office of governor certifying his or her name together have received
25contributions sufficient to qualify the candidate for the office of lieutenant governor

1for a grant under this subdivision. Contributions required to qualify a candidate for
2the office of governor for a grant under this subdivision shall not be included in
3calculating the combined contributions for the candidate for the office of governor
4and the candidate for the office of lieutenant governor under this subdivision.
SB205, s. 24 5Section 24. 19.42 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,14,146 19.42 (4) "Candidate for state public office" means any individual who files
7nomination papers and a declaration of candidacy under s. 8.21 or who is nominated
8at a caucus under s. 8.05 (1) for the purpose of appearing on the ballot for election
9as a state public official or, any individual who is nominated for the purpose of
10appearing on the ballot for election as a state public official through the write-in
11process or by appointment to fill a vacancy in nomination and who files a declaration
12of candidacy under s. 8.21, or any individual whose name is certified for placement
13on the general election ballot as a candidate for the office of lieutenant governor
14under s. 8.16 (6) and who files a declaration of candidacy under s. 8.21
SB205, s. 25 15Section 25. 19.43 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB205,15,1216 19.43 (4) A candidate for state public office shall file with the board a statement
17of economic interests meeting each of the requirements of s. 19.44 (1) no later than
184:30 p.m. on the 3rd day following the last day for filing nomination papers for the
19office which the candidate seeks, or no later than 4:30 p.m. on the next business day
20after the last day whenever that candidate is granted an extension of time for filing
21nomination papers or a declaration of candidacy under s. 8.05 (1) (j), 8.10 (2) (a), 8.15
22(1) or 8.20 (8) (a), no later than 4:30 p.m. on the 5th day after notification of
23nomination is mailed or personally delivered to the candidate by the municipal clerk
24in the case of a candidate who is nominated at a caucus, or no later than 4:30 p.m.
25on the 3rd day after notification of nomination is mailed or personally delivered to

1the candidate by the appropriate official or agency in the case of a write-in candidate
2or candidate who is appointed to fill a vacancy in nomination under s. 8.35 (2) (a), or
3no later than the time provided under s. 8.16 (6) for filing a statement of economic
4interests in the case of a candidate for the office of lieutenant governor whose name
5is certified for placement on the general election ballot by a candidate for the office
6of governor under s. 8.16 (6)
. The information contained on the statement shall be
7current as of December 31 of the year preceding the filing deadline. Before certifying
8the name of any candidate for state public office under s. 7.08 (2) (a), the elections
9board, municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall ascertain whether
10that candidate has complied with this subsection. If not, the elections board,
11municipal clerk or board of election commissioners may not certify the candidate's
12name for ballot placement.
SB205,15,1313 (End)