2001 - 2002 LEGISLATURE
July 12, 2001 - Introduced by Senators Baumgart, Burke, Darling, Schultz and
Roessler, cosponsored by Representatives Albers, Turner and Ryba.
Referred to Committee on Judiciary, Consumer Affairs, and Campaign
Finance Reform.
SB221,1,4 1An Act to amend 938.34 (5g) (d); and to create 938.34 (13p) of the statutes;
2relating to: juvenile court dispositions for a juvenile who is found to have made
3a bomb scare involving a school premises or to have possessed or discharged a
4firearm in a school zone.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under the
Juvenile Justice Code (juvenile court) may impose various dispositions on a juvenile
who has been adjudged delinquent. Those dispositions include the imposition of a
forfeiture on the juvenile and the juvenile's parents, a requirement that the juvenile
participate in a supervised work program or other community service work, and, for
certain violations, restriction or suspension of the juvenile's operating privilege
(driver's license). This bill permits the juvenile court to impose, in addition to any
other disposition that the juvenile court may impose under current law, any of the
following dispositions on a juvenile who has been found to have made a bomb scare
involving a school premises or to have possessed or discharged a firearm in a school
1. Participation in anger management counseling or any other counseling
ordered by the juvenile court.
2. Participation for 100 hours in a supervised work program or the performance
of 100 hours of other community service work.
3. Restriction or suspension of the juvenile's driver's license for two years, if the
juvenile used a motor vehicle to facilitate the commission of the violation.

For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB221, s. 1 1Section 1. 938.34 (5g) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB221,2,42 938.34 (5g) (d) Under this subsection, a juvenile who is under 14 years of age
3may not be required to perform more than 40 total hours of supervised work or other
4community service work, except as provided in subs. (13p), (13r) and (14t).
SB221, s. 2 5Section 2. 938.34 (13p) of the statutes is created to read:
SB221,2,106 938.34 (13p) Bomb scares or firearms at school. In addition to any other
7disposition imposed under this section, if the juvenile is found to have violated s.
8947.015 and the property involved is a school premises, as defined in s. 948.61 (1) (c),
9or is found to have violated s. 948.605 (2) (a) or (3) (a), the court may order any one
10or more of the following dispositions:
SB221,2,1211 (a) That the juvenile participate in anger management counseling or any other
12counseling ordered by the court.
SB221,2,1613 (b) That the juvenile participate for 100 hours in a supervised work program
14under sub. (5g) or perform 100 hours of other community service work, unless the
15court determines that the juvenile would pose a threat to public safety while
16participating in that program or other community service work.
SB221,3,917 (c) That the juvenile's operating privilege, as defined in s. 340.01 (40), be
18restricted or suspended for 2 years, except that the court may restrict or suspend a
19juvenile's operating privilege under this paragraph only if the court finds that the
20juvenile used a motor vehicle to facilitate the commission of the violation. If the court
21restricts or suspends a juvenile's operating privilege under this paragraph, the court

1shall immediately forward to the department of transportation notice of the
2restriction or suspension, clearly stating that the restriction or suspension is for
3using a motor vehicle to facilitate the commission of a violation of s. 947.015 involving
4a school premises or is for using a motor vehicle to facilitate the commission of a
5violation of s. 948.0605 (2) (a) or (3) (a). If the juvenile's license or operating privilege
6is currently suspended or revoked or if the juvenile does not currently possess a valid
7operator's license issued under ch. 343, the suspension under this paragraph is
8effective on the date on which the juvenile is first eligible for issuance or
9reinstatement of an operator's license under ch. 343.
SB221, s. 3 10Section 3. Initial applicability.
SB221,3,1311 (1) Bomb scares or firearms at school. This act first applies to violations of
12s. 947.015 or 948.605 (2) (a) or (3) (a) of the statutes committed on the effective date
13of this subsection.
SB221,3,1414 (End)