SB408, s. 11 15Section 11. 196.196 (6) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,12,1616 196.196 (6) (title) Mandatory credits.
SB408, s. 12 17Section 12. 196.196 (6) (a) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,12,1818 196.196 (6) (a) Definitions. In this subsection:
SB408,12,2119 1. "Customer" means any person, including a telecommunications provider,
20that uses the services, products, or facilities provided by a large price-regulated
21telecommunications utility.
SB408,12,2522 2. "End-user customer" means a person that receives local exchange service
23from a large price-regulated telecommunications utility or another
24telecommunications provider, and that does not resell the local exchange service or
25use such service to provide telecommunications service to any other customer.
13. "Local exchange service" has the meaning given in s. 196.50 (1) (b) 1.
SB408, s. 13 2Section 13. 196.196 (6) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,13,83 196.196 (6) (b) Service disruptions. 1. If the local exchange service of an
4end-user customer is disrupted by a large price-regulated telecommunications
5utility and remains disrupted for more than 24 hours after the disruption is reported
6to the large price-regulated telecommunications utility, the utility shall issue a
7credit in an amount specified in subd. 2. to the end-user customer unless one of the
8following applies:
SB408,13,109 a. The disruption is caused by the end-user customer or the end-user
10customer's telecommunications equipment.
SB408,13,1211 b. The disruption is caused by a natural disaster, act of God, military action,
12war, insurrection, or riot.
SB408,13,1413 c. The end-user customer fails to keep an appointment to repair the disruption
14and the utility is not able to obtain access to repair the disruption.
SB408,13,1815 2. If service is disrupted for 24 hours or more, the amount of the credit under
16subd. 1. shall be $35 for each primary residential line, $5 for each other residential
17line, $135 for each main billing business line, and $25 for each other business line,
18for each 24-hour period, or portion of a 24-hour period, in which service is disrupted.
SB408, s. 14 19Section 14. 196.196 (6) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,14,220 196.196 (6) (c) Failure to install local exchange service. 1. Except as provided
21in subd. 2., if a large price-regulated telecommunications utility fails to install local
22exchange service or related equipment within 5 business days after an end-user
23customer places an order for the service or equipment, the large price-regulated
24telecommunications utility shall issue a credit to the end-user customer in an
25amount equal to $35 for each residential line and $135 for each business line for each

1business day, or portion of a business day, beyond the 5th business day that the
2service or equipment is not installed.
SB408,14,33 2. Subdivision 1. does not apply to any of the following:
SB408,14,54 a. The installation of service in an undeveloped area where there are no
5telecommunications facilities.
SB408,14,76 b. A failure to install that is caused by a natural disaster, act of God, military
7action, war, insurrection, or riot.
SB408,14,108 c. A failure to install resulting from the end-user customer voluntarily
9changing the installation date without providing notice 48 hours before the
10originally scheduled installation date.
SB408, s. 15 11Section 15. 196.196 (6) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,14,1312 196.196 (6) (d) Failure to keep appointments. 1. A large price-regulated
13telecommunications utility shall do all of the following:
SB408,14,1714 a. Except as provided in subd. 2., if the utility fails to keep an appointment to
15install service or make on-premises or outside repairs for an end-user customer,
16issue a $35 credit for each residential line and a $135 credit for each business line
17that is affected by the failure.
SB408,14,1918 b. Inform an end-user customer about the utility's obligation to issue a credit
19under subd. 1. a. at the time an appointment is made.
SB408,14,2420 2. Subdivision 1. a. does not apply if the large price-regulated
21telecommunications utility provides the end-user customer with 24-hour advance
22notice that the utility is not able to keep the appointment or if a natural disaster, act
23of God, military action, war, insurrection, or riot prevents the utility from keeping
24the appointment.
SB408, s. 16 25Section 16. 196.196 (6) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
1196.196 (6) (e) Printed directory mistakes. If directory information pertaining
2to an end-user customer is stated incorrectly in, or erroneously omitted from, a
3printed telephone directory published by a large price-regulated
4telecommunications utility, the utility shall issue a credit to the end-user customer,
5unless the large price-regulated telecommunications utility demonstrates to the
6satisfaction of the commission that the mistake was caused by the end-user
7customer. The utility shall issue a credit for each local line used by the end-user
8customer, except that if the end-user customer uses more than 3 local lines the utility
9shall issue credits for only 3 of the lines. The credit for each line shall be equal to 3
10times the sum of the end-user customer's local line rate and, if applicable, the
11average monthly usage rate for the line at the time of the mistake. This paragraph
12does not apply to telephone directories that are printed before the effective date of
13this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date].
SB408, s. 17 14Section 17. 196.196 (6) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,15,2315 196.196 (6) (f) Directory assistance mistakes. If a large price-regulated
16telecommunications utility fails to include an end-user customer's directory
17information accurately in directory assistance, the large price-regulated
18telecommunications utility shall issue a $35 credit for each residential line and a
19$135 credit for each business line for each 5-business-day period, or portion of
205-business-day period, after the date that the large price-regulated
21telecommunications utility is notified about the failure, unless the large
22price-regulated telecommunications utility demonstrates to the satisfaction of the
23commission that the failure was caused by the end-user customer.
SB408, s. 18 24Section 18. 196.196 (6) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
1196.196 (6) (g) Credit procedure. 1. If a large price-regulated
2telecommunications utility is required to provide a credit to an end-user customer
3under this subsection, the large price-regulated telecommunications utility shall
4issue the credit by adjusting the end-user customer's first bill following the event for
5which the credit is required.
SB408,16,96 2. Except for an end-user customer report under par. (b) 1., a large
7price-regulated telecommunications utility may not require an end-user customer
8to provide any notice as a condition for issuing a credit required under this
SB408, s. 19 10Section 19. 196.196 (6) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,16,1211 196.196 (6) (h) Other remedies available. The remedies under this subsection
12are not exclusive.
SB408, s. 20 13Section 20. 196.196 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,16,1514 196.196 (7) Separation of wholesale and retail affiliates. (a) Definitions.
15In this subsection:
SB408,16,2116 1. "Network element" means a facility or equipment used to provide
17telecommunications service. "Network element" includes features, functions, and
18capabilities that are provided by means of such a facility or equipment, including
19subscriber numbers, databases, signaling systems, and information sufficient for
20bills or collections, or that are used in transmitting, routing, or otherwise providing
21telecommunications service.
SB408,16,2422 2. "Retail affiliate" means an affiliate through which a large price-regulated
23telecommunications utility provides telecommunications services to retail
13. "Wholesale affiliate" means an affiliate through which a large
2price-regulated telecommunications utility provides telecommunications services
3and network elements to other telecommunications providers, including the utility's
4retail affiliates.
SB408,17,85 (b) Mandatory structural separation. The commission shall, after notice and,
6if requested, a hearing, order a large price-regulated telecommunications utility to
7structurally separate its wholesale and retail operations into separate affiliates as
8provided in par. (d) if any of the following occurs:
SB408,17,119 1. The utility has had, in any consecutive 24-month period after the effective
10date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], 3 or more of any one or combination
11of the following:
SB408,17,1212 a. A violation of s. 196.219 (3).
SB408,17,1313 b. A violation of s. 196.1995.
SB408,17,1614 c. A violation of s. 196.03 (1) in which the utility failed to provide reasonably
15adequate service or facilities on a timely basis to a wholesale customer, as defined
16in s. 196.197 (1) (f).
SB408,17,1817 d. A finding by the commission under s. 196.199 (3) (a) 2. that the utility failed
18to comply with an interconnection agreement.
SB408,17,2019 e. A finding by the commission that the utility failed to negotiate in good faith
20under 47 USC 252 (a) (1).
SB408,17,2321 f. A violation of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 or an order or
22regulation of the federal communications commission issued or promulgated under
23that act.
SB408,18,224 2. The commission finds that, after 2 years after the effective date of this
25subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], less than 50% of the residential access lines, or

1less than 50% of the business access lines, in the utility's service territory receive
2local exchange service from another telecommunications provider.
SB408,18,33 3. The commission finds any of the following:
SB408,18,54 a. The utility has the ability to maintain prices below cost, or above competitive
5price levels, for a significant period of time.
SB408,18,76 b. The utility's competitors are not able to obtain equal and reliable access to
7the utility's unbundled network elements or operational support systems.
SB408,18,98 c. The utility exercises market power in a manner that precludes the
9development of substantial and sustainable competition.
SB408,18,1210 (c) Voluntary structural separation. Subject to the approval of the commission,
11a large price-regulated telecommunications utility may structurally separate its
12wholesale and retail operations into separate affiliates as provided in par. (d).
SB408,18,1513 (d) Requirements for structural separation. For a large price-regulated
14telecommunications utility to structurally separate under par. (b) or (c), all of the
15following requirements must be satisfied:
SB408,18,1816 1. The utility's wholesale affiliate must have officers, directors, employees, and
17publicly traded stock that are entirely separate from the officers, directors,
18employees, and publicly traded stock of the utility's retail affiliate.
SB408,18,2019 2. No more than 50% of the publicly traded stock of the utility's wholesale
20affiliate may be owned by persons that are affiliated with the utility's retail affiliate.
SB408,18,2221 3. The utility's retail and wholesale affiliates must operate independently of
22each other.
SB408,18,2423 4. The utility's retail and wholesale affiliates must maintain separate books,
24records, and accounts.
15. The utility's retail and wholesale affiliates must conduct all business
2between each other on an arm's length basis, reduce all transactions between each
3other to writing that is available for public inspection, and account for all such
4transactions in accordance with accounting principles specified or approved by the
SB408,19,86 6. The utility's retail affiliate must use the same operational support system
7interfaces that the utility's wholesale affiliate makes available to unaffiliated
8telecommunications providers.
SB408,19,99 7. Any other requirement specified by the commission must be satisfied.
SB408,19,1710 (e) Transitional plans. The commission may approve a transitional plan
11submitted by a large price-regulated telecommunications utility that specifies a
12reasonable schedule for phasing in the utility's compliance with an order under par.
13(b) or for voluntary structural separation under par. (c), except that, after 3 years
14after the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], a wholesale
15affiliate of a utility that structurally separates under par. (b) or (c) may not market,
16offer, or provide any retail telecommunications service or related feature to any retail
SB408,19,1918 (f) Prohibitions. 1. A wholesale or retail affiliate of a large price-regulated
19telecommunications utility may not do any of the following:
SB408,19,2120 a. Obtain credit under any arrangement that permits a creditor, upon default,
21to have recourse to the assets of the utility or another affiliate of the utility.
SB408,19,2322 b. Discriminate between another affiliate of the utility and any other person
23in providing or procuring goods, services, facilities, or information.
SB408,19,2524 2. A wholesale affiliate of a large price-regulated telecommunications utility
25may not transfer any network element to a retail affiliate of the utility.
SB408, s. 21
1Section 21. 196.196 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,20,32 196.196 (8) Consultation with federal communications commission. (a) In
3this subsection, "end-user customer" has the meaning given in sub. (6) (a) 2.
SB408,20,74 (b) If the federal communications commission consults with the commission
5under 47 USC 271 (d) (2) (B), the commission shall advise against approving the
6petition of a large price-regulated telecommunications utility for interlata long
7distance authority if either of the following applies:
SB408,20,128 1. For a utility that has not structurally separated under sub. (7) (b) or (c), less
9than 25% of the utility's access lines serving residential end-user customers in the
10utility's service territory, or less than 25% of the utility's access lines serving business
11end-user customers in the utility's service territory, receive basic local exchange
12service from another telecommunications provider.
SB408,20,1413 2. The commission determines that the utility has failed to meet the
14requirements of 47 USC 271 (c).
SB408, s. 22 15Section 22. 196.196 (9) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,20,2316 196.196 (9) Just and reasonable rates; effect of petition. A large
17price-regulated telecommunications utility may petition the commission for a
18determination that its rates, as established under this section, are not just and
19reasonable. By filing such a petition, a large price regulated telecommunications
20utility rescinds its election to be price regulated and the commission shall impose
21cost-based, rate-of-return regulation on all products and services offered by the
22utility. A large price-regulated telecommunications utility may not elect to be price
23regulated within 3 years after filing a petition under this subsection.
SB408, s. 23 24Section 23. 196.197 of the statutes is created to read:
1196.197 Retail and wholesale telecommunications service quality. (1)
2Definitions. In this section:
SB408,21,33 (a) "End-user customer" has the meaning given in s. 196.196 (6) (a) 2.
SB408,21,44 (b) "Local exchange service" has the meaning given in s. 196.50 (1) (b) 1.
SB408,21,55 (c) "Network element" has the meaning given in s. 196.196 (7) (a) 1.
SB408,21,96 (d) "Repeat trouble report" means a trouble report made by an end-user
7customer or wholesale customer within 30 days after a large price-regulated
8telecommunications utility has resolved a problem regarding the same access line in
9response to a prior trouble report by the customer.
SB408,21,1310 (e) "Trouble report" means a report by an end-user customer to a large
11telecommunications utility or wholesale customer, or by a wholesale customer to a
12large price-regulated telecommunications utility, about a problem regarding the
13end-user customer's access line or an access line used by the wholesale customer.
SB408,21,1614 (f) "Wholesale customer" means a telecommunications provider that uses the
15services, products, or facilities of a large price-regulated telecommunications utility
16to provide telecommunications service to an end-user customer.
SB408,21,21 17(2) Retail service standards. In addition to any standard required by the
18commission or agreed to by a large price-regulated telecommunications utility, a
19large price-regulated telecommunications utility shall, on a monthly basis, comply
20with each of the following standards in providing telecommunications services,
21products, or facilities to its end-user customers:
SB408,21,2422 (a) Initiation of service. The utility shall begin providing local exchange service
23for 95% of the orders for such service by the utility's end-user customers no less than
245 business days after receiving an order.
1(b) Service outages. The utility shall restore no less than 95% of local exchange
2service outages to end-user customers within 24 hours after an end-user customer
3reports the outage to the utility.
SB408,22,54 (c) Repeat trouble reports. The utility shall ensure that no more than 10% of
5all trouble reports are repeat trouble reports.
SB408,22,106 (d) Missed repair appointments. The utility shall keep no less than 90% of all
7appointments scheduled to install service or make repairs for the utility's end-user
8customers, excluding those appointments for which the utility gives 24-hour
9advance notice that the appointment will be missed. The commission shall
10promulgate rules to administer the requirements of this paragraph.
SB408,22,1311 (e) Service center response times. The utility shall ensure that in no less than
1290% of all calls by end-user customers to the utility's service center the customer is
13connected to a live service representative within 20 seconds after the call begins.
SB408,22,19 14(3) Wholesale service standards. In addition to complying with any standard
15required by the commission or agreed to by a large price-regulated
16telecommunications utility, a large price-regulated telecommunications utility
17shall, on a monthly basis, comply with each of the following standards in providing
18telecommunications services or products or network elements to each of its wholesale
SB408,22,2220 (a) Service outages. The utility shall restore no less than 95% of service outages
21affecting end-user customers with access lines used by the wholesale customer
22within 24 hours after the wholesale customer reports the outage to the utility.
SB408,23,223 (b) Response to orders. Except as provided in par. (c), the utility shall ensure
24that no less than 95% of the wholesale customer's orders for unbundled loops,

1unbundled network platforms, or resale are filled within 5 business days after the
2utility receives an order.