AB1073,61,1616 (f) “Food stamp program” has the meaning given in s. 49.79 (1) (c).
AB1073,61,2217 (g) “Medical review officer” means a licensed medical provider who is employed
18by or providing services under a contract to a qualified drug testing vendor, has
19knowledge of substance abuse disorders and laboratory testing procedures, and has
20the necessary training and experience to interpret and evaluate an individual's
21positive test result in relation to the individual's medical history and valid
AB1073,62,223 (h) “Metabolite” means a chemical present in the body when a controlled
24substance is being broken down through natural metabolic processes that can be

1detected or measured as a positive indicator that a controlled substance associated
2with the metabolite has been used.
AB1073,62,63 (i) “Prescription” means a current order for a controlled substance that
4indicates the specific regimen and duration of the order and that is transmitted
5electronically or in writing by an individual authorized in this state to order the
6controlled substance.
AB1073,62,117 (j) “Qualified drug testing vendor” means a laboratory certified by the federal
8centers for medical and medicaid services under the federal Clinical Laboratory
9Improvement Amendments of 1988 to collect a specimen, carry out laboratory
10analysis of the specimen, store the specimen for a confirmation test if required,
11complete a confirmation test, and provide review by a medical review officer.
AB1073,62,1312 (k) “Screening” means completing a questionnaire specified by the department
13regarding an individual's current and prior use of any controlled substance.
AB1073,62,1514 (L) “Specimen” means tissue, fluid, or any other product of the human body
15required to be submitted by an individual for testing under this section.
AB1073,62,2116 (m) “Trauma-informed” means operating under the understanding of the
17science of adverse childhood experiences, toxic stress, trauma, and resilience,
18incorporating that understanding into organizational culture, policies, programs,
19and practices, and adhering to trauma-informed principles such as safety,
20trustworthiness and transparency, peer support, collaboration and mutuality,
21empowerment, and cultural, historical, and gender issue recognition.
AB1073,63,422 (n) “Treatment” means any service that is conducted under clinical supervision
23to assist an individual through the process of recovery from controlled substance
24abuse, including screening, application of approved placement criteria, intake,
25orientation, assessment, individualized treatment planning, intervention,

1individual or group and family counseling, referral, discharge planning, after care
2or continuing care, record keeping, consultation with other professionals regarding
3treatment services, recovery and case management, crisis intervention, education,
4employment, and problem resolution in life skills functioning.
AB1073,63,105 (o) “Treatment program” means a program certified by the department to
6provide treatment for controlled substance abuse as a medically managed inpatient
7service, a medically monitored treatment service, a day treatment service, an
8outpatient treatment service, a transitional residential treatment service, or a
9narcotic treatment service for opiate addiction or, as approved by the department,
10psychosocial rehabilitation services.
AB1073,63,1411 (p) “Treatment provider” means a provider of treatment for controlled
12substance abuse certified by the department, a provider certified under s. 440.88, or
13a licensed professional who meets criteria established by the department of safety
14and professional services.
AB1073,63,20 15(2) Notice of requirement. An administering agency shall provide
16information in a format approved by the department to any individual who expresses
17interest in or is referred to participate in an employment and training program to
18explain the requirement for participants in certain employment and training
19programs to undergo screening, testing, and treatment for abuse of controlled
AB1073,64,6 21(3) Administering and evaluating a controlled substance abuse screening
(a) At the time of application and at annual redetermination for
23eligibility in the food stamp program, an administering agency shall administer to
24any able-bodied adult who is subject to the work requirement under s. 49.79 (10) (a)
25and intends on meeting the work requirement through participation in the

1employment and training program a controlled substance abuse screening
2questionnaire approved by the department, which may include questions related to
3controlled substance abuse-related criminal background and controlled substance
4abuse. The administering agency shall determine whether answers to the controlled
5substance abuse screening questionnaire indicate possible use of a controlled
6substance without a valid prescription by the able-bodied adult.
AB1073,64,107 (b) 1. An able-bodied adult who is administered a controlled substance abuse
8screening questionnaire under par. (a) shall answer all questions on the screening
9questionnaire, sign and date the questionnaire, and submit the questionnaire to the
10administering agency.
AB1073,64,1311 2. If the able-bodied adult indicates on the screening questionnaire submitted
12under subd. 1. the prescribed use of a controlled substance, the able-bodied adult
13shall provide evidence of the valid prescription to the administering agency.
AB1073,64,2114 (c) An able-bodied adult who is administered a controlled substance abuse
15screening questionnaire under par. (a) and who fails to comply with the requirements
16under par. (b) is not eligible to participate in the employment and training program,
17and the administering agency may not refer the individual to participate in the
18employment and training program. An able-bodied adult who is denied eligibility
19for participation in the employment and training program for failure to complete the
20requirements under par. (b) may complete the requirements under par. (b) at any
21time while eligible for the food stamp program.
AB1073,65,222 (d) An able-bodied adult who completes a controlled substance abuse screening
23questionnaire under this subsection and whose answers to the screening
24questionnaire do not indicate possible abuse of a controlled substance has satisfied

1the requirements of this section and may participate in an employment and training
2program subject to this section.
AB1073,65,8 3(4) Testing for use of a controlled substance required. (a) Individuals
4required to undergo testing; exception.
1. Except as provided in subd. 2., an
5administering agency shall require an able-bodied adult whose answers on the
6controlled substance abuse screening questionnaire submitted under sub. (3)
7indicate possible use of a controlled substance without a prescription to undergo a
8test for the use of a controlled substance.
AB1073,65,139 2. An administering agency may not require an able-bodied adult whose
10answers on the controlled substance abuse screening questionnaire submitted under
11sub. (3) indicate possible use of a controlled substance and who also indicates
12readiness to enter treatment for controlled substance abuse to undergo a test for the
13use of a controlled substance.
AB1073,65,2014 (b) Nature of testing required. A test for use of a controlled substance under
15this subsection consists of laboratory analysis of a specimen collected from an
16able-bodied adult described in par. (a) in a manner specified by the department that
17is consistent with guidelines from the federal department of health and human
18services by a qualified drug testing vendor or a provider approved by the department.
19The qualified drug testing vendor or other provider shall analyze the specimen for
20the presence of controlled substances specified by the department.
AB1073,66,221 (c) Contracts for testing services. 1. The administering agency, subject to the
22department's approval, may contract with a trauma-informed qualified drug testing
23vendor to collect a specimen, carry out laboratory analysis of the specimen, store the
24specimen for confirmatory testing if required, complete confirmatory testing, provide

1review by a medical review officer, and document and report test results to the
2administering agency.
AB1073,66,63 2. The department may require administering agencies to use a specific drug
4testing service procured through state contracting if the department determines that
5volume discounts or other preferential pricing terms may be achieved through a
6statewide contract.
AB1073,66,117 (d) Effects of refusal to submit to drug test. 1. An able-bodied adult who is
8required to undergo a test for the use of a controlled substance under par. (a) but who
9refuses to submit to a drug test by doing any of the following is ineligible to
10participate in the employment and training program until the individual agrees to
11be tested for use of a controlled substance and test results have been reported:
AB1073,66,1212 a. Failing or refusing to appear for a scheduled drug test without good cause.
AB1073,66,1613 b. Failing or refusing to complete a form or release of information required for
14testing, including any form or release required by the qualified drug testing vendor
15to permit the vendor to report test results to the administering agency or
AB1073,66,1717 c. Failing or refusing to provide a valid specimen for testing.
AB1073,66,1818 d. Failing or refusing to provide verification of identity to the testing vendor.
AB1073,66,2219 2. The administering agency may direct an able-bodied adult who initially
20refused to submit to a drug test under subd. 1. and subsequently agrees to submit
21to a test to undergo drug testing on a random basis at any time within 10 business
22days after the able-bodied adult agrees to submit to a test.
AB1073,67,323 (e) Confirmation test required. If an able-bodied adult tests positive for the use
24of a controlled substance, the qualified drug testing vendor shall perform a
25confirmation test using the same specimen obtained for the initial drug test. The

1vendor's medical review officer who is responsible for determining the presence of a
2controlled substance under par. (b) shall interpret all drug test results that are not
AB1073,67,104 (f) Accepting test results from other programs. For purposes of this section, an
5administering agency may use results of a drug test performed by the administering
6agency for the purpose of eligibility for another state program, including a work
7experience program under s. 49.162, 49.36, or 108.133, performed at the request of
8the department of corrections, or performed by other drug testing providers as
9approved by the department to determine whether to refer an able-bodied adult to
10treatment if all of the following apply:
AB1073,67,1111 1. The test results are provided directly to the administering agency.
AB1073,67,1312 2. The test results include tests for all controlled substances required by the
13department to be tested under this section.
AB1073,67,1514 3. The test occurred within 90 days before the results are provided to the
15administering agency.
AB1073,67,2116 (g) Effect of a negative test. An able-bodied adult who undergoes a test for use
17of a controlled substance under this subsection and tests negative for use of a
18controlled substance or who tests positive for use of a controlled substance but
19provides to the administering agency a prescription for each controlled substance for
20which the adult tests positive is not prohibited from participating in an employment
21and training program.
AB1073,68,222 (h) Effect of a positive test. An able-bodied adult who undergoes a test for use
23of a controlled substance under this subsection, whose test results are positive, and
24who does not provide evidence of a prescription for the controlled substance, as
25determined by the qualified drug testing vendor's medical review officer, is required

1to participate in treatment under sub. (5) to participate in an employment and
2training program.
AB1073,68,6 3(5) Participation in treatment required. (a) Individuals required to
4participate in treatment.
An able-bodied adult who is described under sub. (4) (a)
5or (h) is required to participate in trauma-informed treatment to be eligible to
6participate in an employment and training program.
AB1073,68,137 (b) Referral for treatment; monitoring. The applicable administering agency
8shall provide to every able-bodied adult who is required to participate in treatment
9under par. (a) information about treatment programs and county-specific
10assessment and enrollment activities required for entry into treatment. The
11applicable administering agency shall monitor the able-bodied adult's progress in
12entering and completing treatment and the results of random testing for the use of
13a controlled substance carried out during and at the conclusion of treatment.
AB1073,68,1714 (c) Evaluation and assessment. A treatment provider shall conduct a
15trauma-informed substance abuse evaluation and assessment of each able-bodied
16adult and take any of the following actions, as appropriate, based on the evaluation
17and assessment:
AB1073,68,2018 1. If the treatment provider determines the able-bodied adult does not need
19treatment, notify the administering agency that the able-bodied adult does not need
AB1073,68,2421 2. If the treatment provider determines the able-bodied adult is in need of
22treatment, refer the individual to an appropriate treatment program to begin
23treatment and notify the administering agency of the referral and the expected start
24date and duration of treatment.
13. If a treatment provider determines the able-bodied adult is in need of
2treatment but is unable to refer the adult because there is a waiting list for
3enrollment, enter the able-bodied adult on the waiting list and notify the
4administering agency of the date the adult is expected to be enrolled.
AB1073,69,85 (d) Eligibility when treatment not needed or on waiting list. 1. An able-bodied
6adult described in par. (c) 1. is determined to have satisfied the requirements of this
7section and is eligible under this section to participate in an employment and
8training program.
AB1073,69,149 2. An able-bodied adult who is on a waiting list for enrollment in an
10appropriate treatment program under par. (c) 3. shall continue to take all necessary
11steps to continue seeking enrollment in the appropriate treatment program. The
12able-bodied adult is eligible under this section to participate in an employment and
13training program while on the waiting list if the adult is not eligible for immediate
14enrollment in another appropriate treatment program.
AB1073,69,2015 (e) Satisfying treatment requirement through another program. An
16administering agency shall accept as satisfying the requirements of this subsection
17participation in any treatment program. The able-bodied adult satisfying the
18requirements of this subsection by participating in another treatment program shall
19execute a release of information to allow the administering agency to obtain
20verification of successful participation in that treatment program.
AB1073,69,2521 (f) Effects of refusal to submit to treatment. An able-bodied adult who is
22required to participate in treatment under par. (a) but who refuses to participate in
23treatment by doing any of the following is ineligible to participate in the employment
24and training program until the individual agrees to participate in treatment while
25still eligible for the food stamp program:
11. Failing or refusing to complete a form or release required for treatment
2program administration, including a form or release required by the treatment
3provider in order to share information with the administering agency about the
4able-bodied adult's participation in treatment.
AB1073,70,85 2. Failing or refusing to participate in a controlled substance test required by
6the treatment provider or the administering agency during the course of required
7treatment, including any random controlled substance testing directed by the
8treatment provider or administering agency.
AB1073,70,109 3. Failing or refusing to meet attendance or participation requirements
10established by the treatment provider.
AB1073,70,1111 4. Failing or refusing to complete a substance abuse assessment.
AB1073,70,1412 (g) Completion of required treatment. An able-bodied adult required under par.
13(a) to participate in treatment is considered to have successfully completed
14treatment if all applicable components identified under par. (c) are satisfied.
AB1073,70,1815 (h) Work requirements while in treatment. An able-bodied adult who is
16participating in an employment and training program is exempt from complying
17with requirements to work a specified number of hours under s. 49.79 (9) or (10) while
18participating in treatment under this subsection.
AB1073,70,21 19(6) Effect of completion, withdrawal, or termination from employment and
20training program.
An able-bodied adult who satisfies any of the following is no
21longer subject to s. 49.79 (9) (d) or this section:
AB1073,70,2322 (a) The able-bodied adult has completed or voluntarily withdrawn from
23participation in an employment and training program.
AB1073,70,2524 (b) The able-bodied adult is terminated from an employment and training
25program for reasons unrelated to this section.
1(c) The able-bodied adult is no longer subject to the requirements of s. 49.79
AB1073,71,11 3(7) Confidentiality of records. Completed screening questionnaires,
4prescriptions, testing results, and treatment records relating to this section may not
5be disclosed except for purposes connected with the administration of an
6employment and training program or except when disclosure is otherwise authorized
7by law or by written consent from the individual who is the subject of the record. The
8department may establish administrative, physical, and technical safeguard
9procedures administering agencies must follow to assure compliance with state and
10federal laws related to public assistance program records, drug testing and
11treatment records, and medical records.
AB1073,71,14 12(8) Appeals. An adverse decision under this section may be appealed under 7
13CFR 273.15
and procedures established in rules promulgated by the division of
14hearings and appeals.
AB1073,71,18 15(9) Payment of costs for screening, testing, and treatment. (a) The
16department shall pay for all costs related to screening able-bodied adults under sub.
17(3), including the costs of producing, administering, and reviewing screening
AB1073,71,2119 (b) The department shall pay for all costs related to testing able-bodied adults
20under sub. (4), including any costs related to contracting with qualified drug testing
21vendors under sub. (4) (c).
AB1073,72,222 (c) The department shall pay costs for treatment under sub. (5) that are not
23covered by the Medical Assistance program under subch. IV of ch. 49 or other private
24insurance. Payments by the department under this paragraph shall be at rates no

1higher than the rates paid for comparable services under the Medical Assistance
AB1073,78 3Section 78. 71.05 (6) (a) 14. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,72,114 71.05 (6) (a) 14. Any amount received as a proportionate share of the earnings
5and profits of a corporation that is an S corporation for federal income tax purposes
6if those earnings and profits accumulated during a year for which the shareholders
7have elected under s. 71.365 (4) (a) not to be a tax-option corporation, to the extent
8not included in federal adjusted gross income for the current year. This subdivision
9does not apply to earnings and profits accumulated during a year for which a
10tax-option corporation has made an election under s. 71.365 (4m) (a) to be taxed at
11the entity level.
AB1073,79 12Section 79. 71.05 (10) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,72,1513 71.05 (10) (dm) Any item of income, loss, or deduction passed through from an
14entity that has made an election under s. 71.21 (6) (a) or 71.365 (4m) (a) to be taxed
15at the entity level.
AB1073,80 16Section 80 . 71.07 (7) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2017 Wisconsin Act 59,
17is renumbered 71.07 (7) (b) 1. and amended to read:
AB1073,73,318 71.07 (7) (b) 1. Subject to conditions and limitations in pars. (c) and (d), if a
19resident individual, estate or trust pays a net income tax to another state, that
20resident individual, estate or trust may credit the net tax paid to that other state on
21that income against the net income tax otherwise payable to the this state on income
22of the same year. The credit may not be allowed unless the income taxed by the other
23state is also considered income for Wisconsin tax purposes. The credit may not be
24allowed unless claimed within the time provided in s. 71.75 (2), but s. 71.75 (4) does
25not apply to those credits. For purposes of this paragraph subdivision, amounts

1declared and paid under the income tax law of another state are considered a net
2income tax paid to that other state only in the year in which the income tax return
3for that state was required to be filed.
AB1073,73,10 42. Income and franchise taxes paid to another state by a tax-option corporation,
5partnership, or limited liability company that is treated as a partnership may be
6claimed as a credit under this paragraph by that corporation's shareholders, that
7partnership's partners, or that limited liability company's members who are
8residents of this state and who otherwise qualify under this paragraph , unless the
9tax-option corporation, partnership, or limited liability company has made an
10election under s. 71.21 (6) (a) or 71.365 (4m) (a)
AB1073,81 11Section 81 . 71.07 (7) (b) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,74,412 71.07 (7) (b) 3. Subject to the conditions and limitations in pars. (c) and (d), if
13a tax-option corporation, partnership, or limited liability company makes an
14election under s. 71.21 (6) (a) or 71.365 (4m) (a), that tax-option corporation,
15partnership, or limited liability company may credit the net income or franchise tax
16paid by the entity to another state on that income and the net income tax on that
17income paid by the entity on behalf of its shareholders, partners, and members that
18are residents of this state on a composite return filed with the other state against the
19net income or franchise tax otherwise payable to this state on income of the same
20year. The credit may not be allowed unless the income taxed by the other state is also
21considered income for Wisconsin tax purposes and is otherwise attributable to
22amounts that would be reportable to this state by shareholders, partners, or
23members of the tax-option corporation, partnership, or limited liability company
24that are residents of this state if the election under s. 71.21 (6) (a) or 71.365 (4m) (a)
25was not made. The credit may not be allowed unless claimed within the time

1provided in s. 71.75 (2), but s. 71.75 (4) does not apply to those credits. For purposes
2of this subdivision, amounts declared and paid under the income tax law of another
3state are considered a net income tax paid to that other state only in the year in which
4the income tax return for that state was required to be filed.
AB1073,82 5Section 82 . 71.07 (7) (c) of the statutes, as created by 2017 Wisconsin Act 59,
6is amended to read:
AB1073,74,137 71.07 (7) (c) The credit total credits under par. (b) 1. and 2. may not exceed an
8amount determined by multiplying the taxpayer's net Wisconsin income tax by a
9ratio derived by dividing the income subject to tax in the other state that is also
10subject to tax in Wisconsin while the taxpayer is a resident of Wisconsin, by the
11taxpayer's Wisconsin adjusted gross income. The credit under par. (b) 3. may not
12exceed an amount determined by multiplying the income subject to tax in the other
13state that is also subject to tax in Wisconsin by 7.9 percent.
AB1073,83 14Section 83. 71.21 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,74,2015 71.21 (6) (a) If persons who, on the day on which an election under this
16paragraph is made, hold more than 50 percent of the capital and profits of a
17partnership consent, a partnership that is a partnership for federal income tax
18purposes may elect, on or before the due date or extended due date of its return under
19this chapter, to be taxed at the entity level at a rate of 7.9 percent of net income
20reportable to this state as described in par. (d) 1. for that taxable year.
AB1073,74,2521 (b) It is the intent of the election under par. (a) that partners of a partnership
22may not include in their Wisconsin adjusted gross income their proportionate share
23of all items of income, gain, loss, or deduction of the partnership. It is also the intent
24that the partnership shall pay tax on items that would otherwise be taxed if this
25election was not made.
1(c) If persons who, on the day on which the election under this paragraph is
2made, hold more than 50 percent of the capital and profits of a partnership that has
3elected to be taxed at the entity level under par. (a) consent, a partnership that is a
4partnership for federal income tax purposes may elect, on or before the due date or
5extended due date of its return under this chapter, to revoke for that taxable year its
6election under par. (a).
AB1073,75,77 (d) If an election is made under par. (a), all of the following apply:
AB1073,75,98 1. The net income of the partnership is computed under subs. (1) to (5) and the
9situs of income shall be determined as if the election under par. (a) was not made.
AB1073,75,1010 2. The partnership may not claim the loss under s. 71.05 (8).
AB1073,75,1211 3. Except as provided in s. 71.07 (7) (b) 3., the tax credits under this chapter
12may not be claimed by the partnership.
AB1073,75,1413 4. A partner's adjusted basis of the partner's interest in the partnership is
14determined as if the election under par. (a) was not made.
AB1073,75,1615 5. The provisions of ss. 71.09 and 71.84 relating to estimated payments and
16underpayment interest shall apply to the partnership.
AB1073,75,1917 6. If the partnership fails to pay the amount owed to the department with
18respect to income as a result of the election under par. (a), the department may collect
19the amount from the partners based on their proportionate share of such income.
AB1073,75,2020 (e) The department may promulgate rules to implement this subsection.
AB1073,84 21Section 84. 71.36 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1073,76,222 71.36 (1) It is the intent of this section that shareholders of tax-option
23corporations include in their Wisconsin adjusted gross income their proportionate
24share of the corporation's tax-option items unless the corporation elects under s.

171.365 (4) (a) not to be a tax-option corporation or elects under s. 71.365 (4m) (a) to
2be taxed at the entity level
AB1073,85 3Section 85 . 71.365 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 71.365 (1) (a) and
4amended to read:
AB1073,76,125 71.365 (1) (a) For purposes of this chapter, the adjusted basis of a shareholder
6in the stock and indebtedness of a tax-option corporation shall be determined in the
7manner prescribed by the internal revenue code for a shareholder of an S
8corporation, except that the nature and amount of items affecting that basis shall be
9determined under this chapter. This subsection paragraph does not apply to 1978
10and earlier taxable years of corporations which were S corporations for federal
11income tax purposes or to taxable years of corporations for which an election has been
12made under sub. (4) (a).
AB1073,86 13Section 86 . 71.365 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1073,76,1614 71.365 (1) (b) The adjusted basis of a shareholder in the stock and indebtedness
15of a tax-option corporation that has made an election under sub. (4m) (a) is
16determined as if the election was not made.