2 SPS 160.02 (28) “Substance use disorder" means the existence of a diagnosis
3of “substance dependence" or “substance abuse" “substance use disorder” listed in
4the most current edition of DSM.
5Section 51. SPS 160.02 (29) of the administrative code is repealed.
6Section 52. SPS 160.03 of the administrative code is amended to read:
7SPS 160.03 Use of title. A Except as consistent with s. SPS 160.015 (2), a
8person may use the title “addiction counselor," “substance abuse counselor," “alcohol
9and drug counselor," “substance use disorder counselor" or “chemical dependency
10counselor" only if he or she is certified as a substance abuse counselor, or as a clinical
11substance abuse counselor under s. 440.88, Stats., or as allowed under the provisions
12of s. 457.02 (5m), Stats.
13Section 53. Chapter SPS 161 of the administrative code is repealed and
14recreated to read:
15Chapter SPS 161
17SPS 161.01 Substance abuse counselor-in-training application. An
18applicant for certification as a substance abuse counselor-in-training shall submit
19all of the following:
20(1) An application form.
21(2) A fee as determined by the department under s. 440.05, Stats.
22(3) Evidence of successful passage of the jurisprudence examination.
23(4) Evidence of completion of 100 hours of substance use disorder specialized
24education through a postsecondary institution, department-approved continuing

1education, or department-approved education program. The 100 hours shall be in
2all of the following:
3 (a) Fifteen hours in assessment training.
4 (b) Fifteen hours in counseling training.
5 (c) Ten hours in case management.
6 (d) Fifteen hours in patient education.
7 (e) Twenty hours in professional responsibility.
8 (f) Twenty-five hours in electives in any of the subjects in pars. (a) to (e).
9(5) Evidence of current employment, a written offer of employment, internship,
10practicum, or an agreement authorizing volunteer hours at an agency providing
11substance use disorder treatment.
12(6) For applicants who have a pending criminal charge or have been convicted
13of a crime, all related information necessary for the department to determine
14whether the circumstances of the pending criminal charge or conviction are
15substantially related to the practice of substance abuse counseling.
16SPS 161.02 Substance abuse counselor application. (1) Except as
17provided in sub. (2), an applicant for certification as a substance abuse counselor
18shall submit all of the following:
19 (a) An application form.
20 (b) A fee as determined by the department under s. 440.05, Stats.
21 (c) Evidence of successful passage of the jurisprudence examination unless the
22applicant has previously passed the examination in the process of obtaining a
23substance abuse counselor-in-training credential.

1(d) Evidence of completion of 360 hours of substance use disorder specialized
2education through a postsecondary institution or a department-approved education
3program. The 360 hours shall be in all of the following:
4 1. Sixty hours in assessment training.
5 2. Sixty hours in counseling training.
6 3. Sixty hours in case management.
7 4. Sixty hours in patient education.
8 5. Sixty hours in professional responsibility.
9 6. Six hours in boundaries and ethics.
10 7. Fifty-four hours in electives in any of the subjects in subds. 1. to 6.
11 (e) Evidence of successful passage of the National Association for Alcoholism
12and Drug Abuse Counselors' NCAC I exam.
13 (f) Evidence of completion of 3,000 hours of work experience performing the
14practice dimensions supervised by an individual under ch. SPS 162 within the 5
15years immediately preceding the date of application. The 3,000 hours shall include
16all of the following:
17 1. One thousand hours in providing substance use disorder counseling with a
18minimum of 500 hours in a one-on-one individual modality setting.
19 2. Two hundred hours of providing counseling during the 12-month period
20immediately preceding the date of application of which 100 hours shall have been
21completed using an individual modality setting.
22 (g) For applicants who have a pending criminal charge or have been convicted
23of a crime, all related information necessary for the department to determine
24whether the circumstances of the pending criminal charge or conviction are
25substantially related to the practice of substance abuse counseling.

1(2) An applicant for certification as a substance abuse counselor who is
2credentialed by the marriage and family therapy, professional counseling, and social
3work examining board at the bachelor's level or higher shall submit evidence
4satisfactory to the department of the applicant's current credential under ch. 457,
6SPS 161.03 Clinical substance abuse counselor application. (1) Except
7as provided in sub. (2), an applicant for certification as a clinical substance abuse
8counselor shall submit all of the following:
9 (a) An application form.
10 (b) A fee as determined by the department under s. 440.05, Stats.
11 (c) Evidence of successful passage of the jurisprudence examination unless the
12applicant has previously passed the examination in the process of obtaining a
13substance abuse counselor-in-training or substance abuse counselor credential.
14 (d) Evidence of one of the following:
15 1. Holding a substance abuse counselor credential.
16 2. Completion of 360 hours of substance use disorder specialized education
17through a postsecondary institution or department-approved education program.
18The 360 hours shall be in all of the following:
19 a. Sixty hours in assessment training.
20 b. Sixty hours in counseling training.
21 c. Sixty hours in case management.
22 d. Sixty hours in patient education.
23 e. Sixty hours in professional responsibility.
24 f. Six hours in boundaries and ethics.
25 g. Fifty-four hours in electives in any of the subjects in subds. 2. a. to f.

1(e) Evidence of an associate's degree or higher in a behavioral science field from
2an accredited university or college.
3 (f) Evidence of successful passage of the National Association for Alcoholism
4and Drug Abuse Counselors' NCAC I exam.
5 (g) Evidence of completion of 5,000 hours of work experience performing the
6practice dimensions, supervised by an individual under ch. SPS 162 within the 5
7years immediately preceding the date of application. The 5,000 hours may include
8any work experience hours obtained as a requirement of the substance abuse
9counselor credential.
10 (h) For applicants who have a pending criminal charge or have been convicted
11of a crime, all related information necessary for the department to determine
12whether the circumstances of the pending criminal charge or conviction are
13substantially related to the practice of substance abuse counseling.
14(2) An applicant for certification as a clinical substance abuse counselor who
15is credentialed by the marriage and family therapy, professional counseling, and
16social work examining board at the master's level or higher shall submit evidence
17satisfactory to the department of the applicant's current credential under ch. 457,
19SPS 161.04 Clinical supervisor-in-training application. An applicant
20for certification as a clinical supervisor-in-training shall submit all of the following:
21(1) An application form.
22(2) A fee as determined by the department under s. 440.05, Stats.
23(3) Evidence of current employment, a written offer of employment, or an
24agreement authorizing volunteer hours as a clinical supervisor of counselors

1providing substance use disorder treatment services who are certified under s.
2440.88, Stats., or under ch. 457, Stats.
3(4) Evidence of one of the following:
4 (a) Holding an active clinical substance abuse counselor credential.
5 (b) Holding an active credential under ch. 457, Stats., at the master's level or
7SPS 161.05 Intermediate clinical supervisor or independent clinical
8supervisor application.
An applicant for certification as an intermediate clinical
9supervisor or independent clinical supervisor shall submit all of the following:
10(1) An application form.
11(2) A fee as determined by the department under s. 440.05, Stats.
12(3) Evidence of holding an active credential of one of the following:
13 (a) Clinical substance abuse counselor.
14 (b) A credential under ch. 457, Stats., at the master's level or higher.
15(4) Evidence of 2 years of clinical supervisory experience as a
16supervisor-in-training or intermediate supervisor within the last 5 years as the
17supervisor of counselors certified under s. 440.88, Stats., or having a credential
18under ch. 457, Stats.
19(5) Evidence of one of the following:
20 (a) Holding an intermediate clinical supervisor credential.
21 (b) Successful completion of 30 hours of education in clinical supervision,
22including a minimum of 6 hours of training in each of the following:
23 1. Assessment and evaluation.
24 2. Counselor development.
25 3. Management and administration.

14. Professional responsibility.
2 (c) Holding an American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
3supervisor certification.
4(6) Evidence of successful passage of the National Association of Alcoholism
5Counselors and Trainers' NCSE exam.
6SPS 161.06 Prevention specialist-in-training application. An applicant
7for certification as a prevention specialist-in-training shall submit all of the
9(1) An application form.
10(2) A fee as determined by the department under s. 440.05, Stats.
11(3) Evidence of successful completion of 40 hours of approved education,
12including 5 hours specific to ethics, in the following content areas:
13 (a) Planning and evaluation.
14 (b) Prevention education and service delivery.
15 (c) Communication.
16 (d) Community organization.
17 (e) Public policy and environmental change.