119.78   Family resource center.
119.82   Alternative educational programs for learnfare pupils.
119.9000   Definitions.
119.9001   Commissioner of opportunity schools and partnership program; general provisions.
119.9002   Commissioner; duties.
119.9003   Commissioner; powers.
119.9004   Opportunity schools and partnership program.
119.9005   Payments to the commissioner, persons, and private schools operating schools in the opportunity schools and partnership program; state aid adjustments.
Ch. 119 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See definitions in s. 115.001.
119.01119.01Applicability. This chapter applies only to cities of the 1st class.
119.02119.02Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
119.02(1)(1)“Board” means the board of school directors in charge of the public schools of a city of the 1st class other than those public schools transferred to the opportunity schools and partnership programs under s. 119.33 or subch. II.
119.02(2)(2)“City” means a city of the 1st class.
119.02(2g)(2g)“Commissioner” means the individual in charge of the opportunity schools and partnership program under subch. II.
119.02(3)(3)“Members-elect” of a body at a particular time are those members who have been duly elected or appointed for a current regular or unexpired term and whose service has not terminated by death, resignation or removal from office.
119.02(4)(4)“Opportunity schools and partnership program” means the program under s. 119.33 or the program under subch. II.
119.02 HistoryHistory: 2015 a. 55.
119.04119.04Public instruction laws applicable.
119.04(1)(1)Subchapters IV, V and VII of ch. 115, ch. 121 and ss. 66.0235 (3) (c), 66.0603 (1m) to (3), 115.01 (1) and (2), 115.28, 115.31, 115.33, 115.34, 115.343, 115.345, 115.363, 115.364, 115.365 (3), 115.366, 115.367, 115.38 (2), 115.415, 115.445, 118.001 to 118.04, 118.045, 118.06, 118.07, 118.075, 118.076, 118.10, 118.12, 118.124, 118.125 to 118.14, 118.145 (4), 118.15, 118.153, 118.16, 118.162, 118.163, 118.164, 118.18, 118.19, 118.196, 118.20, 118.223, 118.225, 118.24 (1), (2) (c) to (f), (6), (8), and (10), 118.245, 118.25, 118.255, 118.258, 118.291, 118.292, 118.293, 118.2935, 118.30 to 118.43, 118.46, 118.50, 118.51, 118.52, 118.53, 118.55, 118.56, 118.58, 120.12 (2m), (4m), (5), and (15) to (27), 120.125, 120.13 (1), (2) (b) to (g), (3), (14), (17) to (19), (26), (34), (35), (37), (37m), and (38), 120.137, 120.14, 120.20, 120.21 (3), and 120.25 are applicable to a 1st class city school district and board but not, unless explicitly provided in this chapter or in the terms of a contract, to the commissioner or to any school transferred to an opportunity schools and partnership program.
119.04(2)(2)The board shall exercise the powers, perform the functions and be entitled to all school aid under sub. (1) insofar as the same are relevant to cities of the 1st class. The board and the schools in cities of the 1st class shall be governed in all matters by the general laws of the state, except as altered or modified by express amendments.
119.06119.06Initial establishment of board.
119.06(1)(1)Members of a school board in existence in a city immediately prior to the date on which such city becomes a city of the 1st class shall continue to hold office and shall exercise all of the rights and privileges and discharge the duties of members of the board until their successors appointed under sub. (2) are appointed and qualified.
119.06(2)(2)Within 120 days after the date on which a city becomes a 1st class city, the mayor, the city treasurer, the city comptroller, the city attorney and the president of the common council of that city, acting as a commission for the city, shall meet and appoint a board of one at-large member and 8 members from election districts numbered and designated by the common council. The election districts shall be substantially equal in population and the boundaries of the election districts shall be drawn so as to reflect a balanced representation of citizens of all areas within the city. The person appointed to represent an election district shall reside within the boundaries of the election district as determined by the common council under this subsection.
119.06(3)(3)The terms of members first appointed to the board by the commission shall be as follows:
119.06(3)(a)(a) The at-large member and 4 of the combined aldermanic district members shall serve for a term beginning on the 4th Monday of the month next following their appointment and expiring on the 4th Monday in April in the 2nd year following the year in which a city becomes a city of the 1st class.
119.06(3)(b)(b) Four of the combined aldermanic district members shall serve for a term beginning on the 4th Monday of the month next following their appointment and expiring on the 4th Monday in April in the 4th year following the year in which a city becomes a city of the 1st class.
119.06(4)(a)(a) Within 90 days after the board members appointed by the commission under sub. (2) have taken office, the common council of the city may, by resolution adopted by a majority of its members-elect, call a special election to elect successors to the board members so appointed. Such resolution shall be introduced at a regular meeting of the common council. No action may be taken on the resolution until the next regular meeting of the common council and until the resolution has been published as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, together with a notice of the time when the resolution will be considered by the common council.
119.06(4)(b)(b) The board members elected at the special election shall be nominated and elected to succeed the board members appointed for the terms expiring under sub. (3) (a) and (b) and for the same terms. The terms of office of the board members elected at the special election shall begin on the 4th Monday following the election.
119.06(4)(c)(c) Candidates for the board at the special election shall be nominated in the same manner as for the spring election.
119.06(4)(d)(d) The special election shall be held at the polling places and shall be conducted in the manner of and by the election officials for the spring election.
119.06(5)(5)The board first appointed under sub. (2) or first elected at a special election under sub. (4) shall hold an organizational meeting under s. 119.10 (2) on the 4th Monday of the month, or the next day if the 4th Monday is a legal holiday, following their appointment or election, and annually thereafter shall meet in accordance with s. 119.10 (2).
119.06(6)(6)Successors to board members appointed under sub. (3) or elected under sub. (4) shall be elected at the spring election immediately preceding the expiration of the terms of such board members and shall serve for 4-year terms.
119.06(7)(7)This chapter does not affect the term of office or employment of any person serving in any capacity by virtue of an appointment or contract of employment made by the school board in a city prior to the date on which a city becomes a city of the 1st class, but such person shall continue to serve in the same capacity under the board for the term for which the person was so appointed or employed, unless removed from such office or employment for the causes and in the manner provided in this chapter.
119.06 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 445; 1983 a. 484; 1989 a. 290; 1993 a. 492.
119.08119.08Election of board members.
119.08(1)(a)(a) The board shall consist of one member elected at-large and 8 members elected from numbered election districts determined by the board. The election districts shall be substantially equal in population and the boundaries of the election districts shall be drawn so as to reflect a balanced representation of citizens in all areas within the city.
119.08(1)(b)(b) Within 60 days after the common council of the city enacts an ordinance or adopts a resolution adjusting the boundaries of wards in the city following the federal decennial census under s. 5.15 (1) and (2), the board shall, by vote of a majority of the membership of the board, adopt an election district apportionment plan for the election of board members which shall be effective until the city enacts a new ordinance under s. 62.08 (1) adjusting the boundaries of its wards under s. 5.15 (1) and (2).
119.08(1)(c)(c) A person elected to represent a district shall reside within the boundaries of the district, except that if a person ceases to reside within the district because the boundaries of the district are changed during the person’s term of office, the person may continue to serve for the balance of the term for which he or she was elected for so long as the person resides in the school district. Before taking office, the members of the board shall take the official oath of office and file it, duly certified by the officer administering the oath, with the city clerk.
119.08(2)(2)The electors of each election district shall elect one member residing within the election district to represent the election district. The at-large member shall be elected by the electors of the city. Board members shall be electors of the city and shall be elected at the spring election. Candidates shall file nomination papers for full terms or, when vacancies are to be filled, for unexpired terms. The primary and spring elections for board members shall be conducted by the election officials for the election of judicial or other officers held on that date. The polling places for the state, municipal or judicial election shall be the polling places for the board election and the municipal election hours shall apply.
119.08(3)(3)The regular terms of board members shall be 4 years.
119.08(4)(4)A vacancy on the board shall be filled by a special election ordered by the board. At such election the vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term. The board shall follow procedures under s. 8.50, so far as applicable.
119.10119.10Meetings of the board.
119.10(1)(1)The board is a continuing body. Any unfinished business before the board or any of its standing or special committees on the date of the annual meeting under sub. (2) shall be considered as pending before the board newly organized on such date. At its annual meeting, after the election of the new board president and the designation of the clerk, the clerk shall report to the board items of business pending before the board as a whole. After the annual April meeting, unless otherwise directed by the board, the clerk shall report items of business which had been pending before committees of the board to the corresponding committees of the board appointed by the new president. Matters thus reported may be acted upon by the board in the same manner and with the same effect as if the board had not been newly organized.
119.10(2)(2)Annually, no earlier than the 4th Monday in April and no later than the first Monday in May, the board shall hold its organizational meeting, shall elect a president from among its members to serve for one year and until a successor is chosen and shall designate an individual to serve as clerk. In the absence or during the disability of the board president, the board shall elect an acting president. The board president shall appoint standing committees to serve for one year.
119.10(3)(3)The board shall hold a regular meeting at least once each month at times fixed and published by the board in its rules. If a regular board meeting falls on a legal holiday, it shall be held on the next business day. Special meetings may be called and held as provided by the rules of the board. No business may be transacted at a special meeting other than that specified in the notice of the meeting, which shall be delivered personally or by mail to each member at least 24 hours before the time of such meeting.
119.10(4)(4)A majority of the members-elect of the board constitute a quorum for the transaction of business but a smaller number may adjourn. A majority of the members-elect of the board shall be necessary to elect any person authorized to be elected by the board.
119.10(5)(5)If a board member is absent for 4 successive board meetings without presenting satisfactory reason therefor in writing to the board, the board shall declare the member’s seat vacant and shall fill the vacancy under s. 119.08 (4). If any person appointed or elected by the board is absent or is unable to perform the duties of the person’s office, the board may appoint or elect a suitable person to act in the person’s place during the person’s absence or inability.
119.10(6)(6)All elections or appointments by the board shall be by roll call vote which shall be entered by the clerk in the minutes and printed proceedings of the board.
119.10 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 445; 1979 c. 110; 1991 a. 39, 269; 1993 a. 492.
119.12119.12Board; general provisions.
119.12(1)(1)Board members are subject to all restrictions, liabilities, punishments and limitations, including recall under s. 9.10 (4), prescribed by law for members of the common council in their city. A majority of the members-elect of the board may dismiss from office for malfeasance any member of the board. The board shall provide by resolution the manner of hearing and disposing of complaints against a board member.
119.12(2)(2)In any action or proceeding in which the board is a defendant, service of any summons, writ, pleading or other papers served in commencing the action or proceeding upon the board president and the superintendent of schools constitutes service upon the entire board. It is sufficient to serve on such 2 officers any notice required by law to be served upon the board.
119.12(3)(3)Each member of the board shall be paid an annual salary in the amount set by the board. The salary shall be paid monthly.
119.12(4)(4)The board shall not in any one year contract any debt or incur any expense greater than the amount of the school funds subject to its order.
119.12(5)(5)If the board president is by law a member of any board or commission, the board may appoint another board member to serve on such board or commission in place of the board president.
119.12(6)(a)(a) The city attorney of the city shall be the legal adviser of and attorney for the board, except that the board shall retain an attorney to represent the board in any matter if any of the following applies:
119.12(6)(a)1.1. The mayor, the common council, the city attorney, or the board determines that the board requires specialized legal expertise not possessed by the city attorney.
119.12(6)(a)2.2. The mayor, the common council, the city attorney, or the board determines that the city attorney does not have sufficient staff to adequately represent the interests of the board.
119.12(6)(a)3.3. The mayor, the common council, the city attorney, or the board determines that a conflict of interest exists.
119.12(6)(b)(b) The city attorney shall notify the board as soon as a determination is made under par. (a) that the city attorney is unable to represent the board. The board shall provide the city attorney with reasonable notice of any board meeting at which the board will consider retention of an attorney.
119.13119.13Board members; refusal of salary.
119.13(1)(1)In this section, “board member” includes a member-elect.
119.13(2)(a)1.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 119.12 (3), a board member may send written notification to the clerk and the city treasurer that the board member wishes to refuse to accept the salary that he or she is otherwise entitled to receive.
119.13(2)(a)2.a.a. Except as provided in subd. 2. b., for the taxable year in which the board member’s election is certified or the board member is appointed under s. 17.26, the board member shall send the notification no later than the day on which the board member takes the official oath of office and before the board member performs any services in his or her capacity as a board member. The notification applies only to the taxable year in which the board member’s election is certified.
119.13(2)(a)2.b.b. If the board member’s current taxable year ends within 3 months of the day on which the board member’s election is certified, the notification applies until the end of his or her next taxable year.
119.13(2)(a)3.3. Except as provided in subd. 2., a board member shall send the notification at least 30 days before the start of the board member’s next taxable year and the notification applies only to that taxable year. A board member may renew his or her refusal by sending a notification annually as provided in this subdivision.
119.13(2)(a)4.4. A board member may not rescind a notification sent under this paragraph.
119.13(2)(b)1.1. If the clerk and city treasurer receive a notification under par. (a), the city treasurer may not pay the board member the salary that he or she is otherwise entitled to receive during the time period to which the notification applies, beginning with the first pay period that commences after the notification applies.
119.13(2)(b)2.2. If a board member’s notification no longer applies, the city treasurer shall pay the board member any salary that he or she is entitled to receive, beginning with the first pay period that commences after the expiration of the notification.
119.13 HistoryHistory: 2017 a. 9.
119.16119.16Board; duties.
119.16(1)(1)Educational priorities and objectives. The board and the superintendent of schools shall identify broad yearly objectives and assess priorities for education in the district and shall issue an annual report and such additional reports as the board and superintendent deem desirable on the progress of pupils enrolled in the public schools.
119.16(1m)(1m)Management of school district. The board shall have the possession, care, control and management of the schools, facilities, operations, property and affairs of the school district.
119.16(1n)(1n)Contract with the superintendent of schools or with the commissioner. Notwithstanding sub. (1m), immediately upon the transfer of a public school to an opportunity schools and partnership program under s. 119.33 or subch. II, the board shall make the superintendent of schools or the commissioner, respectively, an agent of the board under any lease between the board and the city and shall transfer to the superintendent of schools or the commissioner, respectively, the possession, care, control, and management of all land, buildings, facilities, and other property that is part of the school being transferred.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)