14.17 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29 s. 1649; 1977 c. 273.
14.1814.18Assistance from department of children and families. The governor may enter into a cooperative arrangement with the department of children and families under which the department assists the governor in providing temporary assistance for needy families under 42 USC 601 et. seq.
14.18 HistoryHistory: 1999 a. 9; 2001 a. 16 ss. 4045, 4060; 2007 a. 20.
14.1914.19Advocacy activities.
14.19(1)(1)The governor may authorize advocacy activities to be conducted in the office of the governor concerning problems of members of ethnic minority groups, women and the family.
14.19(3)(3)Advocacy activities may include investigation of complaints, service as an adviser or a mediator in resolving disputes or promotion of public education and planning to resolve problems.
14.19(4)(4)The governor shall appoint an employee of the office of the governor as the family literacy advocate to establish a statewide program to improve family literacy.
14.19 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 221; 1981 c. 20; 1995 a. 27.
14.2414.24State council on alcohol and other drug abuse. The state council on alcohol and other drug abuse shall:
14.24(1)(1)Provide leadership and coordination regarding alcohol and other drug abuse issues confronting the state.
14.24(2)(2)Meet at least once every 3 months.
14.24(3)(3)By June 30, 1994, and by June 30 every 4 years thereafter, develop a comprehensive state plan for alcohol and other drug abuse programs. The state plan shall include all of the following:
14.24(3)(a)(a) Goals, for the time period covered by the plan, for the state alcohol and other drug abuse services system.
14.24(3)(b)(b) To achieve the goals in par. (a), a delineation of objectives, which the council shall review annually and, if necessary, revise.
14.24(3)(c)(c) An analysis of how currently existing alcohol and other drug abuse programs will further the goals and objectives of the state plan and which programs should be created, revised or eliminated to achieve the goals and objectives of the state plan.
14.24(4)(4)Each biennium, after introduction into the legislature but prior to passage of the biennial state budget bill, review and make recommendations to the governor, the legislature and state agencies, as defined in s. 20.001 (1), regarding the plans, budgets and operations of all state alcohol and other drug abuse programs.
14.24(5)(5)Provide the legislature with a considered opinion under s. 13.098.
14.24(6)(6)Coordinate and review efforts and expenditures by state agencies to prevent and control alcohol and other drug abuse and make recommendations to the agencies that are consistent with policy priorities established in the state plan developed under sub. (3).
14.24(7)(7)Clarify responsibility among state agencies for various alcohol and other drug abuse prevention and control programs and direct cooperation between state agencies.
14.24(8)(8)Each biennium, select alcohol and other drug abuse programs to be evaluated for their effectiveness, direct agencies to complete the evaluations, review and comment on the proposed evaluations and analyze the results for incorporation into new or improved alcohol and other drug abuse programming.
14.24(9)(9)Publicize the problems associated with abuse of alcohol and other drugs and the efforts to prevent and control the abuse.
subch. II of ch. 14SUBCHAPTER II
14.3114.31Office of lieutenant governor; creation. There is created an office of the lieutenant governor under the direction and supervision of the lieutenant governor.
14.3214.32Service as acting governor.
14.32(2)(2)When acting as governor because of a vacancy in the office of governor created by the happening of any contingency specified in s. 17.03, the lieutenant governor shall receive the annual salary and all other rights, privileges and emoluments of the office of governor. The annual salary paid in such instance shall be in lieu of all other compensation provided for the lieutenant governor.
14.32(3)(3)Compensation for service by the lieutenant governor under this section shall be paid from the appropriation in s. 20.525 (1) (a).
14.3314.33Employees. The lieutenant governor may employ within the limits of the appropriations under s. 20.540 such staff as he or she deems necessary outside the classified service for such period and upon such terms as the lieutenant governor determines.
14.3414.34Additional executive duties. As the second ranking executive officer of the state, the lieutenant governor shall have such additional duties as are assigned by the governor in writing. These may include:
14.34(1)(1)The designation by the governor of the lieutenant governor as the governor’s representative on any statutory commission, board or committee on which the governor is entitled to membership. Under such designation, the lieutenant governor shall perform in the place of the governor and shall have all authority and responsibility granted by law to the governor with regard to such membership.
14.34(2)(2)The designation by the governor of the lieutenant governor as the governor’s representative on any nonstatutory committee created by the governor under s. 14.019.
14.34(3)(3)The designation by the governor of the lieutenant governor to coordinate state services and programs under s. 14.03 and such other statutory responsibility of the governor for this purpose. The governor shall specify in writing to state agencies the nature, areas and extent of such designated authority.
14.34(4)(4)The designation by the governor of the lieutenant governor as the governor’s representative on any intergovernmental body created for the purpose of maintaining relationships with the federal government, state government, regional agencies or local government.
14.34 HistoryHistory: 1973 c. 90; 1991 a. 316.
14.3514.35Authorized activities. The lieutenant governor may:
14.35(1)(1)Accept gifts, grants, bequests or devises, or federal moneys authorized by the governor under s. 16.54, to be used for the authorized functions of the office of lieutenant governor.
14.35(2)(2)Conduct conferences or prepare and sell publications or promotional materials related to the authorized functions of the office of lieutenant governor.
14.35 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 27.
subch. III of ch. 14SUBCHAPTER III
14.3614.36Office of secretary of state; creation. There is created an office of the secretary of state under the direction and supervision of the secretary of state.
14.3814.38Secretary of state, duties. The secretary of state shall:
14.38(1)(1)Record executive acts. Keep a record of the official acts of the executive department and, when required, lay the same and all matters relative thereto before either house of the legislature.
14.38(2)(2)Affix great seal; register commissions. Affix the great seal to and countersign all commissions issued and other official acts done by the governor, the governor’s approbation of the laws excepted; and make a register of such commissions in a book provided by the governor therefor, specifying the person to whom issued, the office conferred, and the date and term of the commission.
14.38(3)(3)Have custody of books, records, etc. Have the custody of all books, records, deeds, bonds, parchments, maps, papers and other articles and effects belonging to the state, deposited or kept in the secretary of state’s office, and make such provision for the arrangement and preservation thereof as is necessary, and keep the same, together with all accounts and transactions of the office open at all times to the inspection and examination of the governor or any committee of either or both houses of the legislature.
14.38(4)(4)Biennial report. Report biennially in accordance with s. 15.04 (1) (d) all matters pertaining to the office and, when required, furnish the governor or either house of the legislature, in writing, any information relative to the performance of the duties of the office.
14.38(5)(5)Keep enrolled laws, etc. Safely keep all enrolled laws and resolutions, and not permit any of them to be taken out of the secretary of state’s office or inspected except in the presence of the secretary of state, unless by order of the governor or by resolution of one or both houses of the legislature. For any violation of this subsection the secretary of state shall forfeit the sum of $100.
14.38(6)(6)Compile original laws and resolutions. Cause the original laws enacted and joint resolutions adopted at each session of the legislature, together with the index containing the titles of the same, to be bound in suitable volumes in a substantial manner, and in the order in which they are enacted or adopted, with the title thereof and the session at which they are enacted or adopted to be written or printed on the spine of the volumes.
14.38(8)(8)Record fees. Keep a record of all fees received by the office and include a summary of such record in the biennial report under s. 15.04 (1) (d).
14.38(9)(9)Furnish certified copies; fees. Make a copy of any law, resolution, deed, bond, record, document or paper deposited or kept in his or her office, upon request therefor, attach thereto his or her certificate, with the greater or lesser seal affixed, and collect therefor 50 cents per page and $5 for such certificate; if a copy is not to be certified and if the reproduction is performed by the office of the secretary of state, then collect a fee to cover the actual and necessary cost of reproduction and actual and necessary cost of transcription required to produce the copy or $2, whichever is greater; also to record any document authorized or required by law to be recorded in his or her office, and to charge therefor a fee of $1 per page. The fee for certified copies and for certificates as to results of searches of the records and files of his or her office, when a printed form is used, shall be $5, but when a specially prepared form is required the fee shall be $10. Telegraphic reports as to results of record searches shall be $5 plus the cost of the telegram. The secretary of state shall charge and collect for preparing any record or certificate under this subsection in an expeditious manner, an expedited service fee of $25 in addition to the fee otherwise required under this subsection.
14.38(9m)(9m)Signatures. Receive and file the signature and an impression of the official seal or rubber stamp of all county clerks and registers of deeds, and upon request certify to the authenticity of that signature and official seal or rubber stamp and charge therefor the statutory fee.
14.38(10m)(10m)Notification of constitutional amendment. If an amendment to the Wisconsin Constitution is approved that requires the legislature to provide for temporary succession to the powers and duties of public offices for the period of an emergency resulting from a cause other than an enemy action, within 30 days after the elections commission records the approval under s. 7.70 (3) (h), notify the legislature that the amendment has been approved.
14.38(11)(11)Other duties. Perform such other duties as are imposed upon the secretary of state by the constitution or by law.
14.3914.39Conditional acceptance of filing fees. Before actually filing any document by making an endorsement on that document, the secretary of state may accept and deposit the filing fee submitted with that document upon the condition that if subsequent examination of the document establishes that it does not meet the requirements for filing, the fee may be refunded and upon the condition that if a discrepancy in the amount of the fee is subsequently discovered the secretary of state may then demand further payment of a shortage or refund an overpayment subject to s. 20.905 (3).
14.39 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 418.
14.4014.40Record of positions, appointments.
14.40(1)(1)Annually not later than July 1, each legislative, administrative and judicial agency of the state government shall submit to the secretary of state a list of all positions within that agency outside the classified service and above the clerical level, excluding the faculties under the jurisdiction of the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System and the department of public instruction, and excluding university staff, as defined in s. 36.05 (15), which are filled by appointment, and the term if there is one, together with the name of the incumbent and the date of his or her appointment.
14.40(2)(2)The secretary of state shall keep a record of all positions reported under sub. (1), the names of the incumbents and the dates of their appointments.
14.40(3)(3)The appointment officer shall promptly notify the secretary of state of any vacancy occurring in any such position because of resignation, disability or death as well as any appointments made to fill such vacancies.
14.40(4)(4)Any officer or agency of the state authorized to select any officer of the state or member of a board, commission or committee outside the classified service, whether judicial, military or civil, shall report such selection to the secretary of state who shall record and file such selection for information of the public. The department of administration shall not approve any payroll or expense voucher for such position until the notice of appointment has been filed with the secretary of state.
14.4314.43Custodian of deeds, securities, oaths and bonds. All deeds, conveyances, abstracts of title, options and leases of land; and, unless otherwise directed by law, all bonds, mortgages and other securities, for money, belonging to this state, and all official oaths and bonds shall be deposited and preserved in the office of the secretary of state and be open to public inspection.
14.4514.45Great and lesser seals.
14.45(1)(1)The state shall have a great seal and a lesser seal both of which shall be kept in the office of the secretary of state.
14.45(2)(2)The great seal of the state consists of a metallic disc, 2 3/8 inches in diameter, containing, within an ornamental border, the following devices and legend: The coat of arms of the state, as in s. 1.07 described; above the arms, in a line parallel with the border, the words, “Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin;” in the exergue, in a curved line, 13 stars.
14.45(3)(3)A lesser seal, 1 3/4 inches in diameter, engraved with the device of the great seal, with the words, “Seal of the Secretary of State,” in a curved line above, and the words, “State of Wisconsin,” in a curved line below such device, is the seal of the secretary of state, and may be used to authenticate all papers and documents issued by the secretary of state, except the official acts of the governor, and such copies of the laws and records in the office of said secretary as may be required for use as evidence in any other state, territory or country.
14.45 HistoryHistory: 1991 a. 316.
14.4714.47Cashier in secretary of state’s office bonded. The cashier and assistant cashiers in the office of the secretary of state shall give bonds to the secretary of state in such sum and with such conditions as the secretary of state may prescribe, conditioned for the faithful discharge of their duties. Those bonds shall be furnished by a surety company authorized to do business in this state, and the cost of those bonds may not exceed one-fourth of one percent per year on the amount of the bond or obligation by the surety executed and shall be payable from the appropriation to the secretary of state.
14.47 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 110 s. 60 (13); 1991 a. 316; 2009 a. 177.
14.4914.49Office space. The office of the secretary of state shall be accessible to the public. That office may not be located in the same room as the office of any other member of the board of commissioners of public lands.
14.49 HistoryHistory: 2015 a. 55.
subch. IV of ch. 14SUBCHAPTER IV
14.5614.56Office of state treasurer; creation. There is created an office of the state treasurer under the direction and supervision of the state treasurer.
14.5814.58Duties of state treasurer. The state treasurer shall:
14.58(1)(1)Sign checks, share drafts, and other drafts. Sign checks, share drafts, and other drafts on depositories in which moneys may be deposited in one of the following methods:
14.58(1)(a)(a) By the state treasurer personally.
14.58(1)(c)(c) In the name of the state treasurer, by any clerk in the treasurer’s office designated by the treasurer.
14.58(1)(d)(d) By placing on a check, share draft or other draft the facsimile signature of the state treasurer adopted by him or her as a facsimile signature. Any depository shall be fully warranted and protected in making payment on any check, share draft or other draft bearing such facsimile notwithstanding that the facsimile may have been placed on the check, share draft or other draft without the state treasurer’s authority.
14.58(4)(4)Unclaimed property program. Provide services related to the promotion of the unclaimed property program under ch. 177 in consultation with the secretary of revenue.
14.58(7)(7)Permit examination of books. Permit at all times inspection and examination of the books, papers and transactions of the treasurer’s office by the governor, secretary of state, attorney general, department of administration or state auditor, or by the legislature, any committee thereof or either house thereof.
14.58(11)(11)Make certified copies. Make a certified copy of any deed, bond, document or paper filed in the treasurer’s office, and transcripts from the books and records kept therein, when required by any person so to do; and collect therefor 25 cents per folio, and $1 for such certificate.
14.58(14)(14)Other duties. Perform all other duties imposed upon the state treasurer by law.
14.5914.59Training conferences. The state treasurer may conduct conferences for the purpose of training county and municipal clerks and treasurers, and employees of their offices, in their official responsibilities. The treasurer may charge participants in any conference a fee for participation which shall not exceed the proportionate cost of conducting the conference. The treasurer shall credit all revenues from fees assessed under this section to the appropriation account under s. 20.585 (1) (h).
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)