182.0175(3)(bg)(bg) Complaints.
182.0175(3)(bg)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 4., any of the following may file a written complaint with the panel that a person other than a state agency has taken an action that the person knew or should have known was in violation of this section:
182.0175(3)(bg)1.a.a. The one-call system.
182.0175(3)(bg)1.b.b. The department of transportation or a political subdivision, if property under the jurisdiction of the department or political subdivision is affected by an alleged violation of this section.
182.0175(3)(bg)1.c.c. A transmission facility owner, excavator, or underground line locator whose property or activities are affected by an alleged violation of this section.
182.0175(3)(bg)2.2. Except as provided in subd. 4., a person specified in subd. 1. a. to c. may file a written complaint with the commission that a state agency has taken an action that the state agency knew or should have known was in violation of this section. If the complaint also involves a respondent that is not a state agency, the commission may consider and determine the complaint against each respondent separately and at such times as the commission prescribes.
182.0175(3)(bg)3.3. A written complaint under subd. 1. or 2. shall include all of the following:
182.0175(3)(bg)3.a.a. A short plain statement of the complaint that identifies the transaction or occurrence or series of transactions or occurrences for which the complaint arises and that shows that the person or state agency has taken an action that the person or state agency knew or should have known was in violation of this section.
182.0175(3)(bg)3.b.b. A statement of the provisions of statutes, rules, or commission orders that the person’s or state agency’s action allegedly violated.
182.0175(3)(bg)3.c.c. Copies of all records and papers on which the complaint is founded.
182.0175(3)(bg)4.4. No person may file a complaint under subd. 1. or 2. more than 120 days after the person discovers an alleged violation of this section, except that the panel or commission may for good cause shown allow filing no later than one year after the discovery of the alleged violation.
182.0175(3)(bg)5.5. No complaint filed under subd. 1. or 2. may be dismissed solely because of the absence of direct damage to the complainant.
182.0175(3)(br)(br) Panel duties.
182.0175(3)(br)1.1. Upon receipt of a complaint filed under par. (bg) 1., the panel shall provide the respondent, by certified mail, a statement of the complaint and a notice requiring the respondent to file a response with the panel within 20 days after the date of service of the notice. The notice shall also advise the respondent of the amount of the fee required for completion of the educational course under subd. 4. Upon request of the respondent, the panel may extend the period for filing the response. The panel may consolidate complaints where appropriate. In the response, the respondent shall admit or deny the violation or aiding in a violation that is alleged in the complaint or advise the panel that, based on the respondent’s satisfaction of the complaint, the complainant has agreed to dismiss the complaint.
182.0175(3)(br)2.2. Within the period specified in subd. 3., the panel shall determine by majority vote whether there is probable cause to believe that the respondent has taken an action that the respondent knew or should have known was in violation of this section or whether to dismiss the complaint. The panel shall dismiss a complaint for lack of probable cause or at the request of the complainant. Except as provided in subd. 4., if the panel determines there is probable cause to believe that a respondent has taken an action that the respondent knew or should have known was in violation of this section, the panel shall refer the complaint to the commission and include the complaint and the response of the respondent.
182.0175(3)(br)3.3. The panel shall make a determination regarding probable cause under subd. 2. within one of the following periods:
182.0175(3)(br)3.a.a. If a respondent files a response within the period specified or extended under subd. 1., within 20 days after the respondent files the response.
182.0175(3)(br)3.b.b. If a respondent fails to file a response within the period specified in subd. 1. and the panel has not extended the period under subd. 1., within 40 days after the panel’s service of the notice under subd. 1.
182.0175(3)(br)3.c.c. If the panel has extended the period under subd. 1. and the respondent fails to file a response within the extended period, within 20 days after expiration of the extended period.
182.0175(3)(br)4.4. If the panel determines there is probable cause to believe that a respondent has taken an action that the respondent knew or should have known was in violation of this section, the panel may allow the respondent to attend an educational course in lieu of providing notice of probable violation to the commission under subd. 2. The one-call system shall require a respondent who agrees to attend the educational course to pay a fee before completion of the course for recovering a portion of the cost of producing the educational course and the direct cost of administering the educational course for the respondent. The one-call system shall deposit any fees collected in the damage prevention fund.
182.0175(3)(c)(c) Commission duties.
182.0175(3)(c)1.1. Upon the filing of a complaint under par. (bg) 2. or receipt of a referral under par. (br) 2., the commission may, with or without notice, investigate the complaint as it considers necessary to determine if sufficient cause exists to warrant a hearing on the complaint. If the commission determines that sufficient cause exists to warrant a hearing on the complaint, the commission shall set the matter for a public hearing upon 10 days’ notice and treat the complaint as a contested case. If the commission determines that sufficient cause does not exist to warrant a hearing on the complaint, and within 30 days of that determination the complainant or respondent disputes that determination, the commission shall treat the complaint as a contested case.
182.0175(3)(c)2.2. At any time before the commission issues an order under subd. 4., the commission and the respondent may agree to dismiss the complaint by joint execution of a consent agreement. A consent agreement shall become effective when the commission issues an order approving the consent agreement.
182.0175(3)(c)3.3. A consent agreement under subd. 2. may assess against the respondent a forfeiture under par. (d) 1., require the respondent to attend the educational course under par. (br) 4., or do both. Each consent agreement under subd. 2. shall include all of the following:
182.0175(3)(c)3.a.a. An admission by the respondent of all jurisdictional facts.
182.0175(3)(c)3.b.b. An express waiver of any further procedural steps and of the right to seek judicial review or otherwise challenge or contest the validity of the commission’s order approving the consent agreement.
182.0175(3)(c)3.c.c. A statement of the actions required of the respondent and the time by which the actions shall be completed.
182.0175(3)(c)4.4. If a complaint is treated as a contested case under subd. 1. and not dismissed under a consent agreement under subd. 2., the commission shall determine whether probable cause exists to believe the respondent has taken an action that the respondent knew or should have known was in violation of this section. If the commission determines that the respondent has taken an action that the respondent knew or should have known was in violation of this section, the commission may issue an order that assesses a forfeiture under par. (d) 1., requires the respondent to attend the educational course under par. (br) 4., or does both. The commission may not issue an order under this subdivision without a hearing.
182.0175(3)(c)5.5. If a consent agreement under subd. 2. or order under subd. 4. requires a respondent to attend the educational course under par. (br) 4., the consent agreement or order shall also require the respondent to pay the one-call system a fee determined by the one-call system for the educational course, which the one-call system shall deposit in the damage prevention fund.
182.0175(3)(d)(d) Forfeitures; surcharges.
182.0175(3)(d)1.1. In a consent agreement under par. (c) 2. or order issued under par. (c) 4., the commission may directly assess a forfeiture of no more than $25,000 for each violation of this section against a person who knew or should have known that the person’s action was in violation of this section. Each day of continued violation constitutes a separate violation. No person may be required by the commission to forfeit an amount exceeding $500,000 for a single persisting violation. The commission shall remit the forfeitures to the secretary of administration for deposit in the school fund. No other forfeiture may be imposed for violating this section.
182.0175(3)(d)2.2. For each forfeiture assessed under subd. 1., the commission shall require the person assessed to pay a surcharge equal to 10 percent of the amount of the forfeiture to the one-call system, which the one-call system shall deposit in the damage prevention fund. If the amount of a forfeiture is reduced on appeal, the amount of the surcharge shall be proportionately reduced.
182.0175(3)(e)(e) Lawful and reasonable orders and determinations. After the effective date of any order or determination of the commission under this section, the order or determination shall be on its face lawful and reasonable unless a court determines otherwise under s. 227.57.
182.0175(3)(f)(f) Judicial review. Judicial review of an order of the commission under par. (c) 4. may be had by any person aggrieved in the manner prescribed in ch. 227.
182.0175(3)(g)(g) Rules. The commission may promulgate rules implementing the requirements under pars. (c) to (e).
182.0175(3g)(3g)Other forfeitures.
182.0175(3g)(a)1.1. This subsection applies to violations involving transmission facilities that do not transport natural gas or other hazardous materials.
182.0175(3g)(a)2.2. Except as provided in subd. 3., this subsection does not apply to violations by any of the following:
182.0175(3g)(a)2.a.a. A residential property owner or tenant whose violation of this section results from an excavation on property owned or leased by the residential property owner or tenant.
182.0175(3g)(a)2.b.b. A person whose violation of this section results from an excavation performed while the person is engaged in an agricultural activity.
182.0175(3g)(a)3.3. Subdivision 2. does not apply to an excavation performed by or on behalf of a person engaged in the business of performing excavations for the public.
182.0175(3g)(b)(b) Any person who willfully and knowingly violates this section may be required to forfeit $2,000 for each offense. Each day of continued violation constitutes a separate offense.
182.0175(3r)(3r)Misdemeanor. Whoever intentionally removes, moves, or obliterates a transmission facilities marking placed by the transmission facilities owner may be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both. This subsection does not apply to an excavator who removes or obliterates markings during an excavation.
182.0175(4)(4)Right of action. Except as provided in sub. (3) (d) 1. and (e), this section shall not affect any right of action or penalty which this state or any person may have.
182.0175(5)(5)Right to injunction. If any person engages in or is likely to engage in excavation inconsistent with this section and which results or is likely to result in damage to transmission facilities, the person who owns or operates the facilities may seek injunctive relief in the circuit court for the county in which the transmission facilities are located. If the transmission facilities are owned or operated by a public utility as defined in s. 196.01 (5), including a telecommunications carrier, as defined in s. 196.01 (8m), and the public utility does not seek injunctive relief, the attorney general, upon request of the commission, shall seek injunctive relief in the circuit court for the county in which the transmission facilities are located.
182.0175 AnnotationSub. (2) (am) 6. and 6m. do not require an excavator to inspect the excavation; rather, they require inspection of transmission facilities exposed during the excavation. In this case, where a sewer lateral was broken during excavation, there was no evidence to indicate the presence of any markings indicating that a sewer lateral was in the way of the excavation and no facts from which it could be inferred that the sewer lateral was exposed during excavation. The excavator’s duty to inspect the sewer lateral for damage and refrain from backfilling until repairs could be made was not triggered. Melchert v. Pro Electric Contractors, 2017 WI 30, 374 Wis. 2d 439, 892 N.W.2d 710, 13-2882.
182.018182.018Wires over railroads.
182.018(1)(1)All wires strung over any railroad prior to August 1, 1949, shall be tied to insulators fastened to double cross-arms attached to a pole at each side of the crossing. The poles if of wood shall not be less than 6 inches in diameter at the top (if of other materials at least the equivalent strength thereof), set not less than 5 feet in the ground, securely guyed, and, unless the railroad right-of-way is over 100 feet in width, shall be set not more than 100 feet apart. The cross-arms shall be attached to the poles by machine bolts, and braced by at least one iron brace from each cross-arm to the pole. All wires shall be maintained not less than 25 feet above the rails.
182.018(2)(2)Any person ordered by the public service commission to change its wires so as to conform to this section failing to comply with such order within 10 days from the service thereof shall forfeit $25, and a like forfeiture for every additional 10 days of noncompliance with the order, unless a greater length of time to make such change shall be granted.
182.018(3)(3)All wires strung over any railroad on or after August 1, 1949, shall be strung in such a way as to meet requirements of the provisions of the state electrical code promulgated by the public service commission. Any person stringing wires in violation of the code shall be subject to a forfeiture of not more than $100 nor less than $25. Each 10-day period, after the first day, that such violation occurs shall be a separate violation and shall subject the violator to an additional forfeiture of not less than $25 nor more than $100 for each such violation.
182.018(4)(4)This section applies only to the extent that it is not contrary to or inconsistent with federal law.
182.019182.019Damages for nondelivery of message or power. Persons owning or operating any telegraph, telephone or power transmission line or heat system for public purposes shall be liable for all damages occasioned by the failure or negligence of their operators, servants or employees in receiving, copying, transmitting or delivering dispatches, messages or the furnishing of power to its patrons for public purposes, including damages for mental anguish resulting directly and proximately from or occasioned by such failure or negligence in receiving, copying, transmitting or delivering dispatches or messages, but not to exceed $500 for mental anguish.
182.020182.020Driving park corporation. Notwithstanding ch. 562, any corporation formed under this chapter to establish, maintain and manage any driving park may have grounds and courses for improving and testing the speed of horses and may offer and award prizes for competition; but no racing for any bet or wager shall be allowed; and any such corporation may prevent gambling or betting of any kind, and preserve order on its grounds, and establish rules therefor, and appoint officers and agents who, for that purpose, shall have the power of constables.
182.020 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 354.
182.021182.021Gun clubs. Any domestic corporation formed for the purpose of sharpshooting or improving in the use of firearms may acquire suitable grounds therefor, and may establish, use and maintain a rifle range for its exercises. After such grounds and range are permanently located and improved by the erection of buildings, breastworks, ramparts or otherwise, no public street shall be opened through the tract so used or occupied, unless the necessity therefor shall be first established by verdict of a jury; nor shall any suit be maintained against such corporation to restrain, enjoin or impede its exercises at the place so selected on complaint of any private individuals or parties, who shall acquire title to any property adversely affected by such exercises after such grounds and range are permanently located and improved as aforesaid.
182.025(1)(1)Any domestic corporation formed to furnish water, heat, light, power, telegraph or telecommunications service or signals by electricity may, subject to the provisions of ch. 201 and by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of its outstanding shares entitled to vote thereon, or any cooperative organized under ch. 185 to furnish water, heat, light, or power, or any cooperative organized under ch. 185 or 193 to furnish telegraph or telecommunication service to its stockholders or members only may, by a vote of a majority of a quorum of its stockholders or members present at any regular or special meeting held upon due notice as to the purpose of the meeting or when authorized by the written consent of the holders of a majority of its capital stock outstanding and entitled to vote or of a majority of its members, mortgage or trust deed any or all of the property, rights and privileges and franchises that it may then own or thereafter acquire, to secure the payment of its bonds or notes to a fixed amount or in amounts to be from time to time determined by the board of directors, and may, in and by such mortgage or deed of trust, provide for the disposal of any of its property and the substitution of other property in its place. Every such mortgage or deed of trust may be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county in which such corporation is located at the time of such recording, and such record shall have the same effect as if the instrument were filed in the proper office as a chattel mortgage or financing statement, and so remain until satisfied or discharged without any further affidavit, continuation statement or proceeding whatever. For this purpose the location of such corporation shall be deemed to be: as to a corporation or a cooperative association not at the time subject to s. 180.0501, 185.08, or 193.115 (1), the location designated in its articles as then in effect; as to a corporation subject to s. 180.0501, the location of its registered office; and as to a cooperative association subject to s. 185.08 or 193.115 (1), the location of its principal office or registered agent as designated thereunder.
182.025(2)(2)Any foreign corporation licensed to transact any business in this state defined in ss. 76.02 (5) and 76.28 (1) and duly authorized to do so in accordance with the laws of the state of incorporation and by its charter may borrow money and execute its bonds or notes therefor; and to secure the payment of such bonds or notes to a fixed amount or in amounts to be from time to time determined by the board of directors may mortgage or trust deed any or all of the property, rights, privileges and franchises that it may own or thereafter acquire in this state and may, in and by mortgage or deed of trust, provide for the disposal of any of such property and the substitution of other property in its place. Every such mortgage or deed of trust may be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county designated by the corporation as its registered office in this state at the time of such recording and such record shall have the same effect as if such instrument were filed in the proper office as a chattel mortgage or financing statement and so remain until satisfied or discharged without any further affidavit, continuation statement or proceeding whatever.
182.025(3)(3)Any mortgage or deed of trust issued and executed by such foreign corporation and heretofore [July 6, 1957] recorded as a real estate mortgage and filed as a chattel mortgage in one or more counties in accordance with any other statute, including any supplements thereto, shall continue in full force and effect as provided by this section without any requirement for future filing of any further affidavit or proceeding and any such mortgage or deed of trust and any supplement thereto shall continue to be effective if recorded as provided in sub. (2).
182.026182.026Boards of trade. An incorporated board of trade shall have the right to establish reasonable bylaws or rules for the government of the business transactions of its members, and to establish committees of reference or arbitration for the determination of differences and controversies according to the usages of other similar bodies. And any award by such committee on arbitration, made according to such bylaws and rules, may be filed in the circuit court of the county and judgment entered thereupon according to the practice and subject to review as provided in case of awards under ch. 788.
182.026 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 32 s. 92 (15).
182.027182.027Lyceum, libraries and art galleries. Any corporation formed for the establishment and maintenance of lyceums, libraries, art galleries and the like shall have power to make bylaws for the protection of its property, and to provide fines upon its members or patrons for their infraction by way of liquidated damages; and may collect the same in a tort action.
182.028182.028School corporations. Any corporation formed for the establishment and maintenance of schools, academies, seminaries, colleges or universities or for the cultivation and practice of music shall have power to enact bylaws for the protection of its property, and provide fines as liquidated damages upon its members and patrons for violating the bylaws, and may collect the same in tort actions, and to prescribe and regulate the courses of instruction therein, and to confer such degrees and grant such diplomas as are usually conferred by similar institutions or as shall be appropriate to the courses of instruction prescribed, except that no corporation shall operate or advertise a school that is subject to s. 440.52 (10) without complying with the requirements of s. 440.52. Any stockholder may transfer his or her stock to the corporation for its use; and if the written transfer so provides the stock shall be perpetually held by the board of directors with all the rights of a stockholder, including the right to vote.
182.028 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 170; 1997 a. 27; 1999 a. 9; 2005 a. 22, 25, 254; 2017 a. 59.
182.029182.029Universities and colleges may unite.
182.029(1)(1)Any university or college may receive any other university or college, upon resolution of the board of trustees of both institutions, as a branch of the former, and shall be subject to such rules, regulations, agreements and liabilities as may be agreed upon. The receiving university or college may grant such diplomas and confer such degrees as shall be appropriate to courses of instruction prescribed and pursued in such received university or college, and any such university or college so received may upon such terms as shall be agreed to by its corporate members and trustees sell, or give an option to purchase, all its property, business and effects to such receiving college or university.
182.029(2)(2)Any privately supported school, academy or seminary may receive any other privately supported school, academy or seminary upon resolution of the board of trustees of both institutions, as a branch of the former, and shall be subject to such rules, regulations, agreements and liabilities as may be agreed upon. Any such privately supported school, academy or seminary so received may, upon such terms as shall be agreed to by two-thirds of its corporate members and trustees, convey all its property, business and effects to such receiving school, academy or seminary.
182.030182.030Corporations having church affiliations. Whenever any corporation shall be formed for the benefit of, or be in any manner connected with, any church or religious denomination or society, its articles of organization may provide that it shall be under the supervision and control of such church, denomination or society; and that the officers or trustees be communicants thereof.
182.031182.031Railway equipment companies.
182.031(1)(1)Directors; stocks; bonds. The board of directors of any corporation organized under the laws of this state for the purpose of buying, selling, leasing or in any manner dealing in railway cars, locomotive engines or other railway equipment may classify or divide its property into series or classes, and suitably designate each such series or class; and may, by a resolution, ratified by vote of a majority of its common stock, authorize the issue of a special or a preferred stock based in whole or in part upon any such class or series, with such provision as to preference dividends out of the earnings of or profits upon the property of the series or class upon which such stock is based, and with such voting power, if any, and other such rights and provisions generally as may be defined in said resolution; and such stock may be issued in as many classes or series as the said corporation may have classes or series of equipment property, and in such amount as to each series or class as may be stated in said resolution, and the same may be issued from time to time and sold or disposed of in such manner and upon such terms as said board shall determine; and every such corporation shall have the power to issue, in like manner, its bonds or obligations for such amount and upon such terms as shall be defined by the resolution, and may secure the same by mortgage or deed of trust upon all of its property then owned or thereafter to be acquired, or upon any one or more of the classes or series of its property, or it may issue and secure both said general and special bonds or obligations in like manner.
182.031(2)(2)Powers; place of business. Every such corporation shall possess all the rights and powers conferred upon corporations by chs. 180 and 201. It may have its principal place of business without the state. If its principal place of business is outside the state, process in actions against it may be served as provided in s. 180.1510 for service on a foreign stock corporation authorized to transact business in this state.
182.031 HistoryHistory: 1989 a. 303; 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 79, 140; 1999 a. 32, 150.
182.104182.104Title to property after dissolution.
182.104(1)(1)Whenever any domestic corporation shall have been dissolved, owning any real property in this state, the resolution of dissolution required by s. 182.103, 1953 stats., to be recorded with the register of deeds of the county in which such corporation is located, or in the case of any corporation which was dissolved prior to June 29, 1945, owning any interest in real estate, the affidavit of the person who was the president or the secretary of such corporation at the date of its dissolution stating the names of the persons holding stock in said corporation and the number of shares or proportional interest of said persons in the corporate property at such date, when recorded with the register of deeds of the county in which such corporation was located, shall be prima facie evidence of the title of said persons in said corporate property.
182.104(2)(2)This section shall not affect the rights of creditors of the corporation, and shall not apply where any court has made disposition of the property, or where the property has been conveyed by the corporation, or distributed among the stockholders, and the conveyance is of record in the office of the register of deeds.
182.104 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 192 s. 304.
182.202182.202Mutual telecommunications company; quorum; proxies. At any meeting of the stockholders of a farmers’ mutual telecommunications company, members representing 20 percent of the outstanding stock, shall constitute a quorum. Any member may hold and vote the proxy of not exceeding 3 stockholders.
182.202 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 297 s. 76; 1999 a. 83; 2009 a. 177.
182.219182.219Mutual telecommunications company; dividends. No dividend in excess of 7 percent of its capital shall be paid in any year by any farmers’ mutual telecommunications company.
182.219 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 297 s. 76; 1999 a. 83; 2009 a. 177.
182.220182.220Examination by attorney general and legislature. The attorney general, whenever required by the governor, shall examine into the affairs of any corporation in this state and report in writing a detailed statement of the facts to the governor, who shall lay the same before the legislature, and for that purpose the attorney general may conduct hearings and examine the vaults, books, papers and documents belonging to such corporation or pertaining to its affairs and condition; and the legislature, or either house thereof, shall have like power at all times, and for that purpose any legislative committee may examine any person in relation to the affairs and condition of such corporation, and its vaults, safes, books, papers and documents, and compel the production of all keys, books, papers and documents by contempt proceedings.
182.220 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 36 s. 96 (2).
182.23182.23Facsimile signatures on corporate obligations. On any bond, note or debenture issued by a corporation organized or created under the laws of this state which is countersigned or otherwise authenticated by the signature of a trustee acting in connection with the issuance, the signatures of the officers of the corporation and its seal may be facsimiles. If any officer who has signed or whose facsimile signature has been placed upon a bond, note or debenture has ceased to be such officer before such bond, note or debenture is issued, it may be issued by the corporation with the same effect as if the former officer were such officer at the date of its issue.
182.23 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 482.
182.24182.24Transfers from joint tenants. If any security issued by a corporation, whether or not organized or created under the laws of this state, is registered in the names of 2 or more individuals who are named in the registration as joint tenants, then any bank, broker, issuer, transfer agent or purchaser for value, acting either within or without this state in connection with a sale, exchange, transfer, redemption or retirement of such security, incurs no liability by treating the interest created by the registration as a joint tenancy and, if one or more of the named individuals is deceased, incurs no liability by treating the survivor or survivors as the owner or owners unless the bank, broker, issuer, transfer agent or purchaser for value has actual knowledge of a contrary adjudication under s. 867.04.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)