194.03(5m)(5m)In a case involving a claim by a common motor carrier in interstate commerce for freight charges:
194.03(5m)(a)(a) A person may assert as a defense to the claim the existence of a freight charge agreement between the person and the motor carrier which applies to the carriage of the freight at issue and which has not been filed as a tariff with the federal surface transportation board.
194.03(5m)(b)(b) A court shall request the federal surface transportation board or other appropriate federal agency to issue an advisory opinion on any issue which the court determines is within the primary jurisdiction of that agency.
194.04194.04Certificates; licenses; permits.
194.04(1)(1)Authority to operate in intrastate commerce.
194.04(1)(b)(b) Every applicant for a certificate shall pay a fee of $500 for a common motor carrier of property certificate or $50 for a common motor carrier of passengers certificate.
194.04(1)(c)(c) Every applicant for a license shall pay a fee of $500.
194.04(2)(2)Permits; application, expiration. Every permit for the operation of a motor vehicle expires on December 31 of each year. Application for permits shall be made annually and shall be accompanied by the annual fee. No permit shall be issued or renewed for any motor vehicle unless the registration required by ch. 341 is paid in this state.
194.04(3)(3)Permits; restriction of use.
194.04(3)(a)(a) No motor vehicle permit issued under this chapter shall be transferable from one motor vehicle to another except as provided in this subsection. Common motor carrier vehicles, except truck tractors or road tractors, upon which the common motor carrier permit fee has been paid may be used or operated in intrastate commerce by other common motor carriers without the payment of an additional permit fee. Contract motor carrier vehicles upon which the contract motor carrier permit fee has been paid may be used or operated in intrastate commerce by other contract motor carriers without the payment of an additional permit fee and, if operated exclusively in the metropolitan area of any city within a county having a population of 750,000 or more, may be used or operated in the hauling of common motor carrier trailers within the metropolitan area. When used in railroad trailer-on-flat-car service, and when interchanged between contract and common motor carriers, contract or common motor carrier trailers upon which the contract or common motor carrier permit fee has been paid may be used or operated by other contract or common motor carriers without an additional permit. Private motor carrier trailers may be used or operated both by private motor carriers and by common and contract motor carriers upon the payment of the appropriate common or contract motor carrier permit fee.
194.04(3)(am)(am) No additional permit or payment of fees is required by the lessee of a contract motor carrier vehicle licensed in this state if the lessor is a Wisconsin resident and the lessee has a contract carrier license or common carrier certificate of authority issued by the department and insurance on file with the department as prescribed in s. 194.41.
194.04(3)(b)(b) When a motor truck, motor bus, tractor or trailer having a permit is sold or otherwise disposed of, and its permit canceled and such vehicle is replaced by another such motor vehicle, a permit of the same class shall be issued by the department for the same year to such replacement vehicle without charge.
194.04(3)(c)1.1. Any individual, partnership, limited liability company or corporation whose principal business is leasing, for compensation, motor vehicles may, upon payment of an annual permit fee as provided in sub. (4) for each leased motor vehicle for which a permit is required, lease the same to common and contract motor carriers. The lessor shall not be considered to obtain the privileges or be subject to the obligations of s. 194.23 or 194.34 nor shall s. 194.23 or 194.34 apply to the lessor.
194.04(3)(c)2.2. An authorized common or contract carrier, when leasing a motor vehicle for which a permit is required from a person engaged in the business of leasing under this section, shall not be required to procure a permit as prescribed in s. 194.23 or 194.34 if the motor vehicle leased carries the permit required under this section.
194.04 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. Trans 175, Wis. adm. code.
194.04(4)(4)Annual permit fees. The annual permit fees required for motor vehicles operated under this chapter solely in intrastate commerce and used for hire shall be as follows:
194.04(4)(a)(a) Motor vehicles operated solely in intrastate commerce by common motor carriers of passengers, $5.
194.04(4)(b)(b) Motor vehicles, except semitrailers, operated solely in intrastate commerce by common motor carriers of property, $5.
194.04(4)(c)(c) Motor vehicles, except semitrailers, operated solely in intrastate commerce by contract carriers, $5.
194.04(5a)(5a)Collection of fees. The department shall collect all fees prescribed by this section.
194.04(6)(6)Disposition of fees collected. All moneys received under this section shall be paid into the transportation fund.
194.04 AnnotationA vehicle exempted under s. 341.405 from state registration requirements is not exempted under sub. (2) from state permit requirements. State v. Yellow Freight System, Inc., 101 Wis. 2d 142, 303 N.W.2d 834 (1981).
194.04 AnnotationMotor carrier permit fees required by sub. (4) (a), (b), and (c) are not in conflict with interstate commerce commission regulations and may be collected. The permit fee required by former sub. (4) (d), 1977 stats., is in conflict with such regulations and may not be collected. 63 Atty. Gen. 206.
194.05(1)(1)This chapter shall not apply to motor vehicles owned by the United States, any state, or any political subdivision thereof, except in the case of transportation systems acquired and operated between counties under s. 59.58 (3) (d) but in such a case the political subdivision is exempt from the annual permit fee under s. 194.04 (4) (a).
194.05(2)(2)The provisions of this chapter shall not authorize the fixing of any rates, charges or regulations respecting the transportation of United States mails.
194.05(3)(3)This chapter shall not apply to transportation of newspapers by motor vehicles having a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds when any transportation for hire provided by the person who owns or operates the motor vehicle is confined exclusively to the transportation or distribution of newspapers within a radius of 50 miles of the point where the person or motor carrier receives the newspapers from the newspaper publisher or the publisher’s drop-off agent or carrier.
194.05(4)(4)This chapter shall not apply to any farm truck or dual purpose farm truck combined with any semitrailer or farm trailer, or any vehicle combined with a horse trailer, if the vehicle combination’s gross combination weight rating, registered weight, and actual gross weight do not exceed 26,000 pounds, the vehicle combination does not include a commercial motor vehicle described in s. 340.01 (8) (c) or (d), and the vehicle combination is operated solely in intrastate commerce.
194.06194.06Public interest. The business of all common motor carriers of property or of passengers and of contract motor carriers is hereby declared to be affected with a public interest.
194.07194.07Operations subject to law. No common motor carrier of property or of passengers or contract motor carrier or private motor carrier shall operate any motor vehicle for the transportation of either persons or property on any public highway in this state except in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
194.08194.08Effect of this chapter on powers of department and municipalities. None of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to deprive the department or any municipality of any jurisdiction they now have or which may be conferred upon them over the public highways of the state, nor prevent the department or any municipality from suspending at any time the right of common motor carriers of property or of passengers, contract motor carriers or private motor carriers to operate motor vehicles over any public highway when necessary for the proper preservation or policing of the public highway.
194.08 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29 s. 1654 (8) (a); 1993 a. 246.
194.09194.09Marking carrier vehicles. Each motor vehicle operated by a common motor carrier of property or of passengers, a contract motor carrier or a private motor carrier shall be plainly marked in such manner as the department may prescribe, so as to identify such motor vehicle as being operated pursuant to this chapter. This section does not apply to any farm truck or dual purpose farm truck combined with any semitrailer or farm trailer, or any vehicle combined with a horse trailer, if the vehicle combination’s gross combination weight rating, registered weight, and actual gross weight do not exceed 26,000 pounds, the vehicle combination does not include a commercial motor vehicle described in s. 340.01 (8) (c) or (d), and the vehicle combination is operated solely in intrastate commerce.
194.09 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29 s. 1654 (7) (a); 1993 a. 16; 2005 a. 65.
194.10194.10Service of process on nonresident carriers. Section 345.09 applies to any common, contract or private motor carrier that is a nonresident of this state.
194.10 HistoryHistory: 1981 c. 347.
194.11194.11Inspection of premises or vehicles. The department or its duly authorized agents may at any time enter upon any premises within this state occupied by any common motor carrier of property or passengers, any contract motor carrier or any private motor carriers, or any motor vehicle of a common motor carrier, contract motor carrier or a private motor carrier for the purpose of exercising any power provided for in this chapter. Duly authorized agents of the department may stop a motor vehicle under this section upon the public highways for the purpose of exercising any power provided for in this chapter.
194.11 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29 s. 1654 (7) (a); 1985 a. 29, 332; 1993 a. 16.
194.145194.145Hearing; decision.
194.145(1)(1)Any person adversely affected by a determination of the department under this chapter may petition the division of hearings and appeals for review. The division of hearings and appeals shall set a time for a hearing on the matter, and notice of the hearing shall be given to the petitioner and the department at least 10 days prior to the hearing. The hearing shall be conducted as are hearings for contested cases under ch. 227.
194.145(2)(2)In its decision the division of hearings and appeals may confirm or reverse or may modify, with or without conditions, the determination of the department. Where appropriate, the division of hearings and appeals may by order direct the department to implement the decision of the division.
194.145(3)(3)Review of department determinations made under this chapter is a condition precedent to judicial review under ch. 227. Decisions of the division of hearings and appeals are subject to judicial review under ch. 227.
194.145 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29; 1981 c. 347 s. 80 (1); 1993 a. 16.
194.16194.16Operation while delinquent unlawful. No motor carrier of property or of passengers shall operate any motor vehicle pursuant to this chapter while delinquent in the payment of any part of the fees provided under ch. 341.
194.16 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 16.
194.17194.17Penalties. Every common motor carrier of property or of passengers, every contract motor carrier and every private motor carrier to which this chapter applies and every person who operates without obtaining a certificate under s. 194.23 or license under s. 194.34, except a license for transporting exempt commodities, or without meeting the insurance requirements under s. 194.41, shall forfeit not less than $500 nor more than $5,000. Any person who violates any other provisions of this chapter including the requirement to obtain a license to transport exempt commodities or the requirement to obtain a permit or who violates orders issued by the division of hearings and appeals or orders or rules issued by the secretary shall forfeit not less than $50 nor more than $100. Each violation constitutes a separate offense. In construing and enforcing the provisions of this section, the act, omission or failure of any officer, agent or servant or other person acting for or employed by any common motor carrier of property or of passengers, any contract motor carrier or any private motor carrier, done within the scope of employment is deemed to be the act, omission, or failure of the common motor carrier of property or of passengers, contract motor carrier or private motor carrier.
194.17 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. Trans 150, Wis. adm. code.
194.178194.178Uniform traffic citation. Service of a uniform traffic citation on the operator of a vehicle shall be deemed sufficient process to give the appropriate court jurisdiction over the person having or required to have a certificate of authority, permit or license under this chapter or the person required to meet other responsibilities under this chapter upon the filing with or transmitting to the court of the uniform traffic citation.
194.178 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 34; 1993 a. 437.
194.20194.20Certificates and licenses for carriers in interstate commerce and intrastate commerce.
194.20(1)(1)Motor carriers operating in interstate commerce or intrastate commerce shall obtain certificates and licenses as provided in ss. 194.23 and 194.34. These certificates and licenses may be denied by the department if it finds that the record and experience of the applicant evinces a disposition to violate or evade the laws or regulations of the state applicable to the operations proposed by the applicant.
194.20(2)(2)Notwithstanding sub. (1) the department is empowered to act under the provisions of section 206 (a) of the interstate commerce act, as amended by P.L. 87-805, 76 Stat. 911, by making any finding, determination and otherwise doing any other thing necessary to proceed under that statute.
194.20 HistoryHistory: 1981 c. 347 ss. 47, 80 (1); 1993 a. 16; 2015 a. 135.
194.23194.23Certificate required.
194.23(1)(1)No person may operate any motor vehicle as a common motor carrier unless the person first obtains a certificate and, if required under this chapter, a permit issued by the department, or unless the person is registered by another state under the unified carrier registration system consistent with the standards under 49 USC 13908 and 14504a, for the operation of the vehicle, except that no permit is required for the operation of a semitrailer. The department may issue or refuse to issue any certificate. The department may attach to the exercise of the privilege granted by a certificate any terms or conditions which are permitted under this chapter.
194.23(2)(2)The department shall issue a certificate without a hearing and order if the department finds that the applicant is fit, willing and able to provide the transportation authorized by the certificate and to comply with this chapter.
194.23(3)(3)In determining the ability and fitness of a common motor carrier under sub. (2), the department shall consider all of the following:
194.23(3)(a)(a) The applicant’s compliance with the requirements of ss. 194.41 and 194.42.
194.23(3)(b)(b) The applicant’s safety record.
194.23(3)(c)(c) The applicant’s financial ability to provide cargo insurance or to have adequate financial resources in order to pay for damage claims against the company.
194.23(3)(d)(d) The applicant’s reliability and service record.
194.23(4)(4)If the department denies a certificate, the department shall notify the applicant in writing of the reason, and the applicant shall have 30 days to correct the deficiency and reapply without payment of an additional application fee.
194.24194.24Application; form. Applications for all certificates, licenses and permits required under this chapter shall be verified, written, and in conformity with department requirements as to form and content. The department shall prepare and make the forms available to applicants.
194.25194.25Nature of certificates.
194.25(1)(1)No certificate or license issued in accordance with provisions of this chapter shall be construed to be irrevocable, or to confer any property right upon the holder thereof.
194.25(3)(3)When the holder of a certificate or license or any right or privilege thereunder dies, his or her personal representative, heirs or surviving spouse may continue to operate thereunder for a reasonable period after his or her death. The department shall have power to determine when such period shall end and no person shall operate under the provisions of this subsection beyond the date fixed by the department. Any person electing to operate under this subsection shall be considered as having assented to be considered as the holder of said certificate, license or any right or privilege thereunder for purposes of regulation under the laws of Wisconsin.
194.25 HistoryHistory: 1981 c. 347 ss. 52, 53, 80 (1); 1993 a. 16.
194.31194.31Inspection of records. The secretary, or any person employed by the secretary, shall, upon demand, have the right to inspect the insurance records of any common motor carrier of property or of passengers or of any contract motor carrier and to examine under oath any officer, agent or employee of such carrier in relation to the insurance required under s. 194.41; provided that any person other than the secretary who shall make such demand shall produce his or her authority under the hand and seal of the department.
194.31 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29 s. 1654 (7) (c), (9) (e); 1977 c. 273; 1981 c. 347; 1993 a. 16.
194.32194.32Buses, restrictions. No common motor carrier of passengers shall operate any passenger-carrying bus over any public highway of this state with any trailer or semitrailer attached except for an articulated bus as defined in s. 340.01 (2m). No interurban motor bus which is of a double-decked open-roof design shall be operated upon the public highways under the authority of this chapter. As used in this section an interurban motor bus is deemed to be of a “double-decked open-roof design” when passengers are carried therein on an upper level throughout the length of the bus over passengers on a lower level throughout the length of the bus and the bus roof does not extend throughout the length of the bus or is not permanently enclosed with rigid construction.
194.32 HistoryHistory: 1981 c. 159; 1993 a. 16; 2005 a. 11; 2011 a. 54, 243.
194.33194.33Municipal consent. No common motor carrier of property or of passengers shall operate any motor vehicle within or through any municipality except in compliance with action taken by the municipality in relation to streets, roads and routes in the municipality. No action by any municipality under this section shall be subject to review by the department.
194.33 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29 s. 1654 (7) (a); 1993 a. 246.
194.34194.34Contract motor carriers; license; application and hearing.
194.34(1)(1)No person may operate any motor vehicle as a contract motor carrier unless the person first obtains a license and, if required under this chapter, a permit issued by the department, or unless the person is registered by another state under the unified carrier registration system consistent with the standards under 49 USC 13908 and 14504a, for the operation of the motor vehicle, except that no permit is required for the operation of a semitrailer. The department may refuse to issue any license or may attach to the exercise of the privilege granted by a license any terms or conditions which are permitted under this chapter.
194.34(2)(2)The department shall issue a license without a hearing and order if the department finds that the applicant is fit, willing and able to provide the transportation to be authorized by the license and to comply with this chapter.
194.34(3)(3)In determining the ability and fitness of a contract motor carrier under sub. (2), the department shall consider all of the following:
194.34(3)(a)(a) The applicant’s compliance with the requirements of ss. 194.41 and 194.42.
194.34(3)(b)(b) The applicant’s safety record.
194.34(3)(c)(c) The applicant’s financial ability to provide cargo insurance or to have adequate financial resources in order to pay for damage claims against the company.
194.34(3)(d)(d) The applicant’s reliability and service record.
194.34(4)(4)If the department denies a license, the department shall notify the applicant in writing of the reason, and the applicant shall have 30 days to correct the deficiency and reapply without payment of an additional application fee.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)